How the decline in casual dinning parallels a man’s struggles in modern dating

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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Then raise your value. Most men don't even come close to their potential then whine about why it's so hard.

How many are in peak physical condition? Under 10% most likely, probably more like 5%.

How many have their life and career together? Again, probably not more than 20% of the dating market.

How many are able to hold conversations and aren't boring like watching paint dry? Not very many again.

Men are literally competing against losers and dudes who are lame, boring or socially inept for the most part.

If they are struggling then it's likely they are part of that group.

Too many guys think they can just do whatever and it should lead to success but success with women is like success with anything else. Your options are directly correlated to what version of you, you have become.
Heck I'll even lower the bar. How many men are simply better versions of themselves today than they were yesterday?

Funny to see guys not bothering to improve because they're haunted by "Chad." Imagine not going into business because there's already a Musk or a Bezos.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
I'm talking about confidence. Women like a spectrum of $hit that men shouldn't care. But getting ripped increase confidence in knowing that physique wise you're better than 90% of men out there? Fvck yes
Doesn’t mean shvt when you are out here chasing the wrong type of women. Guys need to accept that they will never be this magical skeleton key and that they all have a specific range of women and they can only increase their attractiveness within them.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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If you read what he wrote, he’s calling men that use prostitutes ass clowns. Espousing prostitution as some red pill thing or as if it had anything to do with seduction, which is what this board is about is asinine.
I dont do that in any if my threads. I made a reference and whenever I have brought it up, its a pure cope rather than a red pill thing or claiming it has anything to do with seduction. For example, ED, is a health issue, not a seduction issue. Any threads on the Anything Else section are NOT intended to be seduction, it is talking about literally anything else. This is when it becomes censorship and this board is taking a moralistic stand that it is wrong in principle and should not even be brought up in that section. If you took that position then it would at least make sense to me.

There was a general agreement to refrain from references which I DMed,.so I intend to do that anyway. You can reference the agreement made on the DM. It is best to appeal to a private commitment either on a thread or DM then rathet.than say I am making it out to be something which I am not. At least its more honest.

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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Doesn’t mean shvt when you are out here chasing the wrong type of women. Guys need to accept that they will never be this magical skeleton key and that they all have a specific range of women and they can only increase their attractiveness within them.
"Chasing," no of course not. There's no "specific range" of women for a guy unless that's what you want.


Sep 10, 2014
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You are talking about the bottom 20% of guys. That's definitely a sub-set of the 95% of guys that @FlexpertHamilton is referring to. Now what about the other 80% who don't meet that extreme profile?
What percentage of men are even in the top 50% of their potential in terms of physical shape, career, finances and having their life together? There is the answer.

Most men would do better to worry about improving the person they see in the mirror than crying about things out of their control.

They have 100% control over the person staring back at them, but few do anything about it.

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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What percentage of men are even in the top 50% of their potential in terms of physical shape, career, finances and having their life together? There is the answer.

Most men would do better to worry about improving the person they see in the mirror than crying about things out of their control.

They have 100% control over the person staring back at them, but few do anything about it.
I've noticed most of the black pill posters around here are casual technocrats and statisticians who then scale their "stats" (all guesses) down to themselves.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
"Chasing," no of course not. There's no "specific range" of women for a guy unless that's what you want.
Well if Guy A is only approaching women in clubs/party environments or using quick sex goal focused marketing tactics then he is targeting a specific range of woman.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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Then raise your value. Most men don't even come close to their potential then whine about why it's so hard.

How many are in peak physical condition? Under 10% most likely, probably more like 5%.

How many have their life and career together? Again, probably not more than 20% of the dating market.

How many are able to hold conversations and aren't boring like watching paint dry? Not very many again.

Men are literally competing against losers and dudes who are lame, boring or socially inept for the most part.

If they are struggling then it's likely they are part of that group.

Too many guys think they can just do whatever and it should lead to success but success with women is like success with anything else. Your options are directly correlated to what version of you, you have become.
Idk man, I don't think is that low for men who have their $hit together, it just it can't be that low.

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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Well if Guy A is only approaching women in clubs/party environments or using quick sex goal focused marketing tactics then he is targeting a specific range of woman.
Well that's up to him. Maybe I misunderstood your post. If he wants a specific range that's fine, but it's not something imposed on him.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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SM is a factor. Who want’s to post on FB that they ate at Chili’s? Boring.

I travel a lot. I’ve noticed more and more towns are boasting local dining. Similar to local craft beer. Who want’s to go
to generic Chevy’s when you can try the latest hip place?

Granted. I may be biased as I live in a very ‘Foodie’ heavy area.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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They know the type of women they attract and specifically target them

They know the popular trends within their target audience
Nice. I made a comment here last year about putting yourself together like the guys (who dress (hairstyle included) and wear (jewelry included) what's popular right now) your target audience likes to make things easier for yourself.
Actually yes they will. To young girls "higher value" in their mind is simply someone who looks hot and is put together up like the guys they drool over on their instagram/tiktok feeds.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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Heck I'll even lower the bar. How many men are simply better versions of themselves today than they were yesterday?

Funny to see guys not bothering to improve because they're haunted by "Chad." Imagine not going into business because there's already a Musk or a Bezos.
Don’t be Haunted by Chad. Be Chad.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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Interesting take. Some questions -

95% of men - where do you get this stat?

So you believe chances for success are equal whether you do something or do nothing?

Do you personally let women define your value for you as suggested above?
95% of men - where do you get this stat?

There's already data from swiping apps. Women don't rate men on a bell curve like men do; they only find a small fraction of them attractive. Women literally say things like "Ryan Gosling is average", because when women talk about men, they are always exclusively referrring to men they find attractive, which is a very limited pool,. I made that number up but it's definitely higher than 75%. A recent survey found that about 1/3 of men between 18-34 have had no sexual encounters within the last year, and likely ever. Michael Sartain told a story where he was out with his GF and asked her if she would date any of the men around her. She said no, and he asked her about the postal worker and she hadn't even noticed him, in her mind he was a non-entity. Women view most men this way, as non-entities. A 5'4 Indian cashier isn't going to get more women if he starts talking to them regularly. Some men are just out of the game. No amount of self-improvement will make a difference. Self-improvement is only relevant to men who already have potential.

So you believe chances for success are equal whether you do something or do nothing?

Of course not. But to pretend that the masses of men have a chance is silly. Regardless, the fact that men have to work so hard to raise their value just to get a basic bvtch tatted ***** with 40 bodies is a joke. I'm not speaking from my own experience, but the overall experience of men. It's called hoeflation. Personally I am starting to view all women as recreational use only, I don't even go on dates anymore I just invite them to my home and if they say no, I move on to the next.

Do you personally let women define your value for you as suggested above?

Wdym? Who else but women would ultimately determine your value in the sexual marketplace? You can insist you're a high value man all day but if you can't get laid or get a high quality GF then the market proves otherwise. It's akin to a fat bvtch insisting she's a 10 just because she says so. I'm not sure what you're implying?
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Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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Feminism is a symptom of the problem the real problem is the people that put feminism in place! the politicians who wanted women in the workplace so they could get more tax money! cause the government needed more money to keep their endeavors going especially after World War 2. Women entered the workforce, wages overtime went down, your spending power went down but taxes went up! Don't believe me do your own research on this topic

Social programs went into hyperdrive in the 70s/'80s/90s and how taxes have increased in the last 60 years. It blows my mind how Redpill guys don't see that there was/is a bigger picture at play than feminism. It's about Money!!! I could go deeper into it but if you think feminism is the main issue you have to ask yourself. Who benefits the most from feminism? not the women, the government does! (once again do your research if you don't believe me you won't find this type of information on a red pill podcast where they talk about "The Wall" and "Hypergamy" for the 50,000th time)

Redpill channels/podcasts definitely discuss this, this isn't a radical idea you're promoting. Hell, even Tate talked about it. Feminism is in fact a means of social control to destabilize society to benefit the elites, same with the anti-white, DEI, etc, it's all about creating division and destroying the family unit and getting people reliant on the system to survive.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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95% of men - where do you get this stat?

There's already data from swiping apps. Women don't rate men on a bell curve like men do; they only find a small fraction of them attractive. Women literally say things like "Ryan Gosling is average", because when women talk about men, they are always exclusively referrring to men they find attractive, which is a very limited pool,. I made that number up but it's definitely higher than 75%. A recent survey found that about 1/3 of men between 18-34 have had no sexual encounters within the last year, and likely ever. Michael Sartain told a story where he was out with his GF and asked her if she would date any of the men around her. She said no, and he asked her about the postal worker and she hadn't even noticed him, in her mind he was a non-entity. Women view most men this way, as non-entities. A 5'4 Indian cashier isn't going to get more women if he starts talking to them regularly. Some men are just out of the game. No amount of self-improvement will make a difference. Self-improvement is only relevant to men who already have potential.
I have seen this in action. It is simply stunning how women will completely ignore men they have no interest in.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Redpill channels/podcasts definitely discuss this, this isn't a radical idea you're promoting. Hell, even Tate talked about it. Feminism is in fact a means of social control to destabilize society to benefit the elites, same with the anti-white, DEI, etc, it's all about creating division and destroying the family unit and getting people reliant on the system to survive.
So who benefits the most from feminism? oh wait you answered my question but let other Red Pillers say it's all women's fault when it's the people whom you(Im speaking in general) put in office creating your own demise

I've been around the space for 16 years before the term "Red Pill" was even coined, things have gotton worse for most men, If Red Pillers got politically active I would respect them more, The alt-right tried but failed, LGBTQ and BLM did it and got some things done. All Red Pillers wanna do is go on youtube and whine and than wonder why they get shut down, no one is going to take you seriously if you don't have any power or money to make ISH happen. if you want to force change, you're not going to do it by shaming women you gonna have to do it by getting politically active, If you don't wanna do that, then go have a coke and a smile cause things are getting worse for average guys. For guys whom are winning things are going to be lovely. Which side will you be on?
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Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
95% of men - where do you get this stat?

There's already data from swiping apps. Women don't rate men on a bell curve like men do; they only find a small fraction of them attractive. Women literally say things like "Ryan Gosling is average", because when women talk about men, they are always exclusively referrring to men they find attractive, which is a very limited pool,. I made that number up but it's definitely higher than 75%. A recent survey found that about 1/3 of men between 18-34 have had no sexual encounters within the last year, and likely ever. Michael Sartain told a story where he was out with his GF and asked her if she would date any of the men around her. She said no, and he asked her about the postal worker and she hadn't even noticed him, in her mind he was a non-entity. Women view most men this way, as non-entities. A 5'4 Indian cashier isn't going to get more women if he starts talking to them regularly. Some men are just out of the game. No amount of self-improvement will make a difference. Self-improvement is only relevant to men who already have potential.
There are always choices and solutions for non-attractive men while they may not be preferred life is not fair. I wish I was born into the Gates family so I don't have to work but guess what that didn't happen so I gotta grind! no one cares let me say this again no one cares about men's plight (not even most men do, hence most of these Red Pill youtubers/authors are grifters who don't even practice what they preach!)unless they are willing to fight for it politically and get things changed i.e. divorce laws, mandatory DNA testing, men's rights, etc (whatever law or agenda you're trying to push). MGTOW tried by "walking away" but not being politically active and guess what women didn't care cause most MGTOW guys aren't guys that women are checking for anyway. Then youtube/Reddit and other social media platforms got MGTOW da heck outta their algorithm and a lot of MGTOW"s rebranded or disappeared cause it was never about the message for them but $$$$

Here are some solutions for non-attractive men or men who are not desirable

  • Become a Passport Bro-Biggest movement right now no self-improvement needed just a passport and some money to travel overseas
  • Get a Sugar Baby (don't recommend)
  • Or be forever alone, no worries AI girlfriends are here, and you can have a sex doll to boot

If you think things are bad now, in 6 years things are about to get worse, a lotta guys are to focus on poosy yet still live at home with their parents in their late 20s or 30s, are overweight, lazy, soft, entitled, dealing with mental issues etc. Heck one of the biggest incles in youtube history Kent got off youtube got in shape now has a girlfriend if he can do it, it's possible for most guys!

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
Reaction score
Don’t be Haunted by Chad. Be Chad.
Yeah - I mean my analogy doesn't work 1:1 because every businessman can't be Elon. But anyone can be a success who tries. Same with the whole Chad thing, not everyone will be some Gucci model with cash and tight game but any man can have success with women.

The problem with some threads here is they make a big deal out of "society" and all these reported cultural problems but as an individual fail to see how effort or change can make them better.

And even when I've suggested they just move to a less feminist country guys are like "Well I can't just up and move."

Feminism ain't the problem with some guys.