My epic A-hole POF profile


Don Juan
May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Women like penises. Have you gotten laid using that profile? or POF for that matter

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
I've done them all: nice guy profile, jerk profile, professional profile, party animal profile. I got the most messages with the party animal profile that gave off a player/heavy drinker party vibe.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
Good for you man its great to see some of us can still stand up to the she-devils. This man has some big b***s haha nice profile!!!

Marvin Gaye

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Negative thoughts down the drain just relax, let t
"Ive noticed that women often post all of their profile pics with 2 or 3 other girls in the pic, who are hotter than the user. This is not a good strategy. Cuz what men do is look for the hottest one, and its prolly not you,"

LOL. first sentence had me laughing like crazy

Definitely keep it up dude. I just act like an arse around women all the time, ps, you are the original Mistic aren't you? You haven't posted ina while

(no stalker)


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
"In front of every great woman there is a man"

I like it already. :yes:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Just beyond reach
Amazingly I get responses. And I typically nail about 1 girl a month from Web dating sites. A great strategy is to send a message saying something like,

"Hey. I was gonna take my Pirate ship down to Columbia for a quick mission. You can jump aboard but you'll need to learn how to shoot the cannon. And you might get a little wet. But I promise I'll have you home in time for dinner."

As apposed to. "Hey nice pics, I like what you said....blah blah.

Yes, the original Mistic/Dong Fu


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
are you getting alot of first messages, or is it mostly replies from messages you've sent out? how many negative messages have you received?lol


Don Juan
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
I've done the douche thing and cOnstantly contradicted myself to be mysterious both work decently well. Women will argue with you about that.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Just beyond reach
Robert28 said:
are you getting alot of first messages, or is it mostly replies from messages you've sent out? how many negative messages have you received?lol
Its about 50/50


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
dong fu!!!

I rarely post but when my mentor posts, I have to show out, I "tweaked" it a bit and I updated my profile as well, not trying to steal your thunder mister Fu but you inspire me as well :D

Since the the only thing women ever hear from men is a pile of horse sh*t to get into your pants, I'm going to use my invaluable time to send some truth your way. If you are not interested in truth then run along(no seriously run along).

Like most subjects that women are either confused or mislead about, women don't even have a clue of what men value in a woman(not talking little boys but grown men). You may assume you do, but then you end up looking like Ann Coulter and we all know how bright she is (sarcasm). Let's start with what makes a good woman. Women love to complain about "All the good men are taken," or "There's no real men left". This is nonsense. There's plenty of great single guys. What is lacking is women worth more than a one night stand or a two week fling. Men who get labeled as "Players" or "Womanizers" are just the guys who are good at getting women, give you a chance, and quickly discover you aren't worth our time and discard you quickly as possible. Unlike most women, men who are smart, we value our time. That's how we get stuff done. That's why there's a mall for you to shop in, and a car for you to drive there in. So when we realize you are wasting our time, we systematically remove you like a band aid, and keep searching for a woman worth our time. So, what kind of woman is worth a long term commitment? It's a short simple list, and it doesn't include make up, high heels, fake hair, meaningless tattoos and piercings, or any of the other things you think are getting our attention.

1. You should have a genuine motherly, nurturing quality. You should get fulfilling happiness from cooking your man food, keeping the house in order, and supporting your guy in all his important endeavors.

2. You need to be willing to fulfill his sexual desires. Because if you don't, someone else will.

3. Stop talking so much. If you want to talk, talk to your girl friends. 80.3% of what you want to talk about is completely uninteresting to your man(that's why he rather be with his boys on Saturday night then you). Men like talking to other men, because we like to share our world changing ideas and insights with someone capable of understanding and appreciating them. Don't bore us with your trite stories about the b^tch at work who hates you, the new pair of shoes you bought that don't quite match your hair clip, or which Jersey Shore member slept with that Jersey Shore member, what so-so latest status update on Facebook or twitter is, and we wont bore you with things that are actually relevant to furthering humanity.

On a side note I've noticed that women have the same boring generic profile. What's with the "Live, Love, Laugh" crap? what is that what's "hot" right now? the new meme for 2012? I swear if I see another headline that says "Live, Love, Laugh" or a girl with a "Live, Love, laugh" tattoo on her back I'm gonna shoot myself. So you think your original cause your a "Hipster", "Independent" or like going to uptown drink with your girlfriends? newsflash just because you're "Pseudo-hipster" doesn't make you original, and just because you can finally pay your student loans without Daddy's help doesn't make you independent. If you wanted to go to a trip to New York right now for the weekend, hit up Central Park, hit up Craft restaurant for a bite and 10oak could you? If not then your not Independent as you think. And there is nothing grandiose about going out to have a drink on Saturday night. Social people go out to have drink this isn't a hobby and if it is then you probably have an alcohol problem. The worst however isn't the vanilla profiles but some of the requirements men have to meet to even message you and not only that but that we have to "Impress you, or send you a funny message". Another one of my favorites is when girls say "I have dry sense of humor" or "I'm sarcastic" then you read their page and their is nothing funny at all, I mean lets just be real having a "dry sense of humor" and being "sarcastic" is just another code word for being a b^tch. Thanks but no thanks, nothing worse then a girl who thinks she is funny but she's not. Also what's up with the pictures of you and a guy? I mean if it's a picture of you and a group of friends hanging out having fun, cool. But the pictures of you and just a guy? What the f*ck is that? If it's not your dad or brother WTF you got a picture of you and another guy for? are we suppose to be impressed? is it a guy your banging currently? are we suppose to compare ourselves to him and see if we measure up looks-wise? seriously if you have a picture of just you and another guy I'm gonna assume that your banging him or at one time did.

Instead of listing what you are looking for, why don't you list as references the phone numbers or emails of all of your ex-boyfriends. Then we could cut to the chase and find out why you are really single and on here looking to repeat the past. The saying that goes, "For every woman there's a man somewhere who is tired of her sh!t" is never far from the truth. I recently came across an ex's profile on here, and it was the biggest load of BS I ever read. There's no mention of her real personality. The personality her family cant even tolerate. If any of her ex boyfriends were contacted as a reference, they would all say the same thing. "RUN!. Get out now while you can." I know because I have spoken to them. How many women on here are lying on their profile like she is?

I want you to seriously ask yourself this question. If I were to let the new guy talk to my last boyfriend, what kind of recommendation would he give me. If he would talk highly of you then woman up and list him as a reference. If he is sick of your sh!t, then how long until I am sick of it too? I will happily exchange references with any woman. What you are going to hear from my ex's is "He was the coolest guy I ever dated. He was the best in bed, ever. He's funny, kind. He will rescue you at 3 am from your flat tire. But if you get weird and start playing stupid games, he will end it with you immediately. He doesn't tolerate any bullsh!t at all. I wish I would have acted more mature when we were together, and I might still be with him now. He will treat you the way you wanna be treated. If you wanna be treated like a queen he will treat you like a queen. If you wanna be treated like a little kid he will treat you like a little kid."

Live, love, laugh

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Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Here is my example of the body of a typical message that would be sent on a dating site if they were forced to be 100% honest:

Make no mistake, just because I am sending you a message, doesn't mean that I am interested in you. This is really just a part of my massive carpet bombing campaign to send as many messages to as many women as I can, hoping that one of them will not reject me. Now I realize your inbox is chocked full of half-hearted, generic messages like this one, and it must be a pain sifting through all of them. But really, would you rather be spending your time sending messages, or reading them? In other words, would you rather be setting yourself up for rejection, or doing the rejecting? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Anyway, if my picture was good enough for you to even take the time to open this stupid message, take a look at my profile. I already know that in the unlikely event that you do, you will just take a quick scan of it, and decide that you don't like my clothes, job, taste in music, or whatever trivial junk that you take as your criteria in choosing a mate. Don't feel bad, it didn't take much more time for me to write this message, (which is mostly copied from a template, obviously) , than it will take for you to delete it. Besides, I only contact women who look good enough, so we can consider each other to be equally shallow.

It might help my chances to point out that Brad Pitt is very unlikely to message you, and that the "perfect" guy you think you deserve simply doesn't exist ( hell, even if he did, he probably wouldn't message you!) You're going to have to settle for someone some day, and since I am willing to settle for you, you might as well settle for me. We could both do worse.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Here's my now long ago deleted POF profile about me. Feel free to add or use any parts of it to your's:

***Warning!: My "profile" is not for the faint of heart. ***

****I mirror imaged my profile off of numerous womens 'requirements' and flipped to a typical Plenty of Fish "mans" point of view. *** It is for ENTERTAINMENT purposes only. NOT the real me..

VVV***Now ask yourself in all seriousness..Would YOU message or respond to a guy who's profile reads or comes off like the below?? I've seen the exact ‘requirements’ on chicks profiles and find it hilarious!..****VVVVV

“First off, I am NOT here to play games, so if you are NOT interested in sex, then I highly suggest you hit the back button now”.

Also :

IF YOU ARE TALLER THAN 5’3 THEN PLEASE HIT THE BACK BUTTON NOW !! I like my women on the petite side. Sorry if I sound like a douche, but that’s just how I feel.

With that said, I am looking for a woman. NOT a girl, but a woman. I want a woman who talks like a woman (not a man).

Oh yes, and you MUST have a tattoo on your lower back. That is a turn on for me. If you do NOT have a tattoo on your lower back, then you are NOT date-able.


Also, I only date women who are fit. You must work out and have at least a set of “C’s”. Anything less and you will be deleted from my inbox. Sorry if I sound like a bastard, but I know what I want.

Also, if you wear pants, I will NOT date you. You must wear a skirt. Wearing pants is ghetto, and I do not date ghetto.

Oh, and I don’t like girls who watch soap operas, chick flicks, and Sex in the city. If you do, or have, we will NOT get along.

You MUST be able to make me laugh! If you can't then you = :(

Okay, now that I’ve cleared all of that up, let me tell you about myself :

I like music and I love going to restaurants (with you paying of course). I'm the sweetest person you'll ever meet. My family means the world to me. I’m very down to earth and I'm an open-minded individual. I like to meet all types of people. I love to laugh! If you think you’ve got what it takes and can handle me, then send me a message!!”



And yes, that’s my parody.

Does my parody sound absurd ? Yes, it does.

But what is even more absurd is that a good number of women on this silly P.O.F site have profiles similar to my parody. In SOME cases, it’s not as severe (despite some female profiles being MUCH worse than my parody) but they do mention most of the stuff I've wrote about.

Now THAT is absurd!


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
Here is my example of the body of a typical message that would be sent on a dating site if they were forced to be 100% honest:

Make no mistake, just because I am sending you a message, doesn't mean that I am interested in you. This is really just a part of my massive carpet bombing campaign to send as many messages to as many women as I can, hoping that one of them will not reject me. Now I realize your inbox is chocked full of half-hearted, generic messages like this one, and it must be a pain sifting through all of them. But really, would you rather be spending your time sending messages, or reading them? In other words, would you rather be setting yourself up for rejection, or doing the rejecting? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Anyway, if my picture was good enough for you to even take the time to open this stupid message, take a look at my profile. I already know that in the unlikely event that you do, you will just take a quick scan of it, and decide that you don't like my clothes, job, taste in music, or whatever trivial junk that you take as your criteria in choosing a mate. Don't feel bad, it didn't take much more time for me to write this message, (which is mostly copied from a template, obviously) , than it will take for you to delete it. Besides, I only contact women who look good enough, so we can consider each other to be equally shallow.

It might help my chances to point out that Brad Pitt is very unlikely to message you, and that the "perfect" guy you think you deserve simply doesn't exist ( hell, even if he did, he probably wouldn't message you!) You're going to have to settle for someone some day, and since I am willing to settle for you, you might as well settle for me. We could both do worse.
what kind of replies did you get?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Just beyond reach
Haha. Good job guys. Here's a revision I just made. I like to change it up often to appeal to a wider range of biatches. The bottom line is it's good to establish out the gate who the boss, big daddy is going to be, and that you dont tollerate any BS whatsoever. This is kinda long so I dont expect anyone to read it's entirety, but there is some laughs in here to be had.

Like almost every aspect of life, women can't seem to do anything right without a man supervising her throughout the process. I have read most of the profiles on here, and honestly they all suck in the same ways. Because I am a man, and by my very nature I am fascinating, emotionally deep, and interesting, my time will be better spent here giving you all some advice on what guys are not finding interesting about your profiles. Let's start with pic's.

I've noticed that women often post all of their profile pics with 2 or 3 other girls in the pic, who are typically hotter than the user. This is not a good strategy. What men do is quickly identify the hottest one, which probably is not you. Women seem to think being seen with other hot women ups their social status. It doesn't. Ladies, if this sounds like you, what you need to do is crop those pictures, and never mention that you have friends. You need to hide those friends.

"What, no I dont have any gf's. It's just me. Hey, here I am. look over here."

It's annoying to have to try to figure out which girl is the pof user, cuz she has the same 4 chicks in every pic. Most guys dont give a sh*t how many girlfriends you have. They care how many gf's you have who are into anal, bi-sexual, and willing to team up with you. So crop the pics. Next item. Music, books and movies.

Whats with the 5000 word description of every band and movie you've ever liked, half of which no one's ever heard of. Women seem to thinks it's cool to be on the cutting edge of obscure up and coming bands they found on myspace. No ones impressed by a cutting edge groupie. When a guy is asked what he likes about a band, he will give you a deep intellectual explanation of how and why the music is legit. Women will just say, the lead singer Brad has the best tattoo, or some other superficial explanation. Why dont you list 3 or 4 bands or movies, and then give a respectable report on "what" you like about it. That would actually be interesting. A 5000 word list hurts your eyeballs to look at.

Next up: What you are looking for in a guy. This description is always a stereotypical mix of cliche's and dishonesty. Tall, athletic, handsome, romantic, chivalrous, outgoing, confident, funny, etc. Thanks for clearing up that mystery. We thought all along you were looking for a short, fat, small penis shy guy, insecure cling on. Women describing what they are looking for in a man is as unnecessary to voice as what I am looking for in a fork. "Well, I prefer it to have a handle, and some prongs on the other end that would like...hold the food. You know what I mean."

Now for the dishonesty. Why cant you just come out and admit that "if you treat me like dirt, i'll stick to you like mud." Let me clarify what you're actually looking for, not what you say you're looking for. When your ovulating you desire a stubbly facial haired pirate to swoop you up and tie you to the plank and make you perform all kinds of naughty things while he pulls your hair and slaps your ass. After which he say's "get the F off my pirate ship." This is the point you become obsessed with overcoming the enigmatic challenge presented to you.

The rest of the month you want a push over, yes-man who reminds you of your father and will listen to all your whining and complaining while he pays the bills and raises your kids. Most of you still havent figured out that the guy you want to have sex with isn't the same guy that's good to be in a relationship with. You mistakingly think the pirate has some suppressed desire to be domesticated by you. It's just a matter of you figuring out how to do it. We all know that women never respect a domesticated relationship guy. You repay his dedication by sleeping with all his pirate friends when your ovulating. Then you begin trying to domesticate the next pirate and the cycle replays. Cyclical pattern are unattractive to men and will always get you dumped eventually.

Instead of listing what you are looking for, why dont you list as references the phone numbers or emails of all of your ex boyfriends. Then we could cut to the chase and find out why you are really single and on here looking to repeat the past. The saying that goes, "For every woman there's a man somewhere who is tired of her sh!t" is never far from the truth. I recently came across an ex's profile on here, and it was the biggest load of BS I ever read. There's no mention of here real personality. The personality her family cant even tollerate. If any of her ex boyfriends were contacted as a reference, they would all say the same thing. "RUN!. Get out now while you can." I know because I have spoken to them. How many women on here are lying on their profile like she is?

I want you to seriously ask yourself this question. If I were to let the new guy talk to my last boyfriend, what kind of recommendation would he give me. If he would talk highly of you then woman up and list him as a reference. If he is sick of your sh!t, then how long until I am sick of it too? I will happily exchange references with any woman. What you are going to hear from my ex's is "He was the coolest guy I ever dated. He was the best in bed, ever. He's funny, kind. He will rescue you at 3 am from your flat tire. But if you get weird and start playing stupid games, and trying to change him in any way, he will end it with you immediately. He doesn't tollerate any bullsh!t at all. I wish I would have acted more mature when we were together, and I might still be with him now."

To summerize, here is a compressed list.

Pics should be of you by yourself. They should be recent, showing your face AND body in a variety of angles. Post pics that look like you in real life, not some lucky shot at a weird angle that makes you look hot if your not.

Dont describe what your looking for. It goes without saying. Unless you are looking for a guy who ISN'T tall, confident and funny.

Keep it short and sweet. Dont list 5000 bands you like. Talk about fewer things in depth.

Dont pretend to be sweet, kind, and caring if you are a selfish ****. Some guys are looking for selfish ****es, so just be honest. The truth will come out anyway, so have some courtesy.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Robert28 said:
what kind of replies did you get?

Sent it out a few times and got some snotty replies though not a single fcuk was given. The "I'm a silly little penguin." email I'd made up got loads of good replies. Chicks thought I was 'complimenting' them in a unique way. All of them are complete damaged goods. POF is only good for one night stands nothing more.

Look your best and pick your best photos.

A semi ****y party dude vibe for your profile.

Spam the hell out of the site.

Three or four exchanges after they reply you reply Give me your number and we'll meet up. Most give up their number. Either way don't worry about one, two, or even three chicks. Keep spamming out funny 'complimentary' to their 'profile' emails.

If you meet up. BRING PROTECTION. Chicks are straight up FREAKS on that site.