My friend ****blocked me


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
So I heard that my friend Bob was going to a university party (in a dorm), but it was a invitation party and it was at a different university than my own. The reason he was invited is because my other friend Jer invited him. Once I heard this, I took the opportunity and asked Jer to invite me as well because I wanted to test my game with women I'd probably never meet again.

I end up going. But as soon as I arrive there (at 4PM), Jer tells me that I can't hook up with any girl there. I was like, "Dude, seriously? You can't do this to me!" I decide to let it slide, but I know I still might try to hook up.

Fast-forwarding through all the awkward introductions he purposely made us experience, I notice that a few girls are showing interest. Anyways, finally the party begins and I'm just standing around and can't get into it. This is because the students are dancing some dance they made up and doing whatever. I am with Bob, though, so it's not a big deal.

After that, I finally get into it and talk to around 10 girls back and forth. Finally, I decide which one I want, Steff. We talk for a while and everything is going well. However, Jer says that we have to go to another party, but I tell her where it's at and she says she'll come in a little bit. As we're leaving, Jer tells me that I can't hook up with her. Apparently, every time there she hooks up with a guy, she ends up talking to him about it and says she made a bad decision. He tells me they are really close friends. I'm like, "so what?" And the night goes on.

We end up not going to the party we were going to because there was no alcohol left and a lot of people were leaving. We end up going to another party. I tell Jer to find the girl for me, but he doesn't want to. I end up convincing him and he tells me she's probably at the pub on campus. I text Bob and he says no. So, I look for her myself.

We end up all meeting each other and we go to a pizza place at 1 AM. I flirt with her even more. We go back to campus and I end up being alone with her. I tell her that she should go to bed cause I know she'll end up texting me after she does. Which is exactly what happens and she tells me that Jer would kill her if she hooked up with me. I'm like, "No, he told me it was fine earlier." She then says that she doesn't believe me. But then says, "and another problem, my roommate is sleeping in my room." So, I go and talk to Jer if I can borrow the room he's sleeping in (because me and Bob are sleeping in his room). He says no and I should go to sleep. Wow... So I ask Bob to leave and he does. I text her to come over to the room I'm at and she does.

First thing she tells me is that Jer will kill her and I try to convince her that he said it was ok. I end up making out for a little bit and she says this, "I told Jer you were hot and then he told me he would be pissed if I hooked up with you. I asked him three times if he was serious and he said yes." I was just about to talk her out of it, but then Jer's dorm neighbor (another girl I had my eye on), knocks on the door, but after a few words she leaves because she realizes what's going on (she was in a happy mood, though). Then I leave the door open and continue to talk to her. I was almost there, but then Jer's old roommate just walks in and sits on the bed. At that point, we just end up having a talk and she says she should go to bed and I tell her she should and Jer's old roommate leaves after.

If anything else happens, I'll try to update. haha


It sounds like he is attracted to her, but can't get with her, so he doesn't want anyone else to get with her. This girl needs to get a backbone, if she wants to get with someone she should do it, she doesn't need some jealous chump telling her what she can and cannot do. Also, I'm pretty certain that if she wanted to have sex with you, she would have found a way to do so without this Jer fella being any the wiser of it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Perserverance is correct. Your "friend" is a jealous, c@ckblocking enemy. He knows you're a good looking dude, and he's threatened by it. You need to either go it alone or find a new loyal wingman of similar looks/status.

I'm also disappointed with this Steff girl. She lets this Jer guy control her like he's her father or something. She needs to keep her hookups to herself and free herself fron his control. (But that's not your problem.)


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
perseverance said:
It sounds like he is attracted to her, but can't get with her, so he doesn't want anyone else to get with her. This girl needs to get a backbone, if she wants to get with someone she should do it, she doesn't need some jealous chump telling her what she can and cannot do. Also, I'm pretty certain that if she wanted to have sex with you, she would have found a way to do so without this Jer fella being any the wiser of it.
Yeah, well, we could have ended up having sex, I was just ****blocked by the other two people that interrupted us. Then I realized that I'm not really a guy who likes hooking up with random chicks. Even if I were that kind of guy, I still got ****blocked.

Next time I go there, I might try actually hooking up with her. She added me on facebook and texted me this morning so she's obviously still interested. Jer even told me this morning (before she texted me) she doesn't usually text guys back the next day.

I'm still good friends with Jer and maybe he does have feelings for her, but he told me yesterday that they are just good friends. However, I think he did say that he tried to date her a while back.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Do what you want, but I just want you to see the whole picture.

This Jer guy isn't just being "protective" of his "friend" as he wants you to believe. He wasn't even going to invite you to this party until you put him on the spot and invited yourself. Plus he didn't want you to hook up with ANY girls there, not just Steff. I rest my case.


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2010
Reaction score
"Jer" is a jealous ****blocking douche, and I wouldn't hang out w/ him anymore. I have friends like this too who if they're not going to hook up w/ somebody, they're going to do everything they can to make sure you don't either. I finally wised up and started going out with a different crowd. Works much better w/ loyal & supportive wing-men.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
sounds like your "buddy" jer has a serious case of oneitis. get some new friends dude...people like that will plague your life


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2011
Reaction score
Should have shamed her bro. Made him out to be a jealous wuss and ribbed her for being his slave or somethin. No modern girl wants to feel subservient to a man.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
What a douche! Ditch that guy. I ve been through that as well.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Sounds like a jealous d-bag. If I were you I would not hang out with this guy anymore. He'll stab you in the back.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
When it comes to women, cant even trust a close friend at times......


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
Just an update, she's been trying to talk to me for the past few days. I'll try to keep in contact with her for a while because we're most likely gonna see each other at one point next year.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that last week, she told Jer that he needs to stop her from hooking up with guys when she drinks. Mainly because she says she makes stupid decisions and the guys and "*******s". I told Jer afterwards that I would have made out for a little while and then told her to go to bed (because I'm really a guy who likes to **** just any girl). He told me that she would most likely have unzipped my pants and tried to **** me even if I didn't want to. Whatever.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
I would make some good contacts so you don't need Jer to go to these parties. Maybe stop focusing on getting laid for now and just get some good party organizer friends. Then start going to them but "hater free". That guys not your friend, he just wants you around as social proof or something.

Lord Shinra

Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
Tell Jer to get a better name and while hes at it get better game. What a oneitisy, jealous prick. People like that piss me off. I had a "friend" like that at one point, and he loved rubbing it in my face whenever a girl hooked up with him and he blocked me. Whose laughing now?

Also, this broad needs to grow a pair and become her own woman or whatever it is they do. Either that, or she should cut the crap on blaming alcohol for the fact that shes making lady gaga look like mother theresa, in which case stop buying her crap too. Oh. And glove up if you decide to poke her.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
okyoureabeast said:
I've warned friends before about women in my circle of friends.

Mostly the, "Yo if you want an easy lay go for x,y,z but be forewarned though."

Then again, that's not much of a warning...

Should have still put your game on Steff anyway and tried to hook up with her. Call JERkoff out.
Well, I think I said this already, but we probably would have ended up making out even more or having sex if it weren't for 2 other people that came to the room.

I can still have this girl when I want to now, so I guess I'm alright. haha


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
The problem now is not whether you could/couldn't hook up with the girl.

The problem is that this Jer ****wad is not a true wingman/friend.