I never realized women care so much about looks till now

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
The point is not WHO gives look that amazing importance when it comes of choosing a sexual partner, the problem is that women in general use look to decide the personal value of a man.

I can find a girl hot and an other chubby but have it clear that the chubby girl is a much more worth individual due to her merit at work while the hot ones is good to nothing.

Women on the other hand build and destroy men according to their look, be a hot guy and harass her and maybe a make out session will come, be a fat dwarf and just ask her out and soon the office will talk about that "creepy guy" that has to be excluded from meetings.

Its women which vote politicians according to their look not men, do you think roosvelt would be elected right now?

Just like Stagger said, you are either a top percenter and treated as a superstar and given free out of jail card or anything below that and you are a work drone, good to put the work and take their sh1t, with no dignity, feelings or basic human rights.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late

Who Dares Win said:
The point is not WHO gives look that amazing importance when it comes of choosing a sexual partner, the problem is that women in general use look to decide the personal value of a man.

I can find a girl hot and an other chubby but have it clear that the chubby girl is a much more worth individual due to her merit at work while the hot ones is good to nothing.

Women on the other hand build and destroy men according to their look, be a hot guy and harass her and maybe a make out session will come, be a fat dwarf and just ask her out and soon the office will talk about that "creepy guy" that has to be excluded from meetings.

Its women which vote politicians according to their look not men, do you think roosvelt would be elected right now?

Just like Stagger said, you are either a top percenter and treated as a superstar and given free out of jail card or anything below that and you are a work drone, good to put the work and take their sh1t, with no dignity, feelings or basic human rights.


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
Reaction score
I love the people here saying "This woman said I'm a 10 I have photos on websites that got rated 9.9s on average." Yet none of them besides the OP are willing to post the links.

If you already posted your photos to hotornot, then post the links here. They're already online so I don't see what you're afraid of, besides the fact that most of you are probably lying.

The OP does have that Hollister beach look, but certainly not model status in my opinion. I was never a fan of that look anyways, I don't fit in Hollister's biggest clothes because my shoulders are too broad lol.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Who Dares Win said:
The point is not WHO gives look that amazing importance when it comes of choosing a sexual partner, the problem is that women in general use look to decide the personal value of a man.

I can find a girl hot and an other chubby but have it clear that the chubby girl is a much more worth individual due to her merit at work while the hot ones is good to nothing.

Women on the other hand build and destroy men according to their look, be a hot guy and harass her and maybe a make out session will come, be a fat dwarf and just ask her out and soon the office will talk about that "creepy guy" that has to be excluded from meetings.

Its women which vote politicians according to their look not men, do you think roosvelt would be elected right now?

Just like Stagger said, you are either a top percenter and treated as a superstar and given free out of jail card or anything below that and you are a work drone, good to put the work and take their sh1t, with no dignity, feelings or basic human rights.
Truth! One time at work, there was a girl who was head over heels for me... I just got out of a messy situation with a crazy bish; was an immature, ruthless assh0le; etc... I treated her like garbage, and all she said was "you're so hot; I want to marry you, let's do this and that"; constantly hounding me down, giving compliments, sexual things she wanted to do, etc. Meanwhile, she made fun of all the other guys; said they were all ugly losers, but was always super nice to me. At the time, I was a MAJOR conceited, shallow, stuck up *******, but that didn't matter... to any of the girls, anywhere. All they cared about was "hot", and sex. They weren't interested in getting to know anyone. Either they had a crush, or they didn't care. I was on both ends, with different girls... the treatment was from one extreme to the next - depending on where you stood looks wise. As well as with other guys in the vicinity. Only the "hot" guys got the attention, anywhere... which resulted in a LOT of hate, competition, down-sizing, etc.

To be fair, this went both ways... maybe it was karma, or the lifestyle I got caught up in, or the ****hole area I lived in. But I ignored all the non-hot girls (including her), fawned over the hot ones, became obsessive, got treated like dog****, and still worshipped them. Definitely had it coming, for all the same BS I put everyone else through. But that's how the status-obsessed society was up there... no one gave a **** about anyone... it was all about being the best and showing off the prize - only to complain when it didn't happen, or you were out-done by another. The "hot" people were mean and snobby as ****, because they were in-demand and had all the options... Very shallow and fake... Horrible.

This is why it's best to avoid people and societies like this. Even as what women considered a "hot" guy, I still hated it there... and the person I became. Down here is a LOT better.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Who Dares Wins said:
The point is not WHO gives look that amazing importance when it comes of choosing a sexual partner, the problem is that women in general use look to decide the personal value of a man.

I can find a girl hot and an other chubby but have it clear that the chubby girl is a much more worth individual due to her merit at work while the hot ones is good to nothing.

Women on the other hand build and destroy men according to their look, be a hot guy and harass her and maybe a make out session will come, be a fat dwarf and just ask her out and soon the office will talk about that "creepy guy" that has to be excluded from meetings.

Its women which vote politicians according to their look not men, do you think roosvelt would be elected right now?

Just like Stagger said, you are either a top percenter and treated as a superstar and given free out of jail card or anything below that and you are a work drone, good to put the work and take their sh1t, with no dignity, feelings or basic human rights.
Mike32ct said:

Double exactly. When you're approaching women at the bar or where ever, and from the get go they're being condescending, b!tchy, and walking way to one guy and not to others, they don't even know you and it's not because of something you said or personality. It's because if they don't think your looks are good enough, they believe they are entitled to reject you harshly and make it clear that you should be completely, ignored and detested by all of women and society.

Women often will try to turn your friends against you and even your economic opportunities if they don't think you are attractive enough. Because after all men of slave class aren't worthy of friends or good pay.

There's a dayum good reason unattractive/undesirable males are "beta". It's a coping mechanism to avoid repercussion if they try to assert themselves.

PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Anyone who is not a puahate shut-in that is bitter he can't get HB9's has friends like this. I have a friend who is a 3 in looks but VERY outgoing(obnoxious, not smooth). He is barely tolerate by men. Guess what, he banged 8's non-stop in college and always has a date.
I'm not a shut-in or post on puahate, and I still don't even know of any ugly guys picking up hot women. You've said this before that you have several friends and acquaintances who are rather unattractive dating hot girls. When I asked for a link to their social media, or even pics to judge for myself, you refused saying you are not going to let anyone see pics of your friends. It seems most people are posting their pics with public access on facebook anyway. I suspect you don't want anyone to judge for themselves if the guys really are unattractive and the girls are attractive.

I do agree though being very outgoing even if you're not smooth is a big factor and necessary for even above average looking guys. I still suspect the guy in question isn't so bad looking, the women aren't that hot and he might not actually be as sexually successful as it might seem.
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Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Its self evident that you are such a shut in. Are you saying an ugly/average guy cant get a 7? No 5's paired with 7's? What exactly do you consider a hot girl?
So we're going to make false assumptions and stoop to name-calling. You still aren't willing to provide proof that you have ugly guy friends that are with hot girls, right?

So now its a male 5 with a female 7. Earlier you said a male 3 with many 8's and 9's. How can anyone really accurately rate a male a 5 and a female a 7 when it's so close.

Of course you sometimes will have a mismatch in looks of a point or two, and depending on money and fame maybe more difference. But it's not very common. Much more common I see a male 7 with a female sub 5, than the other way around. And male 8's and 9's with female 8-6's.

But my point is ugly/average guys don't generally pick up and pair with very attractive women and not for a lack of trying everything under the sun.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
So your friends don't have public facebooks with pics of themselves and their hot girlfriends? And why can't you use yourself, and let someone else judge whether you're a 7.5 and date 7-9s?

What I'm saying is that when it comes to looks/attractiveness guys typically underrated other men, overrate themselves and overrate women. Also there's a tendency to put too much emphasis on vague internal and psychological traits as being important factors and downplaying looks and appearance.

I would see a girl I thought attractive talking and seeming interested in a guy that I would think, "He ain't all that, little more than average" and "overall I'm as good or better looking". But I look closer and be objective and realize I'm not attacted to guys, and the guy was average to above average height, about the same age as the girl, a good build, had a full head of hair, good smile etc. Likewise, when I look past the make up, flattering clothing, heels etc, the female herself isn't really all that and just slightly above average really at best.

I've approached enough girls to know that they take a brief look at your face and are either attracted or not right away. What they are looking for or screening is debatable but it's definitely mostly a visual/looks/appearance thing.

Justin Time

Don Juan
Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
The greatest place on earth
MrNiceGuy23 said:
I love the people here saying "This woman said I'm a 10 I have photos on websites that got rated 9.9s on average." Yet none of them besides the OP are willing to post the links.

If you already posted your photos to hotornot, then post the links here. They're already online so I don't see what you're afraid of, besides the fact that most of you are probably lying.

The OP does have that Hollister beach look, but certainly not model status in my opinion. I was never a fan of that look anyways, I don't fit in Hollister's biggest clothes because my shoulders are too broad lol.
You know, you could at least be respectful, and quote appropriately. Not only would it prevent you from looking like a liar and an idiot, it increases the likelihood that you'll receive some respect in return.

With all the hoops I had to jump through, you should send your chick over to give me a bj :trouble:

Click on "show all three photos" underneath the main photos and that will show you the three different ratings of the photos. Note the trend in rating. Less clothes, higher rate. smh.



Here's another shot of my car if you really don't think that rating was was mine for the same reason you thought I was lying earlier:


Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
I think you are too in love with your theory and re-definitions of terms in an attempt to distinguish yourself from what is the common knowledge here. Internet will do that. I'm not so sure that you are the deluded porn-crazed shut-in that is upset he cant get a HB10. I agree with many of your points and have experienced basically all of them. In fact, I was a late bloomer with weight issues so I actually KNOW what its like to be below a 5 in looks. You may be letting your experiences cloud your judgment.
First off I never suggested to post their pictures on this "creepy male pick up site". You could have posted a link in PM. Also the point of posting your pic and girls you attract was to ascertain how you rate yourself and the girls. I couldn't open the link to your pic, btw.

It's not just PUA but universal and mainstream the belief that personality and internal psychological traits is strongly responsible for attracting women. The only real difference is PUA and mainstream differ on what constitutes attractive personality traits. So there's nothing illogical or unreasonable to say both camps are barking up the same wrong personality/game "tree".

My theory and maybe others' too is that personality/game is also mostly based on appearance, (not looking like a male model per se but things like attractive expressions, mannerisms etc) and looks and personality can't ever really be separated. Also you are inconsistent. You say appearance things like height and physique matter apparently because you have personal experience with it. But I get the sense for instance if someone was 6'1 and never been overweight but had thinning hair or just something non-attracting about their face, you'd believe that their issue would be game/personality. The point is any number of visual/appearance things could be the real reason for being rejected, but personality/game gets the blame.

And when you say looks just get your foot in the door and you have to tightly game your way along or you'll be rejected, I don't see it that way. I see it as your foot was never really in the door, or rather than needing really tight game you exhibit really poor game, or the simple fact that it's a numbers game and females are not going to a majority of the time be sexual with every guy they are attracted to- for her to make an exception that's where the idea of hypergamy and looks really comes in.

Just about every successful pick up I ever had it was pretty much clear to me from the opening that I was in.

I think the main difference is in the definition of "game". I don't see personality/game being separated from appearance, I think it is mostly appearance and the female makes her perception of that fairly quickly.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
you guys need to ignore this ****ing troll.

OP, you'd get shut down in a club standing next to a guy with my features and size. Your far too boyish looking for any girl in her late twenties to look twice at anyways...the hotter the chick the more likely she is to go for masculine men with rugged features, muscular guys...


Ive banged two models, dated a few 9's as well...had one who became obsessed with me.
but Ive been put off/rejected by 7's......so what's your explanation there huh?

quit misleading members here with your bull****, and let the real men talk son, your mom's calling you and it's time to clean up your room.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
be willing to bet 100 dollars the op has never dated anything above a 7 in his life....
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Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
No doubt every female has a certain minimum looks standard. It might not be a fixed standard. It might even vary depending on the type of guy. But rest assured that you are being graded relative to some standard as soon as she first encounters you.

If you are below her standard du jour, there is nothing game-wise you can do. The problem is when you just barely pass. You can game like a mofo and still end up with major LMR and not score or maybe never process beyond a makeout. This is because no girl really wants a guy with a 71 score if her minimum passing score is 70 lol.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Who Dares Win said:
The point is not WHO gives look that amazing importance when it comes of choosing a sexual partner, the problem is that women in general use look to decide the personal value of a man.

If the man is unattractive, there's a whole archive of female excuses that women use to not date him.

I can find a girl hot and an other chubby but have it clear that the chubby girl is a much more worth individual due to her merit at work while the hot ones is good to nothing.

How women marry doctors. Ugly women become doctors. Myrtle Urkel was worth 10 million dollars (probably 30 million in today's dollars).

Women on the other hand build and destroy men according to their look, be a hot guy and harass her and maybe a make out session will come, be a fat dwarf and just ask her out and soon the office will talk about that "creepy guy" that has to be excluded from meetings.

Hot guys don't even know what harassment is. Ugly guy does it, his sensitivity training, suspension, or firing will commence!

Its women which vote politicians according to their look not men, do you think roosevelt would be elected right now?

Hell no!

Just like Stagger said, you are either a top percenter and treated as a superstar and given free out of jail card or anything below that and you are a work drone, good to put the work and take their sh1t, with no dignity, feelings or basic human rights.

So many women these days are shallow it's unreal. Women do control the dating game, and all because of both sexes inflating women's value. Why hasn't the social value of the male penis been inflated?
Order! Order! Read between the lines!

These days, women's standards go up, not down. Hence why so many men are dating down and women are dating up. If a woman likes your looks, there's little you can do wrong. If not, there might not be anything you can do right. Game can only do so much for you. The same with personality and confidence and all that other grey area sh*t. They all amplify and multiply the attraction that is already there. None of them make you any more physically or financially attractive, which of course are the biggest factors in the attraction process. The LMS ideal makes this process go faster, if at all!

Don't you all realize that damn near every woman wants a man who's got the good looks, the money, and the status? But they all can't get one. These types of guys don't know what the friendzone feels like, let alone where it is. All women have options, most men do not.

Men value love, women love value.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
nismo-4 said:
Order! Order! Read between the lines!

These days, women's standards go up, not down. Hence why so many men are dating down and women are dating up. If a woman likes your looks, there's little you can do wrong. If not, there might not be anything you can do right. Game can only do so much for you. The same with personality and confidence and all that other grey area sh*t. They all amplify and multiply the attraction that is already there. None of them make you any more physically or financially attractive, which of course are the biggest factors in the attraction process. The LMS ideal makes this process go faster, if at all!

Don't you all realize that damn near every woman wants a man who's got the good looks, the money, and the status? But they all can't get one. These types of guys don't know what the friendzone feels like, let alone where it is. All women have options, most men do no

Men value love, women love value.
.Disagree on the bold brother...even the best looking guys deal with rejection.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
captain55 said:
.Disagree on the bold brother...even the best looking guys deal with rejection.
Of course they do, but the difference is the amount of rejections and the harshness of the rejections, and the quality of the girls they DO get. It's all the difference in the world. Also a really good looking guy can get girls occasionally without approaching and attractive ones too.

A very good looking guy approaches 100 random women-he may only have sex with 5-10 of them. But he gets few harsh rejections and little negative feedback, closes are HB7's+, some of them are open to being FWB/FB/LTR. He gets approached by some girls.

An average/unattractive guy approaches 100 random women-he may only have sex with 0-4 of them. He gets many harsh rejections and negative feedback, closes are HB4 and lower, they're all ONS and he's back on the treadmill, he never gets approached by girls.

It's a huge difference, but often the very good looking guy doesn't realize how good he has it and how it is for the other 80% or so of men. So he concludes looks don't help much when in reality it was responsible for a huge difference.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
The OP would do well with a lot of girls in their young 20's - he has a youthful appearance. Not to insult him, but he's a pretty boy, but he can work this angle if he behaves ****y, fun, and confident.

Don't worry, I have pretty boy look to me as well even at 34 - very lean build - and I get the attention from the mid-20's bracket often because they all think I'm the same age as them.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2013
Reaction score
captain55 said:
you guys need to ignore this ****ing troll.

OP, you'd get shut down in a club standing next to a guy with my features and size. Your far too boyish looking for any girl in her late twenties to look twice at anyways...the hotter the chick the more likely she is to go for masculine men with rugged features, muscular guys...


Ive banged two models, dated a few 9's as well...had one who became obsessed with me.
but Ive been put off/rejected by 7's......so what's your explanation there huh?

quit misleading members here with your bull****, and let the real men talk son, your mom's calling you and it's time to clean up your room.

YOU TAKE ROIDS? dudes on roids get mad ***** plus i think chicks dont even care **** all the bs mayb roids is the answer


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
cof33 said:
YOU TAKE ROIDS? dudes on roids get mad ***** plus i think chicks dont even care **** all the bs mayb roids is the answer
Why do you assume he is on roids? It's about hard work, dedication, and discipline. If you think taking roids is the answer, you are mistaken in your assessment.

Hustlaz Ambition

Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2012
Reaction score
captain55 said:
you guys need to ignore this ****ing troll.

OP, you'd get shut down in a club standing next to a guy with my features and size. Your far too boyish looking for any girl in her late twenties to look twice at anyways...the hotter the chick the more likely she is to go for masculine men with rugged features, muscular guys...


Ive banged two models, dated a few 9's as well...had one who became obsessed with me.
but Ive been put off/rejected by 7's......so what's your explanation there huh?

quit misleading members here with your bull****, and let the real men talk son, your mom's calling you and it's time to clean up your room.
How many days a week do you lift?


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
Hustlaz Ambition said:
How many days a week do you lift?
anywhere from 3-5...depends on whether Im trying to get bigger or not. Im only 220 pounds in that photo, Ive been as high as 240 but I looked rediculous and scared most women off...

Im a very well known personal trainer in my area, getting guys jacked is what I do for a living. I have turned some of the biggest dorks you have ever come across in your life, into vag pulling machines.