How do regular guys without game get a girlfriend?


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2023
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When i go for a walk , most of the couples i see are 90% with the hot babe is either average man hot girl or above average man with hot girl. Rarely a couple which is hot guy - hot girl.

Game is not as well known where i come from. So question is , how are these guys getting hot girlfriends without game?
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Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
When i go for a walk , most of the couples i see are 90% with the hot babe is either average man hot girl or above average man with hot girl. Rarely a couple which is hot guy - hot girl.

Game is not as well known where i come from. So question is , how are these guys getting hot girlfriends without game?
Why are you focused on “hot girls”?

They got these women because they have characteristics the women liked. It’s that simple.

I have never gamed a woman I’ve been with.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
When i go for a walk , most of the couples i see are 90% with the hot babe is either average man hot girl or above average man with hot girl. Rarely a couple which is hot guy - hot girl.

Game is not as well known where i come from. So question is , how are these guys getting hot girlfriends without game?
I'll keep saying this:

Stop making assumptions about "couples" you see in public. He could easily be friendzoned, or worse. You have no idea the nature of their relationship.

Michael Chief

Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
"Game" is just us trying to emulate what works in the real world. Some guys grew up with good circumstances that allowed them to "naturally" learn those skills. Those are the kind of guys who would read a PUA book and say that it's all just common sense to them.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
Reaction score
By opening their mouth, being normal and talking to them?
and not being weird, thats another reminder on how people and society has always seemed that they expect guys to just naturally get it, they expect us to have common sense for knowing what is creepy and what is not, how to not be weird, when approaching/interacting with women, they expect us to just naturally be born with it, thats why i made that post, asking, if its true that very men in the world are naturals with women or not. On why some men or many men never needed a mentor or a coach when it came to improving their skills with women. They likely never had to read a single book or blog post on seduction/dating, courtship, in their whole lives.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
and not being weird, thats another reminder on how people and society has always seemed that they expect guys to just naturally get it
Historically people weren’t expected to “get it”. Even Gen Xers and early millenials didn’t have to get it considering American society was conducive for pairing up. I’m a late Gen Xer/early Millenial and in my younger years met people (guys and girls) just living my life. I had friends but unfortunately did not get the most out of the 90’s NYC experience because of lack of faith and confidence in myself.

Parks, streets, malls, and shopping centers had kids roaming and playing ball games around in hordes/packs/cliques. And yes, some gangs were part of the 90’s experience in the boroughs of NYC. The park up the block from my apartment had kids there day and night, with some there until the wee hours, drinking and acting nutty. Keg parties were held in parking lots, huge public parks with wind tunnels and baseball fields, and so on. The gyms I went to were social scenes unto themselves, and if one were to go to the beaches in Long Island or out on the town, he’s likely bump into fellow members.

Do young people socialize like this now? Maybe some do, but I don’t see or hear about it. Under such described conditions, men did not need game or to be a natural. The social clout was built in, and people met each other going about their lives. Additionally, back then, while some hypergamy was there, as it has been for all of history, it was not nearly as pronounced. And women generally liked men back then. In fact, they typically were embarrassed not to have a boyfriend.

This is why, though I’m a Xillenial, I do not speak to younger men as if they are living in the era I grew up in. As my friend said, many boomers would be unemployable and womanless today. They were not naturals.

Some examples:
My uncle (an actual Chad and multimillionaire): met my aunt through family’s introduction.
Uncle #2: Met my aunt through family’s introduction.
Uncle #3: Met my aunt through friends.
Friend #1: Met wife through his ethnic community.
Friend #2: Married a women he knew in high school.
Ex-friend (a womanizer): Met wife through brother’s introduction.
My father: Date with woman didn’t work out, so she introduced him to my mom! Let me ask ya, what woman today would do that for you after she rejected you? :)
Friend #3: Met wife at charity event.

I can go on and on with example after example. Only one mentioned above pulled game and was a natural. Even OLD was a much different scene in the late 90’s and aughts. I even got women l through AOL chat rooms.

It was a different world.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
Reaction score
Historically people weren’t expected to “get it”. Even Gen Xers and early millenials didn’t have to get it considering American society was conducive for pairing up. I’m a late Gen Xer/early Millenial and in my younger years met people (guys and girls) just living my life. I had friends but unfortunately did not get the most out of the 90’s NYC experience because of lack of faith and confidence in myself.

Parks, streets, malls, and shopping centers had kids roaming and playing ball games around in hordes/packs/cliques. And yes, some gangs were part of the 90’s experience in the boroughs of NYC. The park up the block from my apartment had kids there day and night, with some there until the wee hours, drinking and acting nutty. Keg parties were held in parking lots, huge public parks with wind tunnels and baseball fields, and so on. The gyms I went to were social scenes unto themselves, and if one were to go to the beaches in Long Island or out on the town, he’s likely bump into fellow members.

Do young people socialize like this now? Maybe some do, but I don’t see or hear about it. Under such described conditions, men did not need game or to be a natural. The social clout was built in, and people met each other going about their lives. Additionally, back then, while some hypergamy was there, as it has been for all of history, it was not nearly as pronounced. And women generally liked men back then. In fact, they typically were embarrassed not to have a boyfriend.

This is why, though I’m a Xillenial, I do not speak to younger men as if they are living in the era I grew up in. As my friend said, many boomers would be unemployable and womanless today. They were not naturals.

Some examples:
My uncle (an actual Chad and multimillionaire): met my aunt through family’s introduction.
Uncle #2: Met my aunt through family’s introduction.
Uncle #3: Met my aunt through friends.
Friend #1: Met wife through his ethnic community.
Friend #2: Married a women he knew in high school.
Ex-friend (a womanizer): Met wife through brother’s introduction.
My father: Date with woman didn’t work out, so she introduced him to my mom! Let me ask ya, what woman today would do that for you after she rejected you? :)
Friend #3: Met wife at charity event.

I can go on and on with example after example. Only one mentioned above pulled game and was a natural. Even OLD was a much different scene in the late 90’s and aughts. I even got women l through AOL chat rooms.

It was a different world.
in other words, they met their partner without approaching or without cold approach?

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
think the problem is once you go down the route of trying to pick up women

a lot of guys get tangled up in routines , processes, strategies and mental gymnastics ( myself included )

it quickly becomes apparent you are trying far too hard and this is something ive probably only become aware of and discovered in myself within the last 12 months and I've been involved in pick up for over a decade

Yes I have used it too my advantage at times and yes I have gotten sex from "game"

But women are very socially aware now probably more than ever They know what you want , and here's the problem once you WANT something the other party automatically gains the upper hand and thus the game begins

apart from now your competing against a lot of other men too which further reduces your chances

By focusing solely on " getting them" and "Getting laid" you literally force the interaction into this hyper pressurised situation whereby someone has too "win"and someone has too "lose"

its a big factor in why women are so flaky these days


I think what "normal guys" have is an innocence and relaxed demeanour about them .....women seem to really respect this at least in terms of looking at them as boyfriend material

I mean from a woman's perspective when most men you meet solely want to sleep with you the second they lay eyes on you

I can imagine its quite refreshing to have a guy who actually just has normal conversations with you , makes you feel safe and special

I do think we underestimate just how much some women appreciate the above , ive said it before but ultimately its only really the SLOOTs and damaged women that respond well to pickup routines


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
and not being weird, thats another reminder on how people and society has always seemed that they expect guys to just naturally get it, they expect us to have common sense for knowing what is creepy and what is not, how to not be weird, when approaching/interacting with women, they expect us to just naturally be born with it, thats why i made that post, asking, if its true that very men in the world are naturals with women or not. On why some men or many men never needed a mentor or a coach when it came to improving their skills with women. They likely never had to read a single book or blog post on seduction/dating, courtship, in their whole lives.
Many people are not weird when talking to women, the same way they aren't weird when talking to random people, men or women or to anyone at the office or whatever.

If you are weird with other people and holding a conversation, you will likely be weird with women. That shouldn't be a surprise.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
Without game, a man can still obtain a girlfriend with his looks, money, and status. But he won’t be able to sustain her long term. Eventually, his lack of game will kill her attraction. It is female nature she can’t help it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
When i go for a walk , most of the couples i see are 90% with the hot babe is either average man hot girl or above average man with hot girl. Rarely a couple which is hot guy - hot girl.

Game is not as well known where i come from. So question is , how are these guys getting hot girlfriends without game?
Just learn how to talk to people. Go out and talk to people and have no expectations.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
When i go for a walk , most of the couples i see are 90% with the hot babe is either average man hot girl or above average man with hot girl. Rarely a couple which is hot guy - hot girl.

Game is not as well known where i come from. So question is , how are these guys getting hot girlfriends without game?
In a few easy steps:

-They win a few million in the lotto

-Then, they spend a hefty chunk of their winnings on a Mercedes, a closet full of Gucci's latest designs, and a mansion

-After all that, this decade's versions of Holly Madison start showing up at the front doors of these fellas


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Most women of a certain age are "hot", unless they are fat. Thinking of specific women as hot is getting out of your frame. Being hot is just part of the package of being a woman. Part of the question that is posed is how well can you handle that?

Without game, a man can still obtain a girlfriend with his looks, money, and status. But he won’t be able to sustain her long term. Eventually, his lack of game will kill her attraction. It is female nature she can’t help it.
Reading this at the moment, it strikes me that "game" is just maturity. The kind of desperate, needy behaviors that are displayed by guys without "game" are basically immature, insecure behaviors. Which again goes to show women want men, not boys.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Social Circle
High School
Band Camp
For every social circle guy who ends up with a cute gf, there are probably 5 or 10 guys in similar situations that ended up friendzoned.

Social circle can definitely work, but the stars still have to be in alignment in terms of attraction though.
Strong social circles are likely the #1 way it happens, often as a result of staying in the same geographic area throughout childhood and into young adulthood.