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Is Courtney Ryan a Fish Trying to Teach Men How to Catch Fish?


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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She had a Q&A video with Teddy (see below IG post) that I remember watching, that's where she mentioned they met on Tinder, now it's gone from her channel. Wonder why. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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For the sake of discussion:
One would need to believe that no woman alive is actually capable of a man’s concept of idealized love. While the majority of todays women probably are not who is to say that she is not? Could she actually truly be in love with her fiancé?

There are always outliers. Could she maybe be one?
I don't think so, and here's why: she already had relationships and at least one with a 'bad boy' who cheated on her...so that indicates that 1. her bonding capacity had diminished and 2. her primary attraction is towards the 'dangerous' masculine guy. If she was the wholesome girl type waiting for a nice guy to get married and start a family with and Teddy was her first guy, then it would be believable that she truly loves him.

So she might appreciate him for providing her with this lifestyle (I think he was behind her quitting whatever corporate job she had and starting her YouTube channel), but love? I very much doubt it. Her past, her present entourage (all those hoes in her videos), her opinions just don't indicate a person capable of loving, let alone someone who looks like Teddy. And when I think about it, I realize it's really sad to be Teddy...how is his position different to a guy who establishes good rapport with an escort? Both are in for the money, both are appreciative of the opportunity provided to them, but there is no love.
Nov 19, 2022
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I don't think so, and here's why: she already had relationships and at least one with a 'bad boy' who cheated on her...so that indicates that 1. her bonding capacity had diminished and 2. her primary attraction is towards the 'dangerous' masculine guy. If she was the wholesome girl type waiting for a nice guy to get married and start a family with and Teddy was her first guy, then it would be believable that she truly loves him.

So she might appreciate him for providing her with this lifestyle (I think he was behind her quitting whatever corporate job she had and starting her YouTube channel), but love? I very much doubt it. Her past, her present entourage (all those hoes in her videos), her opinions just don't indicate a person capable of loving, let alone someone who looks like Teddy. And when I think about it, I realize it's really sad to be Teddy...how is his position different to a guy who establishes good rapport with an escort? Both are in for the money, both are appreciative of the opportunity provided to them, but there is no love.
I don't feel sorry 4 Teddy. He should have known from all those years in the friend zone that she's bad news. He did it 2 himself. So cute that he encouraged her to drop her career so she can spend his money and provide nothing in return.

PS, she's not even that hot. She's in her late 30's and approaching the wall fast. Also, that forehead and jaw make her look like an MTF.

My boy Undead Chronic said it best. No hymen, no diamond.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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PS, she's not even that hot. She's in her late 30's and approaching the wall fast. Also, that forehead and jaw make her look like an MTF.
She turns 27 next week according to Google. Her best feature is her enormous breasts.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
There's no way that guy was her first choice or even close to her top tier of choices. It's likely she was banged out by a lot of frat boy douchebag types in college and maybe even a random hot guy or two at a Cancun foam party/Las Vegas pool party type place. While the frat boy douchebag types banged her and some even got into a relationship with her, none of them wanted the level of commitment she wanted. She had to stoop to a dweeb with money to get her beta bucks hypergamy fulfillment.

Classic Alpha Fuccks, Beta Bucks situation
Maybe she's attracted to the nerdy type? I cannot see many dudes turning her down. She's pretty attractive.

And you know the saying, birds of a kind flock together.

We don't know her past, but we can deduct from the data we have, and it doesn't match the wholesome girl image she wants to portray. But many simps, judging by the comments in her videos (oh, if more women were like you, bla bla :lol:) have fallen for it.
Indeed, her looks got me into her channel, I was like...she looks like an attractive young girl, let's see how she views this dating/relationships topic. It didn't take me long to realize that without the makeup, lighting etc she's not nearly as attractive as some of the thumbnails on her videos would indicate. And secondly that she's either insincere/doesn't know what she's talking about.
No one knows. She could had/or is still a hardcore slvt, or true to what she portrays online (rare these days).

She wanted someone 2 give her the beta buxx before she hit the wall too hard. She smelled a payday and snapped up her rich beta boy who can't d o any better
Anything is possible. However, I think she's still years away from the proverbial wall. I tried to watch a video of his.. Geez, not sure what she sees in him. But, whatever, hope all works out for the newlyweds.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Maybe she's attracted to the nerdy type? I cannot see many dudes turning her down. She's pretty attractive.
Very few men would turn her down. Since she turns 27 next week, we're talking about the 25-26 year old version of her. Imagine what she was like at 18-20.

In the early to mid 2000s, I attended "Hot Girl U". My school was known for its attractive female student body and it had a solid party scene. Part of the reason I chose to attend this school was for the attractive women, though I also had an academic reason for attending.

At my "Hot Girl U" (there are a number of schools I'd call "Hot Girl U"), very few of the women I would have rated 7+ were interested in anything other than the frat boy douchebag type. These were mostly guys of at least average height but usually taller and fit guys, usually with big muscles. It's possible to be a fit guy and not have big muscles. Look at Novak Djokovic as an example of that.

I have no doubt that Courtney Ryan from ages 18-24 was mostly interested in the frat boy douchebag type. At my college, the only nerdy type guys with girlfriends were ones that got them via something social circle. I remember one non-nerdy but classic beta male having a girlfriend and even then, I was surprised by that. No one had any idea what she saw in him. She was average-ish to cute too, but not Courtney Ryan caliber. At my "Hot Girl U" Courtney Ryan wouldn't have stood out that much.

Geez, not sure what she sees in him. But, whatever, hope all works out for the newlyweds.
That's a normal reaction. She sees safety and security. She failed to get a commitment out of the tall, tanned, and muscular men. They all used her as a fuccktoy and did not want to commit to her. A male in the 7.5-8+ range will commit to a woman, but she needs to be a looks equal and offer some other non-looks value too.

I see Courtney Ryan as a 7 who was trying to get men in the 8+ range to commit.


Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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The only reason this girl gets followers is because of her looks. She is a decent looking girl with huge ( . )( . ) so she has probably been spoiled with choice her entire life. Her channel is the basic female rhetoric about wanting a good guy while having a lifetime history of doing the opposite. Then she has on her friends that spew the same rhetoric because they are tired of the Chads and Tyrones doing them dirty. Women are driven by emotions and they get bored when there is no drama. The ”good guys” they claim they want are boring because they are predicable and don’t excite them. They prefer chaos and emotional turbulence.

Courtney has gotten to the point where she has been ran through and damaged. Now she is settling for a guy that was in her friendzone. “He’s such a great guy, I ignored him for the most part but the guy I really wanted cheated on me and treated me like dirt…blah blah blah. “. They all eventually come to the same place and ask, “where have all the good guys gone?” Um, they were everywhere, you just didn’t want them.

Listen to Rollo and read his books if you want a better perspective and understanding of women’s illogical behavior. Female advice has lower value since they can change their minds and opinions at any given moment.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I don't think so, and here's why: she already had relationships and at least one with a 'bad boy' who cheated on her...so that indicates that 1. her bonding capacity had diminished and 2. her primary attraction is towards the 'dangerous' masculine guy.
Regarding #2, maybe but not necessarily. Maybe she ended up with him because he was more aggressive/proactive at asking her out. Women don't like making the first move, at least not in any real sense. They view making the first move as degrading as some guys view paying for sex.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Regarding #2, maybe but not necessarily. Maybe she ended up with him because he was more aggressive/proactive at asking her out. Women don't like making the first move, at least not in any real sense. They view making the first move as degrading as some guys view paying for sex.
Yeah, I've heard that argument. "Why do you date ****y jerks?" "Because they approach me." It certainly makes some sense on the surface.

I knew that women don't prefer to make the first move. But I always thought it was just a mix of laziness and that adopting a submissive frame is more of a turn on for her.

It didn't cross my mind that women view making the first move as degrading, but I'm certainly not surprised to hear that.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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It didn't cross my mind that women view making the first move as degrading, but I'm certainly not surprised to hear that.
Yeah, some women will get downright outraged at the suggestion that they make the first move. Makes sense if you think about it. Such a woman might think that it is the male's responsibility to make the first move. And for them to have to make the first move suggests that they are unattractive, because as we all know here, any desirable woman is going to attract male attention.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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The only thing that she deserves credit for doing is realizing that things were going nowhere fast with the frat boy douchebag type and she made the adjustment quickly. She's talked about wanting marriage and children, so it's better to start that sooner than later. The main argument that can be made is that she reached Rollo Tomassi's Epiphany Phase a few years earlier than most women.

I think it is a fair argument to make that Teddy Baldassarre (Courtney's fiance) is a poor man's Bill Gates. Bill Gates used his money/Microsoft CEO status to get a mediocre looking MBA having careerist woman in the 1980s. Baldassarre used the same script with less money to get a more attractive female with only a bachelor's degree.
She wanted someone 2 give her the beta buxx before she hit the wall too hard. She smelled a payday and snapped up her rich beta boy who can't d o any better
This is exactly what happened. None of the frat boy douchebag types would commit to her long term. While she's cute, she's not elite level hot, and the top tier guys that she believes she's entitled to wanted to give her the commitment.

She could have gotten a dweeby beta bucks guy at 30-35, but chose to do it far earlier in life that most women. She settled with her beta bucks guy at 25-26.
Teddy Baldassarre's store doesn't even sell the top tier brands of luxury watches. I still have no idea how a fake luxury watch beta male was able to get with Courtney Ryan.



Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2022
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Teddy Baldassarre's store doesn't even sell the top tier brands of luxury watches. I still have no idea how a fake luxury watch beta male was able to get with Courtney Ryan.

He appeals to watch enthusiast. He has several brands from the swatch group as well as microbrands and some luxury brands such as Oris and Longines. Do he have the supers like Patek, AP and Rolex? Nah, but he knows his market and the guy is only like 28 and has done very well for himself. He also is genuinely knowledgeable on watches and sheds light on a lot of unknown brands while dissolving a lot of the status and ego associated with watches. That and Kevin O'leary 100% has had involvement in his company in recent years.

Courtney Ryan has outwardly stated in one of her videos giving advice to guys on dating profiles that she saw Teddy on an app, wasn't very wow'ed by his looks, but liked his personality and charm. This was before he had a watch storefront and was just a watch nerd on youtube. She on looks alone isn't anything special, but I've noticed in her more recent videos she is beginning to express sentiments in line with the Red Pill which is interesting. I don't think she is anything to write home about and I think the majority of her videos have some takeaways that men could nab, but nothing which would be substantial.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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possibly wealthy business owner of fine watches; who doesn't come off as alpha or a bad boy, but spends the money. Her watch collection most likely came from him. Nothing wrong with that, but who knows what she really wants for herself in life.
He appeals to watch enthusiast. He has several brands from the swatch group as well as microbrands and some luxury brands such as Oris and Longines. Do he have the supers like Patek, AP and Rolex? Nah, but he knows his market and the guy is only like 28 and has done very well for himself. He also is genuinely knowledgeable on watches and sheds light on a lot of unknown brands while dissolving a lot of the status and ego associated with watches. That and Kevin O'leary 100% has had involvement in his company in recent years.
There are a couple of decent brands in there like Oris and Longines, but a person can't call themselves luxury without Patek, Audemars Piguet, Rolex, Breitling, and Cartier. His watch store is more mid-tier to upper mid-tier brands.

Courtney Ryan has outwardly stated in one of her videos giving advice to guys on dating profiles that she saw Teddy on an app, wasn't very wow'ed by his looks, but liked his personality and charm. This was before he had a watch storefront and was just a watch nerd on youtube. She on looks alone isn't anything special, but I've noticed in her more recent videos she is beginning to express sentiments in line with the Red Pill which is interesting. I don't think she is anything to write home about and I think the majority of her videos have some takeaways that men could nab, but nothing which would be substantial.
Teddy Baldassarre is a dweeb. It's probably the Kevin O'Leary connection and the status that impressed Courtney Ryan.

Her tits are big enough and her face is attractive enough to get attention from top tier guys and commitment from above average looking guys (definitely guys better looking than Teddy). She was likely run through in college by the top tier guys and is now thinking she's learned a lesson from it, settling with a dweebish beta male at 25-26. This sounds like a case of Alpha Widowing.
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Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2022
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There are a couple of decent brands in there like Oris and Longines, but a person can't call themselves luxury without Patek, Audemars Piguet, Rolex, Breitling, and Cartier. His watch store is more mid-tier to upper mid-tier brands.
Kinda agree here.

The majority of 'luxury' watch boutique's do not carry AP, Patek and Rolex has more or less pulled out of the distributor market all together. There are lots of 'luxury' brands that don't hit the highs of those aforementioned companies, but I understand what you are saying. The market is so whacky and what constitutes genuine luxury has changed over the course of the past 15-20 years with the value of certain watches skyrocketing (nautilus, Royal oak). I would not consider watches that we're once luxury as the same 'luxury' that gets touted around now. That said if you carry watches exceeding 2k from the swatch group and the like that is by a more 'normal accounts, luxury.

I don't think Teddy should market himself as a true luxury distributor though.
(Aside, surprised he has Hamilton, Longines but no other big hitters like Omega from S.Group)

Teddy Baldassarre is a dweeb. It's probably the Kevin O'Leary connection and the status that impressed Courtney Ryan.
Pretty sure they were a thing before Mr. Wonderful took interest in his youtube channel, but i'm sure the wealth is an appealing factor for her. That said, she could also just genuinely like the dude. Is he chad? no. Does have money, status and charm? Yep. Beta-Bux? Maybe...

Her tits are big enough and her face is attractive enough to get attention from top tier guys and commitment from above average looking guys (definitely guys better looking than Teddy). She was likely run through in college by the top tier guys and is now thinking she's learned a lesson from it, settling with a dweebish beta male at 25-26. This sounds like a case of Alpha Widowing.
Probably was if she fits the archetypal western modern American woman. I don't see the appeal in her looks personally, she does nothing for me.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Her earlier videos were on fashion and dating advice for guys. Had some decent common sense stuff.
She probably ran out of content in less than a year with that approach.

I don't see the appeal in her looks personally, she does nothing for me.
There's a case to be made that she's in the 6.5-7 range. Her tits are amazing. Those big naturals without being fat are somewhat rare. Face is decent too.

I would approach her at a bar or in a daygame setting.

That said if you carry watches exceeding 2k from the swatch group and the like that is by a more 'normal accounts, luxury.

I don't think Teddy should market himself as a true luxury distributor though.
(Aside, surprised he has Hamilton, Longines but no other big hitters like Omega from S.Group)
He's not true luxury.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2022
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There's a case to be made that she's in the 6.5-7 range. Her tits are amazing. Those big naturals without being fat are somewhat rare. Face is decent too. I would approach her at a bar or in a daygame setting.
Not saying I wouldn't sleep with her, but I could care less about her buhgiggums lol.

And yes, I agree he is not 'true' luxury as the definition in it of itself means something entirely different from what it once did in the watch world.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Not saying I wouldn't sleep with her, but I could care less about her buhgiggums lol.
Courtney Ryan of the past 4 years (she started her YouTube channel slightly over 4 years ago) could have generated serious interest from men on this forum. Her young to young-ish age during that time would have helped her with the SoSuave audience. She would have gotten extended girlfriend interest and likely exclusive girlfriend status from some men on here but it's unknown whether any men would have put a ring on her, unlike Dweeby Teddy.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
She's also in Cleveland. Not much out there I am told. I'm sure people from Ohio are much different than people from NYC, LA, and similar areas.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
