Jesse Pinkman's approach/field reports thread.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
A lot to get to but I have been sick in the past few days, like really sick and run down, so I did not have the time to talk about my wild weekend. Get ready folks, this one is going to be a doozy!

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score

I had to practically force myself to go out and go solo at my usual spot. TBH, I was not even feeling it for the most part. However, pulled it off. Went out and did some approaches. Opened this fat chick and her friend standing near the indoor part of the bar asking them how much entry is, fat chick lost it and said to me "we are not the bouncers stupid".

Move inside, open a Latina with a tattoo but she does not speak English. I open two Latinas and it goes alright, tell them that they must be Colombian, they were Cuban. To screw with them I said I am from Boston. They said "you just ruined your chances for the night bro", I replied with "by telling you the truth about where I am from?". One of them said "I respect that!". It goes well with the banter but they are not really feeling it.

I then walk around and open this three set, all from France. I ask where and they said "Paris", I reply with "uh so boring", they give me the blank stare and say "okay". I've been running into more French chicks in recent weeks and really need to get my game back with them. Maybe @Who Dares Win can give me his thoughts on how they are like but I have not been a big fan of the ones in Miami so far.

Then I walk around and see a 5-set which I boldly open. One girl has a white coat on and I open with "so this is the manager of the whole group". The group laughs but the girl is playful with me. We banter back and forth, she got drunk after work and came to the bar. We had a fun banter but for some reason, I guess due to rustiness or nervousness, I dip out of the set sooner than I wanted. She reached in to hug me and kissed me on the cheek. Full regret on my part, I could have stuck around and done something with that!

Open two drunk Latinas, they were not having it. I see these two brunettes wearing all black and open them but as soon as I do, one immediately snaps at me and says "no sorry go away, rough night". I reply with "I can tell". I have seen a pattern whenever I have done 10 approaches in a night, at least 1 set or group of girls will be total b1tches.

I then open this one blonde but she is eating food while watching the basketball game. It goes alright overall but she lives far away. I still try to close for the Insta and she gives it to me but not going anywhere.

I open 2 blondes next, both have their boyfriends next to them so I dip out fast.

I then open 2 Cuban girls but it really doesn't go anywhere either. I feel like after midnight, I just wanted to be outta there.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
5/20/23 - Daygame.

I was going to head to a wild party later on in the night, it was sort of exclusive. I get hit up by an old wing (more on that later) and we decide to do some daygame. Overall, wing is approach way more but just getting demolished. I open this blonde in a blue dress but it is a halfway open, does not go anywhere, just tough to do in a crowded mall.

The next set I walk ahead of this blonde and try to open her but a couple have cut in front of her. I keep walking and then open her later but she was not feeling it.

Wing is doing approaches left and right but then I decide I need to do more approaches. I see this redhead sitting down and open her, she is surprisingly friendly. We banter back and forth and she tells me about what she does for a living. The chat is good overall but when I ask her what she has going on, she tells me she is waiting for her BF to come outta the bathroom. I swear, with daygame, whenever a girl is standing by herself outside of a store or sitting outside of a store, she is either waiting on her SO or her friends. Overall, a pretty cool girl but I respectfully walk away.

For a while, I have lull where I do not do an approach and my wing is getting blown out left and right, he is visibly frustrated. Then as we are waiting at a traffic light (or crossing sign), I notice that it says stop but the light is red. I decide to walk but before I do, I say to these two girls to the right of me "looks like we can go". They go and then I say "you know we are breaking the law together now right?". These girls laugh about it.

I walk ahead of them a bit and one has a Yankees hat on, I immediately say "I knew you all were from NYC! I could just tell before even seeing that hat!". The girls laugh and find it funny. I say "the good NYC, like Manhattan, not the loud yelling NYC". The girls are into the conversation and even stop to talk to me. I keep chatting and it is going well overall. Soon we walk into the mall together with my wing following and I introduce him. The girls are very playful, at least mines was, and we keep chatting. One of them is super into crypto and soon after that, I ask for IGs. Both give them to me.

One of the girls actually followed me back as well after accepting my IG (both IGs were private). Keep track of this as it will matter for the next part of the report.


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
D@mn, @Jesse Pinkman. I have to go to work. I feel like you left me in a cliffhanger.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
Reaction score
Nice example of the numbers game.
Sounds like you were getting rejected again and again despite knowing game.
But i get the feeling it has a happy ending! :)
It's all about finding the girls who like you. A game of volume! Not of 'skill', really
Good perseverance. Nice one

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
5/20/23 - The Party and meeting a Red Pill Legend in person.

I was pinged weeks ago about a party where the dress code will be all-white and I decide to go, still had to pay for tickets but it was reasonable since I knew a promoter. The party is a party and a charity event as well. Last year when I went, the ratio was insanely good and there were a lot of hot girls there. I go and arrive somewhat early but I walk towards where they were doing a photoshoot. This random young black kid and I make small talk, he is actually taking a Social Circle Game bootcamp that the promoter of the party is running.

Then, I see him, the man, myth, and legend himself, Rollo Tomassi. I walk up to him and introduce myself and I have to say, he was a pretty cool guy. Even in his old age, he looked like someone who really cares for himself. The guy was in great physical shape and had massive biceps as well. While it is tough to agree with him on everything, I have to say that the guy was practicing what he preached. We made a decent amount of small talk and I even had a pic taken with him. Cannot post it on here but to some trusted folks who know me well, especially mods and admins, I am happy to share it over DMs so you can confirm my claims.

After that, it was time for me to start approach. Me and the black dude take a lap around the pool and the area itself. I am actually going to break these approaches down because all of the girls were hot.

3 set.

I see these girls trying to take photos of each other and I interject with my opener "looks like you all need to take a photo of all three of you, I got you", they are happy about it and one lends me her phone. I take a few photos of all three of them but talk to one in particular, it is this tall brunette with freckles, a cute face, and pretty blue eyes. We really get into the conversation and she tells me she moved here from NJ. Ask her what led her to Miami out of all places and she said she loved the vibe here. We are getting on well and she even puts her hand on my shoulder. Then she leads me to the pool chair to chat since her heels are killing her, I oblige.

We chat for a good bit and notice that quite a lot of time has passed. She then says "my phone is getting hit up, you made me lose my friends". I ask for her IG and she says "we need grab coffee sometime". I help her find her friends and come to check my clock, over 30 min has passed with me talking and vibing with this chick. More on this later.


Remember those girls I closed earlier in the day with daygame? Well, I ask these two girls if they want their pic taken but as I turn around all the way, IT IS THE SAME FREAKING GIRLS! WTF! What are the odds of that? We make small talk a bit but that was about it. I did not want to force anything. One girl had followed me back while the other did not even accept my request. We had a great laugh over it though.

2 set.

I open this hot blonde and her tall brunette friend, both were Ukrainian and get this, Hindu! Never heard of a Ukrainian Hindu in my life but these two were it. We are vibing quite well but I notice, as usual, the brunette is digging me way more than the blonde. I let the black dude talk to the blonde as I work the brunette. Brunette squeezes my shoulder and I grab her ass which makes her groan and give me that devious look. Still manage to get her IG because I know that closing from an event like this can be tough and I want to be free to do other approaches.

Brunette was wearing a dress and I put my hand on her inner thigh as we chatted. She asks me where I live and I tell her what part of Miami, she says she wants to explore it more, I tell her I can help her. We are talking slowly and seductively as I look into her eyes. She squeezed my shoulder in a way that really aroused me and almost made me moan. However, the blonde wants to drag her friend away because apparently my new wing had seriously screwed up the interaction. As blonde drags her friend away, friend is reaching her hand out with a drunk look on her face.

Latina and Long Island Blonde.

I once again walk up to these two girls and open them saying that they need to have their photos taken and I got them. They seemed happy at first and we made small talk. I am vibing somewhat decently with the blonde and the Latina. However, at some point, the interaction dies out to where they are only talking to each other. I ask for their IGs which they happily give me but that was about it.

3 Latinas sitting down.

I open with the same line of "looks like you all want someone to take a photo of all of you on one of your phones", they smile and agree. I do it and then afterwards, make small talk. Two of the Latinas are not feeling me but one does. We chat for a good few minutes but the friends are clearly not interested. I do get her IG and she does follow me back so there is that.

2 Set, Muslim girl and Latina.

I see these two girls walking in my direction and one had a white hood on while wearing summer clothes. Not sure what went through my mind but I open her with "Assassins Creed!". Both of the girls got the reference and found it funny. Both were visiting from LA and both seemed to be in somewhat of a rush. I decide to grab their IGs anyways after a short chat but not likely that anything came of it.

Girls with glittery dresses.

I approach these two hot blondes with glittery dresses and ask "so how many people are going blind because of yall tonight?". They found it kind of funny but just wanted me to get lost.

Three set from Brickell.

I see these three hot girls and open them with the same line saying "all three, need your photo taken, but who's phone is the question". All three of them agree but just as they do, some photographer guy comes in to sweep up my set. I am like WTF man. One of the girls calls him out and says "we already had pro pics done over there and he was the one that talked to us first, you can wait sir". WOW! I continue on and take a pic of all 3. Talk to one while the other two are talking to each other, she moved to Miami from AZ and said she is never going back to AZ, I wonder why @SW15 and @BillyPilgrim.

Manage to get her IG but that was about it, she was practically done with her night.

A handful of other approaches.

I approached maybe 3 more girls but it was not the greatest reception and the night was winding down, however, I was not going to give up.

Camera guy and staff approach me.

I get approached by a different camera guy and staff telling me "you puttin in work my guy". I take pride in it at this point. More on this later.

Dark haired girl sitting down.

I approach this dark haired girl sitting down and tell her "I'll do it and take a pic of you", she smiles and says she will appreciate that. I take a couple of pics but then we talk. She is Persian and from Atlanta, cool overall vibe to her. We chat about a whole bunch of stuff and then she says she wants me to take more pics of her. Come to find, she is close friends with the guy who is the Social Circle Game coach running the event. I take a couple of pics but then some random dude talks to her while having her pic taken. I stop as I have this girl's phone on me.

A solid minute has passed and this dude keeps talking to her, seems like a friend. Then I take a pic again as she asks but then the guy gives me orders on what to do. I smirk a bit as he is yelling at me drunk, seems like a jealous friend. However, I take more pics of her and give her the phone. We vibe some more for a bit but the guy is just sticking around. He is one of the students of the Social Circle Game coach, big shock there. I leave em to be for the time being.

Hot girl sticks up for me.

This super hot but drunk redhead comes up to me and says "you seen any puss tonight?". I tell her "nah". She says "alright whatever high five" but then fakes me (or turns me) by taking her hand away. I am like wtf bro but then some random blonde comes up to me and high fives me. She had a great vibe to her and was visiting from Vegas. We talk for a solid minute but she earned my respect in a big way compared to most girls I ran into. Overall a great time with her and I tell her I am visiting her when I am in Vegas, I probably will find a way to do so.

After that I think I did a few more approaches but then decided that I want to call it a night.

Got like 14 IGs and 6 of them followed me back, actively DMing about 4 of them back and forth.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Then, I see him, the man, myth, and legend himself, Rollo Tomassi. I walk up to him and introduce myself and I have to say, he was a pretty cool guy. Even in his old age, he looked like someone who really cares for himself. The guy was in great physical shape and had massive biceps as well. While it is tough to agree with him on everything, I have to say that the guy was practicing what he preached.
Very cool that you ran into Rollo Tomassi.

Talk to one while the other two are talking to each other, she moved to Miami from AZ and said she is never going back to AZ, I wonder why @SW15 and @BillyPilgrim.
Arizona sucks in a lot of ways. While there are some positive attributes, the negatives outweigh the positives. It's also gotten worse in the last 15 years too and it wasn't all that great in the 2000s.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Reflections on the event.

I might do a separate thread on this but I do not know, here are some of the takeaways I wanted to share.

1. Rollo got mad attention.

I always saw hot girls talking to him and picking his brain. Yeah the dude is married and I had mixed feelings about him but after meeting him, I must say that he is the real deal from what I saw so far. Do I think he is wrong on some things? Sure. Do I think he overreacts too much sometimes? Sure. Overall though, solid guy.

2. A number of "Social Circle Game" guys seemed like a bunch of p-ssies.

For one, most girls were just in their groups talking to other girls. When I approached them, they were cool and friendly. Some "social circle" guys there seemed to be like decent people and I respect that, not all of the, are bad people here. However, some of them were sticking to themselves but when I would talk to girls, break into my set. Some got visibly annoyed at me talking to girls and showed their frustration. I did not include it on one approach but a dude got called out by a girl who said to him "you are not my boyfriend bro and strangers talk to each other at parties, ease off".

I do not want to disrespect social circle game entirely because the host of the event was kind enough to invite me, sure, some of those guys are amazing guys. However, a lot of dudes were too afraid to talk to women which I can still respect. It was just that some of these dudes acted openly jealous and were trying to ruin interactions, luckily none of them succeeded.

One even approached me and said "hey bro, you cannot just come here and talk to girls, you need to say hi to the guys too!". I give him a blank stare, say "hi!" while waving, and then walk away.

3. Maybe I went overboard.

I tried not to be that PUA guy at the event. I didn't try any overtly sexual things with women except for the one Ukrainian brunette who got touchy with me first. Outside of that, I was respectful. If a woman told me she was not interested, I backed off. All of my approaches were indirect and usually involved asking women if they want me to take all of their pics, most women were receptive to it. I may have commented on a couple of glittery dresses but that was it. Still, who knows, maybe I went too overboard. This didn't seem like a quiet Gala or else I would have played it safer but whatever.

4. Some dudes will respect you for approaching.

I had one camera guy stop me and say I am "putting in work", the guy was chill and everything. I tell him "well man, its an event with a lot of beautiful women, might as well make an introduction". The guy said "bro I get it, I wish I could do that". The camera dude was good looking too (no homo). Some guys genuinely respect you for opening sets and don't get all judgmental about it.

5. I am proud of cold approaching overall.

I do not want to be that spammy cringey PUA but overall, I am proud of cold approaching. I saw these "social circle game" guys just talking to other dudes and then taking selfies with the handful of girls that the host brought over. Outside of that, they could not talk to new women. I feel like it is a balance. You go too far into the PUA route and you turn into those spam approaching girls. You go too far into the social circle route and you are too scared to talk to hot girls.

However, an event like the one I went to is super rare and happens like once a year in Miami. Outside of that event, the others are tough to detect. Meanwhile, cold approach is always there.

6. I am going to leverage following hot girls on IG now.

I even asked this hot bartender for her IG that was working the event. A day later, I notice that some of these girls are advertising events for June that are happening in Miami. For all I know, they all pale in comparison to this event but I am going to try and go there to see what is up. If continue to do well and collect IGs, I will report back on here on how that is going.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
@Jesse Pinkman, can you make an instagram 101 topic.
IG game is not my strong suit as tough as that may be to believe. I just do it because I have found getting IGs more productive than numbers. However, have 300+ followers, follow less people than are following you, and put up pro pics of yourself. Take stories of you doing cool stuff and see how girls engage with them to gage their interest. That is about all I really know that has led me to having some success.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
IG game is not my strong suit as tough as that may be to believe. I just do it because I have found getting IGs more productive than numbers. However, have 300+ followers, follow less people than are following you, and put up pro pics of yourself. Take stories of you doing cool stuff and see how girls engage with them to gage their interest. That is about all I really know that has led me to having some success.
I have a lot of stuff but I’ve just been too lazy to upload them. I do have a defunct business IG account to where none of my followers are on so I can start fresh.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
5/21/23 - A miserable Sunday and why I am doing this solo from now on.

So I met up with my wing from Saturday to do more daygame and the whole ordeal really sucked. I wrote down some of the approaches I did but my heart was not in it. However, even though my wing is a good person and I think he can do a lot of good in this world, I am just not a fan of winging with him. This is the fourth straight time I have winged with the dude and he is just always whining.

The guy goes out in public, sees a hot girl with a not so hot guy, and then complains like maniac the whole day going "ugh, how are these guys meeting these girls man? how does that happen?". Like the guy does not shut up about it at all. It is draining to be around! Then he goes on about it and on about it and on about it to where I have to bite my tongue. The guy is trying to find a solid rotation of hot model girls but is obsessed with other couples on the street.

Every single time, this is his process.

1. See hot girl on the street with another guy.

2. Ask me repeatedly "man how do you think they met? not through cold approach I bet!". I have told him "then stop doing cold approach dude, you are not happy doing it". He backtracks and says "no no I love it but I just wonder how they met!".

3. Go on and on and on about couples he sees on the street.

I am like I am trying to enjoy the process here and tighten up my game but this dude is jealous of the normie life. In my head, I am like then go f-cking live it bro. Go join a hobby group or do something, don't drain my vibe. Like this guy is obsessed over how couples meet, wants a girlfriend or maybe a rotation of hot girls, and wants to know "the secret" on how to get there. Then he claims he likes cold approach but he clearly treats it like a chore.

Then to make matters worse, his street smarts are trash. The guy walks around cluelessly. I respect his ability to approach but he had an instance where he was talking to a girl on a very narrow path and blocking everyone's way. One dude came up to him and said "dude can you get out of the way please?". Then, he walks behind some sketchy looking dude with face tatts and tries to nod at me so I nod in his direction but the sketchy dude thought I was trying to fight him. The guy is completely unaware of his surroundings on top of that.

It got to a point where I am super freaking done with this dude.

It is not just him, most wings I have met are pure garbage. They have zero social awareness, are out of touch with social norms in a very embarrassing way (literally running across the street to approach girl), and worse they whine about how couples meet. Like these dudes just really want to be the normie guy with a girlfriend and do not see the beauty in cold approach. They see it as a chore and are now draining me.

I am done having a wing now and doing this stuff solo unless I find a really good wing.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
More on awful wingmen and the miserable Sunday.

The Sunday was so draining for me that when I got home, I had some beer. I stayed up late and then over the next few days, got sick. TBH, after that Sunday, I have just come to the conclusion that I am super freaking done having a wingman in most cases. If I ever need to wing with a dude, I am setting some hard rules. It is like the more guys I have winged with, the more the 20:80 rule makes sense, a lot of these guys are f-cking weird and toxic! I feel drained being around these guys, I cannot even start to imagine how a woman must feel.

The whole freaking time I have hung out with the dude, it has been the same crap. Obsessed with how women are meeting their BFs, trying to find some magic bullet, and complaining about it during the whole session when we are out approaching. I wish some of these dudes saw the beauty in cold approach but no, most of them are obsessed with the normal dude who has a cute girlfriend and find cold approach to be a chore.

As of now, I am taking a break from having any wingmen as tough as that is. I know it is going to suck but at least 95% of the dudes in pickup communities are horribly damaged and beyond repair. Their issues with women can easily be explained once you hang out with them. I am a patient dude but I have had it, these dudes have drained my vibe and likely even my value. Screw them, I am going solo.

It finally makes sense to me why so many of these dudes are borderline incel, I cannot stand to be around their toxic crap so I cannot even start to imagine why an attractive woman might. Always the same freaking thing with these dudes and it is so draining. They just want that easy simple life handed to them and see the whole thing as some chore they have to do.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Because Arizona is hopelessly corrupt and is being invaded from both the south and the west Jesse. At least FLA has a chance.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
6. I am going to leverage following hot girls on IG now.

I even asked this hot bartender for her IG that was working the event. A day later, I notice that some of these girls are advertising events for June that are happening in Miami. For all I know, they all pale in comparison to this event but I am going to try and go there to see what is up. If continue to do well and collect IGs, I will report back on here on how that is going.
Is this too simpy? I have made it a practice not to follow random hot girls on Instagram. Is it worth following hot girls on Instagram if you've met them in person? That's debatable. I prefer not to connect on social media until after I've put my penis inside their vagina.

5. I am proud of cold approaching overall.

I do not want to be that spammy cringey PUA but overall, I am proud of cold approaching. I saw these "social circle game" guys just talking to other dudes and then taking selfies with the handful of girls that the host brought over. Outside of that, they could not talk to new women. I feel like it is a balance. You go too far into the PUA route and you turn into those spam approaching girls. You go too far into the social circle route and you are too scared to talk to hot girls.

However, an event like the one I went to is super rare and happens like once a year in Miami. Outside of that event, the others are tough to detect. Meanwhile, cold approach is always there.
It's good to be proud. I have felt pride over doing a lot of the approaches I've done over the years, especially the less conventional non-bar ones.

Roosh wrote an article about this in 2017....

2. A number of "Social Circle Game" guys seemed like a bunch of p-ssies.

For one, most girls were just in their groups talking to other girls. When I approached them, they were cool and friendly. Some "social circle" guys there seemed to be like decent people and I respect that, not all of the, are bad people here. However, some of them were sticking to themselves but when I would talk to girls, break into my set. Some got visibly annoyed at me talking to girls and showed their frustration. I did not include it on one approach but a dude got called out by a girl who said to him "you are not my boyfriend bro and strangers talk to each other at parties, ease off".

I do not want to disrespect social circle game entirely because the host of the event was kind enough to invite me, sure, some of those guys are amazing guys. However, a lot of dudes were too afraid to talk to women which I can still respect. It was just that some of these dudes acted openly jealous and were trying to ruin interactions, luckily none of them succeeded.

One even approached me and said "hey bro, you cannot just come here and talk to girls, you need to say hi to the guys too!". I give him a blank stare, say "hi!" while waving, and then walk away.
This is true in general. However, there are plenty of beta males who are in a long term relationship based on the strength of their social circle. There are plenty of 35, 40, and 50 year old beta males out there who have lived their relationship lives based on their social circles. Without these social circles, these men would likely be borderline incel but with a strong social circle, they are typical married guys with kids or guys in LTRs that have lasted multiple years.

why I am doing this solo from now on.
I am done having a wing now and doing this stuff solo unless I find a really good wing.
I can identify with this. I never found a good wing. There is a difference between a man who is a good friend and a man who is a good wing. I have some male friends I like as people that aren't good wings.

This is why I started being a primarily daygame guy in the early 2010s. Daygaming is more set up for solo activity. It's difficult to roll solo in night game. I have rolled solo to nightlife venues, done approaches, and not been questioned for rolling solo. It's far more difficult to approach even 2 or 3 sets without a wing, Women do not go out to nightlife venues alone.

However, it is possible and even probable to get a woman alone in a grocery store, a fitness class, a bookstore, or other non-bar venues. Her being alone is normal and me as the man being alone is normal.
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Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Is this too simpy? I have made it a practice not to follow random hot girls on Instagram. Is it worth following hot girls on Instagram if you've met them in person? That's debatable. I prefer not to connect on social media until after I've put my penis inside their vagina.
You missed my point. I am following them because they have stories posted of upcoming events in the city that are cool. I can use that as a reference to go to said events that I otherwise would not have heard of, hence getting more plugged into an inner circle.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
You missed my point. I am following them because they have stories posted of upcoming events in the city that are cool. I can use that as a reference to go to said events that I otherwise would not have heard of, hence getting more plugged into an inner circle.
I did miss your point. It's likely I have missed some events in my city due to being not very plugged in.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
Reaction score
You clearly have the skills and confidence to cold approach girls. It could be you are missing some value though becuase i think u can up your success by being more rounded. You kinda already have the most difficult part which most guys cannot which is approaching women.

What you could try in the future at these events and parties is basically slowing down somewhat on the cold approaching and first talking to other guys and let the girls see you chilling and socialising with guys and then go open the set. You want the girls to see and notice you first so let them see you enter a group of ppl talk and socialise then they will see you are a cool guy who socialises with evry1 and then they will be curious thats when u go for the approach.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
You clearly have the skills and confidence to cold approach girls. It could be you are missing some value though becuase i think u can up your success by being more rounded. You kinda already have the most difficult part which most guys cannot which is approaching women.

What you could try in the future at these events and parties is basically slowing down somewhat on the cold approaching and first talking to other guys and let the girls see you chilling and socialising with guys and then go open the set. You want the girls to see and notice you first so let them see you enter a group of ppl talk and socialise then they will see you are a cool guy who socialises with evry1 and then they will be curious thats when u go for the approach.
HAHAHA, love the willingness to help partner but I am all set. I have zero regrets for that event and would not have done it any other way.

Michael Chief

Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
First of all, huge kudos for this consistently updated journal.
It was just that some of these dudes acted openly jealous and were trying to ruin interactions, luckily none of them succeeded.

One even approached me and said "hey bro, you cannot just come here and talk to girls, you need to say hi to the guys too!". I give him a blank stare, say "hi!" while waving, and then walk away.

3. Maybe I went overboard.

I tried not to be that PUA guy at the event.
It's not that you went overboard with the women. You went "underboard" with the men. You need to either neutralize obstacles or - even better - convert them into cheerleaders/wings. Combine this with the classic principle of "You go first" and what do you get? Show that you won't get in the way of the other men and they won't get in your way.

I would sometimes walk into mixed sets that I never met before, assume that guy A is interested in girl B, and start telling girl B how awesome guy A is as if I already knew him. From here, there are a variety of ways it could go:

1. Guy A and Girl B are already dating, they think the situation is funny, I become their new friend and they just add to my social proof and social momentum.
2. Guy A is not interested in Girl B for whatever reason. Maybe they've just been friends too long or he's interested in someone else or he has a girlfriend. Same result as above.
3. Guy A is actually interested in Girl B but they are not dating, meaning that she likely isn't as into him as he is into her. He will see that I am trying to help him and immediately appreciate the help. Most guys suck at game so he wants to keep me around and stay on my good side, especially because I am most likely visibly more confident than he is. It's ideal if I'm interested in a different girl in the group, but if I'm interested in Girl B, I can indirectly take over at some point.

You could just as easily approach a mixed set with any other opener while being friendly with and greeting the men as well as the women. Then, you can secretly ask the men if they are interested in any particular girls and just "wing" them by hyping them up in front of the women. Doing this will not negatively impact your own game and will only serve to make the men like you more, turning those potential obstacles into... not obstacles. It won't negatively impact your own game because the women won't actually become more interested in those other men if those other men have bad game to begin with. You fundamentally can't carry them.

Alternatively, sometimes I simply compliment the men and that's literally all I have to do to get the same effect. I usually go for compliments about fashion. Men rarely ever get complimented so it's pretty easy to get them on your side this way.