Just wants sex?


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
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So its been a while, and I have to say since I found the community my life has went from terrible to almost perfect, I've achieved almost every goal I set on day 1. Now I feel like something is missing though. I met a new girl that is really awesome, now i've met alot before, and I've had onitis before many times, thats how it started I suppose, but even as I am with other girls, for some reason she sticks out to me, and I have never hooked up with her or even kissed her.

So last night I was at a party and her friends were there, and informed me that she likes me, however she just wants sex. For some reason, I regularly would be happy about that but im not. I definatly am attracted to her and do want to have sex with her eventually, but I feel like if I do now then its all im going to get.

Really, I just have no idea what to do next. My friends all tell me to just stop being a b**** and do her. Her friends say I need to do it. I feel like im being used if I do it. What would you guys do?

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Cloud 9
Next her, she sounds like a fvcking slut. I think you do not want a girlfriend like that.
Tell her you just wanna be friends or you can just be honest and say "I don't want a sexual-only relationship with you."

You can definitely do way better man. I know ya can.

Black suit

Don Juan
Jun 2, 2008
Reaction score
Seriously, I'd next her. I might act slightly differently in person, but I'd lose pretty much all interest at a prospect like this. When suddenly everyone's insisting you do her, something's majorly ****ed up.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
Yea, I may next her, but i'l wait for other responses. Should be noted however that she isnt a slut, because thats the first thing I thought, but after asking around it turns out she has had one bf who they broke up a year ago, and thats it, shes flirted with other guys but it hasnt gone beyond friends as far as I know. Idk you guys are probably right to next her, I'm thinking if I have sex with her I may get attached and we all know what happens if she dosen't think of me the same way.

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Cloud 9
navyseal2101 said:
she has had one bf who they broke up a year ago, and thats it, shes flirted with other guys but it hasnt gone beyond friends as far as I know.
until now.

btw if she definitely only wants sex with you, how isn't she a slut?


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
Well she said shes not sure if she wants a relationship, thats why I was hesitant to have sex with her now. Idk though, not sure could just be no, but mabye she does ugh idk. I'm going to talk to my friend and see what she has to say, I've only talked to her friends and my guy friends, I should get a non-biased female opinion also, and of course your guys opinions ;). I'm trying to not put her on a pedistal and say shes not a slut if she is, I just dont think she is, but your right, her just wanting sex could make her a slut.

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Cloud 9
Well man what I honestly think you should do is tell her the conditions you want, you know take control of your relationship.

Just be like "I don't want to have sex with a girl if we're not in a relationship. I just don't believe in one-night stand types of relationships, I'm sorry."


Senior Don Juan
Apr 5, 2004
Reaction score

I'd sleep with this girl then use other girls for touchy feely nonsense.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, OR
"So I'm just a piece of meat to you, is that it?"

If you don't think you can handle it, then don't do it. For all the guys calling this girl names without knowing her, what's the deal? So if she wants sex with no strings attached she's a slut, but then when you're trying to get in some girl's pants the next day and she won't hook up out of a relationship, she's a prude. You can't have it both ways. Don't demonize someone of the opposite sex just because they like having a good time.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
Waking Up said:
I never thought I'd hear a guy post this type of thread. :p
And to be honest, I never thought i'd be writing one lol.
If you don't think you can handle it, then don't do it. For all the guys calling this girl names without knowing her, what's the deal? So if she wants sex with no strings attached she's a slut, but then when you're trying to get in some girl's pants the next day and she won't hook up out of a relationship, she's a prude. You can't have it both ways. Don't demonize someone of the opposite sex just because they like having a good time.
Yea that actually makes sense, shes just trying to have fun like basiclly any guy on this forum, myself included, would do so. Mabye I should just do it and if its meant to happen then go with it, if it only happens once, well then i'll move on. Thanks for pointing that out.


Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
i was in a similiar situation at one point as you man. Me and the girl ended up going out and being the sex fiend she was she cheated on me at a party. I will never date someone thats known for being a slut again.

but id screw her if thats what she wants haha


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
Well today I started talking to her. Idk, she just dosent seem like a slut or a sex fiend. I'm starting to doubt that now. Anyway I number closed, and the way she acted the whole time, like she tried to tell a joke and I didnt get it and she got all embarrased and it was kinda cute and she was all smiley when I number closed, idk just dosent add up to me. To be continued.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
navyseal2101 said:
Well today I started talking to her. Idk, she just dosent seem like a slut or a sex fiend. I'm starting to doubt that now. Anyway I number closed, and the way she acted the whole time, like she tried to tell a joke and I didnt get it and she got all embarrased and it was kinda cute and she was all smiley when I number closed, idk just dosent add up to me. To be continued.
Dude...dont fall for her fvcking tricks. Its all fake. Trust me. This girl is a fvcking SLVT. Absolutely no doubt about it. It doesnt matter what she says or what her friends say, because theyre obviously going to put in a good word for her and tell you what you WANT to hear.

Trust me bro, dont go down this path its only gonna lead to trouble. Bottom line is that this girl just wants you inside her cuz shes obsessin over you and is just dying to fvck you and then kick you to the curb. Trust me bro, thats how its gonna happen.

Do what you want with her, but consider yourself warned. (And please, wear a condom and dont get herpes from this chick. seriously).

Good luck


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
Ill keep that in mind, and yea I keep the condoms stashed, no worries. Yesterday she went up to 2 of my friends, 1 boy and 1 girl and talked aboutt he number close and said I was cute. Could be unrelated but then the girl friend of mine this morning asked me if I would make her my gf. Idk, was going to party with her tonight but probably am not going to invite her. My friends have a mountian house though and i'm going to invite her for the weekend and see what happens. I decided I would probably be fine just hooking up with her, but still would rather have a relationship.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
navyseal2101 said:
Ill keep that in mind, and yea I keep the condoms stashed, no worries. Yesterday she went up to 2 of my friends, 1 boy and 1 girl and talked aboutt he number close and said I was cute. Could be unrelated but then the girl friend of mine this morning asked me if I would make her my gf. Idk, was going to party with her tonight but probably am not going to invite her. My friends have a mountian house though and i'm going to invite her for the weekend and see what happens. I decided I would probably be fine just hooking up with her, but still would rather have a relationship.
Dude come on your not thinking straight! Your letting this girl get to your head! Listen to what your saying: You want a relationship with a girl who only cares about and wants SEX, and you just met her!

Don't let yourself get pulled into this trap bro. You're already getting wayyyy too emotionally attached to her, simply because shes giving you what every guy wants: sex.

You gotta get your head back together and cut all emotional strings with this girl, and if you still want, fvck the sh*t out of her and thats it. Getting into a relationship will absolutely 100% wind up with you becoming her b*tch and she CHEATING on you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
UGHHH. Well I know it wouldnt get too out of control, I took a pretty unorthadox safety measure on that lol. I told 2 of my friends that if I ever get into "*****" status then they have permission to have sex with my gf. As far as i know, i'm the only person that has done that, and my friends thought when I told them that it was a joke lol. But yea I am getting pretty attached, I realised it when I got mad I wasnt hanging out with her tonight, that shouldnt dictate a good time for me. Well I wont see her for 3 days so well see if that helps.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
Yea I don't rly care if her friends hear about it, if I wanted to game them I would. Yea condoms are good lol.