I'm starting to come to the conclusion that girls don't like muscles


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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my friend worked with a guy who really didnt care what people thought, he was fat and wouldnt shower for weeks, the guy smelled horrible and had the worst attitude, he would go home and smoke pot all night and then go to sleep in his work clothes and then come back the next day, the guy probably didnt even bother to take his shoes off


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2013
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Ronaldo7 said:
@Hydrak: For once you are right. 215-230 with low bodyfat would be the ultimate build. It looks way better than looking small (180).
If I recall correctly you are only 6'1 (Which I assume you made up), then 215-230 lbs would be far too much if you want to attract girls. A good weight for a muscular look to attract girls at 6'1 with a normal frame is 190-195. A little over what your idol Cristina is. More than that and you will look brawny in the eyes of a chick.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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i jsut wanna look like Razor Ramon


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
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Hydrak said:
If I recall correctly you are only 6'1 (Which I assume you made up), then 215-230 lbs would be far too much if you want to attract girls. A good weight for a muscular look to attract girls at 6'1 with a normal frame is 190-195. A little over what your idol Cristina is. More than that and you will look brawny in the eyes of a chick.
I'm 6'1 and 200 lbs. Have you ever seen 215-230 lbs with a 7-9 % BF? That's what im trying to reach. That doesn't look brawny at all, since the low % bf takes away the "bulky" look.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
foreverAFC said:
most people couldnt even look like zyzz naturally, that guy was on a ton of gear, and he died at 22

He was on insane Dbol and Test C/E/Prop cycles. Im just saying thats where everyone gets this "aesthetics " thing from. But the problem is skinny guys use it as an excuse now.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Zarky said:
If I'm truly not gonna care what people think about me then why in the world would I be building muscle? I'll simply do some light calesthenics for 15 minutes a day and eat a balanced diet. That's really all you need to do for general health.

"Body building" etc is utterly meaningless in an industrialized western society unless you're a lumberjack or a cop dealing with violent criminals or something.

I'm a white-collar professional. I sit in a chair and move data around to various clients and governmental entities over the internet all day. There's no practical point for me to have lots of muscle -- in fact it's a health detriment. The more body tissue you have (including muscle), the more your body needs to repair and maintain it. This takes energy. Why do you think your body reduces muscle if you don't use it? Because it's a waste of energy to keep it around.

So if truly nobody cared what people thought about them, 99% of the men in the first-world would never need to set foot in a gym. They could do 15 minutes of aerobics daily, eat a mediterranean or other balanced, nutritious diet, and that's it.
Zarky I see where you're coming from. But I don't life for anyone else, I did it for me. I didn't like being over weight and couldn't breathe going up a flight of stairs, i wasn't that out of shape but you get the picture. Now its like a hobby. I just like the progress and like looking in the mirror seeing results and how far I have come. Diet, nutrition, all of it. To me its all so fun. I was doing some HIIT/Laters/Bear Crawls and other sprints at my gym. Some lady came up to me and asked if I was trying out for a team. I said no I do this for fun, no sarcasm. She then said "This is what you call fun" I gave her a dead stare and said Yes. I love this sport.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2013
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Wrong post


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2013
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Ronaldo7 said:
I'm 6'1 and 200 lbs. Have you ever seen 215-230 lbs with a 7-9 % BF? That's what im trying to reach. That doesn't look brawny at all, since the low % bf takes away the "bulky" look.
Zyzz was 6'1 and 200-210 lbs 7% BF, yet you imply his looks werent over the top? I doubt you are even 180 lbs irl. Another manlet attempting to act big on the internet. :D

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
For me, the sweet spot has been toned, muscular but not bulky.

My gauge is the respect I garner out in the world. Women will typically not overtly state attraction, especially about something physical. However, when you see they are getting nervous and flustered around you, you're trackin'. Another sign is when they become self-conscious of their appearance, verbalizing that they "just ran out in whatever I had on" kind of thing.

But equally as important, being fit garners the respect of other men. They will defer to you if you're in that sweet spot. If you're too skinny, or too bulked up, you will not see that level of respect.

So for me, the sweet spot is fit looking, noticeably muscular, with a triangular shape to the upper body. Being 55 that's a little harder to maintain, but by no means impossible. When I slip and get lazy I'm fortunate in that I can get myself right back into shape inside of two weeks, but that's just the luck of the draw in terms of genetics. The bottom line is that in order to attract and gain the respect of the highest cross-section of society, fit and slightly muscular seems to be the way to go.

Excessively scrawny = perception of little health. Excessively muscular yields a steeply diminishing return. After a certain point it makes a guy look like a try-hard, exactly the same perception as if a man is wearing too much jewelry. Attractiveness today for a man is an understated attention to looks, style and fitness as opposed projecting too much concern about his looks. That excessive attention turns into a deficit really fast and makes one become a caricature.

Think of a caricature artist at a fair. He exaggerates every identifying detail and makes you look comical and usually very unflattering. In fact I would go as far as to say, imagining a caricature artist drawing you. What would he exaggerate in order to make you look comical? Those might be the things one needs to work on.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
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Hydrak said:
Zyzz was 6'1 and 200-210 lbs 7% BF, yet you imply his looks werent over the top? I doubt you are even 180 lbs irl. Another manlet attempting to act big on the internet. :D
Zyzz was taking some heavy doses tho. His looks don't seem over the top to me, since i've seen better and natural. My BF is at 9, not 7. It really isn't that hard to get that size. All it takes is discipline, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and eating/sleeping right. If you dedicate your all to it, why would you think of it to be so far off?


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2013
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Ronaldo7 said:
Zyzz was taking some heavy doses tho. His looks don't seem over the top to me, since i've seen better and natural. My BF is at 9, not 7. It really isn't that hard to get that size. All it takes is discipline, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and eating/sleeping right. If you dedicate your all to it, why would you think of it to be so far off?
It doesnt really matter if he was on gear or not, muscle is muscle. Getting his physique natty would take several years, considering he worked out for 4-5 yrs along with doing roids. Being 210 lbs 7% BF at 6'1, you would be deemed "too big" even with a big frame by most girls.

Pook is 6'3 just like me, and noticed that girls started getting repulsed by him at >205 lbs when having a muscular build. I have a quite large frame so I can carry more weight, but once I got over 215 I had lots of girls commenting that I was getting too huge. Theres no way 230 lbs 6'1 is going to be attractive to most girls, no matter the BF. It's clear you are nowhere near that weight, hence underestimating it like you do, or better yet acting like I.E Zyzz physique isnt "hard to achieve". You amuse me. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
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Hydrak said:
It doesnt really matter if he was on gear or not, muscle is muscle. Getting his physique natty would take several years, considering he worked out for 4-5 yrs along with doing roids. Being 210 lbs 7% BF at 6'1, you would be deemed "too big" even with a big frame by most girls.

Pook is 6'3 just like me, and noticed that girls started getting repulsed by him at >205 lbs when having a muscular build. I have a quite large frame so I can carry more weight, but once I got over 215 I had lots of girls commenting that I was getting too huge. Theres no way 230 lbs 6'1 is going to be attractive to most girls, no matter the BF. It's clear you are nowhere near that weight, hence underestimating it like you do, or better yet acting like I.E Zyzz physique isnt "hard to achieve". You amuse me. :rolleyes:
I'm 10-15 pounds to getting to 215. His physique isn't hard to achieve. If you work at it diligently, anything can be obtained, just like everything in life. That's what I meant. I'd be inclined to think 230 with 7-9 bf would be pleasing. Bf is the eye candy for women.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Ronaldo7 said:
I'm 10-15 pounds to getting to 215. His physique isn't hard to achieve. If you work at it diligently, anything can be obtained, just like everything in life. That's what I meant. I'd be inclined to think 230 with 7-9 bf would be pleasing. Bf is the eye candy for women.
Agreed. Working hard, keeping your diet in check will get you where you want. People wonder why their results aren't 100% where they want them to be then I hear them say "Oh well I party, drink a good amount, sleep 4-5 hours a night and lift whatever I want when I want, I dont do legs". So much is wrong with all those things.

1. You need sleep to build muscle and recover
2. Abs are built in the kitchen, diet = 100%, lifting is the other 100%.
3. Drinking, sure fill yourself with carbs, retain water, and when you dont use those carbs they will be stored in adipose tissue (fat tissue). Not to mention people eat like sh1t when they are drunk.
4. Dont do legs... dumb. Legs are huge muscles, lifting legs causes an overall anabolic effect in your body. Ever notice you'll do legs and your upper body has some type of pump as well? Mhm.
5. Lift whatever you want.... instead of doing that, keep track of what you lift and how much you lift and when you lift it. Keep adding weight or else you wont get anywhere. You will be spinning the hamster wheel as they say.

Its really not hard if you're dedicated. Some think they are but really aren't at all.

But keep in mind, you can't argue this topic because no one will win. They're so many different types of girls that like different things out there muscles don't mean anything unless you want to attract that type of girl. Some scene girls, for example, don't like muscular guys they like skinny guys, skinny jeans, and gauges. Those typical italian girls love the italian muscle meat heads but hate the skinny, gauged out kids. See where im going with this?

Different strokes for different folks is all.

Plus we all have different goals, some want to get large some want to get toned, everyone is in a different place.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
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JohnChops said:
Agreed. Working hard, keeping your diet in check will get you where you want. People wonder why their results aren't 100% where they want them to be then I hear them say "Oh well I party, drink a good amount, sleep 4-5 hours a night and lift whatever I want when I want, I dont do legs". So much is wrong with all those things.

1. You need sleep to build muscle and recover
2. Abs are built in the kitchen, diet = 100%, lifting is the other 100%.
3. Drinking, sure fill yourself with carbs, retain water, and when you dont use those carbs they will be stored in adipose tissue (fat tissue). Not to mention people eat like sh1t when they are drunk.
4. Dont do legs... dumb. Legs are huge muscles, lifting legs causes an overall anabolic effect in your body. Ever notice you'll do legs and your upper body has some type of pump as well? Mhm.
5. Lift whatever you want.... instead of doing that, keep track of what you lift and how much you lift and when you lift it. Keep adding weight or else you wont get anywhere. You will be spinning the hamster wheel as they say.

Its really not hard if you're dedicated. Some think they are but really aren't at all.

But keep in mind, you can't argue this topic because no one will win. They're so many different types of girls that like different things out there muscles don't mean anything unless you want to attract that type of girl. Some scene girls, for example, don't like muscular guys they like skinny guys, skinny jeans, and gauges. Those typical italian girls love the italian muscle meat heads but hate the skinny, gauged out kids. See where im going with this?

Different strokes for different folks is all.

Plus we all have different goals, some want to get large some want to get toned, everyone is in a different place.
It's all hard work. I agree with you 100 %. I'm glad to see i'm not the only one that sees it. Keep being determined and you will reach any objective you set.

I would assume a girl that takes care of herself (8-10) would want a guy that does the same. I have never seen a girl with an amazing body dating a fat guy or a skinny guy. I've always seen them with a guy that matches her figure. I would assume that other girls 7> would obviously settle for guys that are nothing special, since they are nothing special as well. You can't be trying to play in the Major Leagues, if you are playing at an amateur level. The girls i know see looks as a major factor. None of them would go out with someone that looks worse than they do.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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i have 2 sister and hang out with them and their friends (ages 23-27) (no im not gay we jus all go out with there bf drinking). i asked them once what they like in a man, they all said as long as there toned they dont mind if there 150pounds to 210 pounds. being muscle have nothing to do with anything. most of the men who do think that are very insecure and women can smell that out right away. go to the gym for youself. get toned get muscle, i wouldnt suggest getting bulky because then you have to maintain that muscle and if you dont it will all turn flabby and youll look like a jackass.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2013
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Ronaldo7 said:
I'm 10-15 pounds to getting to 215. His physique isn't hard to achieve. If you work at it diligently, anything can be obtained, just like everything in life. That's what I meant. I'd be inclined to think 230 with 7-9 bf would be pleasing. Bf is the eye candy for women.
So you are 18 and already 6'1 200 lbs ~9% BF completely natural. You are probably the worst troll on this website. The worst part is some people are gullible enough to believe you. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
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19. I started as soon as I hit 17, which was 2 years ago and nonstop ever since.


Apr 9, 2013
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Ronaldo7 said:
19. I started as soon as I hit 17, which was 2 years ago and nonstop ever since.
ya you're trolling bra, unless your on some roids or something


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
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SirFratserlot said:
ya you're trolling bra, unless your on some roids or something
I guarantee you that you have no knowledge on this. Being an ectomorph, eating a super strict diet consisting of mainly protein, and going to the gym 6 times a week for the past 2 years. I have my results. I've played soccer competitively since I was 3 and I've alway had low bf. I don't drink at all and I don't smoke. I don't even eat at restaurants to prevent my diet being broken. You are seriously telling me that I need to be on doses of roids to get this? LOL.