Kino-touch phobias (sex charge/rejections)

May 23, 2006
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I'm making this new thread to deal with a 'kino-touch' phobia on random strangers.

I think one of my biggest fears of kino-touch stems from the fact, that if I touch someone's a$$ they could dial 911 on the cell phone or something or call the cops, or they may just start freaking out like crazy.

So #1 - phobia is the law. Now I noticed people here have no problems doing certain things so I need a reality check again with respect to this fear.

Now, I'm not thinking of going like a maniac and groping every girl in some sort of sick newbie mission, but I am curious as to the whole thing. My assumption is you would likely touch 'other areas' first and see if she repulses away - but suppose she doesn't repulse and just freaks out and goes crazy on you - suppose the first girl I try this one starts acting like a mad woman and like gets an seizure or something.

Is any particular type of woman 'easier' to practise this on?

#2: Suppose she rejects the kino or is a cold fish. Like, suppose she doesn't do anything back and just does NOTHING, no reciprocating.

So - I have a Real-Estate career, and they do criminal checks to renew my license, I take female clients out to show them homes and all that, and know any sex assault charge on record or conviction is going to screw me big time.

Well, waiting for inputs on this one...

I don't usually kino anyone - other than a hug, or a back touch, and usually it's very briefly. What are the real risks involved? Is this in my mind or is it real?


Dec 15, 2004
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you are unworthy


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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Luke, first, from another of your threads, don't hit on your clients, bad for many number of reasons.

Second, kino isn't grabbing someones a$$. Kino is putting your hand on their shoulder when you go up to greet them. I do this to both men and women in a non-sexual way, its just friendly, I'm just saying hi and giving them a pat on the back (or shoulder mostly).

Now since I'll do this with most of my close friends, when I meet a woman, I'll give her a pat on the shoulder, but then maybe rub her back a little bit and draw her in closer and continue a conversation.

Same thing when I'm wishing someone a good night, I'll grab them and either give them a punch or a rub, depending if its a male or female, respectively.

So kino will never get you trouble, if you are worried about getting into trouble then you aren't doing it right.
May 23, 2006
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rocky_mtn said:
Luke, first, from another of your threads, don't hit on your clients, bad for many number of reasons.
I dont hit on clients. Where did I say that?

I talked about introducing myself to people in public, like strangers, and talking with them, then saying I'm a Real-Estate agent - to anyone, including hb's as an approach strategy to elicit information about where they are living and who they are living with. If you have a more efficient or smoother strategy of eliciitng that type of information I'm all ears.

rocky_mtn said:
Second, kino isn't grabbing someones a$$. Kino is putting your hand on their shoulder when you go up to greet them. I do this to both men and women in a non-sexual way, its just friendly, I'm just saying hi and giving them a pat on the back (or shoulder mostly).

rocky_mtn said:
Now since I'll do this with most of my close friends, when I meet a woman, I'll give her a pat on the shoulder, but then maybe rub her back a little bit and draw her in closer and continue a conversation.
Ok. I've done that with dates, that's not a big deal. It goes without saying that you need touch to communicate trust. If someone wont let you touch them, they dont trust you.

rocky_mtn said:
So kino will never get you trouble, if you are worried about getting into trouble then you aren't doing it right.
That's what I tought. But other members give me the impression they can touch some women in their a$$ and it helps their game.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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Grabbing her a$$, pvssy, or bre@sts is a pass, not kino

Kino is:
- putting your hand on her back and walking closely when going down a crowded sidewalk
- holding her hand as you open the door with your other hand and guide her in
- gently slapping her on the side of her arm (or on the knee) when she says something really funny
- holding her hand when you are in the movies, in your car, in a quiet secluded spot
- rub against her if you are in a crowded area, in an alpha way that keeps your space and protects her.

Theres nothing wrong with making a pass when its time, but kino is a warm up, sometimes just friendly, sometimes more than just friendly, its a intermediate step before grabbing the goodies. If you go for the goodies too soon, thats when the b-shield comes up, but get her warmed up and get some good IOIs then go for it.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
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Hey Luke - the key to kino is escalation. Start out with something really innocent, a hug or your hand on her lower back - try to see how she reacts. Escalate to your hand on her arm when you want her attention while speaking, if she responds well perhaps your hand on her hand or on her knee. Try to make it natural and not a big thing or she will notice. Be aware of how she reacts and if she touches you back and let the comfort build slowly.

When the time comes for touching the more intimate areas the tension should be so built up that it really comes natural ;)


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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I kind of skipped ahead.

Here is how kino works. If you touch her, you look for a reaction. If none, you try one more time. If none give up.

If she smiles, plays with her hair good. Now sometimes if you have built up your skill level enough, she might even touch you back.

If so, in most situations you should continue touching, and hopefully she will continue touching you.

You can go for an ass grab if you have done enough kino effectively. Never touch a female on the ass unless you have been given signs.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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WOW, LUKE, man get the anxiety medicine back out :)

I don't recommend touching the female clients unless you're sure what you're doing. On the other hand, you aren't going to be prosecuted for an attempted palm reading at a mall. I do think a lot of people in this world have anxieties about all kinds of things, including touching others.
May 23, 2006
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So, if there is no IOI's on kino attempts then quit after two attempts, that's the threshold?
May 23, 2006
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everywomanshero said:
WOW, LUKE, man get the anxiety medicine back out :)

I don't recommend touching the female clients unless you're sure what you're doing. On the other hand, you aren't going to be prosecuted for an attempted palm reading at a mall. I do think a lot of people in this world have anxieties about all kinds of things, including touching others.
I dont touch female clients. I never said anywhere I do that.

I said, if I'm prosecuted in the law for touching a random female stranger, then I could lose my license because I cant have charges or convictions on my record to be in good standing for purposes of my career. I just saying I dont want trouble. The ratonale is, if I'm not safe with women in public, my license would definatley be screwed, because the license grantor wont take a risk of me dealing with female clients if they see that on record. I never said I make passes or even want to do any female clients. I may masturbate now and then, (usually softcore stuff), but that's about it.

I've read posts of people here who seem to be grabbing someone's a$$ within thirty minutes of interaction, somtimes even sooner, and I just wonder how they do that. But, all just the same, I understand the basic kino concepts here - and understand the difference now between making a pass and kino.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Dude, when I was AFC, I used to grope girls' asses all the time in crowded bars. Sometimes I got away with it, sometimes I got caught. I remember one time I overshot and actually ended up grabbing a girl's cooter. She shot me the most murderous look I've ever seen in my life. But I didn't get arrested.

One of the most important things about kino is that if YOU are uncomfortable with it, or feel like it's somehow "wrong", she WILL pick up on that vibe and feel the same way. So it MUST be natural for must fully believe that:

1) Touching girls is normal/acceptab;le
2) You like touching girls
3) MOST IMPORTANT: Girls like being touched by you.

I think you need to read the "DJ Bible". This is like, the BASIC basics of kinesthetics.

In answer to your questions:

#1 Start gradually with less erogenous zones and work your way up. NEVER "grope".

#2 If she doesn't like it, she will pull away or stop you. If you put your arm around you and she doesn't acknowledge it but she doesn't move away or interrupt the contact, then she's COMFORTABLE with it. You're money.

Oh, and don't sh!t where you eat...meaning don't sit there and try to "DJ" your clients at work.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Back in the more AFC days within meeting a girl at a bar I hand my hand down her top groping her boobs on a stage in the back of a bar. That same girl later took me to her 'uncles' house which ended up being a crack house. LOL. She didn't do drugs and was well dressed, but you never know who you're meeting for sure out there. Generally speaking though, I might still do somethig clowning aroudn like take a picture down a girl's top if she's wearing a low cut top or something jokingly when we go out to clubs. I'm not intentionally avoiding those areas, but I'm not super-perv man, either.

I really am not into groping girl's. As with squirrel, that was something I did when I was pretty AFC, actually I never did it much even then. I don't think it's something a man needs to be concerned with. I've had sex with lots of women and I didn't need to grope their asses within 30 minutes in public places :) At the same time on the dance floor I might spank a girl or something, it all depends, 90% of the time I am interacting with women it isn't to get laid and certainly not to get her approval anyway. It's just to have fun. I've never had a girl who threatened to call the cops or anything like that over kino... pulled their hands back or seemed reluctant or something, but it almost always has the opposite effect of making them more comfortable. I've had quite a few women get mad over something I've said though. again, I am not really on this earth to win the approval of every human being I encounter. I consider an occasional bad reaction normal or even desirable.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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So, if there is no IOI's on kino attempts then quit after two attempts, that's the threshold?
Instead of trying to predict the outcome or her reaction, why don't you just go out and try it?

Attracting and dating women isn't something that can be flowcharted like a computer program. You just have to go for it and see what happens. It's kinda like opening a birthday present. If you always knew what was inside that nicely wrapped box before opening it, it wouldn't be as exciting to open it, and it wouldn't be a surprise.

Think of women as a package that can be opened. Sometimes you'll end up with a diamond necklace, a gold plated ring, a bag of dirt, or even a mouldy sandwich. The surprise is waiting to be discovered, so quit shaking the box, measuring it's size, and weighing it to figure out what's inside. Just open her up and see for yourself what's inside!
May 23, 2006
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squirrels said:
Dude, when I was AFC, I used to grope girls' asses all the time in crowded bars. Sometimes I got away with it, sometimes I got caught. I remember one time I overshot and actually ended up grabbing a girl's cooter. She shot me the most murderous look I've ever seen in my life. But I didn't get arrested.
What about day-venues like malls, libraries, street, students coming home from all girls schools with uniforms on, etc.... ? Well this makes me feel better, if you were an AFC and you did that, then I must be WBAFC.

squirrels said:
One of the most important things about kino is that if YOU are uncomfortable with it, or feel like it's somehow "wrong", she WILL pick up on that vibe and feel the same way. So it MUST be natural for must fully believe that:

1) Touching girls is normal/acceptab;le
2) You like touching girls
3) MOST IMPORTANT: Girls like being touched by you.
Well, this is a bit difficult to digest for example:

1) In this day and age, if you dont go for consent and get a 'yes' and attempt something sexually, then legally that could be construed as sexual assault.

So far you touched women in crowded bars, and maybe you could touch women in crowded venues, but would you go up to anyone in a department store you like, that appears single and grab her a$$?

My own religious beliefs also would factor in discouraging touch, but for purpose for this thread I'm putting that on stealth mode, and let's assume that the only problems I have with touching is fear of prosecution.

I've read news articles about a woman that was jogging, and a Black guy went up to her and groped her a$$ and fled into the woods, and they had him on a suspect list. I've also heard warnings given out about some man that was groping women near a certain intersection. To me random groping people's a$$ sounds like serious stuff.

I just want to know how you guys get away with it. Is it looks? You just have a special chick-magic, or are you just groping the right girls?

2) Of course I like touching girls in my mind or this thread would not be placed on. The question is how to take what's in mind and translate that into a social reality without nuking myself in the process.

3) Well, I"ve had some positive experiences with women in my life in the past, which are very far and few inbetween. However, my psyche is ingrained from childhood and by negative reinforcements of the exact opposite of that assertion.

For example, in elementary school - girls would say I have the coodies and only touch me with their clothes over their hands like I had the plague. I've never been in a relationship and really dont have allot of positive experiences with women, especially in the touch department. I'm so brainwashed against touch, that a couple of girls in my life did touch me, but I still didn't touch them back because even with IOI's they were still the same as everyone else in my mind.

Squirrels said:
#1 Start gradually with less erogenous zones and work your way up. NEVER "grope".

Squirrels said:
#2 If she doesn't like it, she will pull away or stop you. If you put your arm around you and she doesn't acknowledge it but she doesn't move away or interrupt the contact, then she's COMFORTABLE with it. You're money.

Oh, and don't sh!t where you eat...meaning don't sit there and try to "DJ" your clients at work.
Wow. You are a genious. If she doesn't acknowledge it but doesn't move away or interrupt. Escalate if there is no interruption.

Make the ho say no, even in touch. This is gold advice, I never think of that, I thought she had to give IOI's or something.

JACKPOT!!! That's all I can say. I'll keep that in mind. I need to have tests. Great.

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
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New York
Trust me there is nothing to be afraid about doing Kino, Kino is basically done naturally, and is only rewarded with good behavior. If she is yelling at your, your not going to be kinoing because she is being bad.

What you want to do is build from the ground up, start small and then get big, only if like starts kinoing you or if you go in strong with kino and she comply then there is nothing wrong.

You shouldn't be scared to kino a girl because it isn't much of a deal anyway, your just giving her a pat on the back or you just have your arm around her because you just said "Your now my new gf".

The best way to do kino is to be the one who starts it and finish it, if you feel some discomfort with her then cut it off quicker.

A real life example was this chick in my class, has a serious ass, (You know Nelly Tip drill video with them girls with fat asses) An wanted to just fuvk I never talked to her only gamed her friends which got her attracted through social proof. But during class one time my leg was on her thigh and she had no probably she would move so her legs touch her ass. One time she tried to make me vote for something and I touched her ass, until one day we was basically dry humping during class and she moved my legs from hers. 5 mins later we were at it agian.

(That girl had a Bf and yet she didn't comment nothing bad.)

Another time this girl tried to steal my computer. (Out of all the computers) She had a fat ass too and her ass brushed my hand. (Her butt was so soft Ima fuvk her ending of this year or next year for sure) I end up going in sexual state and gaming her, and then she kinoed me by grabing my neck and mistakenly my hand palmed her ass. She just said "You just touched my butt?" as if she didn't know if I did or not, but she didn't do nothing she actually liked it.

Basically KINO is no big deal just do i, calibrate as to how you can touch them
May 23, 2006
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Ok, I'm just sampling all this here for a future bootcamp.

But, would a kino-touch start a new type of Newbie mission?

The last proponent of a touch based Newbie mission was Tyler Durden, which advocated at one time, bumping into women accidentally, or accidentally touching them in some way or another.

Perhaps, I'll incorporate this into a future bootcamp. I have about three female friends (one of them more of a 'friend' than the others), that I'll probably play with the suggestions.

In terms of groping or touching people at work or clients, a married Real-Estate agent gave me a whole set of IOI's including winking at me, touching my shoulder, touching my back, but of course, I didn't touch her back or anything, because, she was married and because it was work. I'm definately not going to be into that.
Aug 6, 2006
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This is slightly off topic, but in Japan, they have women-only subway trains because groping is such a problem there. I really hope no other country has a harassment problem of this proportion
May 23, 2006
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Distant Light said:
Trust me there is nothing to be afraid about doing Kino, Kino is basically done naturally, and is only rewarded with good behavior. If she is yelling at your, your not going to be kinoing because she is being bad.

What you want to do is build from the ground up, start small and then get big, only if like starts kinoing you or if you go in strong with kino and she comply then there is nothing wrong.
So, you feel she has to 'acknowledge it or reciprocate' before escalating?

Distant Light said:
You shouldn't be scared to kino a girl because it isn't much of a deal anyway, your just giving her a pat on the back or you just have your arm around her because you just said "Your now my new gf".
I definately need a bootcamp or mission on this.

How would a bootcamp/mission be crafted to get used to kino? Should I bump into women 'accidentally' or just randomly touch women on their shoulder or something?
Aug 6, 2006
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I really hate to say this, but even when you're with a girl who likes you, THESE DAYS its difficult not to get scared of a lawsuit. I really don't know, its pretty much a gamble, much before you touch her make sure she's really hitting it off with you
May 23, 2006
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reallyfreakinlost said:
I really hate to say this, but even when you're with a girl who likes you, THESE DAYS its difficult not to get scared of a lawsuit. I really don't know, its pretty much a gamble, much before you touch her make sure she's really hitting it off with you
Well, as they say with gambling, if you cant afford to lose, then you shouldn't play. But is it also realistic to believe most girls are legal parannah fish ready to bite, fight and pounce any guy that touches them.

I mean that type of fear also bites into approaching women because you wonder what type of psycho 'who may call the cops on you if you touch them' you are approaching.