Its been a while... I'm back brooos!


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
I can't tell you what do, because I know 90% of the people on here that are virgins or have slept with very few girls will ignore them, but you should really read some outlandish stories about people getting laid while saying the dumbest stuff.

I think some e-book called Models told me that the author's friend was really drunk, kept asking random women he walked past if he could "pee in their butt". Eventually, one girl was down, he ended up bringing her home and f***ing her.

Read OBEY YOUR **** in the DJ tips section. Also to the moderators, can we remove the swear filter? Not sure why it's even in use sometimes.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
Alright I will read as much as possible tonight. Its quite entertaining to know about others experiences sometimes too. And I represent that 90% haha.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
WWHHHHEEEWWW! I read the Obey Your **** thread! Oh man im pumped up! Ill let my little blaster do the talking from now on xD


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
BuddhaDJ said:
Hey BPH can you link to that book?
My laptop with the file on it is being repaired, so I can't actually link it to you. AlexLefty on this forum is the guy who gave it to me, but he's not active on here much anymore so you would have to talk to him on Facebook about it. If that's what you want to do PM me and I'll link you to mine, he will be on my friends list.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
BPH said:
It's great that you've taken up dance and everything, but after 6 months you still sound like you suffer from AA and are still nervous around girls.

I mean, I know people want to improve their overall life on here and everything, but does nobody want to get laid?
Dude it's like I told you, people have forgotten what the end goal is. Or perhaps they ignore it because they hope that by improving their lives girls will magically appear.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
I do want to get laid, very much, but its not very important right now. All I want is to improve my social life and be skillful at my hobbies, for now. I do use what I learn here in Co-ed dancing when I get to practice dancing with a partner. I smile and talk smoothly with them
without being too agreeable. Lol today I accidentally grabbed and squeezed the boob of one of my partners, an HB8, while we practiced getting her to sit on my shoulder. We didn't say anything, we just kept practicing. I FORGOT to ask her name xD


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
Wow... Its been a while since my last journal. Ok...

My relationship with my bros at my dance team had gotten better. We are more comfortable with each other now. Even with the girls dance team. They practice right next to us, sometimes we practice together. I recently learned a bit about being a better conversationalist in this forum thanks to the people here, and yesterday I applied it with one of them. She's an 8(call her Avril). We talked about dancing and sports and her new shoes (we usually wear our oldest shoes because they get ruined by dancing).

Later on during our Coed dance practice, we agreed to partner up and dance the new choreo. The song had a Valentines mood to it so it felt a bit romantic dancing it with her.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
Through boredom of not having dance practice, me and my friend, Mr. Sollermun, managed to make a prank video. It was just a video of me singing Anal Beads by filthyfrank(originator of the harlem shake vids) to random people. I told me and my friends that I am down to do it, and only Sollermun had the balls. He was my cameraman. He wanted to do one about asking people if they wanted his nuts(peanuts), but he couldnt break his comfort zone. Anyways, please tell me any judgement of looks, social skills, etc. as I would improve them to be a better DJ. Here is the video :

Honestly, I feel weird seeing myself on the video. I hate how I sound and the way that I move. I look like a guy with weird social anxiety problems and a funny accent, which I honestly imagine seeing myself from the outside :( Am I fine or am I just too self-critical?

And about my social life, Meth is soo introverted and it is quite difficult for me to talk to quiet people(Been rejected by 2 shy girls at school xD) , but thanks to people here like LearningSlowly, I've managed to not make any quick move that might turn her off. I practice with the girls tennis team where she practices, right before I go practice.
Straying from that, I want to talk about a very anti-social introverted guy friend of mine. Lets call him Passion. I am so annoyed by how anti-social he is. Do you know what he told me when I asked him why he never replies to me and my other friend's texts? He says because he sucks at texting -____________-! This had me f***ing furious! HOW THE FVCK CAN YOU POSSIBLY SUCK AT TEXTING?!? EVEN WORSE, WITH YOUR FRIENDS?!? Ohhhh man, this dude. He's been a close friend of mine since freshman year(we're seniors now) and he's always been introvert, but I didn't know it went that far.This entire summer he has mostly stayed indoors, except when we make short films with friends, which is rare.

Even if he's such a drawback to my social improvement, I don't want to just leave him be as I can't imagine him in. I've managed to get him to practice with me with the girls tennis today. I told him to go there so he can work on not being an awkward person. He plans to stay, and I felt like I did something good.

You know what sucks? I have more bro friends that are almost as AFC as Passion. I felt like I was once like them, maybe I still am, but they would never go do pick up with me or pranking, which I find fun and nerve racking. They would never try singing or get serious at dancing, or anything. I might see myself as a really socially anxious and twitchy dude, but I've improved, and I'm so far from these rascals. I just wanna know what you guys think I should do with my AFC bros :) I mean we still play online alot together and we have our little-eyecontact group hangout lol but should I just ditch em for my dance mates or other ppl? Or any other ideas?


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
I almost flaked one of the best days I've had in a while yesterday. Here is how it went:

I was woken up by a phone call of the liutenant of my dance team asking me to join them at the parade right then. I really did not want to go, but it would be perfect for me to talk to people and end my anxiety. I had an hour left, but i managed to shower and get $20 and a ride from my dad. I got there, joined the guys dance team and waited for the bus.

We were dropped on a middle school where the parade would start. I was tired for being awaken so early so I didn't talk much to anyone, I just danced by myself. I danced until the parade began. Our school has 5 female dance teams, 3 performed at the parade with our school marching band and
the male(where I'm in) and female hiphop dance team marched on the side. I had a bit of interaction with the female hiphop and I felt a bit anxious in such a crowded parade.

Once the parade was over, every performer, including us, had free entrance at the fair. The hiphop dance teams waited at the gate and I did my punishments for every curse words I said throughout the parade. I word, 10 pushups. I had 30.

--And I will continue this. Right now, I'll go jogging.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
When everyone entered the fair, we were told to have a buddy system where we had to stick to a dance member. I found the newmember female hiphop girls in one spot so I decided to buy a drink and join them. For the entire day, I hanged out with them and it so much fun. I was with six of them: 2 hb8, and the rest were below. I had fun and I lead the group a bit.

When all the squads had to leave, I managed to isolate one of the 8s. We talked during the bus ride. I found out she has a boyfriend and is a freshman(im a senior) so basically my chance was so low. She told me a captivating story about her life out of nowhere and I was getting emotional and I could tell she was also. I kept giving her a hug because we both just had a moment there. I tried to tell her a story too but gave up and told her that I was retarded at telling stories. Lets call her May.

When we got off the bus, me, May, and 2 newmembers(call them Hurricane and Earth, lol, just callem that) we hanged out with decided to go to a nearby Starbucks. All four of us talked laughedand sang randomly. At that same time I realized that I can connect and easier faster with women that dudes. I hardly talk around my guy dance mates but I easily opened up with these girls and I got to know them well. I felt almost feminine, but not gay, and this is maybe the cause of me having only sisters. Dont get me wrong, I have close guy friends, but this self-realization looks to be crucial.

Earth left early for reasons that we don't know. Throughout our group talk, May seemed to have become slightly distant from me. But the other girl, Hurricane, is a hurricane. We went for a walk to the beautiful park we have dance practice in. Turns out Hurricane's so much fun to be around. Shes so goofy and is laughing at everything. We sat at the grass and she started galloping and blabbering about how she loves nature. Shes so funny. I had another moment there when I saw May, the girl who had such a complicated and problematic life, smile while she watched Hurricane do her thing. God, I was so attracted to her, but I did not make a single move that day since we have a 2-3 year gap.

It began to get dark and cold. We all exchanged numbers and started to head home. Hurricane didnt want to go home because she was having so much fun with us. We told her we feel the same but it was getting dark. She finally left, so its me and May again. I told her that I felt like I am becoming my old quiet self again. But she didnt mind, she talked about herself again. I tried my best to listen, still not making any move. We got to an intersection, where we hugged and parted.

I texted May of why she was so open to tell her story and that now I feel that I have to care for her. She replies that she doesnt know and that she says people just laugh but I was different. I replied to just take care of herself and said goodnight.

Today I have made many women friends, and I feel as if I have made a deep connection with one girl. She has an interesting life story to tell. Plus she is also attractive, but unfortunately we have a big age difference as teens. Should I keep escalating with May or is our age difference too much. I think shes 14 or 15 and im currently 17. I also wanna text her, but I do not know what to say.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
I'd personally say your chances with May are sky high. Being older than her just means you don't have to do as much work. And the whole thing about her being distant when you were talking with Hurricane was probably nothing more than jealousy. The thing about being older than your targets (in high school and college) is that they think you have more experience - whether you do or not. Your perceived value is higher right off the bat, just because your older.

As for whether you should go for it or not, if you like her, then do it. I wouldn't just because I've got a thing for slightly older girls, but if you like younger girls then go get yours. Its hard for you to mess up with them for the fact that you're in something of an untouchable status because you're a senior, but I think you should still be careful of your nice guy nature.

P.s Cali has school all year, right? Just asking because from the sounds of it, you're not on break.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
It is summer break, but being in high school hiphop dance team, I have to practice at school 6 hours a day, 3-4 days a week. Id say that Hurricane is an hb6 so May has nothing to worry about. May also has a boyfriend so IDK how she feels about me.
May still seem childish and I feel like a big bro. Her looks are deceptive though, she's so sexy and tall already, she could easily pass as a High School Junior. God, I was so shocked when she told me she'll be a freshman. I'm half-denial, half-attracted.