Its been a while... I'm back brooos!


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
Hello my fellow DJs! I don't know if you remember me but I was here until 4 months ago. I decided to quit girls for a bit so I can learn to dance. I gave more focus to dancing(popping, dubstep dancing, etc) and I have dramatically improve since my start 6 months ago. I practice by myself and I freestyle. I slowly began dancing in public to boost my self-esteem. It works so far, I get the attention and I improve a lot faster.
I've recently tried out for my school hip hop dance team
on the last day of their try outs. Its not really my style as they are focused on choreos. I planned to quit if I make the team just to make fun of them, but I soon found out its so much fun and I ended that idea: I will stay after all :)A friend, lets say mr. Felix, tried out too.
The team members told me that I will need to learn quick as that was the last day of practice(whole practice is 2 weeks). It was Friday and I was hopeless, but I managed to memorize a section and I decided to practice at home. I texted Felix for help. He sent me videos the 1st section, which helped.
The next monday was the auditions, and I was scared and hopeless. I learned the first section at lunch at school. After school I practiced with the tryoutees before the audition. I got the first section, but there was another section we had to do, which I never learned. One of the dancers thought that he could teach me real quick, but we both knew it wasnt possible. I told him if I could freestyle. He said that was even better. He asked me to show him my freestyle so I did.
He said that it was sick, and a girl watching said the same. He told me to look upat the judges so it looks better. He said he wanted me on the team. I said ok and that I also need to learn their commands. Someone else taught me it.
I freestyled again during the group dance. Then we were called in to audition.
Me, Felix, and a tryoutee who's a friend of my sister were put as a group. We waited for the other group to finish. It was nerve racking. Then all three of us did our thing. Felix and the dude did both section and I freestyled section 2. When it was over, we all went outside for air. Some of the judges past by, one of them said I got balls. Another high fived me and said my name. Other dancers we called out too.
All of us tryoutees had to dance as a whole for the judges again. I freestyled again. We were then dismissed. One of the tryoutees, a long haired freshman, began to cry at a corner. We Went to encourage him, but us tryoutees began to talk about something else. Two tryoutees couldnt help but watch me freestyle during the audition. This was do funny to me, thinking that I probably caught so much attention by being the only one who didn't follow the choreo xD It was hilarious. My fellow tryoutees said that i have the most chance of making since i freestyled. Hearing this was such a boost of self esteem that i didn't noticed I have gotten home.
There were so many girls there too who were trying out for the female dance teams, but i didn't care. That was all yesterday. Today I realized that I needed a GF. I tried talking to this one girl today, who never replied to my texts. I approached, but she turned around. I talked, but she didnt respond. I left her, feeling confused and frustrated. I felt as if my day was ruined. Idk if she is shy or i have creeped her out. Ive said hi before and she has given back these sexy smiling glares, which i find very attractive. Shes a 7 in every High school guys book, but a 9 to me. I feel like moving on. Ive met this one girl, who one of my closest friends used to like. Lets name her Ms. Gomez. We met at a festival last saturday, had good eye contact and had a long goodbye hug. Ive also meet this girl, lets say Ms. Gene, who budged in one of my convo with a friend girl. She has a beautiful face and she seems to like me. Ill talk to them tomorrow as a start. And oh yeah, check out one of my dance videos with Felix! Im in white khaki


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
You're getting really good, I was impressed. That shows what can change in 6 months (a lot!!)

Keep doing it for the love of dance and for your own self improvement, never do it to be popular or to get something. Show the team that you will commit to learning their choreography. If you can do both those, this team sounds like a great thing for you


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
Thanks, learningslowly. I think I started dancing because I thought the dance style was so cool. Ive never thought of it as a plus on girls. I am less anxious now, people look up to me, however, I lost everything I learned about being a DJ. I am a DJ reborn.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
Damn, I completely pvssied out yesterday. I was about to talk to Gene( i sat next to her, facing my friends, on a very crowded classroom that's also a hangout place during lunch). However, my mentality hit a wall. I was frozen there. Instead, since I had my ukulele I began to sing and had fun until the bell rang. I left to my class, girl-less. Man, what a pvssy. Now I'll remember that it hurts more to not do anything at all.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
Today, with no surprise, I found out that I have made the dance team. I was happy, of course, it just means that I will be doing what i love while being surrounded by many females. However, since I already found out ahead from the other tryoutees, I decided to play with the girls tennis team who were practicing. There were 2 cute girls there, and some i already knew. I acted goofy and impulsive which they seemed to like. One girl was a popular one, an hb9, and another with glasses and was my type(hb8).

I tried my best talking to hb8. She was giving me looks in the beginning too. I found out she was a freshman (I'm a junior btw). She was quiet and had big eyes. After their practice, I talked to her, but i was frozen. I found out her name, she asked mine, but I said, with good eye contact: "my name is sexy"
She frowned. I ran out of things to say, but suddenly:
Me: You are really cute. Can I have your number?(stutters)
Hb8: I don't really know you...
Me: arrrhgghh..(in a humorous way)
Me: I am super awkward. (smiles) xD
Her: What?
An hb6 comes and started talking to us. She was friendly, and me and hb8 became at ease. We had good eye contact again and were smiling. Hb8 got picked up, no hugs nuthin, just a bye, so i walked with hb6. We spoke abt people and other stuff. I told her i made the allmale dance team and she laughed, she couldnt believe me. I showed her a nonserious arm wave, she laughed harder. We then split off and went home.

I think I still have a chance with hb8. Ill just need to relax and escalate. I think an advice would help from you guys though :) i don't want to screw this up.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
Today was an amazing day. I dressed up spiffly tonight for the Squad Spectacular, a school event to reveal the new members of all dance teams. I wore a white dress shirt, khaki skinny pants, black tie and black high tops.

I noticed so many girls marvelled at me today. So many eye contacts from them at school. I wasnt focused much on girls, but for my appearance on the dance team tonight. However, I got to talk to a girl i liked a while back. Ms. H would be her name, an HB7.5.
We were assigned by my Psychology class to find a compatible person in class. We were given a paper to answer and to compare to others. I didn't want to compare to the guy next to me who talked inaudibly fast out even the awkward hb6 behind me. I saw Ms. H, told myself I got balls, I look good, walked to her, and did my job.

A job well done I made. She loved it. I made her laugh, that we could make a good family, that she shouldn't let out kids be too wild, and that we should spend some money on our kids also, etc. things based on our answers. Made her happy although she couldn't make good eye contact ( ive known her to be a shy girl). She brought up about me being in allmale dance team, smiling. Teased her that I should be a lot sexier now. More teases and she would smile and say "no". She told me that she will leave rhos school. Teases her that I was sad.

Just as I turn in both our papers, she had left the class. Didn't get the #. After school I got to hangout with a hb6 friend who i shared stories with. We bonded, sharing stories about our abusive parents. Then Squad Spec. came.
I watched and cheered squads as they danced and announced new and leaving members. I sympathize as they cry for leaving members. Their squad to them is like their family. All were amazing performers. Sometimes I wonder how they can organize so much people to perform that way.

I planned to do a surprise slowmotion walk towards the OG dancers after my name I'd called. This had me aware that I was a spotlight person, but whatever, I thought it would be cool. Then we end up being called at once and i wasnt able to do it. Best part was when some of the squad girls cheered and called for me. I didn't look back at them, but i was happy and jumpy going up there. We told our names, given info of when practices will begin, watched remaining performances and went home.

I'm kind of scared of talking to all these girls at once. I don't do anything drastic, but they might think of me as a player. Idk if they would. Would they?


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Could you link any tutorial videos for how you dance like that?? Particularly that move when the beat drops. Enjoying the journal btw


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
There are very few tutorial videos that I found to make my dance style. I mainly watched some amazing underrrated dancers that I wanted to base my style on. Here are some videos:

Mr. Thevenot, my inspiration:
Rewind from Dubstylebrothers:

Liquid tutorial:


And just search up gliding, isolations, head isolation, waving, gliding, and popping/hitting tutorials. I use these during freestyle. And thanks! My life is a whole lot busier and more fun these days :)


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
Wow, I made such a big social mistake today. I do not know if it was even a good thing or a bad thing. But here us my story for today.

At lunch at school today, I was walling towards one of my hangout place after getting food when I suddenly see the tennis hb8 girl(lets call her Meth, lol). So just as I walk, I happen to look at a group of girls, and then suddenly, Meth caught my attention by waving at me. I waved back, but I didn't want to eat in front of them. I walked to my hangout spot and ate. At the same hangout spot, an hb8(ms. Can) and ms. H hangs out close by, each with their own group. I
Wanted to talk to ms. Can because it seemed like she's interested to me again. But, she being an awkward girl and me being an awkward guy, i didn't talk.I finished eating and went to Meth's group asap.

This is where my mistake comes in. So I step in and said hi to Meth. I'm still getting to know her and i don't know her well. As i stood there, the whole social circle was frozen.
Me: Why Is everyone so quiet?
My mind: Jesus christ... This is going to be so awkward.
Meth:(said something to go with friend 1)
Me: ok, later.

The idea of me being on such awkward situation was funny, and i began to smile. I went back to my spot. But then, i told myself, this is so boring, lets go there and be more awkward.
Meth was eating Cheetos, i told her about the way to get free food in school and then more silence.
Me:(whispers to Meths ear) this group is so awkward.
Her:(whispers to my ear) its because you came here.
(silence, more awkwardness)
Meths friend 1: Lets go to my locker(Meth walks with her)
Me: ill go with you
(we came back from locker and talked a bit. Had a little talk with friend1, a girl junior.)
Meth:(quietly) you should go, its getting awkward.
Me:(smiling) i think its funny. I'm quite comfortable (kinda)
(bell rings, gentle hug to Meth, goodbyes)
Meth and I had good eye contact, I stood really close to her.

5th period I began to laugh at this event. For some reason, it got me pumped and i was more talkative. 6th period i became pessimistic and told myself that i should've just left. I talked about it with some friend(classmates) during 6th period, but it was all confusion. The bell rang, i walked to my friends meeting place, and i see Meth. She waved, but was unhappy. I haven't gotten her # yet.

I told the story to my friends ( Mr. Pasion, Mr. Callo, etc) as we walked home. We all agreed that it was just another learning experience.

Do you guys think that I did the right choice? I would've probably have regretted doing nothing, but now she sends mad and probably thinks I'm really awkward now. And also, is that also a way for a girl group to ****block(using silence) or is it just a girl group thing?
Dang, I just got reminded of how challenging is to appeal to a cute girl's friends :(


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
Today was unexpected. It was the last day of my junior year and as the last bell rang, I was smothered with the feeling if loneliness. I walked out of the classroom, the same one where a cool teacher who enjoys watching my dance videos told me that I was his best student that year. I smiled, thanked him, and went out. It didn't change the lonely feeling, but was quite proud of myself.

As I walk towards my usual meeting spot with my friends, I looked up to see Meth. I was shocked because I thought I would never see her until the next school year. She smiled at me, I smiled back held out my hand to signal her to stop walking. I handed her my phone(she shook her head, but I was persistant) and we walked downstairs. I got her #.
Meth: (smiling) will you go practice?(idk if she meant her tennis or my dance team)
Me:(smiling) yes.
Me:(hugs her, holding) when will i see you?
Meth: Tennis practices. Idk when we will start.
Me:(hug again, almost kissing her cheek) ok, i will see you.
Meth: (leaves)

I discovered my legs shaking. I looked around and saw a group of chicks watching me. Must have been my outfit, i was wearing the same one from Squad Spec. I was soo happy the rest of the day that me and my friends have managed to make a One Direction video and hang out and tell stories after that. It was a fun way to end the school year.

HOWEVER, I NEED TREMENDOUS HELP. I have noticed that Im really bad at texting. I fear that by texting her, she will just move away from me. Ive always thought that its not possible to make a real connection over texting. But how do you guys text to girls succesfully, and how do you even make a real connection? How should I start?


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Whenever I'm texting its one of these three things:

1. A creative and imaginative conversation starter (make a joke about strippers or aliens or something)

2. Tell her about something interesting I did recently

3. Ask her on a date

Those are all you need. There are also some mistakes to avoid. I don't do these:

1. Don't tell her about your real feelings, at least not before you've kissed her

2. Don't text her with a question about her life. It's all about me when I text, if she has something to say she can bring it up

3. Don't compliment her until I've been under her clothes.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
Thanks LS. I have texted her, 'here comes thy prince! ..hi x)' but i have not been replied yet. Im indifferent about it because ill see her later anyways. Well today was quite a day. I was unexpectedly surrounded by women :) for the entire day.

The first thing that came to my mind on the first day of summer was to make dance videos. Early morning, I poorly up a pocket to my jogging pants(didnt have one to put my phone in), dressed up for workout, and headed out. I walked to the beach, stopping here and there to make dance videos. I was quite impressed with myself, no longer getting nervous while dancing in public. I danced well IMO.

After my 3rd and last dance video at the beach, a close friend from school, Ms. lala, unexpectedly came to me. I used to be attracted to her and her sister, but no longer. She and her family are currently taking a beach walk.

Surprisingly, I did quite well. I came off a boss. Extremely confident and sexy, i would describe myself at that moment. I We talked about friends, boyfriends, dancing, etc. I also asked her to walk with me to the shore. We had fun skipping rocks, although she didn't know how. We then found her sister, who joined out convo. As we sat on the swings, 2 girls from the school dance teams pass by, jogging. An 8 and a 6.5.

They joined us in the swings. Now I was surrounded by 4 girls. My boss-ness began to fade. Convos became boring. When Ms. lala and her family left, I was left with the dance girls. They knew I'll be dancing with them. My boss-feeling has faded. I walked with them mostly in silence until I split on my own way home.

An hour later, I went to a graduate party. The graduate is a new friend of mine. He used to wave, and i was fascinated when he showed me. It was also time for a friend Ms. Pan, to leave and move. She was with us the last day. She looked really attractive. Shes at least an 8.

At the party, we ate and played apples to apples. We met some of the graduate's other friends. I met this girl, who just graduated(Ms. Jo). She was really nice and she was 7.5. I did not know if she liked me or she just talk happily, but me and her shared a bottled juice, which we later found out was light beer.

My first real beer. It felt warm in my chest, i wanted to barf, but told my self that I will learn from it by making it my first and last. Me and Ms. Jo drank the bottle. She kept asking if I was fine, but I drank the most, and said yes i was. It felt funny. She said she felt sick.

I wanted her #, but she was new graduate and I'm a new senior so I let her pass. I didn't talk much to her from then on cuz i was having so much fun. The beers effect died down. She gave me a hug when she left. The party became boring and weird from there.

I do not really know how to make big moves(make out, sex, etc) but ms. Jo seemed ready :). How should I escalate to these moments? Do i just go in for the kiss?


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
It has been 2 days of dance practice with my group. GOD, it is hell. I am so sore. lets start with yesterday, 1st day of practice.

I walked to the park where both male and female dance teams were to practice. I was a bit nervous and excited, there were the girls on their own group. The first thing we did were warm ups. The girls ran first, but us dudes just passed them by. after, We reviewed commands at first, but then hell came next. We were told to hold this angle and i couldnt do it. I ached so bad that my thighs gave up. Then we were taught our first choreo, which was super long. It is difficult for me to memorize and its the reason why I like to freestyle. I knew I was failing, but thank god I was mixed in with the other dudes. Then we were punished with about 150 pushups that we had to repeat everytime we made a mistake. I could not do a single one right after 30. I didnt think much of the girls.

We were then dismissed after 6 hours of that. Right away, my family picked me up for practice to pick up my grandmother. She raised me as a baby. We got her from the airport, came home, and slept late.

Today I thought that there was no practice today because I thought that it was every other day. I was simply playing video games when I got the text, and then I dashed straight to that park. I found both male and female dance team together in one circle. Together, both teams as one is called coed, and we dance together. We began with commands again. Then, we moved on to partnering up. I partnered with this hb7. She was almost fat and I do not know if that was the reason I could not lift her or because I could barely move my arms due to yesterdays practice. Anyways, I held her by the hips and thought that it was kinda sexy. However, one of our alumnis( also a coach) told another alumni to work us out.

This alumnis made us do pushups. I was just lying on my jacket the whole time on the hot sun because I could not move my arms at all, could barely even hold my body up. Luckily, he understood. He made us ran a bit. We went back to the girls and did more partner work, but this time we were to take them to our shoulders. It was impossible. I felt weak and my partner was kinda fat. Not possible.
We then moved on to learn a contemporary choreo and all had to follow. I didnt enjoy it at first, but then I was able to follow it in the end. We did our group goodbyes, but me and Felix went to buy food and refreshments, we saw some of our dance mates in the stores. He had his dad dropped me off.

On the past 2 days, Ive been feeling lonely, and I've found out that the girls first tennis practice is 19 days from today, which means I will not see Meth for that long. I really want to see Meth asap, and I thought of calling her. She hasnt replied to my text, but when we met last time, she asked if i would see her on tennis practices during summer. Should I call her? or should I wait it out? I thought that if I would wait it out, me and her would have a more meaningful meeting x) should I?


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
You're good, BPH. Now that I notice, I do have still have a little AA. I wass not able to communicate well with those 2 girls, i didnt know what to say. And the graduate girl, i should've just went for it. It would've been a moment to be proud of. I just gotta remember that I am given chances and i must take advantage of them. I will not set DJing aside for a bit then, I'll carry it around with me.