My date left with another guy!!! WTF???


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
i'm curious about the other friend. why do you guys want to just ditch the friend? she's theoretically getting as screwed as he is.


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2006
Reaction score
I wouldn't have hung out with her after she said she liked someone else. Man don't her be in control of the situation. Just charge her to the game and go looking for some more poon.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My issue is with the guy who threatened him. I hate it when people do the whole blocking thing and try to bully you. I would tell him what someone else suggested and say calmly "Keep her BUT i do have an issue with your 'ass kicking' threat you know that quote 'only thing worse than a woman scorned is a man with nothing left to lose?', I'm prepared to face death or jail for years as long as i take one or more of your body parts with me, are you?". This i would say if i was REALLY pissed off (which i would be since the girl would've pissed me off already) and i was ready to take anything and the dude would hear it in my voice or see it in my face.

Second thing i could say which i tend to do more is look him in the eye and ask him "Do you want to die?, you may think you'll kick my ass now because you have 4 guys with you but i'll only be focusing my entire energy on you and i guarantee the rest of your boy scout will regret ever meeting me before the end of the week. *evil coy smirk/smile* Who do you think you're effing with?". Then i'd turn away and start texting on my phone. I only say this because i know people who can make stuff happen...'within reason'.

I find most of the guys are pussies and if you make a huge threat (be wiling to back it up tho) with a serious calm tone. They become scared and back off, maybe because i'm black though.

However, after calming down whilst writing this post, i have to agree that no girl is worth fighting over hence i'd ignore what he said and just walk away from the whole bad situation and go somewhere/something positive. However, you should never have gone out with her in the first place.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
i typically walk away from 'fight like' scenarios. not because i can't but because theres nothing in it for me.

i mean, what do i get beating some guy up? a sense of ego boost? don't need it, my ego is fine.

but in my younger, less wise days, if some dude ever said to me 'you want to die?' i'd have broken his nose on the spot.

but then again, not many black peopel around here. i suppose in some gang ridden neighbourhood the fear of getting shot might influence my reaction.

either way, fighting is stupid 90% of the time.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
As the night goes on we were out with friends drinking and having a good 'ol time she starts talking to this guy she knew that showed up to the bar. We ended up going to another bar and this other guy shows there too.
She invited him!!! You did know that, right? It was not a coincidence! This was all planned and he lived too far for him to pick her up and take back home -- so she invited you!!!

Don't approach or think of hors as women -- they are of a different substance and must be understood s such!!!

S.S.N. 318

Don Juan
Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
318/404 (South Coast)
Tha real....

thesynergist said:
OR, you could further simplify your life by not going on dates with girls that regret having sex with you!
:up: real talk g...word em' up money.....


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
So i am seeing this chick, 25 yrs old, HB 7 very funloving girl. We have been hanging out and having a good time. Last sunday we went out and she ended up taking me home that night and we hooked up. It was great and she says the same. The next day (Monday) she emails me and says that we need to talk, im thinkin "uh oh".

Last night(tuesday) she somes over to pick me up and she says that maybe the sunday night hookup wasn't a good idea and maybe it was a mistake...blah blah blah...I like someone else...blah blahh... you get the picture. So I said "well its sounds like you have your mind made up, so I won't be a dingleberry nobody likes those." We left it at that because we were arriving at the bar we were headed to.

As the night goes on we were out with friends drinking and having a good 'ol time she starts talking to this guy she knew that showed up to the bar. We ended up going to another bar and this other guy shows there too. They proceeded to dance together and started getting touchy with each other. I was about to say something when this guys friend comes over and sits next to me and says "don't think about making a move because she is taken and youll get your ass kicked" There was four of them and I was by myself. I was like WTF??? i didn't know what to do at the time so I sat there and waited a little while before the bar started closing.

She eventually comes over to talk to me and informs me that she is leaving with this other guy. She is drunk and she drove and brought me, i was not quite so liquored up so i said "how do I get home?", she gives me her keys and says I'll take you to lunch tommorow if you take my car home and my friend. So long story short she left the bar with this other dude!!!!!!!!!(smacking my head on the pavement now) and I got stuck taking her friend home and taking her car to her house this morning. WHAT THE F*CK MAN!! I felt USED, and DISRESPECTED to say the least.

I am feeling extremely AFC right now. So once I dropped her car off i deleted her number from my phone book. I feel like revenge but she is not worth my time.

Maybe i should have called for a ride or something. But I do know that i need to study the bible hard to bust the AFC out of me.

How would anyone else handle this?

I would have at least tried to fvck her friend. Friends or not, women turn on each other pretty easily, you probably could have hit it, her friend would have used the fact that the girl dont like you and left with that guy as justification that its ok to fvck you. Then at least your whole night wouldnt have been a wash, and the next time you saw her and she had that "i fvcked that guy i left with that night" twinkle in her eye, you could have the "I fvcked your friend that night twinkle in your eye" would thrown her own game right back in her face, those kinds of girls cant handle things like that.


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
MacAvoy said:
I would have said to the guys, "your right, she's not worth it, I'm out of here" and as I was walking away I'd say "ask your buddy later, how my cumm tastes"

I'd have told him, the only reason we even hang out is because we both have herpes and dont have to worry about giving it to others, she's just a FB of mine, he can have her. Something to that effect anyway. I know from personal experience how fast hearing a girl has herpes will make you stop kicking game to night i had been talking to this girl at a friends party for awhile, things were going well and it got to the point i needed a rubber. I asked a friend for one. A few minutes later another friend who had just came saw me and her getting along and pulled me aside and says dude, she has herpes, wear a rubber at least. I dont know if she really did or not, but i wasnt about to take a chance. No @ss is worth getting the herpbug.