how about we get rid of 90% of military expense?


Nov 29, 2012
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seagull said:
Jammer is correct. His understanding of history puts him up there with Herodotus and other great historians through the ages with his key analysis of the events of our time. His thoughtful and compelling arguments show his clear intellectual weight behind his assessment of all the events of WWI and WWII.

America was solely responsible for winning two World Wars. This is mainly because of its superior educational system that produces talent like Jammer. When World War III occurs between the US and China, as long as such bright and clever people like Jammer are around, you can rest assured the rest of the world will all be a safe place. Let's all thank Jammer for making such a wonderful contribution to this thread.
and let's all thank england for producing so many homosexuals :)


Jammer are you really 30 years old or are you an adult with special needs? The reason I ask you is because all you have done is hurl around insults throughout the duration of this thread and not only that you come across as an ignorant imbecile by all accounts.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
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Toowoomba AU
Look, I'm a very strong Libertarian, almost a pure Libertarian, but there's one thing that p1sses me off about some Libertarians, and that's how they want to slash Military Spending.

Such an attitude is not Libertarian. Libertarian philosophy states that the State SHOULD exist, but that it should have only very SMALL and LIMITED functions.

The PRIMARY function that Libertarianism assigns for Government is to Provision for A Strong Military and the Defence of the Nation.

Secondary functions include funding a judicial system to enable the rule of law, and funding a Foreign Service to station diplomats in other countries.

But that's it.

But by far the most important function of State is to provision for the Defence of the Nation, because invasion by foreign powers is the single biggest threat to a Nation's citizens' liberties once they have been granted all their civil freedoms under a true Libertarian Government.

And when a country is as Big and Rich and Prosperous as America, you need a farrrrrk off big Navy, a HUUUUGE Navy, to ensure the safety of American Commerce and the integrity of American Sovereign Territory.

And you need an AWWEESOME Air Force, and a POWERFUL Army deterrent.

It is irrational to for a Libertarian to think otherwise.

Sure, Government spending needs to be CUT BIG TIME. Big Government needs to be cut back drastically and turned into small government. Welfare Spending, Healthcare spending, Education spending, all of it needs to be stopped completely.

But Military Spending must not be stopped. Especially now as China rises and becomes much much more powerful, Military Spending, if anything, needs urgently to be increased.

sarcastic sam

Dec 4, 2012
Reaction score
perseverance said:
Jammer are you really 30 years old or are you an adult with special needs? The reason I ask you is because all you have done is hurl around insults throughout the duration of this thread and not only that you come across as an ignorant imbecile by all accounts.
you're the mentally ill adult with special needs you ENGLISH HOMO FAGGOTT you've said the word diarrhea so many times in this thread you obviously have an obsession with it! You're the one with a mental illness it's called coprophilia look it up!

Jammer shut down all of your arguments, and he proved the US could have won WWII all by itself because it possessed nuclear weapons, a detail none of you proved wrong. Yet you're so infected with diarrhea of the mouth you still won't shut the fvck up! You and your other english faggott friend, seagull can go suck each other's d1cks

You say jammer has been hurling insults and coming across as ignorant this whole thread BUT WHAT THE FVCK DO YOU THINK THAT YOU HAVE BEEN DOING YOU RETARD??

He's only been hurling insults just like you throughout this thread, except he's been doing it much much better!

Again, prove him wrong! But you can't, because youre a stupid english homo faggott!

sarcastic sam

Dec 4, 2012
Reaction score
perseverance said:
I didn't realise that Jammer had a twin brother.
maybe if you stopped sucking so much d*ck you'd "realise" more about what was going around you


sarcastic sam said:
maybe if you stopped sucking so much d*ck you'd "realise" more about what was going around you
You sure like make a lot of sweeping generalisations. I do know what is going on around me thank you.

You can hardly round in on me for speaking about American foreign policy when it directly involves my country because whenever your President asks Britain to jump, Britain's Prime Minister always asks 'how high?'

Nothing I have stated in this thread has been anti-American. I have stated time and time again, nothing but fact. If the US wants to play World Police and send its Servicemen and women to die in far off places like Afghanistan and Iraq, that's fine by me, but I take exception to my country joining you on such travels.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Toowoomba AU
perseverance said:
You sure like make a lot of sweeping generalisations. I do know what is going on around me thank you.

You can hardly round in on me for speaking about American foreign policy when it directly involves my country because whenever your President asks Britain to jump, Britain's Prime Minister always asks 'how high?'

Nothing I have stated in this thread has been anti-American. I have stated time and time again, nothing but fact. If the US wants to play World Police and send its Servicemen and women to die in far off places like Afghanistan and Iraq, that's fine by me, but I take exception to my country joining you on such travels.
Britain and America (and my country of Australia) are STAUNCH ALLIES AND FRIENDS. We help each other out, bro.

Anglosphere to the end! Ya dig?

Fvck the EU, Fvck Communist China, Fvck the UN. Its Just Us vs. the world, and righteousness and goodness and virtue and truth and light and justice are on our side.

Don't be a left-wing pvssy.


d!ckmojo said:
Britain and America (and my country of Australia) are STAUNCH ALLIES AND FRIENDS. We help each other out, bro.

Anglosphere to the end! Ya dig?

Fvck the EU, Fvck Communist China, Fvck the UN. Its Just Us vs. the world, and righteousness and goodness and virtue and truth and light and justice are on our side.

Don't be a left-wing pvssy.
Australia is such a great ally of Britain that an increasing number of Australians want to become a Republic and want nothing to do with the Commonwealth?

I agree with you about the European Union, I dislike China due to their treatment of Tibet and we all know how the US treats the UN with no respect and the UN are toothless to do anything about it.

It has nothing to do with being a left-wing, I am not left-wing at all. I want Britain to stop sending its servicemen and women to die in conflicts that are pointless. This Christmas there will be over 600 British families with empty seats at the dinner table of young men and women who have died in the service of their country, but ultimately have died for a cause that doesn't benefit Britain. Those two wars have not only seen many hundreds of my fellow countrymen die, many of whom have left children behind, it has caused devestating injuries to thousands more and has cause immense damage to our economy.

This whole US-UK special relationship only benefits one party and that's the US. It doesn't and never has benefited the UK. As I say if the US wants to go around invading country's that's down to them, I would just like Britain to keep out of it.

Also the US and UK are such great allies that they offer us no support over the dispute surrounding the Falkland Islands. Instead they remain neutral when their President knows full well that Argentina have no claim on the Islands and that a majority of the Islanders want to remain apart of Britain.

No, you can spout this Anglosphere rubbish all you like, but the US-UK relationship is all about the US and the sooner that relations between the two nations diminish the better for the UK.


Danger said:
The US foots the majority of the bill for the UN, I'd say that shows proper respect.
It had little respect for the UN Security Council in regards to Iraq. Bush and Blair basically told to the UN to 'F*ck off' and went into Iraq without the backing of the UN security council. Both Politicians breached the UN Charter. Just because the US props up the UN through money doesn't (if it indeed does) doesn't give it the right to ignore the UN Security Council or the UN founding Charter.

I dare say that the US will dismiss any concerns from the UN Security Council if it decides to take military action against Iran and go in regardless if resolutions have been decided and rubber stamped in the UN. So while the US may put a lot of money into the UN, when it comes down to the crunch the US has no problems ignoring the UN and going about its business anyway it sees fit. That to me is not 'proper respect'.

sarcastic sam

Dec 4, 2012
Reaction score
perseverance said:
You sure like make a lot of sweeping generalisations. I do know what is going on around me thank you.

You can hardly round in on me for speaking about American foreign policy when it directly involves my country because whenever your President asks Britain to jump, Britain's Prime Minister always asks 'how high?'

Nothing I have stated in this thread has been anti-American. I have stated time and time again, nothing but fact. If the US wants to play World Police and send its Servicemen and women to die in far off places like Afghanistan and Iraq, that's fine by me, but I take exception to my country joining you on such travels.
Who's the one coming here and making sweeping generalizations? YOU ARE. You're the one who says everyone hates America, and all British don't want to be part of the alliance. And your PM supports us because he knows very well that the US would be the first country to support Britain in the event of an attack by an enemy.

You have made A LOT of anti American comments in this thread, which is ok because A LOT of Americans died for your right to do so. We should have let the Germans finish you off, then I'd love to see how anti-German your comments here would have been. :crackup:

And don't forget, Britain too was the victim of terrorism. The US was attacked by an enemy, and so was Britain. We came to each other's aid, as we're bound by not only treaty but also mutual friendship. We also have a lot in common generally, as shown by all of us being members here of the same forum. We fight and we die for each other, because united we stand but divided we fall.


Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
America had to go into Iraq because Saddam was destabilizing the entire region. He had invaded a US ally (Kuwait), and after Iraq had its a$$ kicked, Saddam refused to let us make sure that he had got rid of his weapons of mass destruction, which we KNOW HE HAD because he used chemical weapons in gas attacks against the Iranians during the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-88 and aginst the Iraqi Kurd civilians during various attacks.

The world had had enough of his bullsh1t, and he had to go.

As for British dying for Americans, yes 600 brits died but how many Americans died for the british during the first and second world war? Hundreds of thousands, that's how many.

And i find it especially ironic that it's a brit (perseverance) who refuses to help the US today in the war on terrorism, considering that

(a) britain was also a victim of that terrorism, and


sarcastic sam said:
Who's the one coming here and making sweeping generalizations? YOU ARE. You're the one who says everyone hates America, and all British don't want to be part of the alliance. And your PM supports us because he knows very well that the US would be the first country to support Britain in the event of an attack by an enemy.

You have made A LOT of anti American comments in this thread, which is ok because A LOT of Americans died for your right to do so. We should have let the Germans finish you off, then I'd love to see how anti-German your comments here would have been. :crackup:

And don't forget, Britain too was the victim of terrorism. The US was attacked by an enemy, and so was Britain. We came to each other's aid, as we're bound by not only treaty but also mutual friendship. We also have a lot in common generally, as shown by all of us being members here of the same forum. We fight and we die for each other, because united we stand but divided we fall.
I've made no sweeping generalisations whatsoever.

I didn't say everyone hates the United States. There are a lot of people in Britain who do not like the United States and yes your flag has been burned on our streets. There are a lot of Muslims in Britain, Muslims who see the Afghanistan and Iraq wars as anti-Islamic wars and have taken to the streets in protest. These protests have seen both the British and US flags burned on the streets which is akin to the images I often see in the Middle East of angry Arabs and Persians burning your flag.

You're obsessed with this anti nonsense aren't you? I don't make anti-comments about any nation state, if Germany and her allies had been victorious in both wars then they'd have been victorious. That's would have been the truth, unlike this nonsense that the US was solely responsible for 'winning' both World Wars. Next you'll be telling me that your country was victorious in Vietnam and that Richard M. Nixon is the greatest Commander-in -Chief in US history.

Britain was victim of the 7/7 bombings after the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. 911 despite involving around 50 British people was not an act of terrorism against Britain, it was a heinous attack against the United States.

We do have a lot in common thanks to the destruction of British culture and identity and an emergence of the Americanisation of Britain which started after World War II.

Again the US appreciates Britain so much that the Obama administration won't support Britain in the dispute with Argentina over the Falkland Islands? Please don't patronise me, the US likes Britain because Britain obey's the commands of the US.

There was a music video released by George Michael which shows Tony Blair being George W. Bush's lap dog, chasing after him and trying to gain his masters admiration, praise and respect and that is exactly what Britain is. Britain is the United States b*tch for want of a better word.

Only one Prime Minister has ever said no to you and that Harold Wilson over the Vietnam war. Thankfully the man resisted pressure by the US to send British troops to die in what was a total farce of a war and one that cost over 55,000 Americans their lives. It's just ashame that Tony Blair didn't do the same with regards to Afghanistan and Iraq.


Danger said:
I agree that going into Iraq was stupid and we never should have done it.

However, America doesn't put a ton of money into the UN so that the UN can tell it what to do. Fvk that. I would have more respect for the UN if the countries were all equal contributors and if it wasn't just another pool of anti-gun, anti-capitalist bull$hit. Aside from that, it's just a club of the Elite funded by the American Taxpayer so that the entire world has single platform from which to whine.
Going into both Afghanistan and Iraq was stupid. Bush and Blair were warned by Russia about entering the graveyard of foreigners that is Afghanistan and neither cretin adhered to such a warning. Russia experienced first hand what happens when you waltz into Afghanistan. You get your backside handed to you and then you leave with your tail between your legs. The war in Afghanistan has lasted for 11 years and it's locked in a stalemate. NATO could be in Afghanistan for the next 100 years and the results will not change. The Taliban cannot be beaten and as long as NATO troops are in Afghanistan, the Taliban will continue to have young, angry men willing to join their ranks to fight against people they view as occupiers of their land.

The United Nations exists to ensure that the world is a better place. If the US is going to ignore the UN Security Council (of which it's a sitting member) and is going to go against the UN founding charter, then why be apart of the UN at all? The US is happy to tell the UN to mind its own business when removing a dictator and mass-murderer that it funded to the hilt two decades before the invasion of Iraq and yet tries everything in its power to prevent the people of Palestine gaining the recognition they deserve as an independent nation state. It seems the US is a member of the UN when it benefits them and isn't a member of the UN when it doesn't suit their agenda.

The UN has a power to be an effective force for good, but countries like the US and the UK undermine it and as such render it obsolete.


Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
perseverence, i just quoted all the anti-american statements you made. As for the falklands, it was not in the US interest to join you just like it was not in the british interest to join us in vietnam.. So why are you complaining?




Don Juan
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
jammer said:
being objective is actually the opposite of having a bias you idiot.

The point is that to someone as brainwashed as you, being objective seems like having a bias.

As for growing up, you and your anti-American friends are the ones who started using words here such as diarrhea. You present yourself as a c0ck-sucking phaggot, and its my right to point this out on an internet forum.

Only a simple mind tries to group people like that. I don't know them. So because some a random poster used the word diarrhea, it means everyone that disagrees with you has? Please show me where I resorted to juvenile name calling like you.

Again, your mouth is so full of c0ck i can barely make out what youre saying.

Good one. You're very witty. Are you going to start talking about my mama next?

Here you go, you piece of sh*t:

George W. Bush, the guy who gets killed in the press by communist phaggots such as yourself for wanting to bomb the world, initiated a $15 billion global anti-HIV initiative, with the focus of eradicating AIDS in Africa:

I ask for a source about the US helping Iran by building their infrastructure and educational system. You give me some BS story about Bush giving money for AIDS in Africa. I don't follow. What is this supposed to prove about Iran?

I dont see the Chinese doing this, you scumbag. All I see them doing is profiting off the exploitation that goes on in developing countries. Oh yeah, and the Chinese also make great money off of selling arms to genocidal dictators.

What a contribution to the global community!

Are you trying to say that the US isn't selling those same people arms? Are you really that naive? The US (read: US firms) sells to both sides of most wars, just like they did in WW2.

Oh im sure theyre learning very well! All the more reason for the US to protect its global interests!

Like I said, it was your side that started it with the immature comments, Im only fighting back in like kind. So how does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine you jerk off?

Again, that makes no sense.I have no side. I haven't resorted to childish name calling so I have no idea of which medicine I am getting a taste.

Who cares that I lack objectivity? You need to remove the communist yellow c0ck from your mouth and realize whats REALLY going on in the world.
Does it hurt you that im not a wishy washy phaggot like you, who constantly has to change his mind every day?

Do you even know what a communist is? I know you won't change your mind. You're the type of person who too obtuse to realize that he may not know everything. You'll never change your mind, even when there is evidence to prove you wrong. You are just like people on the radical left and radical right. You are what is wrong with modern political discourse.

In the defense of global freedom, you have to be a fanatic. The problem is, guys like me end up fighting and dying for the rights of communist loving pieces of sh*t like you.

Again, do you even know what a Communist is? Being against imperialism doesn't make one a communist. Which freedoms have the military fought for since the Civil War? The military is not fighting for our freedoms. That is complete propaganda. If they were fighting for freedoms, they'd be here fighting against the patriot act and NDAA.

You are living in a fantasy world in which China is good and America is bad.

I live the real world in which good and bad aren't so black and white. The real world has propaganda coming from all angles, and one must try to sort through it. You seem to just believe anything the government tells you.

You are nothing but a communist d1ck loving phaggot.

Again, very witty and classy. You don't even know a communist is.
See the bold.