Is It Jus Me....Or This Town?!

Captin Krunch

Don Juan
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
Now im sitting here reading the DJ know trying to be a sponge and absorb some info, and ALOT of stuff is starting to make more sense! (i know after reading more of it im going to have alot more questions) But alot of times i read and hear people say "NOO!! Dont stay on the phone with your girl for more than 10-15 minutes MAX!!"...but here where i live, all the kids in high school stay on the phone all effin day!! cousin that came to stayed with me(thats in college) didnt talk as much, but him and his girl talked like twice a day for an hour to an hour and a half!!! So one day I was talkin to one of my girls on the phone and she was complaining that i didnt stay on the phone as long as she wanted me to! (i tried to talk for atleast 10 minutes and come up with something to get me off the phone, because i aint wanna eff up and say sum to eff everything up) (and i live in the small town so the only good outtings are the movies and a lousey resturant lmao! so there is nothing to really do around town, so help on that subject also!!)


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
What do you mean by "your girl"? Are you referring to a girlfriend? Or just some girl that you're trying to get with? They're two very different things, so obviously any "rules" when talking on the phone is going to be different between the two.

EDIT: and if you're actually going out with a girl, i dont see why there would be a problem with talking to her on the phone as long as you want, just as long as you're not coming off as needy and all afc. As for a girl you're trying to get with, then I would try to limit the amount of time you spend on the phone with her.

Captin Krunch

Don Juan
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
Oh...Ok i got cha lol...yea the girl i was talkin about was a girl i was trying to get with (but in the other situations with the two other people, they were in a relationship)


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ya if its a girl you're trying to get with then try to avoid having an extremely long conversation (you could slip up and say something wrong, or you could come across as needy/annoying/afc). Keep the conversations 10-15 min like you said, or just end it at a really "high point" in the conversation so you can end on a good note.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2009
Reaction score
I think it is important to take all advice here with a grain of salt. Form your own opinions.

I personally don't see anything wrong with talking on the phone for more than 15 mins. Sure you can screw up like eaglez says, but big mistakes are easily avoidable. And if you do make a mistake, just learn from it.

Anyways... it's a bit late and I'm finding it hard to really make sense. Basically, do whatever you want but don't become stupid. Use your common sense. Don't call her too much. Don't stay on the phone for too long. How long is too long? Decide for yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
Say's don't txt on this website often too.

Everyone here does itxting, and i've used to to game many a chick. had my failures but had more success.

You gotta bend the rules a little sometimes, other then the fact that highschool girls are a bit different and will be expected (a good sign to them) that you'll talk on the phone for a while, it's a way of them being able to tell that you like em coz it's uncomfortable if you worry that they don't so these highschool girls, they put a lot of faith in txting and phone calls as a good signs, just like dj's do to body language.

Fact is high school girls are different the rules are similar but not exactly the same.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2009
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
Most people are chumps.

That's why they talk for hours. Break the mold. Be the jerk that doesn't have time for his girl. Have a good convo now and again, but save it for when you are in person.

Don't the risk of becoming an emotional tampon.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
Yeah, hughmans right have a good conversation on the phone every now and then.

The Dj attitude against conversation rules, are like that for a reason. The reason being so they don't get fully attached and neither do you. You can have long conversations without turning into an emotional tampon, it's called C+F and having a fun conversation that after your 2 hours she's smiling and thinking about you, wondering about you.

This is what you want in high school and even older then high school you want them smiling and thinking about you, if you always have a girl smiling every time she talks to you you've got her in the bag, and if you can have 2 hour fun phone conversation you've got them, and skills. Problem is most of you guys can't hold a fun conversation for that long or you think you can't, so you bail after 15 minutes, she leaves smiling but 15 minutes later (because she was thinking about you) she then realizes you bailed after 15 minutes for probably not the greatest reason. Your NOT going to lose interest you going to GAIN it by having fun talking on the phone for 2 hours, it just leaves more room for failure, can you keep her having fun on the phone for 2 hours without ending up talking about her problems and slowly becoming an emotional tampon??? If you can't stick to the small conversations.

On The other thread "How exactly does one execute "keep away"?" Kraytkiller said "Highschool girls are sensitive insecure messes" this is nothing but the truth. "Being the jerk that doesn't have time for his girl" Doesn't work all the time, and some high schools girls it just won't work they'll just say to themselves being the insecure messes they are "fvck him, i'm not going to bother with some guy that hardly wants to talk to me, he doesn't even like me" and then you get nexted. just like that

It's also OK to talk a little about their problems girls need to know their man has a sensitive helpful side, especially if she's your girlfriend. I know this website also practically ban girlfriends as well, but if you live in a town like mine it's much easier to have a girlfriend, and a lot of high schools are like this, fact is FB's are rare. if you can find one good on you, but the are rare and to be honest i don't have time for them.

It's all about balance and what you can do, bend the rules to fit you. If you can have a 2 hour fun conversation, do it! but still maintain balance, it doesn't mean you have to have these 2 hour conversations every day but keep it fun and you won't lose interest from having these conversations.

Highschool girls are different!, I know in my high school every girl wants a LTR, it's like they've been brainwashed and they just won't change their thinking. Way to get them because of this is to be a boyfriend. You don't have to make it an LTR you can keep it short but if your getting regular good sex, why not make it last a year. You'll also learn a lot, thats just an example of how it is in my town.

I know the city an hour from me, it's completely different (i spend some weekends there) They girls are happy with a different guy every weekend and i've been one of them, they are fine for FB's (Not all of em, but enough). Added risk of diseases though, scary thought lol. anyway thats another example

The fact is, you've got to change the rules for your town, your school..ect.. Tune what you do, to what the girls like. If your sitting there wondering how come all these guy i know have these girls (some different ones each time) but there breaking this DJ short conversation rule. They must be doing something right!, don't be different this time, be like them. Your the one without a girl having no conversations when they are?? Be different but do what the other guys do to get the girl just like we do in this community.

Sorry for wall of txt, hope i helped.

Good luck

Captin Krunch

Don Juan
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks Analyzeit....yea that makes sense!...alot of the females here at my highschool also want that LTR...and yea the C+F convos make sense also...its like im pretty good at C+F, but i need to work on it more...i wanna damn near perfect it
I appreciate yall for the feedback!