Kino-touch phobias (sex charge/rejections)


Jan 14, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
Well, I saw that girl again today, and this time went into her apartment and watched some pictures. Her mom was also there. Nothing happened, but it was a novel experience for me to be inside a dwelling place with a girl, and it felt nice that someone trusted me.

As a result of this novel experience - during the scheduled 'porn-November' month, I will not be seeing any hooker and will defer that to the beginning of next year - I will be releasing a profile on lavalife and on craiglist, however, claiming I'm a 30 y/o virgin looking for a deflower and see what type of responses I get for kicks.

Whether I will get responses, or am able to follow through with the responses is another story. I have learned to keep the email correspondence as short and brief and pointed as possible, always a an email rule -- do not use more than two to three sentences on any email correspondence unless you risk saying too much and you want to lose her.

The responses to this special internet ad will be posted at the end of the October month, and will be compiled October 25th-November 1st, and released on the November 1st date and run for 30 days. **** NO

did u really just say what i thought u said????

u wanna assume the role of a b1tch and ask who wants to "deflower" u?????
thats almost as bad as SCHEDULING A MONTH FOR PORN

ur sliding and sliding and no one can help u anymore, we've all tried way too hard

u are a robot


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
Well, I saw that girl again today, and this time went into her apartment and watched some pictures. Her mom was also there. Nothing happened, but it was a novel experience for me to be inside a dwelling place with a girl, and it felt nice that someone trusted me.

As a result of this novel experience - during the scheduled 'porn-November' month, I will not be seeing any hooker and will defer that to the beginning of next year - I will be releasing a profile on lavalife and on craiglist, however, claiming I'm a 30 y/o virgin looking for a deflower and see what type of responses I get for kicks.

Whether I will get responses, or am able to follow through with the responses is another story. I have learned to keep the email correspondence as short and brief and pointed as possible, always a an email rule -- do not use more than two to three sentences on any email correspondence unless you risk saying too much and you want to lose her.

The responses to this special internet ad will be posted at the end of the October month, and will be compiled October 25th-November 1st, and released on the November 1st date and run for 30 days.
Go read my post again on the other thread where I tell you that you need to pull your head out of your ass.

And have you seen the chicks on Craig's List?


They'll go for you man. Even the fat ones. Just don't put any stupid crap in your ad like

"I'm a 30yo virgin. I have hairy hands. I don't really have nuts. Do you mind a rash?"

Leave that sh*t OUT. Otherwise it will repell them.

Just put your picture. Say some stuff you like to do in your spare time. What your income is: (make the number higher than it actually is). And say how you are looking for someone who is nice and has a great personality (and other crap along these lines.).

All the desperate chicks in their 30s and 40s will be FLOCKING to you. This is the time when you can be an AFC and get laid (or so I've heard). Just make sure you wear a rubber every time lest you want to be tied down once they "accidentally" get pregnant while "on the pill".


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
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:nervous: Is this for real?

If your a 30 year Virgin. I doubt you have to worry about grabbing anybody's a$$.

But if you could lose your career over it why do it? :down:

I have never grabed a a$$ outside the bedroom...(or during sex)...

You should study the basic kino and get to First Base!

Than when you get the sign move on to Second Base!

Third base should happen instinctual and natural.

Good luck on getting a grand slam!
May 23, 2006
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Ok. I may as well explain my position as this is going absurd.

I did a bootcamp on this board a while back and get the same type of feedback, get a stable career and move out the house before going into this player stuff. I went to mASF - same advise - they tell me to move out of parents house then come back to their board as their info wont help me if I'm under mommy. The reality is, getting laid or getting a girlfriend is lower in a priority scale then independence and making money - at least that's the feedback I've been getting from here and on that other board.

Well guys - I'm still here living with my parents - so as far as I'm concerned, the only thing I'm focusing on is getting my income up, getting good at my career, and then moving out of here. I have no time to get into girls until I've got my act together as girls wont pay my bills and put a roof over my head and take care of me like another momma.

Interesting, Call_Me_Daddy tells me to inflate my income, but what good is it if it's like nothing for a few months and it's haphazard and I'm stuck at home with parents.

This stuff - the 'negative internet profile' or whatever, is purely for entertainment and to see what types of people would respond to a profile like that, and when it was done in the past, people have responded to them. At the end of the day, either i didn't follow up or wore my heart (or c0ck) on my sleeve and scared them away on the e-dialogue. If I really needed to get laid tommorow, I'd use a hooker and that's it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
This stuff - the 'negative internet profile' or whatever, is purely for entertainment and to see what types of people would respond to a profile like that, and when it was done in the past, people have responded to them.

You love to be a victim of yourself don't you Luke?

masochism: Pleasure derived from physical or psychological pain inflicted on oneself either by oneself or by others. (coutesy of Google search).

Why would you do these kinds of things to yourself? You obviously love rejection. You get a kick out of it don't you? That's why all this negative crap. You ARE negative Luke. Negative toward yourself.

Getting rejected is all that you think about. And surprisingly its ALL THAT YOU GET.

Have you watched the documentary "The Secret" that A-Unit posted up?

I'll give you a summary of it: Whatever you keep thinking about... even if it is positive or negative, you will get time and time again as long as you keep focusing on it.

When you stop focusing on it and completely ignore it, it goes away.

The reason you keep getting rejected is because you THINK about getting rejected. The reason that you do not get laid, is because you DO NOT PUT ENOUGH FOCUS ON IT.

Try the following if you can:

Think about the process leading up to sex. The fun that you have with the chick, the conversation, you touching her and her responding very well. Think of all of this just up to the moment where she says that she wants you. "NOW"

Keep thinking of what you will do (make it realistic, no james bond crap). Keep thinking of the fun, the laughing and her responding to your advances.

This puts into play two very powerful "techniques". Visualization, and the Law of Attraction.

Look up visualization. I reccomend reading some articles about Schwarzenegger and how her used visualization to become the number one bodybuilder on the planet. One of the most popular movie stars on the planet, and the Governor of California.

If you put this into effect, its will be like hunting rabbits with a tank. (courtesy of Kraussus).


And another thing Luke. QUIT SKIMMING MY POSTS. I know you are doing it because if you really thought about what I wrote and put it into effect, your life would have been slightly better by now.

Another tip that I can pass on to you: Stop reading anymore crap on SoSuave. Really. Especially the new stuff on the discussion boards. Things like:

I can't get the girl.
I got dumped!! :cry: :cry:
My vagina is bleeding. Does she like a guy with a vagina?
I can't do it because:
I failed because:
She doesn't like me.
I'm in the LJBF zone. HELP ME! I'm desperate. :nervous:​

And more crap like that. Stop reading it. AT ALL. And focus more on sucess oriented articles and publication.

Either that or actually get out there and succeed. And hang out with positive people.

The negativity is preventing you from true happiness and satisfaction with your life. And you are attracted to it like a moth to a flame.

Ok. Back to lurking.
I'll respond to either of your two threads on the main Discussion again.
May 23, 2006
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I'm a serious type of guy that doesn't like to open up and talk to people and even saying 'hi' to people could be a 'challenge' in itself. I'm usually 'heavily guarded', have a tense and tight posture (a stiff if you will), and seem to be in heavy thought most of the time. All the attributes that would work against me - because that's not the type of person you can imagine that would loosen up, hang out and let go with a chick. I'd likely freeze up, and hope I"m not put in a spot to prove that I'm a normal guy. You already know that I'm analytical, and basically have all the social habits of a nerd or geek or someone that's bad with women.

What I'm saying is that it is difficult for me to visualise me having fun with a chick, but I'll give it a try and report back on December to see if this stuff works. I'll try one or a few visionalisations a day to see if it works - but I've already warned you in the paragraph above that it would not be congruent.

Call_Me_Daddy said:
And another thing Luke. QUIT SKIMMING MY POSTS. I know you are doing it because if you really thought about what I wrote and put it into effect, your life would have been slightly better by now.
That is not true. I'm not skimming your posts. I cant understand everything you are saying and sometimes it may click later sometime after reading.

Call_Me_Daddy said:
Either that or actually get out there and succeed. And hang out with positive people.
That's why I joined club REMAX - it's full of positive and successful people there, and I will be a successful agent.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
I'm a serious type of guy
Stop it. You're not helping anyone, including yourself. Learn to laugh at yourself and others. (Just don't go making fun of yourself in front of people on purpose)

that doesn't like to open up and talk to people and even saying 'hi' to people could be a 'challenge' in itself.
PlayerSupreme. Look him up. He gives great advice on making conversation. Really helped me. I got some mp3s if you like.
I'm usually 'heavily guarded', have a tense and tight posture (a stiff if you will), and seem to be in heavy thought most of the time. All the attributes that would work against me - because that's not the type of person you can imagine that would loosen up, hang out and let go with a chick.
Your problem: You are not comfortable in your own skin.

I'd likely freeze up, and hope I"m not put in a spot to prove that I'm a normal guy. You already know that I'm analytical, and basically have all the social habits of a nerd or geek or someone that's bad with women.
I know. I have some of that too. Mostly the analytical. You just have to stop thinking and analysing and start believing. You have to have faith. In whatever you choose. But mostly you should have belief in yourself and your abilities. aka: Confidence.

And if you don't have any abilities, then get some. And don't do it because other do... do it because you want to. If you believe that it leads to hapiness, then move in that direction.

What I'm saying is that it is difficult for me to visualise me having fun with a chick,
I'll let you in on a little secret:

If you think you are Batman every single day, you will eventually become batman.... kind of. You'll be that crazy guy in the cosutme running around at night.

If you think that you are a successful business man with motivation towards getting ahead... you will eventually become a successful businessman.

If you think that you are the greatest bodybuilder ever and you visualize yourself the way that you want to look like and perform during a contest. You will become that. (Schwarzenegger)

You are whatever you want to be. And the reason that you see yourself as a nerd and an analytical is because that what you labelled yourself as. That is the image that you see in the mirror. And that is the image that you see in your mind.

but I'll give it a try and report back on December to see if this stuff works. I'll try one or a few visionalisations a day to see if it works - but I've already warned you in the paragraph above that it would not be congruent.
With visualizations, its just like everything else. You have to crawl before you can walk. Just imagine yourself doing everyday things to get into the habit.

Think of making a sandwich, washing the car, reading a book you forgot about. And then go out and do that.

It gets your mind into the habit of: "If I think it, then I will go and do it."

Make this a habit.

THEN. After you get the basics down. Move the bar up a little. Think of saying hello with that cute secretary and chatting with her (instead of keeping it business). Think of yourself giving a great and lively presentation (intead of a mediocre one) at work.

And then progress up to thinking about how that chick you asked out has the hots for you and keeps rubbing your leg as you say nasty **** in her ear and feeling her up. Then you think about how cut and big you look in the gym. And think about driving that fast ride with all the bling on it. (Like NOX, rollcage, custom transmission... etc.)

Thing is, you have to progress slowly and keep your mind in check. Visualization is thinking and imagining with a PURPOSE, no daydreaming! And you are in control every step of the way.

If you started thinking about you doing some chick and winning competitions of your choice... it would be a dream at this stage. You have to raise the bar a little higher. Not so much that its a dream, but just ebough that it IS possible.
That's why I joined club REMAX - it's full of positive and successful people there, and I will be a successful agent.
No idea what that is. Beware the frauds.

And one more thing: Everything you are, everything you ever will be and everything you were (after the age of 16ish) is ALL YOU. You chose that. You chose to be who you are today. You did it slowly. Bit by bit. You created yourself and the life around you.

If you want a better life, all you have to do is create that. Bit by bit. One step at a time.

My suggestion to you would be to make a vision/goal board. (This helps with visualization and motivation. Really.)

Take a corkboard and put pictures of things that you like. Put a picture of a hot babe that you think you could get once you get your **** straight. Out a picture of a nice car. Like a BMW or a low-end ferrari or one of those nice restored classics. Put a picture of a house that you would like to be able to afford in a few years. And make it BIG. Not a multi-million dollar mansion, but just BIGGER than you think you could ever get. And keep looking at this stuff everyday for a few minutes and wishing you had it. Get into it alot. Feel yourself WANTING that.

Really gets your ass in gear when you know what you want and you see a little "preview" of what you could have once you straighten everything out.

-Courtesy of "The Secret" documentary A-Unit posted.

I'm using the vision board too. Just started applying the lessons from that documentary. Already I'm working harder at my studies (university), the gym, and just getting out and making more great friends.

Its great to have a reminder everyday of why you do things.

May 23, 2006
Reaction score
I had an opportunity to 'shoulder touch' a FUG today (but I'm so horney, that even FUG's are HB10's now), even felt instinctfully she may need it. My negative mind said, "you dont know what you are doing, you never did it before, she may think you are a creep', and I didn't do it. Next time, I'll do it anyway, and stick a middle finger to these types of thoughts in my mind.

Applying visualisation, I should of imagined myself touching her shoulder and her enjoying a friendly touch - rather than the negative thoughts. Been slacking off in that department lately. Men have to initiate. It would have been normal to do that.

- Well, I imagined it here then, that's what counts. If I did touch her, she would have enjoyed it. That's the version that I will accept right now, and I reject the negative thoughts here in front of my peers.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
Jesus Luke, it's been 2 months since you started this thread and you're still afraid to make even the most basic forms of touch with an ugly girl? What the hell have you been doing all this time?

What about the chick you were taking walks with? She seems like a perfect chick to practice this **** on.

You can't learn to ride a bike by reading about it Luke. You have to go do it.
May 23, 2006
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Lucas718 said:
Luke, it's been 2 months since you started this thread and you're still afraid to make even the most basic forms of touch with an ugly girl? What the hell have you been doing all this time?
You mean with women - nothing - I mean I talk to some girls or try to make eye contact, but I haven't focused on just touching everyone or getting good at that.

Lucas718 said:
What about the chick you were taking walks with? She seems like a perfect chick to practice this **** on.
I hugged her if that's what you mean a few times. I see her on occasion.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
I hugged her if that's what you mean a few times. I see her on occasion.
OK if you've seen this one a few times then she has some interest in you. Let's escalate things a bit. Next time you're sitting on the couch watching a movie you put your arm around her. If you're too scared to do that then try just resting your hand on top of hers, chances are good she'll grab it and hold it. Now you're building intimacy. Now you can do things like playing with her hair or massaging her shoulders.

Dude, I'm telling you this is the one you want to be working on. Escalate the kino.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
You mean with women - nothing - I mean I talk to some girls or try to make eye contact, but I haven't focused on just touching everyone or getting good at that.

I hugged her if that's what you mean a few times. I see her on occasion.

You need to pull your head out of your ass if you think this kind of anti-social behaviour is 'normal'.


Quit being so damn frigid. Would you like someone to do the same thing to you without good reason?

Do you like it when people are cold around you? Well you want to know why? Its because you do the same thing also. They are reflecting your state sometimes.


Jan 14, 2006
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look at the thread i made a while ago called "for Luke Skywalker" or somethin liek that - tell me that wasnt good advice which he has NOT followed whatsoever!


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
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South Carolina, USA
Luke Skywalker said:
1) In this day and age, if you dont go for consent and get a 'yes' and attempt something sexually, then legally that could be construed as sexual assault.
How in the hell is anyone going to be able to prove if you've touched them on the ass or not? Unless you have it on tape, I don't see much of a case 99% of the time.