Is there any interest on her part?


Don Juan
May 6, 2018
Reaction score
I met this girl for a networking opp and we went for drinks to just connect, wasn't a date. After, she asked me to be on a conference call she was organizing which I accepted. We've been texting frequently since but she missed a few of my texts from last weekend and called me back earlier this week to follow up on something. she put a smiley face in a text one time too if that means anything. At the end of the call she asked me if I was doing anything that night, I couldn't think of anything atm but i said if I hear of anything I'd let her know. Something did come up and I let her know and she went to the same party. We ran into each other, I said hey, we chatted a few minutes. Later, as I was leaving she was in my direction and stared me down, as I got up to her she said hey. We were also texting today a little but her phone was about to die and I suggested we talk tomorrow instead. I have no idea if there's any interest on her part.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
I met this girl for a networking opp and we went for drinks to just connect, wasn't a date. After, she asked me to be on a conference call she was organizing which I accepted.
Why did she invite you on the call? She is trying to solicit some level of participation on something she is working on, from you. Could be she's just trying to get you to do something for her. Not enough info here to tell.

We've been texting frequently since but she missed a few of my texts from last weekend and called me back earlier this week to follow up on something she put a smiley face in a text one time too if that means anything.
Chicks do not 'miss' texts. They get them all. It takes 5 seconds to respond to a text. If she isn't texting you or calling you back right away then you are not a priority. Chicks do use smiley faces and such BS to convey emotion but this really doesn't mean anything.

At the end of the call she asked me if I was doing anything that night, I couldn't think of anything atm but i said if I hear of anything I'd let her know.
Mistake... you are doing 'something' even if it is sitting at home watching TV. When you say you are doing nothing you are boring. Whatever you are doing is something you want to do. A better answer would have been, "Just watching TV and eating Chinese take-out. There a movie I've been wanting to see (tell her the name), come on over watch it with me if you don't have any other plans."

Something did come up and I let her know and she went to the same party. We ran into each other, I said hey, we chatted a few minutes. Later, as I was leaving she was in my direction and stared me down, as I got up to her she said hey. We were also texting today a little but her phone was about to die and I suggested we talk tomorrow instead. I have no idea if there's any interest on her part.
Now... if you had asked her over, she would have said she was going to a party, and if she LIKED you would have told you that she thought you should do that instead... THEN you could have asked to go with her, but instead you somehow ended up at the same party.... Hmmmmm.... Question, how did you end up at this party after saying you were doing nothing? I will tell you what she is thinking, that somehow you checked up on her and found your way to where she was going.... She knows you like her, and she also knows you haven't done anything about your interest. I think she is interested, but you need to make a fvcking move and ask her out. Your window to take action is closing quickly.


Don Juan
May 6, 2018
Reaction score
Now... if you had asked her over, she would have said she was going to a party, and if she LIKED you would have told you that she thought you should do that instead... THEN you could have asked to go with her, but instead you somehow ended up at the same party.... Hmmmmm.... Question, how did you end up at this party after saying you were doing nothing? I will tell you what she is thinking, that somehow you checked up on her and found your way to where she was going.... She knows you like her, and she also knows you haven't done anything about your interest. I think she is interested, but you need to make a fvcking move and ask her out. Your window to take action is closing quickly.
I wasn't sure if I was actually doing anything that night, I only found out about it later on a few hours after i talked to her. So I texted her that I was going and she ended up going as well. I definitely did not check to see if she was going.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
I wasn't sure if I was actually doing anything that night, I only found out about it later on a few hours after i talked to her. So I texted her that I was going and she ended up going as well. I definitely did not check to see if she was going.
I didn't say you were... but you have to understand that is likely what she thinks. It's okay, it's not a problem... you can't control what she believes. But if she knows you are interested, and you don't make a move, she'll lose interest a lot faster than if she doesn't think you are... this is just how women are. If she thinks you don't care she will be intrigued and her interest will go up: if she thinks you are interested... and nothing happens, her interest will drop. Don't try to understand it just accept it.

You always have to think on your feet and be ready to take advantage of opportunities, you always have to have a plan. Chicks really don't care how you think and feel about anything, they really only care about how you make them feel. It's like being a performer on a stage no one cares if you aren't feeling it, or had a bad night, or aren't ready, all the audience knows is that you failed to deliver.

Make a move, ask her out... if she dithers, makes excuses, or just says no. GREAT... then you can forget about her and move on to the next one.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
You are analyzing a bit too much man. Analyzing is going to be the end of you. To answer your question most of the time we went know because 1) it could very well that you miscalculate(We've assumed and it ended up not being what it appeared to be) 2) we aren't the woman. You are just going to have to go for it - if she seems friendly and convo is going alright and she doesn't appear to have a boyfriend or whatever you have to do it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Lmao...of course you dont know because you havent DONE anything to find out.

Ask her out for drinks and make sure she knows its not for the networking events and you'll find out.

This texting all day nonsense will get you nowhere.


Don Juan
May 6, 2018
Reaction score
I think I will, I asked if she was going to an event (which isn't exactly asking her out I know, still trying to feel her out) but no response yet. Considering following up tonight, it's been a few days.

Dash Riprock

Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Mile High City, USA
Make a move, ask her out... if she dithers, makes excuses, or just says no. GREAT... then you can forget about her and move on to the next one.
Why over-analyze everything?? Is she interested, not interested, whatever. As I read the OP, the quote above sums it up...

Just ask her out. You'll have your answer.
