Manipulative b!tch almost had me for 18 years!

Don Juan Tenorio

New Member
Feb 2, 2006
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Just a thought

This is a really interesting post. My intention is not attack anyone but contribute some elements to this discussion. First, let’s agree to disagree. Second, let’s respect each other.

I see these kinds of cases on a daily basis through the legal system. Although I’ve never admitted to be a saint, it’s hard for me to be in Centaurion’s shoes under those circumstances. I know how it feels to go through the experience of (even remotely considering) having an undesirable child. I can empathize with him on that. But what I don’t agree at all, and I think he recognized being emotionally shocked, are the methods used. Domestic Violence (DV) is not acceptable. 75% of the cases are related to female victims and 25% to male victims. Yes, there are still out there some guys who become psychologically, emotionally, financially and/or physically abused by their partners, including pseudo “Alpha males”. Many individuals don’t even recognize they are living in an abusive relationship. Manipulation is one of the elements of the DV cycle. DV creates lots of problems, and guess what? The cycle perpetues generation over generation, until hopefully finally someone becomes aware of this and decides to end it. That could be the answer to why some of us straggle with relationships. Perhaps we saw the disfunctionalism in our parents or love ones?….. think about it for a moment.

Remember DJs, being an Alpha DJ is not being abusive, jerkish or mean to your partner. You can be strong and firm, and at the same time, calm, respectful and understandable of the situation. We have to learn how to handle any of these challenges in front of us.

Where I live the likeliness for a case like this is that the District Attorney will nail the guy down with multiple counts. You name the charges and counts….it’s terrible! Unfortunately people in system are used to dealing with all sorts of individuals, and the rule is that for one we all get screwed up.

Once I heard the story of this outstanding 65 year old guy, whom the first time he got drunk killed his wife during a frenzy and exacerbated discussion. I know it sucks to always behave right. Fvck!!!! Tell me about that. But we have to learn to think with our heads and not just be impulsive.

I’m not condoning by any means the girl’s behavior. I think is pretty self-explanatory. She screwed up big time…And she deserves to be punished, not necessarily by the law, but by taking away the opportunity to be with the incredible man you are. “Castigala con el latigo de tu desprecio e indiferencia” (Punish her with the whiplash of you scorn and indifference)

Just a thought.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
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woha woha I think you are going way of tangent with the DV talk. For the record, I've never ever hit a female, and trust me when I say this, we did not have any sort of abusive relationship. I did not abuse her mentally or physically. I thought we had a great laid back relationship, nothing too serious. And then she went and pulled this crap. That's why this was such a shock for me.

What the hell, you make it sound like I was using her for a punch bag whenever I felt like it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
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Centaurion, that is ****ing awesome. I can't believe how someone would try and trick a guy into knocking her up. That kind of **** belongs in a movie.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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Originally posted by ( . )( . )
"Man enough" :rolleyes:

Someones been watching too much T.V.

Please ignore Mr_knowfvck_all.
Hes a mouthpiece for somebody else, Dr Phils guide to masculinity perhaps?
Explain how this manipulative cvnts quest for a child has anything to do with Centaurion? Did he ever sit her down beforehand and say "I want a child" HMMMM?? ...No...then stfu with those gay shaming techniques.
This coming from "Titty Man".....:rolleyes: Being masculine has nothing to do with being an idiot who doesn't take responsibility you fvck wad. The kids are the ones who end up suffering, because you were too much of a fem bot to take care of them

And I'll tell your stupid azz exactly how this has to do with centurian. HE STUCK HIS DYCK IN HER~~~ HE DID IT WITHOUT USING A CONDOM.....REGARDLESS OF IF SHE WAS ON THE PILL..

Now shut your "caveman" azz up, and promise us you won't procreate.

Fvck the woman, the kids are the issue. If you can't MAN UP, Keep in your pants. And the same goes for women, if you can't take responsibility, keep your legs closed.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2005
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Originally posted by Mr_knowit_all
This coming from "Titty Man".....:rolleyes: Being masculine has nothing to do with being an idiot who doesn't take responsibility you fvck wad. The kids are the ones who end up suffering, because you were too much of a fem bot to take care of them

And I'll tell your stupid azz exactly how this has to do with centurian. HE STUCK HIS DYCK IN HER~~~ HE DID IT WITHOUT USING A CONDOM.....REGARDLESS OF IF SHE WAS ON THE PILL..

Now shut your "caveman" azz up, and promise us you won't procreate.

Fvck the woman, the kids are the issue. If you can't MAN UP, Keep in your pants. And the same goes for women, if you can't take responsibility, keep your legs closed.
there was a consent going into the act that his gf would take the pills, she broke the consent and then tried to screw him over. its sort of like rape


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
hate to change the subject, but brings up a story that I think I was hesitant to bring to this board that happened about a year and a half ago, right when I turned 21.

However, It was a tad bit more serious..

It made me realize just how cold and heartless a ***** can be.

Now, my company had really just started taking off, I for the first time in 4 years, was getting paid. I had a nice crib, nice house, was back in shape, and I had women.. believe it or not, more than I could handle.

However, my dad tought me at an early age, that *****es are cold blooded.. not necessarly cold blooded, but irratioanal.

It was October. at the time, I was seeing my future GF of 1 year (We hadn't dated then), a stripper, my next door neighboor, whenver her BF wasn't home, some chick I meet at the Buckle one day, Oh Leslie, I still talked to and flirted with my oneitis but nothing physical, she was with her BF.

However, at this time, i started seeing this married woman. I met her at a BAR.. I ddin't even persue her, she literarly threw herself at me.

I mean, she wasn't HOT, she was really cute and had the cutiest ass, and she worked 3 mintues away from my apartment at the time. She would get off work at 2am, I would give her the pipe until like 3:30ish, and she would be at home in bed before her husband woke up.

This went on for about 2 months.

She kept dropping hints about her wanting to leave her Husband.

And truth be told, I liked kicking it with her, BUT, she had 2 kids, and she was married.. So that was out of the question. Too much damn baggage, and at the time I thought it was a shame becuase she was smartest girl I knew and had some type of ambition.

Anyway, let me get to the juciy part.

So one day she asks me, do I love her.. I am known to be a politian when it comes to giving straight answers, so I said "I mean, I like you alot, but you are married and i just met you, **** like that has to grow"

I should have taken the hint then.

So one day, she comes over my house and as soon as she walks in the door, she wants it and wants it bad. So I'm like okay, let me grab one of the condoms out of my dresser, and she is like"no, I went and got these new "special" condoms for you because they are soooo neat (she used to sell "adult toys" for a living, so she knew her ****, so I assumed she was really on some new ****)

So of course, we do our thing, think nothing of it.

So about.. I don't know.. 3 weeks, a month later, she is really sick, she starts throwing up.

She's pregnant.

I'm like "great, you are having another child.." I mean, you have to understand, I really think it's hers and her husbands.. I mean, we wrapped up every time and none of the condoms ever broke, at leat to my kwnoledge.. and I knew her husband and her DIDNT' use condomes, so I mean, the freakin odds right?


Not only does she tell me she is pregnant, she knows it's mine, because her husband hasn't had sex with her in 2 months.

See.. you also have to understand.. she's white, I'm black.. think me myself and Irene

So, basically, I'm up **** creek. Not because I'm not ready for a kid, I like kids and affording it wasn't the problem, I just don't like HER enough to have one with her.

Plus she is married.

Mind you, her husband has no idea what's going on.

So I call him (yes I had his number), sat him down and told him everything.. everything. Of course he was pissed, but that was expected.. at the end he told me he respected me for coming to him like a man.

He filed for divorce like 3 weeks later.. turns out he was dating someone as well and it wasn't the biggest suprise tohim, just the WHO she was messing around with was.

So fast forward a week, I am sitting with my dad, and I am breaking the news toh im, hey, you are going to be a grandad.

So being the OG that my dad is, he asks me why I didnt' wrap up.

I tell him, I did, I mean, don't play me for a fool, she's married

Then he asked what type of condom did I use.. I said I don't know...

So he said, ' DUDE, she might have pooked a hole in the wrapper"

I was like why would she do that.. but damn.. it's possible, because I had that damn condom on.

I AM SO LUCKY one of my bad habits is.. I have like a condom collection.. not only that, I have a condom wrapper collection.. I guess it's for my ego

I am also lucky that the condom wrapper she broguth was a different color than the kind I normally use, so I saw what the hell, so I pull it out, check for pin markes...

sure enough.. that ***** pooked a whole in the wrapper..

It all made too much sense, why else would she insist on using the condom she brought

So I call her over and demand she get an abortion.. she told me "she didn't believe in abortion and she was going to have the baby"

Then I pull out the wrapper and I ask her to explain the pen hole in the condom.

This is how heartless a woman can be

she told me " you were stupid enough not to check for pen holes, it's your fault"

I was so damn stunned.. I honeslty didn't know what to say.. this ***** had balls"

However, a couple of days later, she called me and told me she got the abortion.. I don't know what changed her mind. hell I don't even know why she wanted to have my baby in thef irst place, but it was over, otherwise I would be a dad.

I have ran into her a couple of times since then, she got me drunk and tried to **** me one night, but I was so drunk I coudln't get it up.. that's one crazy *****

Don Juan Tenorio

New Member
Feb 2, 2006
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Relax Man!


I’m glad to hear that you are not the kind of abusive male…I’m sorry to hear that she pulled that crap on you. That is disgusting!!! My intention is not make you look like a women hitter = chump. I’m just sharing my experience as being part of the judicial system and dealing with crappy situations.

Lucky that this altercation didn’t escalate. I can tell you, based on what you wrote, there are elements of DV in that incident that go beyond reasonable doubt for you to be charged, for instance intimidation……those are only assumptions at this time…. Hey! Don’t get mad at me for trying to make you see beyond your horizon….. I’m just informing you, so next time, if ever, you know how to deal with stuff like this…..She could have gotten a temporary restraining order against you just for the options you gave her (coat hanger vs. pill)…… there are ways to say the same things in a more permissible context. Plus remember, it’s got to be a mutual decision, and not impositions.

The problem is that most likely the system will see her as the victim, just because “you lost your temper” in those seconds and grabbed her and said things. Trust me on that……if not talk to a DA friend of yours.

If she got pregnant ultimately you guys would’ve had the option of abortion… your call on that my man!.... The best thing you did is to get rid of that woman……

There will always be bizarre women who won’t hesitate to pull out these tricks on us guys. That’s why we have to be smart, not to get tricked but most importantly being careful of not procreating undesirable children to this world….Kids are not guilty of being on this world because we wanted to get laid…. Parents are the guilty ones and will have to deal with the responsibility……Think about it….. that’s not the DJ way.

Just a thought…..


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Re: Re: Manipulative b!tch almost had me for 18 years!

Originally posted by redgriffin
there's no such things as a stupid kid. only stupid parents.
Here's an example of a stupid kid:

Eating breakfast? You are full of excuses for such a tough guy. If she has bruises, you will be kissing her ass to keep her from reporting you.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Originally posted by Mr_knowit_all

Now shut your "caveman" azz up, and promise us you won't procreate.
Nice one retard, the irony in this statement is uncanny. Its society zombies like you who parrot "be a man" (roll over and take it up the ass in other words) about it all is the exact reason I being the man cant give you the promise NOT to procreate Sherlock. I have no say whether the b!tch does or doesnt.

btw on a side note its too late zombie I've already procreated.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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I feel sorry for your offspring. I'm actually surprised you like women puzzy.

You either can't read, or your hatred for women has blinded you.

If a man and a woman have sex, both of them take full responsibility for what happens.

How is it her fault the he AGREED to have sex with her? Sure she's a manipulative ****, but he CHOSE to have sex with her!!!!!

Trying to explain simple things to numb nuts like you is an exercise in futility. I'm nobody's mouth piece, but you're just a frustrated homo who hates women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by Mr_knowit_all
I feel sorry for your offspring. I'm actually surprised you like women puzzy.

You either can't read, or your hatred for women has blinded you.

If a man and a woman have sex, both of them take full responsibility for what happens.

How is it her fault the he AGREED to have sex with her? Sure she's a manipulative ****, but he CHOSE to have sex with her!!!!!

Trying to explain simple things to numb nuts like you is an exercise in futility. I'm nobody's mouth piece, but you're just a frustrated homo who hates women.
gotta agree with him

Trust me, I know how hard it can be to see breastisiss in your face, and pink *****, and the mode is just right... sex is a hell of a drug

But you gotta think with the big head, or else both heads will be ****ed. You have to

You don't know how many times I have had women do **** like that with me.."babe, I just want to fill you"


"Just 3 strokes and you can take it out"

(where in the **** did you caculate 3 strokes? WTF is this, a tootsie roll?)

and the all time fav...

drum roll..

" Just don't *** inside me" and to add insult to injury "you can *** in my mouth if you want, I'll swallow"

and while all that is tempting, to various degrees.. you have to say.. nope.. I use .. damn what condoms do I use?... Oh, Crown condoms.. always and forever..

The one time I didn't use a condom was with my GF, however, she can't have kids and even then I only did it without a condom 2 times with her, she could be cheating


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
This was my point exactly. Birth control pills are NOT 100 percent effective. Condoms are NOT 100 percent effective.

Let's review:

1. Even though this woman was on the pill, obviously he didn't trust her too much since he INSISTED on wearing a condom.

2. Even though she hid his condoms, he couldn't control his sex drive and broke his own rule.

3. Sure she tried to trick you, but if you were on your game, that wouldn't have mattered.

You can't just throw all the blame on her. She didn't pull him on top of her and force him to have sex with her. That was his choice, and he CHOSE to do it without a condom..STUPID

But now you want to say it was all her fault?

P.S. To "titty man"...Your comment about irony is ridiculous. You're saying you have no choice on whether you procreate in the future? Women are forcing you to have sex with them, and you're helpless to stop them? It's guys like this that add to the fatherless child epidemic that's going on right now.

I refuse to engage this idiot any further on this matter.


Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Monte Carlo, Monaco
Originally posted by Centaurion
mass suicide that way ---->

**** off
I guess your pretty happy your parents had you

And if not you ask.. Why? Why don't you want me. Im no Good, im nobody. why? :(


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
I see where you are coming from Tenorio, but I have to say that it is very hard to stay controlled during a situation like this. I'm not mad at you, and thank you giving extra insight into the situation. I know that I should have acted more diplomatic, but it's not everyday something like this happens to you. It's kina hard to explain, but I think I had a panic attack, it felt like the entire world came crashing down on me.

Mr_knowfvck_all, of course I trusted her. I would not have been in a ltr with a chick that I did not trust. If I had even caught a sniff of what she was planning to do, I would have dumped her ass within a flash. I've used condoms even though she was on the pill as I wanted to double guard my ass. I consented to have sex with her without a condoms, based on the assumption that she was on the pill, which she guaranteed me that she was. If I had known that she had stopped using the pill, I would never have had bareback sex with her. Bottom line is, she tried to manipulate and trick me into getting her pregnant. I don't know what her reasons were, but it really doesn't matter. And much better for her to take the morning after pill, than to wait for an abortion down the road.

I have my suspicions that the whole dinner date, and the club part was a part of her overall strategy to get me drunk and to have sex with her without a condom. No matter how you want to twist it to fit it into your *****-whipped Oprah mind, she tried to fvck me over big time.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by bbestar
And if not you ask.. Why? Why don't you want me. Im no Good, im nobody. why? :(
English, please.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score


woow, that's a one fvcked up story man. It just shows how emotionally driven women really are, and what lenght they will go to in order to achieve their goals.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Originally posted by bbestar
And if not you ask.. Why? Why don't you want me. Im no Good, im nobody. why? :(
I even busted out my Capt. Krunch decoder ring from 3rd fvckin' grade and STILL I couldn't decipher this drivel . . .

I suppose we could put Inspector Clouseau on the case?


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
Originally posted by KarmaSutra
Best line is: " Thank you. Thank you for your honesty, Now FVCK off and die you fvcked up slag."
Yes, that's also a great line!

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Originally posted by Mr_knowit_all

How is it her fault the he AGREED to have sex with her?
And whats it got to do with him if the b!tch sneakily decides to get pregnant you moron?

Stop skating around the fact that your really Mr_knowfvck_all.

"Man enough" pffft keep it to yourself chump, or better yet tell it to some AFCs who might give a crap if you think they should "be a man" about it.

edit: Oh yeah and heres my response again just so you can see how you put your foot in your mouth and your AFC brainwashing backfires dipsh!t.
Nice one retard, the irony in this statement is uncanny. Its society zombies like you who parrot "be a man" (roll over and take it up the ass in other words) about it all is the exact reason I being the man cant give you the promise NOT to procreate Sherlock. I have no say whether the b!tch does or doesnt.
I notice you didnt even attempt to dig your way out of that logic....woops.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Self-control is a virtue.

You've learnt a strong lesson, Centurion. Next time, if you suspect anything, WALK OUT and never look back :cool:

(But if I'm too horny to leave, I just masturbate in her toilet, which takes away my sex drive)

Although, strangling her with a coat hanger is a bit overboard, but good job on convincing her to get an abortion. F*ck what the pro-lifers say, by law the damn fetus isn't technically human :D