Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

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Jan 14, 2006
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Let me make a revised argument (my original argument is 100% true in my eyes, but here is a similar argument which all the disagreers can understand better):

While on the path to improving oneself, and making one self more desirable to the best looking women, I notice ALOT of guys make the mistake of reading books, developing inner game, gettign hobbies, ect ect, but they forget to improve their looks!!!

IMPROVING LOOKS IS PART OF SELF-IMPROVEMENT. If you are too skinny or too out of shape, there is NO excuse to not wanna go to the gym to improve your looks.........if your clothes are ugly and old, there is NO excuse to upgrade how you dress.....same goes for hair.

Overlooking the need to improve ones looks WILL hinder their game. This is why i stress such importance on LOOKS being the key to the door that get you laid/dates/gfs/fcuk buddies, or whatever.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Loss Vaygus, NV
skip2mylou781 said:
who cares about %??? Id rather be the guy that fvcks 3/100 girls that i approached in a week, than be the guy that fvcked 10/10 girls that he approaches IN A YEAR
Who the hell says that guy can only approach 10 girls a year? I could bang ten girls this week because I use what works instead of making up half-assed crackpot theories that don't jive with reality.

Tell me something, if you think you look so good AND you think that looks are all that matters, then why is it that 98 of every 100 girls you approach don't go for it? Why is it that you get blocked as a spammer if you think that all you need on MySpace is good pictures? If you think that looks are all that matters then it shouldn't matter what you say to any of those girls, they should just be all up on your nutsack immediately. Why did your oneitis give you the cold shoulder if she was initially attracted to your looks. If nothing else mattered and your looks didn't change, then her feelings shouldn't have changed either. Why is it that ANY girl rejects your advances if you think you look so hot, since you say that looking hot is the only thing that will get you girls?

So either your theory is right and 98% of your approaches fail because those girls think you're butt-fcuking ugly to be datable, or your theory is wrong and you're hot but girls reject you because in fact, your hottness is overshadowed by your complete lack of game. I'll let you pick which one is the truth.


Jan 14, 2006
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u should know very well Mr S1NNER that before taking looks into consideration, you gotta take into consideration THE GIRLS YOU ARE DEALING WITH.

Out of 100 gorgeous girls on the street/clubs/myspace, the following could easily be true

50 have boyfriends
30 already are fvcking 5 different guys (spinnign plates)
5 are emotionalyl scarred and hate men
15 are somewhat normal

so, outta those 15 gorgeous beautiful girls, i can get 2 or 3 because to THOSE GIRLS, i look like a 9 or a 10, while to the other 12 girls, i might look like a 5 or a 6, which is below what theyde wanna even bother going for.

The other 85 are disqualified for other reasons.

and FYI, when i say i get 3/100 girls, i am NOT talking about cold approaches, I AM TALKING ABOUT MYSPACE SPAMMING (which apparently i cannot do anymore tear tear)

once I get a girl's cell #, my f-close rate is about 20%........and if i have a girl on a date, due to her being attracted to my looks, my f-close rate is more like 75%

k? thanks S1Nboy


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
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skip2mylou781 said:
RIPPER - what does education have to do with getting laid?? I TOLD U ITS ALL ABOUT LOOKS
The education is so you can argue properly. I never claimed it has anything to do with getting laid. Clearly you can't read properly (which at the age of 22 is pretty embarrassing...) thus bringing us back to the original point. Learn how to use english properly if you want to perpetuate this 'looks are everything' myth.


Jan 14, 2006
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you do realize that guys who are confrontational and argue too much trying to look smart will have more women HATE them than FVCK them.

The fact that you make such a big deal on arguing properly makes you look like you think you're too smart for your own good aka a geek.

how many girls have u fvcked in ur life ripper?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
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skip2mylou781 said:
you do realize that guys who are confrontational and argue too much trying to look smart will have more women HATE them than FVCK them.
Yes I do realise. That's why I don't argue 'too much trying to look smart' with women.

skip2mylou781 said:
The fact that you make such a big deal on arguing properly makes you look like you think you're too smart for your own good aka a geek.
The middle part of this sentence doesn't make any sense.

skip2mylou781 said:
how many girls have u fvcked in ur life ripper?
13. And I'm 20...



Jan 14, 2006
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13, very good....i currently am 22 and i stand at 69 different girls

who do u think has a more valid argument based on experience??

all at least 65 of the 69 wanted be simply because they thought i was sexy and i took the proper steps in escalation to fvck them, so I know what im talkin about when it comes to looks being THE most important tool you possess


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
skip2mylou781 said:
all at least 65 of the 69 wanted be simply because they thought i was sexy and i took the proper steps in escalation to fvck them, so I know what im talkin about when it comes to looks being THE most important tool you possess
What, do you have a comment sheet that you have them fill out afterwards or something? Get a grip, you observe things and interpret them the way you want, then act like your interpretation of the events is the end all be all of human existance. You hoist up things that you interpret as substantiating your arguement, and completely ignore everything that proves it wrong.

Quite simply put, you don't know jack sh!t. Your theory is not actually a theory because you cannot back it up with real evidence, and every bit of evidence available proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that in the framework of being universally successful, looks are no more important than every other aspect of the situation, personality, game, money, fame, intelligence, sexuality, everything. Looks stand in there with the rest as being one (and only one) of the many things that will gain you success with women. That's a fact. You not being able to see or comprehand that doesn't make it any less true. But hey, this is America, you're entitled to your wrong opinion.

This will be my last comment in this goofy assed thread (because I can actually feel my IQ dropping with every word of your's that I read)....


Jan 14, 2006
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chick has no interest in being fvcked by same not good looking man, so chick dates him, uses him to make her feel good, take her out, and tries to withhold from sex as long as possible because she does not want to jump his bones, BECAUSE SHE DOES NOT THINK HE IS GOOD LOOKING

thanks for the example.

do you call that a success for the guy??? cuz I personally call that a sosuave AFC story about a guy who is going to start posting on the forum asking why this girl he is seeing is holding back from sex (i see threads like that here every day, the problem always comes down to looks)


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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Ripper, you come off as a nerd. I'm sorry.

You guys can argue with "facts" and "logic" all you want. But since when did knowledge and common sense get you laid?

As much as you might hate to admit it, Skip is right. You guys just have to grasp the fact, or get left behind.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
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Quiksilver said:
Ripper, you come off as a nerd. I'm sorry.
Why are you sorry? If that's what you really think then don't apologise for it.

Quiksilver said:
You guys can argue with "facts" and "logic" all you want. But since when did knowledge and common sense get you laid?
If you look at my posts, I've never claimed that knowledge and common sense got you laid. Never. If you think I have, show me.

Quiksilver said:
As much as you might hate to admit it, Skip is right. You guys just have to grasp the fact, or get left behind.
In short, I do think that looks are v.important and I can certainly see why Skip thinks they are so important. All I'm debating is the way in which he goes about his posts.

Also, anyone know how to upload photos?


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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skip2mylou781 said:
God Of Getting Laid - you seem to be better at making my point than I am....u sure this is my theory and not urs? lol
lol, Actually, Id say it is our theory. We both agree with it, we both are pushing it, we both get it. my theory, your theory, its interchangable.

God Of Getting laid, i kno ur gonna hate me a lil bit for this, but i think combining our looks theory with DonJuanForever's Sexual State theory, we basically come across on THE ULTIMATE theory of how to get women
Actually, I agree. It works like this: IF your seen as ugly, nothing works.
IF your seen as good looking, then getting sex depends on you being sexual or not, and building up the sexual chemistry with the girl. Though DJF was absolutely horrible at explaining the sexual state thing, the guy was a moron who had no clue what he was talking about.

Right now, Im only concerned with explaining the looks part of the whole supertheory of getting women. THis is the part that people struggle to get. this is why I pretty much ignore the sexual chemestry part. people dont get it that the woman must see a good looking guy or nothing will work. Its like driving a car, without gas in it, no driving skills or competence will get it to move, you gotta put gas in it first, then you can worry about if your competent enough to move it. same with sex, good looks(in her eyes) must be present before sexual chemistry can work its magic. otherwise, any sexual **** just backfires.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
That's a real long post, man. No wonder it took you two days to respond.
ooohhhh ****, youre a fvcking genius man, by looking at my post, you could tell that I did in fact spend 2 days to type all that out? how the fvck did you do that? how the fvck did you figure me out? your so smart man. lol :crazy:

Which is why looks don't mean s'hit. Everyone has different tastes, including women for short, fat, ugly, bald men.
So let me get this straight, your saying that because women hove different tastes in what they consider good looking, this is somehow proves that looks dont matter in getting layed? really? how does that work genius? explain the logic for me please. Becuase, to me, such a conclusion doesnt make any god damn logical sense. So becuase men too have different tastes in what they consider good looking in a woman this means looks dont mean **** (for a woman trying to get a guy)? yeah, Im a bit confused here, maybe you can explain this for me.

Well, there goes that one.

money, fame, cars, revenge on her ex, motivated to piss her parents off, the list goes on..etc. THe theory isnt concearned with these cases nor does it try to explain them, theyre artificial hook ups, who cares about those.

The list does go on, you're right. In fact, I may devote an entire series to itemized lists of qualities that trump looks. I understand that any hook-up that isn't based exclusively on looks is an "artificial hook-up", but the Theory is just going to have to live with that. After all, you're the only one not concerned with evidence that destroys your argument.
This doesnt destroy the argument, the argument only focuses on hook-ups where the woman and man are mutually genuinely attracted to eachother. I guess you forgot about this part right? oops. cases where the woman is after the man's cheese does not qualify as genuinely attracted to him (to his wallet, yes). Any hook-up that occurs due to a calculated motive on the woman or man's behalf to achieve a hidden goal would not constitute authentic mutual attraction, and would be artificial. WHO CARES ABOUT THIS! any guy who wants to artificially hook-up with a girl just needs some cash and a prostitute, or just go and rape a woman. What this board cares about and what the theory is concerned with are how a man naturally hooks up with a chick where she too feels genuine attraction for him. So please, dont bring your bull**** examples of some guy who got used by a gold digger as evidence that looks dont matter. we are talking about genuine mutual attraction here, not gold diggers.

damn dude, where do you live?, what parrallel universe are you in cus I wanna go there, women over there must be just giving themselves away to anyone who wants ass.

This "parrallel(sic) universe" is known as California. Where did you get the statistics from 100% of the female population, btw? I know you wouldn't make such a bold statement without having the evidence to back it up. :whistle:
in Your last post, you told me you do see fugly guys with hot *****es and told me I should get out more. I then asked you to confirm that you do see fat obesse blobs disgusting and hairy all over with hot *****es. and this is your response? so then thats a no... I thought so :nono:

okay, something tells me this chick you talked to on wednesday was either not good looking or average looking.

She was about a 7.5.
she was about a 7.5? only about a 7.5? lol. Im pretty much certain you exaggerated it a little, she probably was really a 6.5 or a 7. Hate to break it to ya, but slightly above average looking chicks arent in really high demand, and will take what they can get.

You still have failed to provide sufficient evidence to give the looks theory trouble. Everything youve presented is reasonable consistent with the looks theory.

sorry buddy, try again, try and fight the truth, yes fight it, fight it!!!

Im sure its a different culture with a totally different standard of beauty.

You ever been to California, God_of_getting_layed? We are one of the most committed left-wing states in the Union. We house the capital of the entertainment industry, and USA's capital of plastic surgery. We are known for shows like Baywatch, the O.C., Laguna Beach, and Beverly Hills 90210. If you are going to contest that California has a totally different standard of beauty (in your own words), you should book a plane ticket ASAP so you can, you know, actually know what you're talking about.
yeah, incase you didnt realise, I was being sarcastic when I said that. I was basically implying that just becuase we dont live in Cali dont mean we dont know what the women are like over there. The variance in women as you go from state to state in the United States is pretty much non existant. you go to texas, and you meet a group of hot women, they wont be any different than hot women from Cali or Georgia or NYC. In otherwords, your full of **** when you said that only you would know about the women over there in Cali and that they some how prove the looks theory wrong.

Since they get lots of ass, that qualifies them as PUAs dont it?

Nah, there's much more to differentiate AFC's from DJ's than notches on the bedpost, believe it or not.
right...what ever you say genius.


Jan 14, 2006
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
No, I call that a massive, blatant, spin on a scenario that shatters your ideals. You'd make a terrible politician.

And you can't make a judgment call on every relationship problem that appears on these boards considering you don't personally know EITHER party. And you CERTAINTLY can't make the call that it comes down to looks, when the vast majority, if not all of the problems stem from something much deeper than facial symmetry.

im sorry, but ALL relationship problems (other than finance) stem from LOOKS.........if a girl dates a guy who is nto that good looking, and she knows it, then rest assured, she is more likely to be tempted to cheat, more likely to not care if he walks away from her, more likely to be *****y and nto sweet, and the list goes on and on.

the FACT is, if a girl is with a guy that she thinks is sooo amazingly hot, then right away from there, the guy has all the power and control and the girl is his little b1tch.

Deux, seriously, STOP, your losing here


Jan 14, 2006
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mr_elor said:
Nope. My last girlfriend left me because I had typical AFC character traits at the time, if anything my looks were working for me.

Elor - do u not think that she woulda thought twice about leaving u if she thought that u were sooo hot that she couldnt find a better looking guy???

I am sure u look ok/good, not sayign anything about ur looks, but im saying if this girl was crazy about how hot u are, she most likely wouldnt have dumped u...........of course its never good to be a total AFC no matter how hot u are in the first place, but im just saying


Jan 14, 2006
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2. Cheating - looks related, one cheats on someone with a better looking person cuz sexual urges take over

7. Getting tired of your partner - if the girl had someone so hot that she never got tired of looking at him and being next to him, she'd less likely get tired of him

8. Someone coming out - thats just REALLY rare, but still looks related, as the chick thinks u lack looks so much that girls begin to look better and better every passing day

11. Compatibility issues - if girl thinks its kinda gross to makeout with her bf, then yea, tahts a compatibility issue

12. Burnout - again, its very hard to get tired of really good looks, and burnout happens when looks werent really there and personality clashes/issues occur

14. Failure to forgive - a girl is much more likely to forgive her 9/10 bf than she is her 5/10 bf

21. Lack of sex - hmmm maybe cuz the guy isnt hot enough to ignite sexual desires in the girl?

22. Bad sex - well, the guy could be hot but not be good in bed...but more often than not......BAD sex is due to a girl not being turned on cuz the guy thats fvckin her isnt a pleasure to look at.........just IMAGINE, you as the man fvcking a sexy blonde 9/10, ud basically get turned on no matter what, so looks do not PREVENT bad sex, but they do help bad sex be BETTER

All other reasons you list are rare or exclusive only to much older people (aka 30+), and i cannot relate to much older people.

The reasons I listed above, make up alot of why relationships end (especially cheating, getting tired of partner, and bad/lack of sex). YOUR MAKING MY POINT! UR MAIN REASONS ARE ALL LOOKS RELATED.

the ONLY thing that would not be looks related is if a girl cheated on her very hot azzhole bf with a sweeter nicer guy, but in that case, the azzholeness just overpowers the hotness

in reality, there is no way a girl will cheat on a guy who she thinks is the BEST she could possibly do lookswise, as long as he at least very least is a good enough bf personality wise


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2004
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skip2mylou781 said:
2. Cheating - looks related, one cheats on someone with a better looking person cuz sexual urges take over

7. Getting tired of your partner - if the girl had someone so hot that she never got tired of looking at him and being next to him, she'd less likely get tired of him

8. Someone coming out - thats just REALLY rare, but still looks related, as the chick thinks u lack looks so much that girls begin to look better and better every passing day

11. Compatibility issues - if girl thinks its kinda gross to makeout with her bf, then yea, tahts a compatibility issue

12. Burnout - again, its very hard to get tired of really good looks, and burnout happens when looks werent really there and personality clashes/issues occur

14. Failure to forgive - a girl is much more likely to forgive her 9/10 bf than she is her 5/10 bf

21. Lack of sex - hmmm maybe cuz the guy isnt hot enough to ignite sexual desires in the girl?

22. Bad sex - well, the guy could be hot but not be good in bed...but more often than not......BAD sex is due to a girl not being turned on cuz the guy thats fvckin her isnt a pleasure to look at.........just IMAGINE, you as the man fvcking a sexy blonde 9/10, ud basically get turned on no matter what, so looks do not PREVENT bad sex, but they do help bad sex be BETTER

All other reasons you list are rare or exclusive only to much older people (aka 30+), and i cannot relate to much older people.

The reasons I listed above, make up alot of why relationships end (especially cheating, getting tired of partner, and bad/lack of sex). YOUR MAKING MY POINT! UR MAIN REASONS ARE ALL LOOKS RELATED.

the ONLY thing that would not be looks related is if a girl cheated on her very hot azzhole bf with a sweeter nicer guy, but in that case, the azzholeness just overpowers the hotness

in reality, there is no way a girl will cheat on a guy who she thinks is the BEST she could possibly do lookswise, as long as he at least very least is a good enough bf personality wise

Dude, your argument is getting weaker and weaker. At first I was kind of with you, but as this has progressed I'm starting to wonder.
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