Low interest or am i being sensitive/overreactive


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2022
Reaction score
A while ago I met this girl at the library, she was with her friend speaking about what they about to eat. I interrupt the conversation, and started saying something, we had a conversation, it was light and nice. Conversation end, i then see her again outside, she was leaving to go home. I ask for her number, she gives me a (curve-ball, excuse) that she is going to see her parents for the vacation, and she says maybe after, i nodded all good like that.

i then see her a few times after, whenever i see her we have a light-hearted convo, all things is good.

last time we’ve spoken, she was with her friends, suddenly mid-interaction she says don’t you have to go to study -> in my perception, this means like can you leave but in a rather polite way. i asked her about it are you telling me to go away in a polite way, she replies yes, i was bothered by it at the time, and she & her friends could easily notice it as i started stumbling over my words because of overheat.

after that i just merely ignored her existence, as i felt that **** hit my dignity like wtf.

my question is am i overreacting or being sensitive? If yes how can i overcome that? Is there interest or just next that ****?


Don Juan
May 30, 2023
Reaction score
Yes you are over reacting to your sensitivity. There is nothing wrong with how you feel, it is called rejection and the sting of it can emotionally cause pain. It hurts more because you over invested.

The next step is to get over it and move on. Here is where you failed:

After she refused the phone number, you should have simply withdrawn 10000% and say ok thats fine and then never acknowledge her again besides common courtesy. No need for further talking or conversation. She is not interested so move along and maintain your steadfast dignity. You seemed to have started to continue keeping up the talking with her and hanging around her in a parasitic way.

When she said for you to go study you should have said some sarcastic **** back like "yeah your right, im getting dumber every second i stand here talking to you". Then turn an walk away. Have some more self respect and do not be thirsty for social interaction with these types of people.

good luck


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
3 bumps in 12 minutes. See an escort OP and get out of your head.

Ignore the newbie above me ^


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2022
Reaction score
Yes you are over reacting to your sensitivity. There is nothing wrong with how you feel, it is called rejection and the sting of it can emotionally cause pain. It hurts more because you over invested.

The next step is to get over it and move on. Here is where you failed:

After she refused the phone number, you should have simply withdrawn 10000% and say ok thats fine and then never acknowledge her again besides common courtesy. No need for further talking or conversation. She is not interested so move along and maintain your steadfast dignity. You seemed to have started to continue keeping up the talking with her and hanging around her in a parasitic way.

When she said for you to go study you should have said some sarcastic **** back like "yeah your right, im getting dumber every second i stand here talking to you". Then turn an walk away. Have some more self respect and do not be thirsty for social interaction with these types of people.

good luck
How to keep sensitivity in check?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2022
Reaction score
3 bumps in 12 minutes. See an escort OP and get out of your head.

Ignore the newbie above me ^
I’ve had like a few bjs a couple of weeks ago, it’s just when i see attractive girls and interact with them, sometimes i feel like i’m being sensitive and should continue interacting, but in reality i’m picking up the hint somehow


Don Juan
May 30, 2023
Reaction score
You need to foster an IDGAF attitude. Ask yourself why you care so much. It usually comes from a deeper issue of abandonment and desperation for validation from others. Learn to self validate


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2022
Reaction score
You need to foster an IDGAF attitude. Ask yourself why you care so much. It usually comes from a deeper issue of abandonment and desperation for validation from others. Learn to self validate
How do you self validate? Is it setting & accomplishing goals?


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
Low interest. After she refused the phone number, you should have simply withdrawn and focus on other girls with higher interest.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2022
Reaction score
Low interest. After she refused the phone number, you should have simply withdrawn and focus on other girls with higher interest.
Hermano do you know any books about female psychology? Frame? Dating in general?


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hermano do you know any books about female psychology? Frame? Dating in general?
I think I read Double Your Dating and The Rational Male a long time ago. I bought more books but never got around to read them.

Never go back to an ex.

You are young, so dont give a girl exclusivity unless she checks all of your boxes. If by age 37 you havent found someone who checks all your boxes, maybe you can lower your standars a little bit, or never marry, its up to you.

Stay away from single moms unles you have kids of your own.

High notch count girls are recreational use only, dont LTR them.

Take the advise in here with a grain of salt. Some people will say OLD apps are full of thrash and nothing beats cold approach, but you could have a completely opposite experience. Try and experiment with everything until you figure out what works out best for you.

Always keep improving your SMV, through gym, money, status, etc. Evetually girls will chase you instead of the other way around.

Dont focus on getting girls, at least not all the time. Focus on really enjoying life. Enjoy your free time. Go somewhere you actually want to go and do something you actually want to do. Invite a girl to come along. She´s not the objective, she´s just along for the ride.

No long texts. No double texting. No over-talking or over-sharing. STFU, Keep it simple and more or less mirror her response time.

Ask girls out with specific time, date, place. She has to say yes or counteroffer, otherwise she is saying no. So she showed up at the date. Cool. At the end tell her something like "Text me when u are home safe". When she texts u shes home, I just reply "Descansa" which is similar to have a good nights sleep or something like that. Dissappear 1-3 days and ask her out again.

If she shows up AGAIN, she probably has high interest. U r probably in the clear now. As long as u dont mess it up or lose interest in her urself, u will bang this girl sooner or later. Just remember to escalate.

Have you given exclusivity to a girl before? Ok, Never again give exclusivity to a girl unless you like her more than your previous ltr, or at least as much. No way u gonna settle for less. You cant go backwards in life, you have to go forward.

U in a ltr? How frequent is the sex? No point being exclusive if you are getting less amount of sex than u could get spinning plates. She should want sex more than you or at least just as much; dont become one of those guys in an exclusive relationship who only gets laid once in a blue moon.

Hope this helps.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
I think I read Double Your Dating and The Rational Male a long time ago. I bought more books but never got around to read them.

Never go back to an ex.

You are young, so dont give a girl exclusivity unless she checks all of your boxes. If by age 37 you havent found someone who checks all your boxes, maybe you can lower your standars a little bit, or never marry, its up to you.

Stay away from single moms unles you have kids of your own.

High notch count girls are recreational use only, dont LTR them.

Take the advise in here with a grain of salt. Some people will say OLD apps are full of thrash and nothing beats cold approach, but you could have a completely opposite experience. Try and experiment with everything until you figure out what works out best for you.

Always keep improving your SMV, through gym, money, status, etc. Evetually girls will chase you instead of the other way around.

Dont focus on getting girls, at least not all the time. Focus on really enjoying life. Enjoy your free time. Go somewhere you actually want to go and do something you actually want to do. Invite a girl to come along. She´s not the objective, she´s just along for the ride.

No long texts. No double texting. No over-talking or over-sharing. STFU, Keep it simple and more or less mirror her response time.

Ask girls out with specific time, date, place. She has to say yes or counteroffer, otherwise she is saying no. So she showed up at the date. Cool. At the end tell her something like "Text me when u are home safe". When she texts u shes home, I just reply "Descansa" which is similar to have a good nights sleep or something like that. Dissappear 1-3 days and ask her out again.

If she shows up AGAIN, she probably has high interest. U r probably in the clear now. As long as u dont mess it up or lose interest in her urself, u will bang this girl sooner or later. Just remember to escalate.

Have you given exclusivity to a girl before? Ok, Never again give exclusivity to a girl unless you like her more than your previous ltr, or at least as much. No way u gonna settle for less. You cant go backwards in life, you have to go forward.

U in a ltr? How frequent is the sex? No point being exclusive if you are getting less amount of sex than u could get spinning plates. She should want sex more than you or at least just as much; dont become one of those guys in an exclusive relationship who only gets laid once in a blue moon.

Hope this helps.
Damn bro that was straight fire.


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
Damn bro that was straight fire.
Thanks, Bro. Bunch of random thoughts I think may help someone. I've been thinking about copy-pasting It to new members who are very young or maybe put It in a new thread and bump It every once in a while


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2022
Reaction score
I think I read Double Your Dating and The Rational Male a long time ago. I bought more books but never got around to read them.

Never go back to an ex.

You are young, so dont give a girl exclusivity unless she checks all of your boxes. If by age 37 you havent found someone who checks all your boxes, maybe you can lower your standars a little bit, or never marry, its up to you.

Stay away from single moms unles you have kids of your own.

High notch count girls are recreational use only, dont LTR them.

Take the advise in here with a grain of salt. Some people will say OLD apps are full of thrash and nothing beats cold approach, but you could have a completely opposite experience. Try and experiment with everything until you figure out what works out best for you.

Always keep improving your SMV, through gym, money, status, etc. Evetually girls will chase you instead of the other way around.

Dont focus on getting girls, at least not all the time. Focus on really enjoying life. Enjoy your free time. Go somewhere you actually want to go and do something you actually want to do. Invite a girl to come along. She´s not the objective, she´s just along for the ride.

No long texts. No double texting. No over-talking or over-sharing. STFU, Keep it simple and more or less mirror her response time.

Ask girls out with specific time, date, place. She has to say yes or counteroffer, otherwise she is saying no. So she showed up at the date. Cool. At the end tell her something like "Text me when u are home safe". When she texts u shes home, I just reply "Descansa" which is similar to have a good nights sleep or something like that. Dissappear 1-3 days and ask her out again.

If she shows up AGAIN, she probably has high interest. U r probably in the clear now. As long as u dont mess it up or lose interest in her urself, u will bang this girl sooner or later. Just remember to escalate.

Have you given exclusivity to a girl before? Ok, Never again give exclusivity to a girl unless you like her more than your previous ltr, or at least as much. No way u gonna settle for less. You cant go backwards in life, you have to go forward.

U in a ltr? How frequent is the sex? No point being exclusive if you are getting less amount of sex than u could get spinning plates. She should want sex more than you or at least just as much; dont become one of those guys in an exclusive relationship who only gets laid once in a blue moon.

Hope this helps.
Hermano they should put you in a ****ing museum, this is pure gold man. I appreciate it more than you’d ever know, you’re the MAN