My experience---how to kill it online dating


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Ok, I have been doing really good online dating the past few weeks. Got a pretty streamlined system in place now that has really produced good results after a bunch of trial and error and recalibrating.

1) Just act normal in messages but send something with substance---seriously---this will set you apart from 90% of the guys who are sending junk pics, asking for nude pics, acting desperate or creepy, and guys that send boring messages.

2) After exchanging 3 or 4 messages I use a bridge by saying something like "You seem like a pretty cool person <name>, we should grab a drink sometime"

3) They respond positively most times and then I'll send something like "Sounds good. I'm not on here much, heats your number? I'll text you or give you a call and we can talk for a few minutes and go from there, cool?"

4) This is a big one and seemingly violates the "wait to not appear desperate" rule. F that. Text within 24 hours. DO NOT WAIT. Waiting leads to her potentially getting taken out by someone else and you losing out where she won't respond. Success rate skyrocketed once I started texting early on while they still remembered our convo and it was fresh in their mind.

5) Text briefly 3 or 4 times, then I usually wait a few hours after their last text and CALL them to set up date. I thought it didn't matter but the one girl I did this with LOVED it...said I was the only guy who bothered and she thought it was very sweet and will set you apart in a good way, trust me.

6) Don't text between time you last spoke and date

7) Meet up for date...I like to send a "I'm running a few minutes late" text about 30-45 mins ahead of time just to ensure I'm not wasting my time if she is going to flake...

8) Start Kino early then back off and slowly reinitiate if she doesn't. This was a big one for me. Previously I was overdoing Kino and got them to where they would makeout but then not go on date 2. Now I recalibrated and still Kino early by grabbing their wrist/hand and looking at rings or bracelets then back off, lean back and relax and see if they initiate. If not, I slowly start again until I stroke her hair...if she likes it I either go for a kiss or say something like "so on a scale of 1-10 how good of a kisser are you?" She replies whatever. Then I say "I think you want to kiss me" if she says "Yes" or goes for it, we kiss. If she says anything other than No I say "Well, let's find out" and kiss her(thanks SS posters for this one). Kiss a few times then I slowly back away and tell her don't be so anxious, you can get more later and smile.

9) Ask her to go somewhere else/back to her place---if she refuses the back to her place thing then just be cool and say let's walk wherever...randomly grab her and make out a few times while walking

10) Get to car makeout again with some extra...butt grab, neck kisses/licking, etc...go for her place again...if no then leave and wait for her text the next day

11) You will get the "I had a lot of fun" text the next day...respond positively then in a few days ask her to do a movie night at her place and tell her you will bring a bottle of wine...have a few drinks, watch a movie for a little while then rail her 3 or 4 times or until you shoot blanks. Most women will go for this if they like you(thanks to another SS poster for this!) If you are able to, which I'm not, invite her over to your place for this.

12) Congrats you have a new plate, rinse and repeat


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2014
Reaction score
BackInTheGame78 said:
if she refuses the back to her place thing then just be cool and say let's walk wherever...randomly grab her and make out a few times while walking
Somehow I could see this going terribly wrong.