More women marrying for money?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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With the global economy the way it is if you don't buy the claim now you will buy it as things keep getting worse. It is the nature of a woman to look for a protector and there hasn't been a time where they need one more than now a days. Tough times make women value a well off man.

There's already signs that divorce rates are going down due to the economy so I believe that report is true.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2004
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LOL hard at the article before reading it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
The other thing to bear in mind is that women were MAJOR beneficiaries of the whole equal-rights movement...women were put into a lot of jobs that they may not have been qualified for...or positions that weren't even promote gender equality.

I'm not talking about professional women, I'm talking about the ones who had easily-replaceable desk jobs, administrative assistants, some cases middle management.

Women getting PAID like men is what facilitated them ACTING like men...going out clubbing on the weekends, "girl-power", and all that noise. It's also facilitated them avoiding commitment and being able to "play" for longer, because even without a man they could sustain themselves.

It's getting a LOT harder for companies to support those kinds of positions in this economy.

Thus, I'm willing to bet that "typical" women are hit pretty hard job-wise in this economy. That means they are probably seeking out the men who are still pulling down decent paychecks. Not that they would marry someone JUST for the money (I'm sure it happens sometimes), but they won't enter into a long-term deal with men without means in this economy.

It's all about providing for the kids...and to some extent themselves. Women DO have a slight entitlement complex about that crap.

I don't mind paying a woman's way on most things if I enjoy her company...I guess that makes me a target?? :D

I swear, this whole romance-game...nothing distorts people's perceptions of reality more than it. Especially women, who seem to be more vulnerable to it. They somehow believe they are entitled to stuff for nothing. They're not strong like men, no matter how hard they try to fake it, and they have a hard time taking responsibility for their lives when social and economical conditions don't hand them what they want.

Again, not saying that it's their FAULT all the time if their lives are going in the wrong direction, but it is their RESPONSIBILITY to make sure their lives are going in the right direction.

Just like in the're not responsible for the currents taking your boat on or off of a course...but you ARE responsible for steering it back the way YOU want to go. :)


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
Whatever it takes to make their life easier. Have a female friend with a live in. He pays half her rent,groceries, [doubt if he weighs 130,so he isn't eating that much] picks up her kid after school,etc. BUT she still comes over for bedroom acrobatics with me.Can't say she's in love with him[at least not from her actions]


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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atl, GA
sodbuster said:
Whatever it takes to make their life easier. Have a female friend with a live in. He pays half her rent,groceries, [doubt if he weighs 130,so he isn't eating that much] picks up her kid after school,etc. BUT she still comes over for bedroom acrobatics with me.Can't say she's in love with him[at least not from her actions]
Who can blame her? I would put her moral compass in question but at the end of the day, she's doing what's best for herself and her situation. No one put a gun to the guy's head and forced him to support her.

Any man that thinks he can simply "buy" a woman's affection should just stick to brothels and escorts; at least the sex is guaranteed.

In response to OP....this is nothing new. Historically, women married for financial security first and foremost. "Love" was just a bonus. As our economy deteriorates, more and more women will seek stable long-term providers. Hooking up and flings will be less prevalent among women except for rich socialites and full-time barhoppers. Most women I'm running into have boyfriends or, if not, are actively seeking one.