Luke Skywalker

Encourange Luke Skywalker to grow?

  • Please consider banning him

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • I could care less

    Votes: 25 61.0%

  • Total voters


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
WTF does "I could care less" mean? I vote that it means the poll creator is a retard.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
bigjohnson said:
WTF does "I could care less" mean? I vote that it means the poll creator is a retard.
Wolf; It's "I could not care less".

Little things like that annoy me too. I have 3 people in my office that think "irregardless" is a word.

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Living things can not survive if they are not fed.

My point exactly!

A less drastic way to not reply to him, but that's impossible. There will always be someone who will.

Hey, the guy found a way to stay on here without getting banned. There is no need for anything else, he could just type for the rest of his life. It is an achievement of sorts. Gotta give the props. If this is the ultimate for the guy then he must have come a long way.

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
azanon said:
Wolf; It's "I could not care less".

Slang, words we speak every day, whatever you call it. If little things like this make you pissed then you have a problem. Good luck with it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Mr. Wolf said:
Slang, words we speak every day, whatever you call it. If little things like this make you pissed then you have a problem. Good luck with it.
Its not slang. It's just a commonly mis-stated phrase.

Also, annoy and "pissed" are not synonyms. If such a thing "pissed me off", I would have a problem. I didn't say that though, did I?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Mr. Wolf said:
...Hey, the guy found a way to stay on here without getting banned...
Umm, he's not the only one... :whistle:


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
azanon said:
I have 3 people in my office that think "irregardless" is a word.
Grrrr. I wonder if this is an inevitable consequence of the high rate of functional illiteracy, or just too much heavy metal in the water supply.

EDIT: The thing that really gets me about this one is that if the writer took 3 seconds to consider the meaning of the VERY SIMPLE constituent words he would see that in it's altered gibberish form it's meaningless. WORDS MEAN THINGS.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
'I could care less' is logically incorrect, but like 'I didn't do nothing' it works as an intensifier. Saying 'I couldn't care less' doesn't have the same sarcastic zing. Therefore it's useful. Whereas 'irregardless' just sounds wrong.

As for Luke, I don't care what the rules of the forum say, he just wastes everyone's time and it's pointless him being here. Like his only response to this thread is to whine about 'mob mentality' with no understanding of why he has annoyed so many people.

Keeping him around as an example of an unreformable AFC for comic effect has its merits, it's when he dares to give advice that it stops being funny.

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Umm, he's not the only one... :whistle:

I've come across him in a poll thread about sex whatever. 1600 posts and in first sentace he says he's a virgin. You've been longer here, I bet I'm not the first one to complain.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Nighthawk said:
'I could care less' is logically incorrect, but like 'I didn't do nothing' it works as an intensifier. Saying 'I couldn't care less' doesn't have the same sarcastic zing. Therefore it's useful. Whereas 'irregardless' just sounds wrong.
The correct phrase works just as well as an intensifier as well as having the added benefit of being both logically correct and gramatically correct. I use it often to add emphasis.

"I didn't do nothing" is also not (necessarily) slang, unless you were to vocally deliver it in an obviously ebonic fashion as to make clear to your audience that you know that what you're saying isn't intended to be gramatically correct. Apparently, you live in a very highly educated area because I happen to know people that actually don't realize it's "I didn't do anything".


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Nighthawk said:
'I could care less' is logically incorrect, but like 'I didn't do nothing' ...
Yeah, that one irritates me a little too, but not as much. The first one is not only idiot-speak it also means precisely the opposite of the generally intended meaning.

Interpreted literally it means "I care" rather than "I don't care". So this poll if read that way takes stupidity to a whole new level.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
The first one is not only idiot-speak it also means precisely the opposite of the generally intended meaning.

aka "sarcasm," which is what you guys are missing in regard to that phrase.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
No, it's pure idiot-speak. I appreciate a well turned sarcastic phrase but this is just little Tommy heard wrong and now we have to see him write gibberish forevermore. Trying to make it more than it is is a mistake.

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
I could write this stuff in whatever language and with whatever mistakes - as long as I get my point across I'm happy. One thing I will not do is reply to people who are still name calling and hair pulling. I'm above that, and I don't give my attention to such children. Unless of course they grow up and mature, then I welcome them and applause to their achievement.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
It does then beg the question of the definition of correct language. When more people understand it incorrectly than correct, then wrong becomes right. There are a lot of examples of this. The Latin V is pronounced like a W, except no one does that these days because it makes you sound like Elmer Fudd. The H in neanderthal is silent; the correct pronunciation is 'nee-an-der-tal. The word Medieval, as in medieval history, has four syllables, not three. It's meh-duh-ee-val, not 'mid-evil' like everyone says it. But if most people understand you, then it's effective communication, and could be argued as being correct...even though it's not.

And speaking of communication, I like Luke, but agree that he is very frustrating.
The frustration relates to the communication, because the Internet as a mode of communication unfortunately does not allow the ability to smack people. I think I would hit him a lot if I hung out with him in person. Either he'd start listening better or get a restraining order against me, but at least it would end the frustration.

Isn't someone on this forum in Toronto? Someone needs to take Luke out and get him laid. That would be the best way to fix this problem.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Modern dictionaries will track and eventually incorporate stupidities that become popular. That is arguably their function, to reflect current usage. At what point does the phrase "that's a mute point" become "right" then? I'm hoping for never but that's probably very optimistic.

If lil' Luke wants to be pathetic I'm not gonna waste my time on fixing him, but I hate to see him give advice ....


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
It does then beg the question of the definition of correct language. When more people understand it incorrectly than correct, then wrong becomes right. There are a lot of examples of this.
Indeed. Ironically, using the term 'begs the question' as an alternative to 'raises the question' is in itself a (hugely common) 'mistake.'

Mr Plow

Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
A small shack in the middle of nowhere.
Mr. Wolf said:
Field Work vs Keyboard Jockeying

Here are the things, in order, that are fundamentally important to improving your skills with chicks:

Interact with women
Read Seduction material
Meet other guys
Maintain a Life

Interact with women

You'll hear it time and time again, field is key. Nothing improves any skill more than practice. You don't learn to ride a bike by reading a book.

When guys new to the community see guys like Tyler or guys with even a modicum of skill, they are often amazed. They often think they can never get that good. They attribute it to looks or money or living in a mansion, or any other quality they can't easily attain. But these guys have worked hard to reach this level of skill.

Tyler probably has over 10,000 cold approaches under his belt. Protocol went out for 179 nights solid. For a while, cold approaches should become like a video game, where you are continually hitting 'Start', reaching a new level, and starting all over again.

If you're frustrated with the progress you're not making, ask yourself how many different girls you've talked to in the last month. 1? 5? 100? It would be easy to think that this figure is dependent on ability, but it's not. It's dependent on commitment and self-discipline. Any guy can walk down a street and say hi to ten women a day. That guy will progress faster than the guy who just says hi to one a month.

Read Seduction material

The best Seduction materials are a product of other guys interactions with women. They've written down their experiences to pass on to others. Reading can never be as helpful to you as actually interacting with women, but as a reinforcement it is awesome.

You should definitely read as much material as you can, but ONLY when there are really no chicks around to talk to. There is never a time when you should say "I might as well read, because when I meet a chick in real life I don't know what to do". Go out and work it out as you go along.

The materials can really help when they are written by someone who has a better perception of social interactions than you. They can spot things that you would otherwise miss, and that you will end up looking for in future. They can explain concepts so that you understand them earlier than you would through fieldwork alone. But you still need the fieldwork to cement those concepts. If you read about a seduction idea, you will probably forget about it unless you see it or use it in the field within a couple of weeks.

Other people's experience will always be second to your own, so it is pointless to try and make things work for you that are not congruent with your style or that are beyond your level of ability. However it is essential to consider even those things that seem alien to you.

Read as much as you can
Try stuff out, see if you can make it your own
Keep it, or discard it
A careful omission there is "***** and whine that it doesn't work for you", "make personal attacks on the person who suggested it".

Respect that what works for one person may not work for another. Remember also that what doesn't work for you one day may end up working for you in the future.

Meet other guys

One of the fastest ways to learn is to see other guys in action, whether they are naturals or trained PUAs. There will always be details lacking when you read about a particular style.

For a newbie this can be a real eye-opener. Just seeing what is possible, and thoroughly believing that you can achieve those things in the future, is an awesome experience.

Having a regular wing of similar ability to you is a great help. You will have different strengths to demonstrate and different weaknesses to help each other out with. It's important not to stale out or stall with your wing - you should both be reading enough to find new things to try, and consulting with guys of higher ability.

The paid seminars and workshops may or may not be worth it for you. I found that when I took a workshop it was precisely the right time for me to get the most from it.
Now why on EARTH did I find a post as short as that so good?


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2006
Reaction score
Actually yeh keep him here.

As i was saying some people are natural winners some losers.

I really like reading what some people say (no names but i think u kno who i mean), so that i know EXACTLY WHAT NOT TO DO.

If i agree with that person in any way shape or form, massive red flags go up in my head, and i know i have to change my thinking.
