It can't be me just being crazy `

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
So I came backk from 6 months trip. I was sexing this girl before I left. When I came back I still had big feeling for her. Well I got drunk one day and left her this really dumb text about being in love with her. Totally embarrassing and un called for. She texted back that she's sorry but she's just not interested in having sex with me. The next day she picks me up and we go to the beach later she drops me off, calls me 30 minutes later and comes to my place and we bone.

The next night I text her asking to meet up. She says ok, and she'll be over. Then the same night says sorry not going to make it. Just like that. I was like wtf ok whatever. Shes says stop being emotional. I'm like ok whatever.

Sometime later again we hang out. She hits me up saying she is tripping and she needs help getting her car from her friends house cause she can't drive. She says she's doesn't know what she is going to do. And she really wants to see me. I tell her we can't go back to my place though. She said thats ok we can hang out I just really want to see you. So I figure out a way to get to her( I don't drive) and we leave her friends. We go to a pizza place and get her some food. I try to put my arm around her, and she moves out of the way and says don't touch me I'm tripping, and shoots me this weird smile. then we drive back to her friends and drop it off. I look at her eyes to see if her pupils are dilated, and they weren't. She actually kept moving her eyes around when I told her to let me see them.

After we drop food off at her friends house I ask her what she wants to do, she says I'm tired can we just go to your place and I'll drive home. I'm like wtf! umm ok. I was really annoyed cause she made it sound like she wanted to see me, and hang out. Not that I just be her errand boy.

She starts touching the back of my head, and then starts to hold my hand. I didn't put any effort into it. She asks what's wrong and I tell her I'm annoyed that you just want to go home now. I forgot what she said after that.
I tell her know what never mind I shouldn't have even said anything and try to play it off. We get to my house kiss, and she leaves.

Then after thinking about it more I text her, and say please don't feed me bull**** next time. I'm glad I could help you.

She sends me this long text like oh so is this how you treat people who helped you? I've given you rides and you treat me like this? She's driven me 2 times to places. Shes calling me sensitive, and that she doesn't hang out much with me cause I'm too sensitive yet the only time she hits me up is when she wants to get laid. I even told her that. So she's making me think I'm the one in the wrong. It's like she denying everything from that night, and I'm actually the one who is over reacting.

I texted her today saying hit me up when you want to talk. But I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't even bother. She's a nice girl, and I feel very strongly about her, and wouldn't want to lose her, but a part of me in my stomach says to let her go. she's not good for you.

Evertime I'm around her I feel like I don't say the right things, and I get butterflies in my stomach, but yet I feel like she plays games. This girl is really hot btw, and great in bed and from experience the hotter they are the crazier.

What do you guys think?

I mean I have acted really weird around her before and she still hits me up, but idk about this time. Maybe I should cut her off.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
I'm thinking you should post this in the high school forum


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
You are too into this woman. You need to back off and go out with other women. Leave this one alone until you get your frame back. She's acting flaky because she is sensing weakness... your weakness is that you care too much about her.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
You are too into this woman. You need to back off and go out with other women. Leave this one alone until you get your frame back. She's acting flaky because she is sensing weakness... your weakness is that you care too much about her.
You're right. I need to let go and cut things off for a while. Just do me stay focused. Very simple but powerful words

Slash Dolo

Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
She is doing everything to you that you should be doing to her. So instead of having her whenever you want and her reading what to do next from a magazine article, she has you whenever she wants and you're on here asking what to do next from a forum.

Stop acting like a fool.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
Well, I think it's pretty interesting how I got to this point from a psychological standpoint.For some reason I fell head over heels for this girl, and usually it's the other way around. I've gotten really sensitive with this girl, and I can't figure out why. I wonder if its the sex, cause it's amazing, but then I wonder if it's something else. What about this girl made me just lose it? Like, I get butterflies when I see her, I can't think, I feel completely off. I remember one time I saw her at a bar, and I started got so nervous, and riddled with anxiety my hand started shaking. It's crazy! yet something is pulling towards her. It's the weirdest thing. Sometimes I think I should just delete her complete and that will help, but then I think to myself, stop over reacting and just chill. It's really weird. Never been in this state of mind before. Maybe you guys could shed some light on this?


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
We have all been through this at some point in our journeys, OP. But others are right, you have to pull back from this woman, reframe, and see other women pronto. Then maybe come back to this one when your mind is right. She even told you "stop being emotional". There aren't many things women say that we should take seriously, but that was actually an honest statement from her right there. Take heed.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
What the hell? This sounds like 2 people of opposite sex without the slightest clue about what the fvck they're doing. Nobody is in control, nobody knows what to do and nobody knows what they want.

This is indeed interesting from a psychological standpoint, what the fvck were you two thinking to create this mess?

As for advice, leave it because I seriously doubt you're capable of saving it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
Don't put your **** in crazy... Get away from her. You are not friends, you are barely even ****buddies. You sound desperate. Get away from her and become a man again, notva *****whipped cvnt worshipper.

She is just a woman.