how i diffuse her anger

Dec 9, 2005
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sheesh! if only i had done this earlier in my previous LTRs..
well story is that she got angry with me for leaving her for a few weeks cause of an arguement we got into. I brought some the past issues in this particular conversation and we started quarreling .. i got angry too but when she really flared up i remembered an advice from the collumns that it's no use to try to win an arguement with a woman cos they never play fair and would get their emotional side in to bring u down.

So i kept quiet but made funny faces in a joking way and said her nose and ears were turning red and she looked really cute this way. I teased her more and at first she got more angrier but the more i teased her the more she gave up on becoming angrier. At last she kept quiet and pouted. I moved in a gave a kiss and a hug and she broke down crying over my shoulder and she said that she missed me all this while.

Vouila! The solution to cool down a hot and angry chick. Oh i added this too "Wow next time we quarrell... it should be near a bed darling" she punched me payfully. Hahahah!

I thought i am setting things straight but instead i learnt how to diffuse a bomb :crackup:
Dec 9, 2005
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thanks buddy... i think humour really helps in LTRs just as it helps when picking them up.... there was this article from britollair that spells out the truth about women.. One of the advice is not to take her too seriously.. it really helps man! ;)


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
The Wild Wild West
not bad of a move MightyMate,

Just be carefull that the move dosn't back fire on you. I've seen a crap load of guys that start pulling that card on their women only to have them lose the girl to some other sissy that won them over with old fashion charm..

Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by MightyMate
I make em cry then i catch some of their words, i act like im mad, and say i dont wanan speak no more. Then im quiet and they come and say sorry or kiss me.
Woman areeasy as ****.
yeah i use the keep quiet and stay silent approach too but sometimes its takes too much time and patience. It depends on the situation actually.

For eg; i'm out with her and has sex was my mind later on at night but we unfortunately got into a quarrel cos it's her raging hormones day! What do i do? Diffuse her anger and get her to use her energy on the bed with me man! No sex like makeup sex man! :D
