Must See Tyler From RSD Video, Purposely Doing Bad Approaches

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
This is definitely one of the most powerful RSD videos I've ever seen. Here we have Owen, (aka Tyler Durden,) purposely doing bad approaches to prove a point, that if you think chicks don't want you, you think that women are innately bad people, you convey negativity and a lack of confidence, women won't respond when you try to holla at them.

This extremely powerful clip shows (in real life,) how intuitive women are and why you have to have a positive outlook when you approach them. Tyler's "bad approaches," brought memories of myself as I was watching this and also, some So Souave posters came to mind. Shout to pryos, Dholmagnus, and skinnyguy.

Are Women Good Or Evil? Hidden Cam Reveals How What You Believe, Will SEEM To Be True (+Infield)

6:43-7:43, Hella powerful and just so y'all know. What Tyler said in that part of the video is precisely why a boy Rex watch RSD videos.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
I'm glad you're one of the few people on here that actually think RSD has something to offer, rather than lumping it in with all the other PUA stuff and bashing it


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Yeap i admit i couldnt stand this guy when i first watched him but this is great stuff, gota respect what they do.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
I don't think men think women are evil, I think men think some women are out of their league and a lot of self doubt


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Typical PUA shıt. How fruity is that guy, seriously.


VladPatton said:
Typical PUA shıt. How fruity is that guy, seriously.
Attracting women is not as complicated as these guys make it out to be. Just be an outgoing and confident normal person.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
VladPatton said:
Typical PUA shıt. How fruity is that guy, seriously.
I mean yea you could bash it. Or you could just accept that this stuff offers a lot of good info and is useful to many people, even if it's different from your worldview. It's like when athiests go well out of their way to bash religion or christians go well out of their way to bash athiesm and prove it wrong. It doesn't serve much purpose other than to get people pissed off at each other. No one is going to change their views through angry comments and ranting, regardless of how "right" both people think that they are. There's not enough evidence in the world to try to change people's views on things like this.

What good does it serve to "prove" that tyler durden or PUA or anything is crap? If people on this forum are becoming better because of it or improving their skills then why should anyone care? It's just a different way of looking at things. I'm sorry if it clashes with your perspective. That's just like....your opinion man. Everyone has an opinion...but at the end of the one gives a sh!t about your opinion but you and the people who already agree with you.

Let's entertain the idea, hypothetically, that whoever is starting these arguments is "right". You still don't gain much by "proving" other people wrong and enlightening them because at the very least you're eliminating their placebo effect. If you believe something works enough...then most of the time it will work, especially in an area like social dynamics and pickup. If RSD gets people fired up and confident enough to go approach women without fear, then in my mind that's all there is too it and they're doing a very good thing. They're "right" and effective in doing so even if they're hypothetically wrong.

It just irritates me when people go out of their way to start an argument in a thread that was made by Rex because he was merely sharing a link that he thought might help people. If Rex had posted something like "PUA's are the greatest thing ever! try to debate me!", then by all means, have at it. Tear his fvcking heart out. But he's not trying to start sh!t.

This forum is a great place in general, but the number one reason why it suffers is because of people that start needless arguments because everyone thinks that they're right and need to show everyone else that they have the biggest c0ck in the room. Then it just degrades into a pissing contest, giving fodder to the angry feminists and betas and makes everyone on this forum look like immature morons.

I'm not trying to single you out necessarily VladPatton, i'm merely just commenting on how things would go a lot smoother and a lot more would be accomplished if everyone tried to learn from different ideas rather than smashing them down because of the cognitive dissonance they create

Vlad, im curious to know if you even did indeed watch the entire video, rather than just seeing the link or browsing through the video until you found a part out of context that portrayed Tyler in a negative way in order to confirm your own beliefs...

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
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VladPatton said:
Typical PUA shıt. How fruity is that guy, seriously.
Hmmm, I find your posts often reflect wisdom but I really don't get this response of yours, Vlad.

Something about Tyler rubs me the wrong way and I think a lot of guys on here experience the same thing when watching him. Nevertheless, I can't argue against anything he is doing or explaining in this video. Can you? If so, then please explain it to me, what exactly is "sh!t" about this?

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Always good stuff from Tyler. You kids are spoilt for choice, back in my day it was forum posts by Tyler and mainly David D ebooks and Doc Love . Both good in their own right don't get me wrong but nowadays wow. What an explosion. These guys do everything short of physically guiding your P into a V in such a way that even the most socially deficient aspie could grasp.

Hats off to the community.
Apr 15, 2014
Reaction score
ive seen him doing this before and i think its awesome. shows he doesnt care and just goes in which is the attitude we all need to adopt to really get good


I'm certain VladPatton has his share of successes and is mature enough to understand self-value at his age. Tyler's material is mainly geared toward individuals just learning the game and being 'care-free.' I do believe that there is a maturation stage where men realize they don't need to be ****y or douchey to attract women. Women will always be attracted to someone who has high value (or perceived) through social status. You don't need to act like Tyler to do that. Perhaps, someone should write up a field report where they imitate Tyler?
gravityeyelidsYou should take what you can from each style of pickup/DJ/whatever and make it mesh with who you are. A very introverted person (like myself) is NEVER going to feel comfortable using a style of pickup that is: very loud, life-of-the-party, yelling at girls from across the room, being very brash and bold, in-your-face confident etc. However, more type B guys like me can pull off the laidback yet aggressive, mysterious, calmly confident type very well if done correctly.
Sorry, no you can not. You will not be able to pull off the 'mysterious,' 'calm confidence,' 'yet aggressive (?)(the fvck?)' type in order to attract women. You assume that the extroverted type is very loud and yelling...I am and we are the life of the party. That is what I say about social status. You don't need to shout or yell to be the life of the party. There are naturals out there and that is what I would like to be in every event. Assuming that most of us are introverted, adopting the 'Tyler' mentality will be the easiest ticket to being a creeper/try-hard.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Lets see, this is simple, why does Tyler feel the need to over-complicate a mindset factor? If you believe anything about yourself, you'll act in such a way that is displayed in your bodylanguage.

1. Believe you are the sh1t
2. Become the sh1t (lolz)
(side tip: dont care and brush it off)
3. World Domination.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
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BeDJ said:
I'm certain VladPatton has his share of successes and is mature enough to understand self-value at his age. Tyler's material is mainly geared toward individuals just learning the game and being 'care-free.' I do believe that there is a maturation stage where men realize they don't need to be ****y or douchey to attract women. Women will always be attracted to someone who has high value (or perceived) through social status. You don't need to act like Tyler to do that. Perhaps, someone should write up a field report where they imitate Tyler?
I think it's similar to the mystery method in that the Mystery Method works flawlessly...for Mystery. Some people can pull it off, but it's not gonna work for everyone. That being said, there's a lot that people can learn from that method. But if you try to replicate it you're just going to end up looking like a weirdo.

Same with Tyler. He's build the Tyler style around his personality and what he's found works for him. A lot of people knock on PUA stuff because they try to replicate it EXACTLY and then they make an ass of themselves and dont get success and are all like "THIS IS CRAP IT DIDNT WORK". Of course it didnt work, because it's not congruent with your personality..Far too many people try to simply become like these "PUA masters" and it simply doesnt work.

Probably the biggest thing i've learned from reading so much pickup, trying to implement it, and watching other people is this: You should take what you can from each style of pickup/DJ/whatever and make it mesh with who you are. A very introverted person (like myself) is NEVER going to feel comfortable using a style of pickup that is: very loud, life-of-the-party, yelling at girls from across the room, being very brash and bold, in-your-face confident etc. However, more type B guys like me can pull off the laidback yet aggressive, mysterious, calmly confident type very well if done correctly.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
( . )( . ) said:
Always good stuff from Tyler. You kids are spoilt for choice, back in my day it was forum posts by Tyler and mainly David D ebooks and Doc Love . Both good in their own right don't get me wrong but nowadays wow. What an explosion. These guys do everything short of physically guiding your P into a V in such a way that even the most socially deficient aspie could grasp.

Hats off to the community.
I second that. :up:


Tyler's approach may work in theory, but can someone post an actual field report when it has worked?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
PeasantPlayer said:
What is the difference between this site and the PUA community?
Well in the earlier years, it was a PUA forum. That is until Pook came and basically reshaped it into a forum about self improvement- which happens to include women.

gravityeyelids said:
Probably the biggest thing i've learned from reading so much pickup, trying to implement it, and watching other people is this: You should take what you can from each style of pickup/DJ/whatever and make it mesh with who you are. A very introverted person (like myself) is NEVER going to feel comfortable using a style of pickup that is: very loud, life-of-the-party, yelling at girls from across the room, being very brash and bold, in-your-face confident etc. However, more type B guys like me can pull off the laidback yet aggressive, mysterious, calmly confident type very well if done correctly.
I agree with your input but am a bit baffled by Tyler's "neg hit" type of game, but it works for him so I can't complain. He also points out some great insight, just words it really long and complicated for some reason. Oh yeah, there is a difference between being introverted and being shy. Naturally I'm an introverted person, but because of my confidence you would think I'm actually an extrovert. So most people that I meet think I'm not introverted because I'm usually full of energy and excitement, but really I am.

This article is a perfect depiction:

I'm all of those except 13, 9, 5, 2, 3, and 19. I especially need time for myself and I don't really enjoy small talk. I'm either really loud and excited or laid back and relaxed. Being shy is basically being afraid to try new things or don't believe in yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2014
Reaction score
If it works FOR YOU then use it. If it doesn't put it aside.
Stating the obvious: we all have different styles of game.

You can find fault in anything but ask the question, "what's the fvcking point"
Does it benefit me?

Personally, I love RSD. if anyone here thinks they can do better, upload a vid and we can all learn.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
Nothing in the video is wrong that I can see.

I think Tyler having dedciated his life to this; is often expected to go into every single detail about what can go wrong or right in a pick-up. And i think that's what he does. I think the guys who hate on him the most are the ones who are already good at this stuff and don't need it.

Well... He's not really making these videos for you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Of course there are many different styies of pickup that can work for different guys. I respect that.

The only thing I ever objected to is a guru pushing his method as a one size fits all. Then inexperienced guys try to copy something that is the total opposite of their personality and they fail.

For example, Da v id D would have (an inexperienced) guy believe that you HAVE to be a ball buster to get women.