I don't know what to do anymore

Waking Up

Don Juan
Feb 7, 2009
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My head is aching from all the mental confusion. This isn't mean to be an emo post or anything. I'm 20 years old and for the past few years I've been more confused than I have ever been in my life. To the point where I have an ongoing identity crisis, this mental problematic fortress I've built around myself. I don't know how to act, nor do I know who I am. I'm very aware of my ego, almost to the point that it makes me nautious. This has been going on for a while. I've lost sanity a while back, because i'm so over-analytical of everything I do socially that I can never just lay back, relax and enjoy myself for a change. I've been told to just "relax, go with the flow" and I've tried doing that. Guess what? My head just makes another mental conception, the ego creates yet another reality saying "go with the flow." It's another mask, the go with the flow mask. I can't escape the masks. I don't know how to explain it but the social masks are driving me insane. I hate being an actor, but being an actor is what's gotten me through so far.

I've been told that I'm extremely intelligent, and that my wit is very good. I am a witty person who can make people laugh pretty easily. So that's not really an issue. People generally like me, but deep down inside, I'm not even sure anymore if I like myself even when my ego shouts "I love you." "You're fine" "You're brilliant" or whatnot it's still an ongoing hellish war of my mind constantly having to reaffirm itself and its positive reality. In other words, to stay above water I'm practically in constant panic just to hold onto my sanity.

Being an actor has gotten me laid by seven women so far in my life. It has made me friends and whatnot. I have constant anxiety even when I'm by myself now from overthinking everything. I've experienced with psychedelics in the past and had clear ego free visions of my true infinite nature. Beautiful experience and it was my first time feeling homefree and happy to express my divine spirit in the longest time. I learned a lot about single consciousness and there being a single universal being from my trips, there's some kind of unity that connects all of our essences, but it's really just one elongated essence. Not going to bother philosophizing, since that's aside from the point. I've also experienced a couple of bad trips at the end of the streak where I thought I was losing sanity on the drug, and it ****ed me up pretty bad. Made me five times more over-analytical and deep and gave me permanent neck/head pain resulting from some kind of post-traumatic stress disorder after the trips.

Since then I've literally been in hell, no sense of happiness of peace and basically finding life and all its facets meaningless. Like we're all here and there is no purpose. Socialization has become even more of a joke, and since I find talking to be inane and pointless since in the long run we're here to experience and then die, and that conversational topics generally repeat themselves to pass the time, it's reinforced my actor mask even more.

I've used the egoic ******* tricks to get laid and it worked. Even thoug it's not me. I don't know who I am. I'm so lost in the dark, so confused. My head aches just from thinking about it. I don't know what to do, or what first step to take if I want to escape my mental hell. I'm just wondering if anyone else here experienced this, or close to it and came out of their depression and mental hell and found peace. I've tried meditation but it never works for me, my mind will like transform and convince itself that it's not thinking. Gah.

I was getting laid a few weeks ago by a girl by putting the mask on, a FB of mine, but now she's gone and I'm alone. This other girl I hung out with today, despite using my mask, she ended up eventually making up an excuse that she had to go to dinner. Who knows, maybe she sensed my inner awkwardness. Gah.

I don't know anymore. Please help me. I'll do anything to get out of this rut.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
For some people, like me and you, it takes us awhile but we finally realize that the world is not as beautiful of a place as everyone makes it out to be. I used to have optimism towards our society, I believed in faith, love, and destiny, but it's all a loud of crap. Being introduced into the world of sociopathy was one of the best realizations I ever had. The fact is we live in a dog-eat-dog society. The strong prevail and the weak are left to rot. This applies to romance, business opportunities, and many other aspects of our lives. You may feel empty, but this is the only way to survive. Notice that assh0les are usually the only ones that make it in this world? The hott girls aren't dating guys who write loves poems, they're out getting fvcked by some dude who rides a Harley. Lawyers are making a living off of murderers. People are losing jobs just so the big corporate bosses can keep the same salary. You may feel guilty about feeling so "fake" but it's truly the only way to survive. I'm sorry I don't have any uplifting material for you. The sad truth is the only happiness is what we get through our own selfishness.

Waking Up

Don Juan
Feb 7, 2009
Reaction score
I see. I guess I''ll continue to use my ******* dominant mask then.

Waking Up

Don Juan
Feb 7, 2009
Reaction score
Because by trying to make decent, intelligent conversation and keep her feeling comfortable. The girl skittered off.

Had I been an insensitive **** and commanded her rudely, she'd probably be sucking my **** right now.

Thanks for clarifying. rofl.

Waking Up

Don Juan
Feb 7, 2009
Reaction score
Meh. I just don't know how to overcome my social anxiety. It's like I fear silences and ****. Drives me hellishly crazy.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
not to come off as an ******* but just go with the flow... if that wasn't the most obvious suicide letter ever written... If you are ****ing girls and have friends then shut the hell up... What else can you do to be happy? Go make a million dollars or something. If you wear a mask then you wear a mask. That is the real test you are receiving, WE ARE ALL FAKE. Once you meet someone, do you say to yourself, "Time to put my fake mask on"? I doubt it, so it must happen naturally... If you are naturally fake then guess what, your not fake... Your real... And THAT is accepting yourself for who you are. Accepting yourself is what people want from you... Even the people who consider you fake... To summarize it, WHO CARES? You know? You fell into a mental trap, some people like to call it depression but I just think it is from being TOO down to earth(maybe too smart?), as you tend to over-think everything... LoL, I'm the same way but once I read your post and saw my ghost I wrote this... Sorta curious, do you smoke weed?


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
Waking Up said:
Because by trying to make decent, intelligent conversation and keep her feeling comfortable. The girl skittered off.

Had I been an insensitive **** and commanded her rudely, she'd probably be sucking my **** right now.

Thanks for clarifying. rofl.
OKAY, you got the same issue as me. Why the hell are woman backwards? If only our minds weren't so great... Hell, you went into the conversation TRYING to make her happy... I guess you can call me feminine too because I HATE when people try to make me happy... People sit here and whine about how the nice guy finishes last but that's the nice guys problem... TREAT people the way you want to be treated... Life is simple


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
Dancing with the Devil by the pale moonlight.
I wish I had more advice to give you other than to say that your life and your mind and how you have the power to frame it in a way that is most favorable to you is much much more under your control than it may seem on the surface. Keep educating yourself and working towards becomming a better person. Spoil yourself. Don't put up with emotional abuse from women or any BS. Be fair yet firm in general. If you build it the right way you will encounter far fewer amounts of BS. This world is what you make it. Its like a video game with very few opportunites to hit the reset button. Keep chugging along like a choo choo train and make the best out of your life. Sure, live in the moment but also structure your life and actions in such a way that is condusive to overall well being and a good life down the road.

Good luck.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
as much as I hated hearing this ****... You gotta accept everything for what it is... Yes, you can continue to read and learn how to be a better person, but understand it isn't NECESSARY, it is just for improvement. Structuring your life isn't NECESSARY, just improvement. Times like this, you gotta think of the homeless people( in your city ) and try to figure out what keeps them going... Loving yourself is NECESSARY! Go in the mirror and talk to yourself! Seriously! crack jokes, smile, and enjoy yourself... One time is not enough, do it for a week and watch how easy life gets...


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2009
Reaction score
I know exactly talking about. I was wondering the same thing if someone else was going through it. Then I found your threads and found a strong sense of similarity between us; it kind of scared me how accurate is was to me. I think you should look at the Interceptor's threads. Best stuff ever. Only squirrels and Pook rival him, IMO. Anyway, PM me, I'm new here (actually, I've been lurking for months) but now that I have an account, I'm ready to take an active role in :Don Juan"



Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2005
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orange country holland
i wish i had time to completely lay it down. firstly you must go through the vedanta training. google up advaita vedanta. thats where the answers lay. i had the same issues but now im clear.

the root causes of problems on earth are desire ( for adoration and desire for pleasure) kill this desires and youll be fine (even kill your desire for women)thses guys here on souave are in for a shock they are geting to a point of no return sosuave teaches you to get addicted to women. give up on sosuave its a black hole. i dont even post here anymore but a friend those that how i saw your thread.

some time in the future ill post a full length thread. to help the lost ones cause you guys here are in trouble everything you think youve learnt is actually your down fall.

Waking Up

Don Juan
Feb 7, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys. The link didn't work.

But yeah I'll take a look at that stuff.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
You need to first establish how makes you happy, and pursue it. Also, what kind of person ARE you really?

Write everything down. Your personality, strengths, weaknesses. You'll soon figure out who YOU really are.

Then, strive to mend your weaknesses, and build on your strenth.

That there will enhance your character and mating value.

Don't ever let woman define your happiness. Your letting your single or 'lonely' status eat your inside out. From the way you write, I can tell you're a bright individual.

Start reaching for other facets of self-actualization while temporarily shoving women to the side. This will help clear your current emotional scarring.

Then, return her and pinpoint your exact problems you're facing with women so people can help you =)

If anything, feel free to PM me.



Waking Up

Don Juan
Feb 7, 2009
Reaction score
I've been doing so. I just feel very lost and in the dark. I don't know who I am.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
Sorta happy for u m8. Cause you get it. You got three options in this life.
1. suicide
2. chase whatever temporary high/distraction
3. higher purpose/calling

pick between the latter two.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
lghost said:
not to come off as an ******* but just go with the flow... if that wasn't the most obvious suicide letter ever written... If you are ****ing girls and have friends then shut the hell up... What else can you do to be happy? Go make a million dollars or something. If you wear a mask then you wear a mask. That is the real test you are receiving, WE ARE ALL FAKE. Once you meet someone, do you say to yourself, "Time to put my fake mask on"? I doubt it, so it must happen naturally... If you are naturally fake then guess what, your not fake... Your real... And THAT is accepting yourself for who you are. Accepting yourself is what people want from you... Even the people who consider you fake... To summarize it, WHO CARES? You know? You fell into a mental trap, some people like to call it depression but I just think it is from being TOO down to earth(maybe too smart?), as you tend to over-think everything... LoL, I'm the same way but once I read your post and saw my ghost I wrote this... Sorta curious, do you smoke weed?
Stfu.. you don't know spit. How dare you tell him to just go with the flow..

Hey.. I know your pain. You are cursed. You have the curse of intelligence.. the antiseducing trait. Instead of being able to just do and be you just think.. its like being a prisoner in your own mind.. instead of being able to just take action you take thought.. if your iq was six points lower you would probably be living in bliss..
I go through this everday.. every movement you make you analyze.. somedays if you like me you probably want to just take your hands and pull your hair out.. your always wondering what people think, how they feel about you.. you want to just run away but you can't because your running from your mind and its attatched to your fvcking shoulders..

I know this problem so well.. you act.. your never you because you fear people won't understand you.. this is narssisim.. part of your problem..(is that how you spell narcissism?)
But people understand better than you think..

Right now
Hold no punches... no more trying to be cool

No more acting tough, alpha or macho whatever..
If you hate something everyone else loves say it..
If you think chinese people stink.. say it..
No more fear of what other people think.. who gives a ****? There not better than you..
If you think a girl is being a nuisance put her out..
No more polite excuses just tell her point blank get out..
Be beautifully you..
Your angst comes from suppressing your true self..
Being that true self is the only way..
And if you stand out so what..
Anything is better than "going with the dumbass flow"..

You probably feel good for right now..
After reading this..
But later your going to feel like **** again..
Read this post again..
I wish you luck man


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
Don't worry, it takes some people years to develop emotional stability/ find their calling in life/ take on responsibility etc. Some people are luckier, they have a fairly smooth progression and they never experience losing their way. Often these are the people of average intellect who don't read into things too much. Either that or they just happen to be very conventional. Intellect is a strength as well as a liability. Use it to your advantage because you can't get rid of it, unless you start huffing gas or something. lol

I used to take psychedelics a long time ago. I had a similar experience, where it was blissful, but it made me see way too deeply into things, and I always will. It was like taking my mind apart and putting it back together. Most people do not have that experience because their mind is just always put together. Now I have come to the conclusion that the things worth having in life take time and effort to acquire. The psychedelic experience is temporary and in that sense sort of false. If you work towards a constructive goal, you may find that you like it, and become encouraged. This is what I did. Of course what is inspiring is different for everyone. But I agree with this:

Sir_Turtle said:
Sorta happy for u m8. Cause you get it. You got three options in this life.
1. suicide
2. chase whatever temporary high/distraction
3. higher purpose/calling

pick between the latter two.
3. is preferable to 2. If you're a philosopher type you'll never be fully satisfied with 2. #3 can also help with provide opportunities for option #2 in many ways.

Waking Up

Don Juan
Feb 7, 2009
Reaction score
I dunno if any of you listen to Modest Mouse, they're my favorite band and they describe everything perfectly. I've listened to all their albums and digested all their lyrics, but this song describes quite a bit.

Although we often wondered
It was no thing of wonder
The **** that flew from our minds
While wearing stains of fresh fruit
And riding on shoes of horse glue
On this ridiculous climb
With great tunnel vision
We built ourselves a mission
To ride our motives design
Oh, what a vague description
Of what we have been missing
So why would anyone try?

It was always worth it
That's the part I seem to hide
And the busy ant empire
Put up the closing sign

I wasn't always cargo
I was once kind of my own
I guess I'll pack up my mind
It took so much effort
Not to make an effort
Oh, what a flawless design

It was always worth it
That's the part I seem to hide
And the busy ant empire
Put up the closing sign

Even as I left Florida

It was always worth it
That's the part I seem to hide
And the busy ant empire
Was always a beehive
It was always worth it
That's the part I seem to hide

Even as I left Florida
Far enough, far enough
Wasn't far enough
Couldn't quite seem to escape myself
Far enough, far enough
Far from Florida
We were all drowsing in cruise control
Far enough, far enough
Wasn't far enough

I stood on my heart's porch thinking
"Oh my God, I'll probably have to carry this whole load"
I couldn't remember if I tried
I couldn't remember if I took my brain out
Threw it so directly at the goal
I couldn't remember if I
I could have my mind erased
And still not know exactly what I don't already know

Even as I left Florida