Lets hear your dumped, heartbroken or cheated on stories! (and how u recovered)


Don Juan
May 16, 2008
Reaction score
Alright boys, im still dealing with drama from my oneitis who cheated (same college thats why we interact). So i wanna hear some of your stories of what happened and about that one girl who ****ed you over and HOW U GUYS GOT OVER IT AND BECAME THE MAN you are today!


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
You don't want to hear mine because I broke up with my ex several times and lost interest in her before SHE finally got another man and broke up with me. Sweet! Where is the Champagne?


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
A Chick That I Dated For 3 Years Fukced Around On Me...then She Had The Nerve To Fix Her Mouth And Say "promise Me U Will Stay With Me"....lol...smh..

But Im Glad I Went Through All Of The B.s. Cuz It Made Me The ******* I Am 2day....i Was A Str8 Afc *****whipped Insecure Lame Ass Dude......but Now "fukc Them *****es"


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
Willis said:
A Chick That I Dated For 3 Years Fukced Around On Me...then She Had The Nerve To Fix Her Mouth And Say "promise Me U Will Stay With Me"....lol...smh..

But Im Glad I Went Through All Of The B.s. Cuz It Made Me The ******* I Am 2day....i Was A Str8 Afc *****whipped Insecure Lame Ass Dude......but Now "fukc Them *****es"
U might not be a AFC anymore but you are still a dumbass.... why do you need to write like that ... ?


Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2009
Reaction score
I dated this guy for a couple of years, we got on really great and i really loved him loads. The whole foundation of our relationship was based on trust. I was a real slut in bed, great friend to rely on, and we spent time together but had freedom to do our own thing. We only had two rules, if either of us got bored we would tell the other one straight and not drag it out and the second rule, if either of us cheated the other one would walk away and never come back. So, i get busy with work for a couple of weeks and his best friend convinces him I have walked away.... so he cheated on me... and then i really walked away. It took me so long to get over him. I really loved him like no one else before and he ruined it.

Jay kay

Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
Girls use to take huge advantage of me, when i was a teenager i had a huge crush on a girl i went to school with, one day she was in my area with some friends so i asked my brother to tell her i fancied her. I got talking to her later that day and we kissed on the lips. I was 14, she was 13 and it was the first time i ever kissed a girl.

After we kissed i started to chase her alot, getting my mates to tell her how much i liked her, even shouting it to her as she was walking home with her friends one day. I tried everything to get her to like me, but she didn't think of me as anything more than just a friend. It pissed me off to see her with guys she was attracted to, especially when i seen her kiss other guys. It tore my ****ing heart out.

And every valentines day i would send her a card, she would send me one only to make me think she fancied me, but was really because she knew how much i fancied her and didn't want to break my heart. She was that type of girl.

Not only did i send her valentines cards, or birthday cards, but one day i went to the jewelery store and purchased a ring and left it on her door step. What the **** was i thinking, lol! later that day i opened my front door and it was sitting on the ground in front of me, with a latter that said "Thanks but no Thanks".

After that i was lucky i found this community at the right time, god only knows what else i would have done for her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Cinamon said:
I dated this guy for a couple of years, we got on really great and i really loved him loads. The whole foundation of our relationship was based on trust. I was a real slut in bed, great friend to rely on, and we spent time together but had freedom to do our own thing. We only had two rules, if either of us got bored we would tell the other one straight and not drag it out and the second rule, if either of us cheated the other one would walk away and never come back. So, i get busy with work for a couple of weeks and his best friend convinces him I have walked away.... so he cheated on me... and then i really walked away. It took me so long to get over him. I really loved him like no one else before and he ruined it.
You're not my ex, are you?


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Prodigy746 said:
U might not be a AFC anymore but you are still a dumbass.... why do you need to write like that ... ?
Why shouldn't he write like that? Thats how REAL men talk. Y'know? The ones that actually get LAID? This isn't an Ivy league campus. Get outta town.:rockon:


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
prodigy746...why the fukc u caring about how i type and write *****.....u are so fukcin lame....lol...
i thought i was among real men not ****less little boys....


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Willis said:
prodigy746...why the fukc u caring about how i type and write *****.....u are so fukcin lame....lol...
i thought i was among real men not ****less little boys....
You consider yourself a man? I don't, but I'm at least on the road to it.
I read your post and had trouble figuring out what it said as well.
And if you were a real "man", you wouldn't lash out like you just did. You remind me of a little id with a temper problem. You'd stay cool, comfortable around the other guys. Instead you just made a fool of yourself and proved the other guy's point.

Grow up. And stop typing like a retard.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
who the fu<k cares what u think...no 1 ask u to type a comment on anything lil man...i didnt lash out idiot, i was defending my post


Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2009
Reaction score
amoka said:
You're not my ex, are you?
Could be, you a liverpudlian, that let the best woman ever to enter your life walk away? If not, then I am not your ex.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
I was dating a girl for several months. A few months into the relationship, she had this big trip planned to go to Europe for a few months. I didn't believe in long distance relationships so I thought I'd do the mature thing and break up with her, so she could enjoy her trip without me tying her down.

This saddened me because I was really into her, but I thought it was the best thing to do. She then pleaded that we should stay together. I thought this was weird because she always talked about wanting to "get away" from everything back home (including me), but being a naive fool I accepted it and was happy that things looked like they would "work out" despite the physical separation.

A month into her trip she cheated on me with some Frenchman and broke up with me via postcard.

I'm not sure what was worse, me being a naive tool, or losing out to a Frog.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
The thing about getting over a breakup is to channel your sorrows into other areas such as building up your own physical appearance, coming to this site to read to improve yourself and your game, and pursuing your other hobbies.

Of course, this is easier said than to do. Tough times when you find her on your mind 24/7 or during your bed times or everything that you do. It is a difficult phrase of life and most people went through that, so don't complain how difficult your position is because there are others out there who are in a worse situation than you. I recall reading a story in the Mature Man forum about his wife leaving him when he was back from war and had injuries, and was bedridden.

So the key is: To overcome, is actually to accept fully.

Accept that it's a past experience and that the slvt is gone for good. You had your experience and time to move on to something better and more worthwhile, treasure the extra time you have now into improving yourself so as not to fall into the same situation again.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Cinamon said:
I dated this guy for a couple of years, we got on really great and i really loved him loads. The whole foundation of our relationship was based on trust. I was a real slut in bed, great friend to rely on, and we spent time together but had freedom to do our own thing. We only had two rules, if either of us got bored we would tell the other one straight and not drag it out and the second rule, if either of us cheated the other one would walk away and never come back. So, i get busy with work for a couple of weeks and his best friend convinces him I have walked away.... so he cheated on me... and then i really walked away. It took me so long to get over him. I really loved him like no one else before and he ruined it.
This was partly your fault.
You should have made it clear you were busy with work, and I don't mean by just telling him either, you know men have trust issues. And why are you here?


May 23, 2008
Reaction score
My hor dumped me for a monkey, and the monkey dumped the hor for a human!!

So what does that make my ex-hor?

Answerr:... A hor!!!

A hor is what a hor does!!!

Hor see. Hor do!

I've recovered by playing on the monkey bars, at my local playground!

Kevin Feng

Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Well, I dated a girl for 2 years and then she cheated on me, which really sucked, I was depressed for about two years and then I decided to apply for the show, I don't know how the hell I made it on, but I did. I got kicked off on the second episode, which totally sucked, felt worse than getting cheated on.

I moved out to Los Angeles to work with Mystery/Matador and the Asian Playboy. I worked with all the top PUAs out there and they turned me into a Casanova ( not really ). Honestly guys, I just made a blog post about a day ago on the whole pick up scene in my perspective a year after the show. Definitely check it out, I had a pretty long talk with the other guys from the show and they all agree.

I think a more appropriate term that you should be abiding to is a social artist, NOT a pick up artist, work on building good friends first, then focus on the girl, unless you're cool with the shotgun direct approach:


Anyway, I applaud all of you for making this journey, it isn't an easy one, but it's definitely worthwhile



Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Willis said:
who the fu<k cares what u think...no 1 ask u to type a comment on anything lil man...i didnt lash out idiot, i was defending my post
You lashed out. End of story.

And I guess that the way forums work is that the poster needs to give EXPLICIT instruction on whether or not he wants people to comment on what he writes, because apparently forums only work like that.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
I was dating a girl for a 1.5 years and she was awesome during that time. Then I got stuck with a lot of sh!t including my ex-friend borrowing my car then crashing it, sh!tty roommates, court appearances for ex-friend, and a couple other major events in my life. So, another ex-best friend decided that the relationship was falling apart anyways, he would go after her.

He went after her, and she broke up with me for him. Now, she cries every night for letting herself do what she did. Especially since I am about to start seeing her best friend :D My ex-gf already agreed to allow me to see her without a problem *shrugs*
