How low will you go?


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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oh yeah, EVERY man here has 9's crawling out of his socks. Fvcking liars.
Never said that...the best I've ever fvcked was an 8 but I typically had 7's all over the place...


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Exactly, it's completely subjective.

Not to mention if somebody catches the feels pretty fast......they start to see her with
rose tinted spectacles. Pedastalising women will usually push her "perceived beauty" through
the roof....

I think it's important to remember that women are generally very front end loaded when it comes to their looks.
Meaning a lot of time is spent putting on makeup, the hight heel shoes, the hair done, the fake nails and eyelashes......

Let me see her when she's doing her laundry on a Saturday morning...
Looks like a "normal" female. Like someones daughter or sister, lol.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Random thoughts this thread conjured up-

Take pictures. I have noticed I always think a girl is hotter in person than in photos. Maybe its brain chemistry or just that typically photos make everyone look worse...but, the next day, that 9 you swooning over, aint so 9 anymore....AT ALL. The very few that pass the "picture in the morning" test, might actually be as hot as you think.

Id smash a 5. Sh!t I pretty much dated one for a long time. But now, my greatest fear is not anyone finding out, or feeling icky or desperate the next day, or feeling like I lowered my standards...MY greatest fear is catching an STD or getting an uglier chick pregnant. Its shallow, I know, but if it happens with a very hot girl...well, at least there is that.

Having said that, shortly after I came to SS, I decided 8's or better, no matter what. I spent enough time in my life with slowly degrading hotness, that I would work on myself and my game enough to only burn my energies and efforts on hotter woman. This mindset worked pretty well in fact. I did pretty good keeping that rule with a pretty tight deviation curve. BUT!!!!.... Its true what they say about the hot/crazy scale. The better looking they get, the harder it is to be with them. They are crazier, more disrespectful, and flakier, the hotter they are. Especially if you are dating up, or they think they are dating down. No matter really how you act, its just generally more difficult from hello to goodbye, no matter how long that is. And if hello is easy, than watch out, cause goodbye could ruin you.
I have recently loosened my standards a little bit in search of easy. It, has also worked. They are indeed easier and life is more pleasant. However, I feel more in perpetual search mode, for hotter.
So I am thinking, 8 is great, that a good number to settle into.H B- all day.

Also true- The lower the SMV the better at sex. They know they need to compensate. They are also better at massages and cooking.

Body or face?....I still cant decide. Anybody?

6 but young, or 8 but old?

9, but 4 inches taller than you?

Of course we all say we approached a 7-8 because that's what we all see ourselves as, in spite of reality.

Also, no one really "approaches" a 6 or less, they are just "there". I dont go to the grocery store and ponder over ketchup, I just purchase it. I know where it is, I put it in my basket, and I take it home. When I am out of ketchup I buy more.

I think we all just want 1 SMV point higher than ourselves. You know what too, thats what I see in almost every relationship I have ever seen or can think of. One person always has the juice, and the other, has the squeeze.

The lowest I would go is a 5, but I really dont think that will ever happen again.
So maybe you do a 6-7 for a real relationship that pleases you and sport phuck the 8's and above.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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when i was younger and stupider i believed that the better looking the woman was the better the sex had to be

as ive gotten older i realise that this is rubbish , most of them look and feel exactly the same under the sheets there is no difference ( of course fatties are the exception )

yes some pu$$y is better and tighter than others but that is just random luck it has nothing to do with how a woman looks

once you get passed this mental block the game becomes much easier because lets be honest nailing a 6 is going to be one hundred times easier than nailing a 9

ive had some great sex with chicks i wouldn't exactly call beautiful


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
when i was younger and stupider i believed that the better looking the woman was the better the sex had to be

as ive gotten older i realise that this is rubbish , most of them look and feel exactly the same under the sheets there is no difference ( of course fatties are the exception )

yes some pu$$y is better and tighter than others but that is just random luck it has nothing to do with how a woman looks

once you get passed this mental block the game becomes much easier because lets be honest nailing a 6 is going to be one hundred times easier than nailing a 9

ive had some great sex with chicks i wouldn't exactly call beautiful
Better sex by me was had with ones that were "average" looking but they where consistent, more loyal, fair, and they worked harder in the kitchen and bedroom.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2012
Reaction score
The all important metric for me is if she passes roosh's famous "boner test". Some girls may have a prettier face but there might be something about the shape of her body that doesn't turn you on. And she absolutely has to have an ass. If its flat or too narrow, she usually won't pass the test.

I'm seeing one now who is a 6 on my scale if I'm going strictly by looks. If I consider her attitude (happy, always DTF, comes to my place, easy to be with, it makes her a 7).

I just recently came out of an LTR with a girl I consider a 10 looks wise (face, boobs, ass, all a 10). And to be honest, I stayed so long because of her looks.

It's been interesting to note that the sex with the 6 is every bit as good as with the 10.
