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How would you react to your girl kissing a guy?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
Say a guy tries to kiss your girl and she kisses him back. Should this immediately lead to a break-up?

My question is, does a kiss show there is something seriously wrong with the relationship? Or is it sometimes possible to simply get carried away in the moment.

Finally if she were to really regret what happened, would you be willing to forgive it once, or would that be taken as a sign of weakness?

EDIT: More information in a further post below.
Last edited:


In the heat of the moment, I'd probably punch her clean on her jaw and then throw her out along with her stuff.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
trv26 said:
Say a guy tries to kiss your girl and she kisses him back. Should this immediately lead to a break-up?

My question is, does a kiss show there is something seriously wrong with the relationship? Or is it sometimes possible to simply get carried away in the moment.

Finally if she were to really regret what happened, would you be willing to forgive it once, or would that be taken as a sign of weakness?
Yes, once.

But, here is what you do. Tell her you want to think about things for a while and not talk or bring up the subject at all. Seriously, not at all.

I'll tell you why, it's sort of a long story but you'll see how I deal with things in general and make sure "getting carried away" doesn't happen ever again. It works.

On night, years ago, my LTR came home and I could tell she was really upset about something personal. It was obvious that she had done something wrong. I didn't ask, that's letting her easily get off the hook for whatever it was. For something serious, she needs to sweat it for a while and a woman will punish herself much more effectively when she's scared she's going to lose something she cannot replace.

So, anyway, for a few days she was really quiet and jumpy. A door knock, phone ringing, etc... would startle her. Then, that's when she started to probe around a bit. Questions about if anything was bothering me and if I had something to talk about to talk about it with her for a few days. "Nope, I'm good".

After about a week of this she sat down one night and told me she's really worried about her married friend. I'm not paying extra attention, I avoid Girlworld talk whenever possible, so that's not unusual, I'm watching tv.

It seems her married friend was out with her and she kinda got excited about a guy and when they were dancing or whatever the guy pulled her close and she kept kissing him for a short bit. Then her friend freaked out and realized what was going on. Now her friend is worried that she'll lose her really great husband and kids and all that if he ever finds out. What should her friend do?

I just casually said to tell her friend to not worry about it, just forget it and never do it again. Don't do any confession because that'll really take the chance he's going to leave and not trust her. Just tell her to deny it if it ever comes up. I told her if the husband is that great he'd likely give her the benefit of doubt unless something like that happened a second time. Then, it's about 100% likely that woman would come home one day to an empty house.

She got better after that and we had to part ways a few years later because she had to go take care of her (long term) terminal mother so it was all good and we stayed friends. After her mom passed away, she moved back in the area and one day her best friend and her were visiting with me and the subject of how so many people cheat came up. My ex-girlfriend said something to the effect she didn't understand how someone could do that, and she certainly never did that to me.

I said, well, you did kiss a guy a month before my birthday one time.

Both of them got really pissed (???) and were getting loud yelling at me about how did I know and why I didn't say anything. HAHAHAHAHA

Still trust that girl, and we're tight friends.

Why didn't she ever do it again? Because she had to suffer for a while. No confession, no forgiveness, just the stark fear from the message I got across. I'll just pack my stuff and not say a word. I'll be gone. SURPRISE! That type of fear of loss without any warning will keep a girl on her toes to never repeat something like that ever again.

If you tell her that you want to think about it and do it in a calm, not mean way and DO NOT TALK AT ALL ABOUT IT FOR A WHILE that fear is going to be embedded deep in her (omg, i wish i could go back in time, is he going to leave me, oh no, i feel like dirt, a kiss might ruin it all, i pray he forgives me, omg, i wish... OVER AND OVER AND OVER). Then, after a week or so, sit down, hold her hands while looking in her eyes and say something like "Are you ever going to do something like that again?". She'll say "no". Say "do you believe that I will disappear forever out of your life if you betray me ever again?" She'll say "yes". Tell her the subject is dropped and neither of you will speak of it again and no matter what kind of argument you get in in the future don't even get close to bringing that up in any way WHATSOEVER EVER EVER.

Girls do get caught up "in the moment". Once, it was a kiss and she's scared. She could have wove a web of lies forever and she didn't. Good for her. Give her a break get over it.

It happens more than men think. LOTS. It's not the end of the world. Women do get caught up in the moment, that's what much of Seduction material is about. Directed at everyone, not this specific situation at all: We can't have it both ways, get her into a state (caught up in the moment) where she'll be likely to respond to a kiss, and then turn around and say we would absolutely not go out with a girl like that who fell for it one time.

That bears repeating:

We can't have it both ways, get her into a state (caught up in the moment) where she'll be likely to respond to a kiss, and then turn around and say we would absolutely not go out with a girl like that who fell for it one time.

What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
good answers, but SkyDiver takes the cake.

If you have a high quality gf, she will not kiss other guys, period.
Therfore, if your gf kisses another guy she is not high quality!
Simply next her, as building a LTR with a low quality girl is a waste of time.

'nuff said


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
I would tend to argue its better to just next them if you find out they've kissed a guy as it shows huge lack of respect for you and if they're willing to take that step who knows what else they could end up doing.

I understand that girls (and certainly guys) can get caught up in the moment but it's very hard to excuse a girl doing that. There are always exceptions and it maybe worth salvaging a LTR if you really care and feel for the girl but most times I think the best course of action is to move on.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Demote her to fvck buddy status and look for someone else. Why throw away a perfectly good (although now used) vagina?


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
wtf? Why is this even being discussed and I see people say that you might even have a chance with her! l o l ! ! If I run into them kissing I would do just like another dj in this forum did, went to them said hi to both of them, introduced himself to the man and hugged his girl saying to her ear, have your things taken out of my apartment by tommorow! If she did that in front of me knowing I was there, I would propably punch her! Seriously... So much disrespect from your girl? WTF?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
DonJuanit0 said:
wtf? Why is this even being discussed and I see people say that you might even have a chance with her! l o l ! ! If I run into them kissing I would do just like another dj in this forum did, went to them said hi to both of them, introduced himself to the man and hugged his girl saying to her ear, have your things taken out of my apartment by tommorow! If she did that in front of me knowing I was there, I would propably punch her! Seriously... So much disrespect from your girl? WTF?
Who the heck said they were caught?

If that was the case then I'd reverse my whole post and agree with all of the DUMP HER posts but all I saw was the a) she evidentially kissed a guy and she continued the kiss and b) that she was truly screwed up about it.

Like I said, if he CAUGHT them, 100% dumperoo. But, if she came to him with a confession and was begging for him to not dump her and otherwise they have a good relationship then that's not 100% DUMP THAT BIATCH material.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
ThatMysteriousGuy said:
Who the heck said they were caught?

If that was the case then I'd reverse my whole post and agree with all of the DUMP HER posts but all I saw was the a) she evidentially kissed a guy and she continued the kiss and b) that she was truly screwed up about it.

Like I said, if he CAUGHT them, 100% dumperoo. But, if she came to him with a confession and was begging for him to not dump her and otherwise they have a good relationship then that's not 100% DUMP THAT BIATCH material.
Are you serious? I would expect from my girl to kick in the nuts anyone who would try to kiss her rather than continue kissing him lol! There is NO confession or a good relationship here mate! She was screwed up? Yeah like she would seem happy about it in front of her boyfriend lol! There is NO reason, NO excuse for my girl to kiss/not resist kissing another guy...


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
DonJuanit0 said:
wtf? Why is this even being discussed and I see people say that you might even have a chance with her! l o l ! ! If I run into them kissing I would do just like another dj in this forum did, went to them said hi to both of them, introduced himself to the man and hugged his girl saying to her ear, have your things taken out of my apartment by tommorow! If she did that in front of me knowing I was there, I would propably punch her! Seriously... So much disrespect from your girl? WTF?

ThatMysteriousGuy said:
Who the heck said they were caught?

If that was the case then I'd reverse my whole post and agree with all of the DUMP HER posts but all I saw was the a) she evidentially kissed a guy and she continued the kiss and b) that she was truly screwed up about it.

Like I said, if he CAUGHT them, 100% dumperoo. But, if she came to him with a confession and was begging for him to not dump her and otherwise they have a good relationship then that's not 100% DUMP THAT BIATCH material.
Exactly. If she kisses a guy in front of you that is blatant disrespect - NEXT her.

However, if she didn't do it front of you, and she confessed to you, then it depends on the situation, which you need to evaluate on a case by case basis.

Think of it this way, if she didn't give a damn about you, she would not have even confessed to you. She would keep cheating and then dump you later. By confessing, it does signal that she either cares for you, or is on a major guilt trip. But it's a case by case basis.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
Trader said:
Exactly. If she kisses a guy in front of you that is blatant disrespect - NEXT her.

However, if she didn't do it front of you, and she confessed to you, then it depends on the situation, which you need to evaluate on a case by case basis.

Think of it this way, if she didn't give a damn about you, she would not have even confessed to you. She would keep cheating and then dump you later. By confessing, it does signal that she either cares for you, or is on a major guilt trip. But it's a case by case basis.
So you actually forgive her for desrespecting you cause she told you that she did! I really wish I could translate a greek phrase here but what it says is that if she get away with it one time she will do it again and again and again! And it's pretty logical to do so as a human being! The whole world around us is built in such a way that we can "sin" and sin is temptation, what if you forgive that sin once? It's like training a dog, you can't allow it to poo in the house not even once cause then it won't stop doing it cause it knows that it's been forgiven in the past!

Just answer me this, are you guys, who say, think about before nexting her, would be able/stand to BE with a person you know (cause she told you) she kissed another guy? I'm just curious...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
DonJuanit0 said:
So you actually forgive her for desrespecting you cause she told you that she did! I really wish I could translate a greek phrase here but what it says is that if she get away with it one time she will do it again and again and again! And it's pretty logical to do so as a human being! The whole world around us is built in such a way that we can "sin" and sin is temptation, what if you forgive that sin once? It's like training a dog, you can't allow it to poo in the house not even once cause then it won't stop doing it cause it knows that it's been forgiven in the past!

Just answer me this, are you guys, who say, think about before nexting her, would be able/stand to BE with a person you know (cause she told you) she kissed another guy? I'm just curious...
Um, yes. You didn't read my long-winded post that said exactly that. I decided correctly and she was punished quite enough. And guess what?

After my ex-girlfriend's mother died she inherited 2 homes and a cabin. The cabin was right on a lake. She gave it to me for a birthday with no "let's hook up again" bullshait. She knew I always wanted something like that and she already had plenty for herself with the nice houses. And remember, that's an ex-girlfriend that did that.

Or, I could have been a **** and blasted her with "get the fark out of my life I know you OMG kissed a guy for 10 seconds one time!"

WTF with It's like training a dog, you can't allow it to poo in the house not even once cause then it won't stop doing it cause it knows that it's been forgiven in the past!

Oh my ****ing god dude, it's incredibly sick to believe a woman is no more than a dog you train.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
DonJuanit0 said:
if she get away with it one time she will do it again and again and again!
Exactly! Nailed it on the head!

When a girl comes begging you for forgiveness for knowingly stepping over your boundaries she can only have 2 motives:
1) she is genuinely sorry and wants to salvage the relationship. She wants to be extremely honest with you. She wants to get over her guilt and come off clean at the same time.

2) she wants to test your boundaries. It can be damage control, or proative on her part. She could have fvcked a guy last night, but she s only putting the kiss part on the table to see how you react; or she is thinking about fvcking that guy who kissed her, so she wants to test the waters.

Something to ponder about for those who say "keep her."


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
DonJuanit0 said:
So you actually forgive her for desrespecting you cause she told you that she did! I really wish I could translate a greek phrase here but what it says is that if she get away with it one time she will do it again and again and again! And it's pretty logical to do so as a human being! The whole world around us is built in such a way that we can "sin" and sin is temptation, what if you forgive that sin once? It's like training a dog, you can't allow it to poo in the house not even once cause then it won't stop doing it cause it knows that it's been forgiven in the past!

Just answer me this, are you guys, who say, think about before nexting her, would be able/stand to BE with a person you know (cause she told you) she kissed another guy? I'm just curious...
Let's clarify this.

I would *forgive* her for sure - we all make mistakes, there is no sense of holding grudges against anyone.

However, whether I would continue to *be with her*, well that is up to me to decide and that is context dependent - i.e. was there alcohol involved? how good was our relationship up to that point? did it seem like her interest level was already fading? Was she already turned off by you, so this was just a sign of blatant disrespect? Or was it she felt neglected by you and needed to 'act out?'

Life is not all black and white, there are shades of grey.

You argue that if you take her back, she will cheat on you again. That is ridiculous for you to say. Well she might cheat on you again, and she might not, again there are no certanties in life.

That's like saying: 'Oh it's impossible for a player to be successful in marriage because he is so used to having multiple girls at once.'

How ridiculous does that sound. Life is complicated with no hard or fast rules - there are only guidelines.

I agree with your general guideline that a man should not accept any disrespect by a girl. But again, was she disrespecting you, or were there other factors at play.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
Trader said:
Let's clarify this.

I would *forgive* her for sure - we all make mistakes, there is no sense of holding grudges against anyone.

However, whether I would continue to *be with her*, well that is up to me to decide and that is context dependent - i.e. was there alcohol involved? how good was our relationship up to that point? did it seem like her interest level was already fading? Was she already turned off by you, so this was just a sign of blatant disrespect? Or was it she felt neglected by you and needed to 'act out?'

Life is not all black and white, there are shades of grey.

You argue that if you take her back, she will cheat on you again. That is ridiculous for you to say. Well she might cheat on you again, and she might not, again there are no certanties in life.

That's like saying: 'Oh it's impossible for a player to be successful in marriage because he is so used to having multiple girls at once.'

How ridiculous does that sound. Life is complicated with no hard or fast rules - there are only guidelines.

I agree with your general guideline that a man should not accept any disrespect by a girl. But again, was she disrespecting you, or were there other factors at play.
I like your way of thinking but a player doesn't sin! He just likes to have beatiful women around him! He is not commited to one girl and if he does that's as fool as what the girl did here! Yeah he could be loyal in his marriage, cause if a player gets married he would propably had found the girl that would "fullfill" his wants and standarts! There is not black and white in life, I agree with you but some things should be treated like that! I think that's a thing that it should be... :)


Senior Don Juan
Oct 26, 2009
Reaction score
Well it's clearly disrespectful and an indication of low interest (or jealousy games) and therefore deserves to be punished by withdrawal of attention, or possibly a NEXT, depending on other circumstances. If possible I would hook up with another girl in front of her to teach that b1tch a lesson.

Or you can take the a symp AFC route like Trader seems to hold dear and 'forgive her', she'll lose respect for you and you'll see it happen again and again until her attraction for you is non-existent.

Phenomenal One

Don Juan
Jan 16, 2009
Reaction score
Long Island, New York
WTF with It's like training a dog, you can't allow it to poo in the house not even once cause then it won't stop doing it cause it knows that it's been forgiven in the past!

Oh my ****ing god dude, it's incredibly sick to believe a woman is no more than a dog you train.
forums like this would'nt even exist if it was'nt.
Humans do what they can get away with.