Its Haunting My Mind!


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
I dont know why, but this always haunts my mind.

About a year ago, i started to have interest in a girl(she is my girlfriend now)..Not so much interest, it was just beginning. However, I didnt think anything of it. Everytime I would talk to her, she would just say( to someone else)..ohh Michael is so hott I want him so i just let it go and forgot about her..Plus, Michael was my good friend so I let him haev the girl..

6 months passed. Michael and the girl(who is now my gf), dont talk anymore. I went out with my girlfriend for about a month or so when we started talking about each other's past. She told me she was at a house party with Mike and they hooked up all night and she gave him head. They kept talking until me and the girl started to gain a lot of interest in each other. So now they stopped talkin, and i stopped takin to Mike.

My girlfriend told me alot about her past and everything she did. I didnt care about any of it. Except the Mike thing that is. Everytime i see Mike, i picture my girlfriends head on his d!ck, and i cant control it..

this has never happend. Normally i wouldnt care what she did. Maybe its because Mike has a Mustang convertible, is rich, tall, and very goodlooking and im just jealous. Or maybe its because its the first time my gf gave head to someone, when it could have been me?

I dont kno, but how do i get over this? I am taking out my anger/insecurities out of my girl...she got me mad the other day and i called her a skank by accident!..HELPP


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
She's not a skank for what she did, however she is a cold hard ***** for telling you about it. Unless you asked her, then it's on you. I think a "don't ask, don't tell" policy is best.

Seriously though man, you don't own this girl. You have a past and so does she, but leave the past in the past. Thinking about it will only drag you down.


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
MooseGod said:
She's not a skank for what she did, however she is a cold hard ***** for telling you about it. Unless you asked her, then it's on you. I think a "don't ask, don't tell" policy is best.

Seriously though man, you don't own this girl. You have a past and so does she, but leave the past in the past. Thinking about it will only drag you down.
I know, your right. I know a lot about her past, but i dont care about it. I dont know why this on incident bothers me so much.. I try not to think about it!