many women do not like an alpha male


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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I was just thinking about this. I've seen/met many couples in the last several years and in these cases the guy was not 'alpha', in fact, it was the woman who led them both. He did what his gf wanted or decided all the time.
Besides, these f women liked to be in charge and liked to dictate how things were suposed to work.

So here and in other sites we read that you have to be alpha, that betas do not get women or if they do they are in horrible relationships, and that they are cursed to be dumped cause their women will eventually loose attraction for them, but I see couples every week that do not follow this pattern.
Furthermore, if these women bumped into a guy that "subjugated" them, or wanted to be the leader in the relationship (taking the majority of decisions and both of them doing his way) and be dominant, she would not be attracted to him. She would just think he's chauvinistic and a cave man.

What do you think?

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
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There has been some great articles on Rational Male about the idea of "alpha fvcks, beta bucks"
like this recent one:
(i had to redirect the link due to the profanity filter)

Basically, girls go to the alpha out of raw sexual desire (alpha fvcks), and get with the betas because he'll play the role of provider (his beta bucks).

The girl that gets with the beta DOES NOT RESPECT HIM.
She'll go out with him, allow him the "privilege" of keeping her company, allow him the "privilege" of getting her gifts. She'll even open her legs and let him eat that sweet, rare, golden pu$$y.
But she'll never respect him...

You don't want to that be that guy.

The women who "hate" the alpha, actually just hate the fact that they LOVE the alpha.
They hate being the stereotype they speak against so frequently on their tumblrs. They love having their sad, beta BFs, because they love having slaves. They don't want the alpha around influencing all these guys.

There is a lot to say on this.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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I will get in a lot of fights with these type of women. Even in my class I had some projects to work on and a borderline girl tries to rule every decision and put me to work. LOL she met the wrong guy. I fired back at her, and she tried to get the 2 other girls in our projectgroup to hate me, yet they both liked me so it didn't work. She kept trying to decide everything and take charge and be a leader but it doesn't work like that with me, same works in a relationship, you should be the man. I gave this girl a hell of a school life after I figured out she was bad mouthing me and confronted her openly everytime she did something I didn't like or thought was unrespectfull, she freaked out once, I laughed and looked at her like she was a freak. After that tomed down, was overly nice to me lol and she never tried to rule me again.

I just hate these kind of girls, a girl for me should give me love and affection, sex and be around me so I can chase my dreams. Girls that take charge and want to control me turn me off.

I always take the lead and when she tries to dictate the plans I'll just resist. It's not in my nature. And I think it's faggy if a girl takes charge in the relationship.

Great if you think different, or if other men prefer that kind of thoughts but I don't, period.

I have to say one little thing, if it was a brazilian bad ass chick with a nice butt and a naughty look that tries to control me. You know what I mean, I would still f*ck her but we would have a fighting relationship and break up eventually im pretty sure.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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Yo, plenty of girls want a guy they can boss around. Or at least where they are dominant about certain things. I'd venture to say most do.

But the ever present question is what do you want? Do you want to be that guy who gets pushed around just for some cooz?


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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im a low level IT guy who works at a very big and well known american internet company, i provide service to people who are at the highest levels of this company, and i can tell you for a fact that most of the hottest and most successful females are all married to or are in relationships with some of the most beta looking guys ive ever seen, i was shocked because i thought all these women would be dating or married to guys who looked like Tom Brady but instead they are all married to weak hipster doofus type guys who have good jobs but are physically and emotionally weak, many of these guys are afraid to even look another person in the eyes when they pass by them in the hallways and yet they have the hot model looking women for some reason, a nice docile guy who has money and is willing to make his life all about his gf seems to be what a lot of these hot higher quality women want


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2013
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Maybe all those guys were once they are pu**ywhipped and were turned into what the woman wanted them to be. Eventually, these women may actually get bored with their wimpies and may end up cheating. The trick to a long term relationship like that is to yield a little but not so much that they start disrespecting you and you loosing your masculinity. You still need to be the man. IMHO...Abe


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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foreverAFC said:
im a low level IT guy who works at a very big and well known american internet company, i provide service to people who are at the highest levels of this company, and i can tell you for a fact that most of the hottest and most successful females are all married to or are in relationships with some of the most beta looking guys ive ever seen, i was shocked because i thought all these women would be dating or married to guys who looked like Tom Brady but instead they are all married to weak hipster doofus type guys who have good jobs but are physically and emotionally weak, many of these guys are afraid to even look another person in the eyes when they pass by them in the hallways and yet they have the hot model looking women for some reason, a nice docile guy who has money and is willing to make his life all about his gf seems to be what a lot of these hot higher quality women want
These are called gold diggers. They will divorce them soon. I will put BitCoin down on it. Within four years at MAX. They'll move on to the next guy, or simply hook up with an alpha.

And guys, remember that the less desirable females need to have a relationship with SOMEONE. Being "alpha" isn't a requirement for the types of relationships these poor souls have: they likely went years without a girlfriend before life circumstances finally put one into their lap.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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foreverAFC said:
im a low level IT guy who works at a very big and well known american internet company, i provide service to people who are at the highest levels of this company, and i can tell you for a fact that most of the hottest and most successful females are all married to or are in relationships with some of the most beta looking guys ive ever seen, i was shocked because i thought all these women would be dating or married to guys who looked like Tom Brady but instead they are all married to weak hipster doofus type guys who have good jobs but are physically and emotionally weak, many of these guys are afraid to even look another person in the eyes when they pass by them in the hallways and yet they have the hot model looking women for some reason, a nice docile guy who has money and is willing to make his life all about his gf seems to be what a lot of these hot higher quality women want
Yup and while those dudes are at work their women are trying to get with muscular good looking dudes who are going to bang the life out of them...

Best of both worlds, the dude with money that will do whatever you want him to and the dude who's going to drive them wild in bed


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
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Until you know what's going on in their bedroom, you can't make a judgement on whether they don't like alpha males or not. I'd bet vast amounts of money on these guys not being able to satisfy these women sexually. On the other hand there are women who naturally want to be dominate. They probably only make up a tiny percentage of the population though and probably look and act far too masculine to pass most of our boner tests.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
All women are sexually attracted to alphas. End of story. But since alphas have many options.. not all women can get into a relationship with one. Most women don't measure up to alpha standards.

Because of female pride.. women would rather pretend they are not interested in alphas than come clean and admit they are just too much of a b!tch or too ugly to keep an alpha interested. :yes:

This is the game women play --> Always putting themselves on the pedestal as "perfect" and finding flaws in their male counterparts.

Most women are low value. But men are so busy being white knights and putting them on pedestals that they never notice. :trouble:

Women marry the man who sticks around and eats their sh!t. The man who won't cheat. The man who won't abandon them (based on perception). Women don't marry the best man available (because they can't).


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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Yeah, I've noticed this, too. It's like they have some penis envy shıt going on. They wanna have a bigger invisible dıck than you. I have clients like this. So in a professional environment I just simply overload their delicate brains with extensive unnecessary details, since they wanna match penis sizes. It isn't long until they break and I just assume the lead and they back the fück off. I also throw in a lot of "I-told-you-so's" for good measure. Heh, sometimes it's fun. They try, but usually it doesn't go far.

Relationship-wise I get the fück out of Dodge when I meet a chick like that. Who the hell wants to deal with a dominating bıtchbeast?? hahaha.

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
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PlayHer Man said:
All women are sexually attracted to alphas. End of story. But since alphas have many options.. not all women can get into a relationship with one. Most women don't measure up to alpha standards.

Because of female pride.. women would rather pretend they are not interested in alphas than come clean and admit they are just too much of a b!tch or too ugly to keep an alpha interested. :yes:

This is the game women play --> Always putting themselves on the pedestal as "perfect" and finding flaws in their male counterparts.

Most women are low value. But men are so busy being white knights and putting them on pedestals that they never notice. :trouble:

Women marry the man who sticks around and eats their sh!t. The man who won't cheat. The man who won't abandon them (based on perception). Women don't marry the best man available (because they can't).
As usual, very well said.
"Because of female pride.. women would rather pretend they are not interested in alphas"


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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It's true that there is a conundrum. We are taught by TV and movies that women want alpha males, but then at the same time they want someone they can control

Personally I don't think that women want betas. If they did, most of the guys on this site would be getting laid all the time.

I think that in some cases, a woman might be able to TURN a guy beta (i.e. he was aggressive when he pursued her but then when they got comfortable he became obedient).


Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
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I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that women vary and aren't all the same which leads to them liking different types of guys. And the fact that its not 800 bc so a woman doesn't have to chase the guy with the loudest chest.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2012
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Follow along with me here guys....

First, as we all should know, there are only SO MANY alphas out there for women to get.

Second, the ratio of good looking women to the number of alphas out there is as such that there are ALWAYS more good looking women than the alphas they want.

Third, women, more so than men, have their social status attached to whether or not they have attracted and secured the commitment of a man.

Fourth, it only follows that you are NECESSARILY going to see none-too-few good looking women with beta schlubs doing the following, the asskissing, the "yes-dearing."

Fifth, we also know that women have a "dual" mating strategy, the one we call "alpha fux, beta bux". They get turned on my alphas but also look for beta provisioning.

Sixth, it thus ALSO FOLLOWS that women who can garner the attention of good looking alpha males will often succumb to the temptation. We call that "hypergamy."

Seventh, WHO DO YOU THINK IS WRITING ON ALL THESE WEBSITES COMPLAINING ABOUT CHEATING GIRLFRIENDS????? It would seem to me that the odds greatly favor it being beta guys who have gotten into a relationship with a woman looking for provisioning who also gave into alpha male attention.

Eight, and finally, what women really, really want is to get the commitment from an alpha who also has the ability to provision. Until they do, in today's society, their optimum strategy then is to rope in a beta, bang the alphas on the side until they can tie one of them down (and they sh!t-test him until he turns beta and dump is azz).

This explains the observation of the OP. I've seen it too and it has nothing to do with women actually liking betas more than alphas as sexual interests.


Don Juan
Nov 4, 2013
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PlayHer Man said:
All women are sexually attracted to alphas. End of story. But since alphas have many options.. not all women can get into a relationship with one. Most women don't measure up to alpha standards.

Because of female pride.. women would rather pretend they are not interested in alphas than come clean and admit they are just too much of a b!tch or too ugly to keep an alpha interested. :yes:

This is the game women play --> Always putting themselves on the pedestal as "perfect" and finding flaws in their male counterparts.

Most women are low value. But men are so busy being white knights and putting them on pedestals that they never notice. :trouble:

Women marry the man who sticks around and eats their sh!t. The man who won't cheat. The man who won't abandon them (based on perception). Women don't marry the best man available (because they can't).

Let's say it again:

"Most women are low value. But men are so busy being white knights and putting them on pedestals that they never notice. :trouble:"


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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Women, and to a lesser extent men don't know what they want. How else would one be able to explain why so many short/ long term relationships fail? People also never say what they mean. How else would you explain why society relies so much on contracts to delineate what we mean? I never listen to what women claim they want after asking one particular women why she stuck around what she described as a bad relationship and couldn't explain at all why she stayed with it. Human nature trumps spoken desire and it always will.

All women want this type of guy. They will find an excuse to fvck them. Even if they have a bf, it will be a consideration.

1- Example : My friend has a girlfriend he has been dating for a few years now. They get along great, both are smart. He is a bit insecure and it shows, so he feels the need to compensate. His gf is loyal of course, and is one of the few who has not really slept around. However its funny to watch her melt in the presence of one guy ( another friend of mine) who she clearly has a thing for. Not necessarily an alpha male, but he does well for himself in that department. One night out years ago he comes up, we all go out ( without the boyfriend), and she is all over this guy. The response is unquestionable.

We can't all be alpha. The best you can do is adapt certain traits that are congruent with our own personalities. At least it will help. And judging by the posts here, many of the community members can use all the help they can get.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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synergy1 said:
People also never say what they mean. How else would you explain why society relies so much on contracts to delineate what we mean?
Contracts were originally created in a time where people could not read or write, so the contract was created as a reminder of what the agreement was.

In today's modern society a contract sets the terms of the agreement and defines what each word means in no uncertain terms.

It's not so much about them not saying what they mean, it's more along the lines of people having a different meaning for what they say. Make sense?