Marco Rubio is probably your next president....

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Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
All of the Republicans have tax plans that would end up benefitting only the richest people. There would be a brief economic boost, but then the government would implode even faster under its own debt, by collecting much less than it spends every year.

That's what I liked about Bernie Sanders. If the country was a bus that was inevitably going to crash, he's the guy to get us there the fastest and get it over with.


Nov 8, 2015
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All of the Republicans have tax plans that would end up benefitting only the richest people. There would be a brief economic boost, but then the government would implode even faster under its own debt, by collecting much less than it spends every year.

That's what I liked about Bernie Sanders. If the country was a bus that was inevitably going to crash, he's the guy to get us there the fastest and get it over with.
"Self Improvement Is Masturbation But Self Destruction Is The Answer."


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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People who compare trump to Hitler are ridiculous. Hitler was a socialist. Very anti capitalism. Also Hitler was a failure most of his life. Trump is a successful business man.

He's not even racist. It's not racist to want to secure our borders. It's not racist to not allow Muslims in to our country until we have a method to properly vet Muslim immigrants.

I guarantee you have zero evidence that he is a racist.
Retweeting bs memes that originated in Nazi twitter accounts sure makes Trump look racist.

He's done this a few times BTW. And it was well reported


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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BTW that fake crime stats tweet is gonna bite him in the ass in a general election... Watch the dems combine it with footage of his white supremacist supporters.


Nov 8, 2015
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Hitler was a fascist.

Socialism =/= fascism
Socialism is fascism. Look at Sweden
Don't be lazy
Did you even see the excuses he made in interviews blaming interns or saying he doesn't have time to fact check stuff?

It's pathetic behavior from a presidential candidate
Don't be lazy
Did you even see the excuses he made in interviews blaming interns or saying he doesn't have time to fact check stuff?

It's pathetic behavior from a presidential candidate

This article just claims the statistics were manipulated or false. It doesn't explain or back up is accusations. How the numbers are gotten matter.

But if groups like black lives matters are accepted, why wouldn't you be fair and be so accepting of neo Nazis or the kkk?

I mean the kkk was founded by democrats to oppose the republicans who were attempting to give blacks economical and political equality.


Nov 8, 2015
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BTW that fake crime stats tweet is gonna bite him in the ass in a general election... Watch the dems combine it with footage of his white supremacist supporters.
You mean the black men dressed up as kkk members holding signs supporting trump?


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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You mean the black men dressed up as kkk members holding signs supporting trump?
No I mean David Duke.

And I mean the racists caught on the news today shoving and yelling slurs at a black girl who was by herself at a Trump rally.

Do you even pay attention to what's going on?


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Socialism is fascism. Look at Sweden

This article just claims the statistics were manipulated or false. It doesn't explain or back up is accusations. How the numbers are gotten matter.

But if groups like black lives matters are accepted, why wouldn't you be fair and be so accepting of neo Nazis or the kkk?

I mean the kkk was founded by democrats to oppose the republicans who were attempting to give blacks economical and political equality.
The fact is that the numbers were made-up bull**** from a fake organization in a tweet from a white nationalist twitter feed that Trump proudly retweeted and never removed. Despite being told of the real FBI stats.

Don't try to shift discussion into BLM. Trump has alienated so many key general demographics over the last year. Blacks, Latinos, women, veterans, Asians, and especially independents.

Like I said earlier...good luck in the fall.

PS - and don't be stupid and compare BLM to the KKK. Who has BLM lynched? What churches have they burned or blown up? What facts can you share showing who have they killed


Nov 8, 2015
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No I mean David Duke.

And I mean the racists caught on the news today shoving and yelling slurs at a black girl who was by herself at a Trump rally.

Do you even pay attention to what's going on?
There's extremists on both sides. Who cares. The media certainly doesn't report black on white hate crimes. In fact blacks who commit hate crimes don't even get charged. There is an opposite but equal argument to the one you're using and if you're not willing to acknowledge black on white hate crimes and desire a solution what you say about this matter is worthless.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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  • Reducing or eliminating most deductions and loopholes available to the very rich.
  • A one-time deemed repatriation of corporate cash held overseas at a significantly discounted 10% tax rate, followed by an end to the deferral of taxes on corporate income earned abroad.
  • Reducing or eliminating corporate loopholes that cater to special interests, as well as deductions made unnecessary or redundant by the new lower tax rate on corporations and business income. We will also phase in a reasonable cap on the deductibility of business interest expenses.
I don't want to get into a nitpicking fight over details. Many politicians have promised reforms that have never materialized (for the reasons I pointed out above). Congressional budgets are notoriously easy to fudge in any direction one wants. But a few basic points:

The percent of taxes collected by the government, REGARDLESS of tax rates, is about the same around 18% of GDP.

Taxing the rich doesn't provide nearly enough income, as most of the taxes comes from the middle class. Cutting the taxes of the middle class will necessarily decrease government revenues. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for ENDING all taxes, just that with so many people DEPENDENT on goverment spending, there's no way you can significantly cut the government budget without a civil war happening as a result. FAR TOO MANY people are getting a free ride (corporations as well as people on food stamps).

And government spending needs to INCREASE if the economy is not going to implode, (debt needs to continue to increase, as we've basically been a credit based economy since the seventies, and ANY TIME there is NOT an increase in credit by more than two percent per year, the economy TANKS).

My point is cuts here and there and changes to the tax code don't address the issue that in order for the economy to NOT IMPLODE, we need to have INCREASING DEBT. And right now, the ONLY PLACE where that is possible is from the government, since everybody else is maxed out.

This economy is at mathematical limits of debt expansion. Increasing debt will kills us. DECREASING debt will kill us.

And, per the Wall Street Journal:

Donald Trump’s tax plan would cut federal revenue by $9.5 trillion over a decade and boost the after-tax incomes of the wealthiest households by an average of more than $1.3 million a year, according to an analysis released Tuesday.

The Republican presidential candidate’s proposal would lower income tax rates and exempt millions of low-income households, requiring significant new borrowing or unprecedented spending cuts beyond anything Mr. Trump has detailed in his campaign.

Mr. Trump’s plan, first released in September, would eliminate 22% of federal revenue over 10 years, radically shrinking the government, according to the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan project of the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute.

The billionaire real-estate developer is proposing the largest, most aggressive tax overhaul of all GOP contenders. The center this month estimated former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s plan would cut federal revenue by $6.8 trillion over a decade.

Mr. Trump’s website says his plan would be revenue-neutral. According to the center, the limits on tax breaks proposed by his campaign are nowhere near enough to overcome the tax-rate cuts.


Nov 8, 2015
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The fact is that the numbers were made-up bull**** from a fake organization in a tweet from a white nationalist twitter feed that Trump proudly retweeted and never removed. Despite being told of the real FBI stats.

Don't try to shift discussion into BLM. Trump has alienated so many key general demographics over the last year. Blacks, Latinos, women, veterans, Asians, and especially independents.

Like I said earlier...good luck in the fall.

PS - and don't be stupid and compare BLM to the KKK. Who has BLM lynched? What churches have they burned or blown up? What facts can you share showing who have they killed
Show me the math that proves they were made up. Statistics are easy to manipulate but it depends what you're comparing.

For example blacks are only 13% of the population yet they're responsible for approximately 50% or more of homicides in this country. That's based on statistics from the fbi and doj.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
No I mean David Duke.

I dated a girl in high school whose dad went to LSU with David Duke. He said he never saw that guy without a black eye or a fvcked-up face. He got his ass kicked constantly.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Show me the math that proves they were made up. Statistics are easy to manipulate but it depends what you're comparing.

For example blacks are only 13% of the population yet they're responsible for approximately 50% or more of homicides in this country. That's based on statistics from the fbi and doj.
Are you dumb? The fake stats said that whites are murdered 80 percent of the time by Blacks. That's bull**** because whites are murdered by other whites 84 percent of the time. Go check the DOJ stats.

Fvcking read , research, and let the bias for Trump go. That's how you avoid missing facts.


Nov 8, 2015
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I don't want to get into a nitpicking fight over details. Many politicians have promised reforms that have never materialized (for the reasons I pointed out above). Congressional budgets are notoriously easy to fudge in any direction one wants. But a few basic points:

The percent of taxes collected by the government, REGARDLESS of tax rates, is about the same around 18% of GDP.

Taxing the rich doesn't provide nearly enough income, as most of the taxes comes from the middle class. Cutting the taxes of the middle class will necessarily decrease government revenues. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for ENDING all taxes, just that with so many people DEPENDENT on goverment spending, there's no way you can significantly cut the government budget without a civil war happening as a result. FAR TOO MANY people are getting a free ride (corporations as well as people on food stamps).

And government spending needs to INCREASE if the economy is not going to implode, (debt needs to continue to increase, as we've basically been a credit based economy since the seventies, and ANY TIME there is NOT an increase in credit by more than two percent per year, the economy TANKS).

My point is cuts here and there and changes to the tax code don't address the issue that in order for the economy to NOT IMPLODE, we need to have INCREASING DEBT. And right now, the ONLY PLACE where that is possible is from the government, since everybody else is maxed out.

This economy is at mathematical limits of debt expansion. Increasing debt will kills us. DECREASING debt will kill us.

And, per the Wall Street Journal:
I simply asked your opinion. I've read many of your posts and honestly due to the fact that you have more experience than me due to your age, you seem to know a bit more about this topic.

I came to the conclusion a while ago that we can't grow economically without more debt. That's just how large successful economies work. It's the only way. Sure we'll never pay it off but as long as we make payments, it doesn't matter. I don't think they expect us to pay it off in full, we can't. We just make the payments and that's all we can do.

Our currency is a made up thing anyways.

Often times your posts about the United States and it's economy are quite negative. It's almost like you want to see this country to fail.


Nov 8, 2015
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Are you dumb? The fake stats said that whites are murdered 80 percent of the time by Blacks. That's bull**** because whites are murdered by other whites 84 percent of the time. Go check the DOJ stats.

Fvcking read , research, and let the bias for Trump go. That's how you avoid missing facts.
well if you consider me bias than you're equally bias.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
well if you consider me bias than you're equally bias.
Lol that's your response? I back up my point with facts about real stats and you say I'm biased?

I prove that Trump posts racist lies from Nazi accounts and you call me biased? This man is running for president and you cannot bring yourself to criticize him or admit he's said or done racist sh!t?

I needn't remind you of the birther crap against Obana or Cruz , need I?

Anyways I'm done with you for the evening.


Nov 8, 2015
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Lol that's your response? I back up my point with facts about real stats and you say I'm biased?

I prove that Trump posts racist lies from Nazi accounts and you call me biased? This man is running for president and you cannot bring yourself to criticize him or admit he's said or done racist sh!t?

I needn't remind you of the birther crap against Obana or Cruz , need I?

Anyways I'm done with you for the evening.
I'm heart broken.
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