Keep an emergency set of clothes and toiletry items in your car at all times


Don Juan
May 15, 2011
Reaction score
This isn't about style, substance, picking up women, or anything like that. This is a tip that can translate well into any area of your life. Be prepared.

Keep an emergency set of clothes and a travel toiletry kit in your car at all times. Maybe even two sets of for work and one set of nice clothes that you'd feel comfortable wearing out when DJing.

Why is this important / what taught me this?

Saturday I was out entirely too late and ended up sleeping through my alarm Sunday morning. The problem with that? I woke up late, and I had to be at church at 7:45AM to play drums. My clock said 7:43 the first time I looked at it. I basically threw on a polo shirt and flew out of my house, hadn't shaved in a couple of days, and honestly could have almost passed as a homeless guy.

No big deal, it's just church. Well, I had a family member's birthday party, an HB8's grad party, and a date with a new plate afterwards.

I could look like I did around my family without fear, and in church, but no way could I pull it off when I'm trying to DJ. Especially a first impression around a new girl.

Luckily, my dad taught me one thing in life worth prepared for anything.

Went to family's b-day party, disappeared into a bathroom for 10 minutes, and when I came out, and the looks on my relative's faces were hilarious. It was like Clark Kent walked into the bathroom, and walked out as Superman.

Also, I can remember a few times in my life where preparedness has saved me because I ended up crashing at a woman's house nowhere near where I lived when I had to work the next morning. Preparedness pays.


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2011
Reaction score
I do this pretty much every morning when I crash at my girls house, true stuff. I will have a polo or two in my car. I'm supposed to be dressed a little nicer than jeans and a polo but no one says ****.

And if all else fails we have "casual day" stickers where I could just come straight into work and slap one of those on.(But again I'm prepared and save at least one)

Also I"ll probably have some gel in my hair still after crashing at my girls so when I get into work I'll just re-gel it. Kind of nasty I know but I shower later anyway so w/e.


Don Juan
May 15, 2011
Reaction score
joverby said:
I do this pretty much every morning when I crash at my girls house, true stuff. I will have a polo or two in my car. I'm supposed to be dressed a little nicer than jeans and a polo but no one says ****.

And if all else fails we have "casual day" stickers where I could just come straight into work and slap one of those on.(But again I'm prepared and save at least one)

Also I"ll probably have some gel in my hair still after crashing at my girls so when I get into work I'll just re-gel it. Kind of nasty I know but I shower later anyway so w/e.
The only times I've ever worn gel in my hair at work were 'those' times. It was usually pretty obvious where I was :rock:


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
ha ha, I started doing that last year as well.

you never know when you'll need it.