I got turned down by a hb9 :confused: adivise please


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
So i went to buy some clothes at the mall and i see this hb9 working as a cashier there. So I buy my self a shirt and shes the one that attends to me I was nervous at first because i knew that i was going to ask her for her number. So i was talking to her and everything was going pretty smooth until i asked her for her #.
She was giving me a lot of IOI's so i asked her if she wanted to get something to eat sometime and if she would give me her number.
When i did ask her she blusshed a lot and smiled but hesistated at the same time. Then she continued that she had a boyfriend. I said alright and walked away with regret of not having a little bit more of perseverance to see if she would give in.

Well i know i could just move on with my life and everything would be fine, but i really want to get to know this girl.

Has anyone had a situation like this before? is it possible to go back again and keep on trying to get her number? what should be my next move if i really wanted to get her digits?


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
just smile and say "what, you can't have lunch with another human being because you have a boyfriend? Come on." smile and act playful as if it were a joke.

It always works well for me.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2008
Reaction score
"Im not asking you to marry me dont worry! you seemed like a cool person who id get on with but hey if your boyfriend doesn't like you talking to other guys then its something ill have to accept :) "


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Seriously i really dont care about the boyfriend, its not like if shes married. The thing is how can i get around this defense to score some digits atleast.

Thats my goal atm get her digits, then if i succeed in that ill move on to the next step but how many more times should i go to that store and ask her again for the digits. Is it still a good idea to go again and ask her again?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 31, 2005
Reaction score
Maybe she does have a boyfriend and isn't interested in dating anyone else right now. You can't overcome everything with "game".


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
the other night i was out at the bars. i approached a 7 and after talking for a few minutes she said the same thing i said "oh i dont mind, i'm not looking for a girlfriend. just having a conversation"

same night i approached a 9 and her friend an 8. i talked to the 9 at first but her english sucked so i talked to the 8 while my friend TRIED to talk to the 9, ha. after talking for a few mins the 8 tells me she is married i said "oh i dont mind, not trying to get married, just having a conversation"

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A GIRLFRIEND OR A WIFE? if you are then you need to get it out of your head. if you aren't, then who ****ing cares if they have a boyfriend? man up, son!


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
from my experience through lots of failed rejections and successes i realized that girls always want to look like their not slvts/wh0res. They want to be seen as goody two shoes. So girls with boyfriends i tend not to straight out ask for them number. Striking up a 2-5 minute conversation should not be hard for two strangers since you know nothing about each other. It's even easier if you both find each other attractive.

You never suggest that by talking to you, they are being unfaithful to their boyfriends. Most of the time they will feel uncomfortable if you do this. Make them feel as comfortable as possible. When the conversation is good, and you know in a few minutes you will be running out of things to talk about eject. Ask for their number and say you gotta go but would like to catch up with them later. Most guys just plainly ask for the girls number but don't state a reason for it. (when there isn't an obvious stated reason, they normally assume your trying to hit on them and if they have a boyfriend your jeopardizing her outlook on society). When your asking for the number to catch up later your reason for contacting her is to just talk, it's stated there. (it's also non-threatening)

Pressure them as little as possible.
Be friendly. (smile, laugh, joke)
Be polite/gentlemanly.
If you want to be sexual, be indirectly sexual so they don't get the impression you are trying to sex them.

If they don't feel like your a threat to making them one of those females that are frowned upon by society, the more willing they are to open up and be around you often. Eventually when you do get their number/hookup/fvck them, the fault won't be directed upon you. It will be on their boyfriend for not giving them enough attention.

They will probably say things like :You were funny/patient/kind/etc. You were only friends at first but since she lacked attention she had to get it elsewhere. It's not your fault, it was his. These are just basics, if your really good at pushing and pulling you can even steal her right from under him.