I hate to admit it, but money matters.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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L777 said:
Yea, maybe getting a "girlfriend" is easier, but not sex. I know quite a few naturals, and some aren't students, they're grown men who make average cash but get a lot of sex. Think Charlie Stubbs-type characters (from Coronation Street). Money is just something for insecure men to hide behing, I used to think I'd never be happy unless I was rich, but now I'd rather do something I love and just get by than be some ridiculous, pretentious poser who spends 50 grand and more on things like cars and watches, and this is coming from someone who is on course to become a barrister.
Getting a Gf is much easier, and yes getting sex is also a little easier. Money is not something insecure men hide behind. You are either rich,middle, or lower class. Money does not buy happiness, but all of us would choose to be rich instead of poor. By the way I am middle class, and am content with what I have.

Why are you going to university. To fulful yourself mentally and make more money? Yes or NO?

I agree with what fash said. If your going with an 18 year old girl and are broke, that is one thing. But go out with a girl that has value, and is confident she is not going to want a guy that is unemployed.

Again guys you can still get lots of sex without money. But money does matter to some degree.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
lookyoung said:
Getting a Gf is much easier, and yes getting sex is also a little easier. Money is not something insecure men hide behind. You are either rich,middle, or lower class. Money does not buy happiness, but all of us would choose to be rich instead of poor. By the way I am middle class, and am content with what I have.

Why are you going to university. To fulful yourself mentally and make more money? Yes or NO?

I agree with what fash said. If your going with an 18 year old girl and are broke, that is one thing. But go out with a girl that has value, and is confident she is not going to want a guy that is unemployed.

Again guys you can still get lots of sex without money. But money does matter to some degree.
I'm going to uni to have something to fall back on if my dream job don't materialise, even though the back up job would make a hell of a lot more money than my dream job.

I think you should revise your choice of phrasing. Instead of 'money matters', it should be 'money matters if you are ugly, have no game and want to attract gold diggers'. Because, as I already explained, I am living proof that money really isn't that important...I just can't imagine a scenario where a woman would f.uck a rich guy, but wouldn't have f.ucked that guy if he hadn't been rich...apart from the classis sugar-daddy-billionaire-OAP scenario, whcih I know isn't what you meant.

Seriously, when I used to see "looks matter" threads I originally wanted to not believe it, cos I used to be a skinny f.uck with no style, but now I know that they do, BUT if I won the lottery tomorrow I know for a fact that I would have the exact same point of view on the money debate that I do now.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2006
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Money should be used as a TOOL to PIMP hot girls with your flashy style and lifestyle. Not something to use to help you get a girlfriend LOL.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
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"It increases your value to her."

Having lots of money DOES increase your value to HBs. if you dont believe this. You are deluding yourself.


Jan 8, 2007
Reaction score
Money matters big time. You can get a lot of women just on money alone. They may not be high quality women, but you will get them.

Women think about money like men think about tits and ass.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
da_hunter said:
...Women think about money like men think about tits and ass.
They just want to play with it? :p

Rex Man

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Does status matter? does physical attractiveness matter? How about having a nice apartment?

In a "perfect" world, people wouldn't be partially judged on superficial things like these. BUT this isn't a perfect world, and women DO use these things to help them judge men.

Call them b!tches, call me a liar, but with open eyes and unbiased oberservation; the truth is as bright as day. Overall, superficial things matter, one of which is money.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
St. Louis Area
Enough Money Solves 99% of Your Problems

I've always said that "Money solves 99% of your problems, but not 100%."

The other 1% are:

If you're boring, an *******, too eager to please, or even in poor physical shape, money won't solve that, though it can help.

Yes, money lets you do things. But, do you want to do those things?

Money might help others overlook the fact that you're an *******, but they'll still hate you.

Money buys gifts, but it won't solve the personality flaw of being too eager to please.

Money can hire a trainer, even a very good trainer. But you still have to go through the exercise program.

Money, of course, helps you keep a roof over your head, a car or two in your driveway, warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and buys things that please you, whether it's a hobby or even a Nintendo system. It can even solve physical flaws (plastic surgery), or even *mask* personality flaws.

But it won't solve many personality flaws, something that no amount of money can fix.


KinG KaY

New Member
Jun 25, 2006
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Whoever told you that money doesn't matter was a Big Fat Liar! You wanna get laid with these hot chicks you have 2 have money or at least create the illusion that you have it peroid (eg Dress Fine, Getting a better looking car than yours)! The Girl that you have right now is the hottest piece of ass you can afford (not attract) period. You will get lucky with hot chicks on occasion but your chances are slimmer as than that rich guy you hate so much hahaha.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
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Money is one attribute… I’ve a bunch of friends who are models but not rich by any stretch of the imagination… and ultimately, very few models get rich… but they fvck tons of HB9s on a very low budget… the models exude value with their looks and personality rather than money…

L777, I’m curious where do you hang out in Manchester? I’m a Manchester lad too but my job has had my living everywhere but Manchester (USA, Korea, Dubai, London) for the past year… Manchester’s structure is so hierarchical though in the night scene… if you’re doing the Brannigans, Teasers, or Deansgate Locks thing then you’re missing out on so many hot women… at these kinda venues you’re picking up working class chicks, there’s some cute chicks but the numbers are low… now if you wheeled yourself off to the more exclusive venues like Panacea, Circle, Sugar Lounge, Living Room, Cocoa Rooms, Prohibition and the new bar up in the Hilton then you’re dealing with a new brand of hotter woman and more accomplished women… and guess who you’re competing against? Good-looking, successful, alpha males from their mid-20s to their 40… sure, there’s one or two exceptions, but not many… now if a girl is presented with an alpha male who is good-looking and successful and has money to show his success, and some dude who is simply a good looking alpha male, then 9 times out of 10 the first dude is going to get the pvssy… you’re running with the wrong assumption that all guys who have game are poor when in fact there are a bunch who have game and are filthy rich… for us males, good looks and secondly, a good personality are strong aphrodisiacs when we’re scoping out the women… for females, success is a strong aphrodisiac, and it just so happens that money is a by-product of that… of course there are some gold-diggers but as a DJ you’re smart and can spot them a mile off… I don’t know I can’t find reason to chastise females for being attracted to a successful person… I mean, most of my mates are very successful people; they’re not mates because I find their money attractive, lol, rather the attributes of their personality and the attitude that has made them successful… but that said, life IS different at 20

You increase your market if you have game and have money… it’s that simple… being a DJ and having money means that you know how to use it in an educated manner when it comes to chicks because you know all about the sh!t that chicks pull… it also means that if you want to send a bottle over to open a group of chicks up from the comfort of your own table then you can do it because it’s the equivalent of the average joe buying one drink for a chick… but honestly, if you’re a DJ then you should eventually find you’re earning good money because the traits are transferable… if you’re a businessman whose career is based on opening, closing and selling and not taking ****, then these skills are gonna get you far with women… and in the same way if you’re a DJ you’re opening, closing and selling and not taking ****, so when you apply these skills in a business environment you should be successful… watch ‘Boiler Room’

Now, of course you get women when you don’t have money but have game… same way you can buy them when you have money but don’t have game… but like the seduction dude who was quoted in one of the posts earlier said, ‘Love, Wealth and Health’…. if you have all three down, then Ker-Ching!!


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Rex Man said:
Does status matter? does physical attractiveness matter? How about having a nice apartment?

In a "perfect" world, people wouldn't be partially judged on superficial things like these. BUT this isn't a perfect world, and women DO use these things to help them judge men.

Call them b!tches, call me a liar, but with open eyes and unbiased oberservation; the truth is as bright as day. Overall, superficial things matter, one of which is money.
Rex your money baby:up: You summed it up perfectly.


Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
i invite any of you to get a pair and go live in chisinau, moldova for a few months. then log back on here and tell me how having more than those around you doesn't equate to your success with girls. with close to 30% of the population being russian you know that there has to be some serious beauty in the area. having been there i will say that i now know what it must have felt like to be a backstreet boy back in the late 90's.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
Reaction score
rakishness said:
"It increases your value to her."

Having lots of money DOES increase your value to HBs. if you dont believe this. You are deluding yourself.
The sad thing is that 90% of the dudes on this site are deluded, that is why they are here, they veiw the hot babes as being the prize and not themselves, true AlphaMales have (1) Wealth (2) Physical Strength (3) Confidence (4) Boldness.
It is not a difficult thing to attract money and woman, not in the western countries anyway, if you have the ability to create wealth, then you should be able to work out a strategy to seduce beautiful woman, both are very similar in the ways of which they are done. :crazy:


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
money is a plus but you can have fun if even if your not that rich...


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
lookyoung said:
Before the game, we drive to a place that looks like a hotel but has a very nice bar downstairs. Everything is free, he just gives them a 4 digit number and it is all free. From there they take us to the game in a small shuttle bus.

We go to the game have a great time. After the game the small shuttle bus is waiting for us and takes us back to bar. We drink for free using a 4 digit number. They cater to us.
Hey I can beat that story!

This happened almost a year ago. I was driving a girl to this really cool waterfall and lake. Along the way, when night was falling, my Crapmobile broke down. So we're stuck on this deserted road with a broken down car, and I didn't have any mobile phone credits left. I did the only sensible thing and start pushing the car towards this farmhouse I saw earlier. But when we got there, we found it was just an abandoned farm.

By this time night had fallen completely, so we decided to stay overnight at the farmhouse. I find a good room, set up a few blankets on the floor. We told ghost stories, explored the abandoned rooms, and scared each other sh!tless. Oh, and we had sex twice - before sleeping and after waking up.

That trip cost me a grand total of $15 (gas). But we had more fun than a weekend in Vegas.

Is money useless? No, I find it very useful. But you can easily have fun and get laid without money. Stop using it as an excuse.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
diplomatic_lies said:
Hey I can beat that story!

This happened almost a year ago. I was driving a girl to this really cool waterfall and lake. Along the way, when night was falling, my Crapmobile broke down. So we're stuck on this deserted road with a broken down car, and I didn't have any mobile phone credits left. I did the only sensible thing and start pushing the car towards this farmhouse I saw earlier. But when we got there, we found it was just an abandoned farm.

By this time night had fallen completely, so we decided to stay overnight at the farmhouse. I find a good room, set up a few blankets on the floor. We told ghost stories, explored the abandoned rooms, and scared each other sh!tless. Oh, and we had sex twice - before sleeping and after waking up.

That trip cost me a grand total of $15 (gas). But we had more fun than a weekend in Vegas.

Is money useless? No, I find it very useful. But you can easily have fun and get laid without money. Stop using it as an excuse.

Listen I am not using it as an excuse. I am being honest here. Anyone that has read my posts can tell you I report my failures with woman, more than I report success. Reason being is there is always more to learn from failure. If your story is true than that is fine. I fvcked girls without spending a dime on them also

I am not using excuses. I am just stating the obvious Money helps

Listen like Rex said this is not a perfect world. Money shouldn't matter but it does. That is a fact. You can still be broke and fvck 100 woman.

But with money chances are you will get higher quality woman, than being a cashier at Walmart.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
It matters. How MUCH it matters...well, that depends on the girl.

You need to have enough money that the time you spend with her is fresh and enjoyable. If you're creative enough, you can do that spending very little money at all. But if you have unlimited resources, it certainly doesn't HURT. ;)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
IMO money matters but it's not a deal breaker or maker (and if it is she's only sticking around for that).

Women care more about what you do with your money rather than how much you have.

Most fun dates I've had have always been at my place or hers for a "movie night". And that didn't cost me a thing :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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Having your own space is what money affords and people set a value on people who own material property.

For example

youre on a date with a woman and you say, lets go grab a hotel room she might feel like you are saying "youre a cheap ***** who id only take to a hotel room" but if you have your own house or apt/condo, you might say, "lets go back to my place and have a drink there". She agrees. Each place would have worked for having a drink and a fvck but one was less awkward then another. Now...

Lets say this happened instead: "Lets go grab a hotel room in Vegas for the weekend, i've got us tickets and can book the rooms tonight." Now, a hotel room suddenly doesn't sound so bad. Why? Because she sees your value as being high enough to afford your own private space for a sustained amount of time. This is called Stability/Security.