How to deal with a friend in decline?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
I have a friend who has been blue pill beta his whole life. He's also been abused physically and emotionally by his parents. he's been in and out of drug rehabs and jail. For a while he was doing well, we ran a record label and had some minor local success. He ended up going blue pill over two bipolar chics back to back which ended up leaving him with a heron addiction.

I had to step away from him then as I had a family and I just couldn't drop by to an apartment full of people snorting and shooting up. Can't be around that stuff.

A few years later he decides to get clean, I take him to the methadone clinic for months. I listen to him rant about his life, his mother and why everything is ****ed up and not his fault. I really start to get sick of it. This is when I was at the lowest point in my adult life. I couldn't handle any more negativity.

He recently started to show signs of schizophrenia and has been diagnosed. Since the meds he's gone down hill. He does nothing all day but smoke weed and watch Netflix and moan about his life. He calls, texts and facebooks me constantly and spews out his emotions in the most unmanly fashion. It's really off-putting.

He constantly tells me that I'm his only friend, he hasn't been laid in 3 years, nobody likes him, his family has all but turned their backs on him. I'm like dude, you are 33 years old. Why are you whining like a ***** all the time, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. He says he can't because of his condition. At one time he was like a brother to me, but I don't know what to do here.

I don't want to wallow in negativity and self pity. I've spent the last few years pulling myself back from the edge and I'm finally getting to the point where I'm happy with the direction my life is going. But the question is, what do I do about my friend? I can't help him. He will not listen. I can't stand to be around him any more. I feel sorry for him because I know it's all true, he has no one. His behavior is off-putting to everyone. He's too intense and only talks about himself non-stop and has nearly no idea what is proper to say in public and what isn't. He has burned all bridges with his family. He is the worst wingman in the world. He has zero game and is now bitter as ****. I've tried to approach him about game and red pill know just feeling him out. But he still rants how No one will every love him for him, and because of his condition he doesn't deserve love. It's cringe worthy. I wish I could just tell him this line from The Departed.
How's your mother?
She's on her way out.
We all are. Act accordingly.

What would you do?
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Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
Distance yourself from him, but don't cut him out.

Tell him you want him to stop talking for a few minutes and objectively listen to some things you are going to suggest to him to try and improve his life.

If he refuses to listen objectively, or at all, tell him "Please stop complaining to me about your problems if you aren't going to listen to my suggestions on solutions for them, and give my ideas a good honest chance. You are a grown adult, I'm sure you will figure something else out. But please stop talking to me about your problems from this point on unless you decide to give my ideas a try..... ((subject change)) How are the Cubs?"


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
logicallefty said:
Distance yourself from him, but don't cut him out.

Tell him you want him to stop talking for a few minutes and objectively listen to some things you are going to suggest to him to try and improve his life.

If he refuses to listen objectively, or at all, tell him "Please stop complaining to me about your problems if you aren't going to listen to my suggestions on solutions for them, and give my ideas a good honest chance. You are a grown adult, I'm sure you will figure something else out. But please stop talking to me about your problems from this point on unless you decide to give my ideas a try..... ((subject change)) How are the Cubs?"
i've tried that several times. It never works.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I've known people like this

depends on how good of a friend he is to you. if he is a good friend i would take some time, maybe a day every other week, not a full day just saying and take him out and talk to him / basically train him on how to be an adult. '

he's in a negative loop right now. his friends don't like him, he doesn't lik ehimself he doesn't like himself, doesn't get laid.

I remember when I was first getting clean, I had some money, but emotionally I was a hot mess lol. My atittude, demanor, personality just put people off and rightfully so. But I had met one dude that I just could not run off and whenever i needed to talk, he was there. if I felt bad he'd take me out and we'd go get something to eat. he never told me anything I didn't already know, but him just being there, really helped.

eventually i needed him less and less and less and after about a year and a half i was giving him dating advice lol. i don't know if i would have made it though that first year without him honestly.

I guess that's why I always tend to go towards helping because I've been there and I know the effect it had on my life.

I know it's not easy, but this isn't a Machiavellian novel lol he's your friend. Just ask me man, what do you want me to do to help you out?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
I've known people like this

depends on how good of a friend he is to you. if he is a good friend i would take some time, maybe a day every other week, not a full day just saying and take him out and talk to him / basically train him on how to be an adult. '

he's in a negative loop right now. his friends don't like him, he doesn't lik ehimself he doesn't like himself, doesn't get laid.

I remember when I was first getting clean, I had some money, but emotionally I was a hot mess lol. My atittude, demanor, personality just put people off and rightfully so. But I had met one dude that I just could not run off and whenever i needed to talk, he was there. if I felt bad he'd take me out and we'd go get something to eat. he never told me anything I didn't already know, but him just being there, really helped.

eventually i needed him less and less and less and after about a year and a half i was giving him dating advice lol. i don't know if i would have made it though that first year without him honestly.

I guess that's why I always tend to go towards helping because I've been there and I know the effect it had on my life.

I know it's not easy, but this isn't a Machiavellian novel lol he's your friend. Just ask me man, what do you want me to do to help you out?
Yah. I've been helping him. For years now. It's just not improving for him. Right now I'm on the verge of getting my business off the ground properly. I'm working my butt off. I'm doing the creative projects I've been wanting to work on and making headway. I met a girl and we've been hanging out and I got a kid I'm trying to spend time with. I mean, I was always the guy who would help out anyone. And you know what? My life didn't start getting better until I started helping myself first. I feel like a **** on one hand, but on the other...I have to admit that I can't help the guy right now. Right now I need some time to help myself. It's not like when we were in our twenties and we had nothing to do, no responsibilities and it was all fun and games. I dunno man.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I fel you bro. I'ts part of the responsibly of being an alpha / dominate male that people look to. It's not always about getting ***** and being the life of the party. People look to you for advice, want help with stuff and it's taxing.

But you would not be making this post if you didn't give a damn, so you know good as well as I do, that not doing anything, just isn't' in your DNA, so let's not kid ourselves. You're like me in that regard, you see a problem and you're not gonna feel comfortable until it's fixed.

Do this. Sit him down, take him out to eat, whatever, and just tell him exactly how you feel about him and about his life and get him to talk and take it from there. Some of us aren't as introspective as others.

is he still clean? If he's not clean, leave him alone. IF he IS clean sit him down and say hey look here is my problem. I like you, you're my boy and I will done atyhing to help you but I don't know how to help you. Tell me what you want.

And ****, maybe he DOESN'T WANT to be helped. It took me about 6 months.. 4-5 months give or take from when i got clean for it to really really click in my head that hey, i'm the problem and i got to change some ****.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
If I've learned one thing about drugs and recovery and drugs and recovery ad nauseam it's that they have to want to get better. They have to hit bottom.

Best thing you can do is be there when he hits the bottom to help him pick himself back up.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Fate has reciprocity, and never fails to deliver. Don't eject.