Hobbies are bullchit

The Diver

Master Don Juan
Aug 25, 2017
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What interesting "hobbies" do you guys actually have? Trains sets? Medieval roleplay? Hobbies are bullchit things single men do when they don't have girls to chill with or are butthurt about a girl.
BS ^

Open water long-distance swimming, spearfishing, scuba diving, cycling, rock&roll dancing, drumming,

Girls are a bonus.

Get a life


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
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Working out, building my business/making money, cooking & meal prep mostly.

Some guys need a hobby to distract themselves from going full blown simp on a girl. It's been a tried and true method that works. I have no hate towards them. I'd rather see a man build trainsets than further evolve feminism while continuing to destroy their masculinity.

The Diver

Master Don Juan
Aug 25, 2017
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Except for drumming, all my other hobbies involved other people and the expansion of my social circle.

The best one is the rock&roll dance events (almost every weekend) and dance class, where you meet many women starving for a good dance partner.

It's all about the fun, not women in particular.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 26, 2020
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What interesting "hobbies" do you guys actually have? Trains sets? Medieval roleplay? Hobbies are bullchit things single men do when they dont have girls to chill with or they are butthurt about a girl.
I give public-speaking presentations as part of my hobby, and have picked up several women through doing that.

Whatever you do, be the guy leading - or the guy up-front in the public eye.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Agreed. Overrated advice that ends up in sausage fests.
I think hobbies should be for personal enjoyment/enrichment only.

I cringe at the (blue pill/boomer) advice that "You're gonna meet someone while you're just enjoying your hobby." It's possible, but I wouldn't put money on it.

As a side note, women don't really care about "compatibility" in the context of having common interests/hobbies. Attraction is king. Having common interests without solid sexual attraction is called friendzone.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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Wine tasting is awesome hobby to have :)

Also , if have wine knowledge you look high status and cultured

Another great hobby is to travel , this will make you in the mode on learning how to make friends fast and make you sociable


Master Don Juan
Dec 29, 2017
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Golf, hunting, fishing, wood working, traveling, hiking, running, weight training, reading...self improvement

i prioritize my hobbies and self improvement over hanging with females. She comes along for the journey and when I have a free evening will hang with her...


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
I think hobbies should be for personal enjoyment/enrichment only.

I cringe at the (blue pill/boomer) advice that "You're gonna meet someone while you're just enjoying your hobby." It's possible, but I wouldn't put money on it.
No guy should have a hobby because of the 1/256 chance you'll meet someone.

I like football and fixing watches. The women I met really weren't all that. I'm also into airline operations. Being I'm not a pilot and most women just go for them. Not really knowing that there's other positions that pay 100k.

Video games could be a good hobby, but if only guys could sit and play competitive Madden and Mario Kart while eating pizza and drinking Mountain Dew, then the Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders come in and offer dates plus BJ'S 10 hours later. I can dream can't I? LOL

I cringe at "You'll meet a lady when you least expect it." The gym could be a good hobby, but most women won't approach. The ones that do, there's a 1/256 chance she ISN'T an attention wh0re or someone you'd want to choose of your own accord.

Alas, it's not about the hobbies. It's the guys that are into said hobbies. Let Chad or Tyrone or some HVM discuss hobbies, women will find that ambition sexy. If it's Bob or John or some LVM or Eunuch or whatever, video games won't be sexy unless they're being programmed by these guys and they're making lotsa $$$.


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2022
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What interesting "hobbies" do you guys actually have? Trains sets? Medieval roleplay? Hobbies are bullchit things single men do when they dont have girls to chill with or they are butthurt about a girl.
Your mindset to hobbies seems to be that you do them for other people, not for yourself. Hobbies are to build your skills, relax and disconnect from hard work. They aren't to show off to other people to look girl or to get girls. Those things are just extras that can add more value to your life


Mar 6, 2017
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Some guys here have "hobbies" they dont even like but they do them because they think it will make them look more masculine or more interesting and help them get lays.

I play video games but its not like Im in a basement playing all day, sometimes I just play online for 5 minutes, get a win and that´s it.
I like going out to dinner/movies. I enjoy chilling at home and stream tv series.

From 2014 to early 2022 I also enjoyed traveling. A lot. But now I dont feel like it. Might circle back to it someday
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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Golf, hunting, fishing, wood working, traveling, hiking, running, weight training, reading...self improvement

i prioritize my hobbies and self improvement over hanging with females. She comes along for the journey and when I have a free evening will hang with her...
Right? Some of these alone and some with a group. I guess it may be different if you already have a mate. I’ve had buddies mention inviting the ladies along and we laughed, “bro, we’re here to get away from the wives/girl friends, get a break from our responsibilities and have some fun.” I’ve brought my wife along on activities and she complained the whole time. I thought, “holy fuk, what was I thinking?”. Not every minute of the day needs to involve the presence of a woman. Women like to talk, men like to do. i’d rather bomb down a trail in the Santa Cruz mountains then listen to the current female friend group drama. Idk, some guys have this notion that once you get a woman you’re gonna be fuking non stop like rabbits. You should have hobbies that enrich your life and bring you joy. If a woman is there for some of it, then cool.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I think hobbies should be for personal enjoyment/enrichment only.

I cringe at the (blue pill/boomer) advice that "You're gonna meet someone while you're just enjoying your hobby." It's possible, but I wouldn't put money on it.
I think it is a good idea for all men to engage in some hobbies. The personal enrichment aspect of hobbies can provide talking points during pickups and on 1st/2nd dates. The hobbies themselves are not likely to lead to dates, but they are useful for male friendships. Male friendships are often hobby based. It can be a good idea to combine your hobbies into your male friendship time.

I'll go through some of my hobbies and we'll examine whether or not they can lead to dates. Too many hobbies have too many males in them.

It's a challenge to find a hobby that will be good for meeting women.

Lifting weights: The free weights and barbells section of nearly every gym is a sausage fest. The few women that go into the weights/barbells section of a gym are wearing earbuds and actively discouraging approaches.

Bicycle riding: When I ride my bicycle, I notice that male cyclists on the paths outnumber female cyclists at least 8 to 1. However, if a man wants to use bicycle riding as a way to meet women, the much better choice for this is attending spin classes.

Swimming laps: This is an individual activity and quite solitary. It's not easy to meet women swimming laps. Like bicycle riding, I've seen more men in this than women. Also, it's not that easy to spark up a conversation swimming laps. It's possible to time your lap swimming to end around the same time a woman is ending it. That's probably your best bet.

Fishing: Fishing is a mainly male activity. It's not even necessary to discuss this as a way of meeting women.

Volleyball: This is one of the better hobbies I have had over the years in terms of meeting women. I've not been that active in it for at least 5 years. Sand is better than indoor. I played in both volleyball leagues and random pickup games on weekend afternoons. I found that the random pickup games were better for arranging dates than the organized co-ed leagues around it. I had far more meaningful conversations when participating in random pickup games.

The biggest issue I encountered is volleyball were factors specific to me. I was a decent volleyball player due to my transferrable skills from tennis, mainly serving. However, I'm only 5'10". The best volleyball playing women are 5'8"-6'3". Women 5'7" and under are not all that inclined to randomly play volleyball as adults. While I might have a chance with the 5'8"-5'10" women at volleyball, the 5'11"+ women are very unlikely to consider me worthy of their time. While I enjoy volleyball, there are other activities I enjoy more. Volleyball isn't my best use of time for attracting-seducing.

If you're a 6'0"+ guy with a solid physique and decent volleyball skills, I'd recommend volleyball for pickup. I'd recommend sand over indoor. However, for the 6'0"+ guy with a good physique, I don't think that sand volleyball is any more efficient than swipe apps or randoming approaching at bars. That type of guy is going to have success in all formats. It's a matter of how much screen time he wants to put in on his smartphone vs. how much real life approaching he wants to do. I think it would be more fun for a 6'0"+ guy with sand volleyball skill to pick up women through volleyball than to sit on Tinder/Bumble/Hinge and swipe. It'd be a better use of time for that guy to play volleyball in terms of getting longer term relationships. That'd be the use case where I'd recommend volleyball over the swipe apps. It's a realistic scenario for a 6'2" guy to a get a 5'10"-6'0" volleyball playing girlfriend and that scenario has a better chance of lasting longer than flings with Tinderellas, most of whom are 5'6" and under.

Tennis: Lifetime, this is the sport I've spent time the most time playing. This is my best sport and a sport where I have the greatest chance of demonstrating higher value (DHV). DHV is a fundamental of attraction-seduction. I started playing tennis prior to puberty and having interest in women. Despite tennis' reputation of being female friendly, is a sausage fest, especially amongst the good players.

Tennis is not a great way to meet women in your 20s and 30s. At public courts, you will rarely see 2 women in their 20s/30s playing a singles match. Most attractive women in their 20s/30s at public courts are playing with their boyfriend, husband, brother, or some other male. At private courts, there usually isn't a great membership base of younger women. Private courts are often a good way to meet late 30s-early 50s year old women. Some divorcees and wives of rich men who are 40+ are known to take drills/lessons together and play doubles at private clubs.

women don't really care about "compatibility" in the context of having common interests/hobbies. Attraction is king. Having common interests without solid sexual attraction is called friendzone.
This is 100% accurate in my mating environment experiences as well.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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@Mike32ct also mentioned that picking up through the use of personal hobbies is blue pill and Boomer era advice.

At best, it's a partial truth, which is better than a lot of blue pill advice. It can happen, but not likely.

@Mike32ct bring the Boomer generation into the discussion. Right now, in 2022, Baby Boomers are between 58-76 years old. When the Boomers were younger, being a beta male wasn't quite the death sentence in the mating environment that it has been in subsequent generations. If you consider the older Boomers (think 1946-1955 births, 67-76 years old today), they mainly came of age in the 1960s-1970s. While things were changing in that era, there were still elements of more traditional times in place. I would call the 1960s-1970s a confusing time but those 2 decades were the last vestiges of a time whem traditional monogamous marriage could work and Western culture supported it. You could still be a beta male in the 1960s-1970s and women would still desire you, even in their prime years. Even though birth control was a thing in the 1970s, the typical woman in the 1970s got married younger than 2000-present, and also entered a marriage with fewer past sexual partners.

Because you could still be a beta male if you were born in the late 1940s and 1950s and have a decent mating experience, there are Boomers still alive today that have had a decent woman life over the course of their lives. Had these Boomer males with beta traits been born in the first half of the Millennial generation (1980s births), they would have been borderline incel or fully incel without having a good social circle.

The youngest Boomers and early Gen X'ers came of age at the end of the 1970s and throughout the 1980s. The changes of the 1960s-1970s were more embedded into the culture by the 1980s, but even during the 1980s, being a beta wasn't as bad as being a beta post-2000. You could be an early Gen X'er (1965-1971 birth) and still have had positive experiences in the 1980s.

The 1990s, primarily the era of Gen X'ers, is when being a beta male became a bad thing. With that said, I would argue that the Gen X'ers had a healthier mating environment overall than the Millennials who followed them. Gen Z is now coming into the mating environment. Millennials didn't really start coming into the mating environment until around 2000. I'm an early Millennial at age 39, and I asked out my first girl as a junior in high school in Fall 1999.

Millennials were the first full generation where being a beta male was a sexual death sentence in the absence of a solid social circle. I would also argue that Boomer betas were less sissified than Millennials betas.

I have another line of commentary about hobbies. It is in relation to co-ed sports leagues and fitness class, both of which are in the realm of hobbies.

It is mainstream normie advice to both do fitness classes and co-ed sports leagues to avoid the bars and swipe apps.

Fewer men go to fitness class than one might think given how the ratios are in those classes. When I have gone to fitness classes, they've been strength, interval training/bootcamp, or kickboxing/boxing type classes. I do genuinely like these format of classes and perceive a benefit beside pickup. I don't perceive a benefit in bar attendance besides pickup.

Most of the classes I have done have been some sort of high intensity interval training (HIIT) type variant. Example of this include cardio boxing/kickboxing, barbell weightlifting class, kettlebell class, and standard HIIT/bootcamp classes.

It doesn't matter which type of class you go to, all of them will have more females than males, so find a format that you like. A lot of men try to go to yoga class because yoga has gotten the most hype for pickup, but it's not necessary to pick yoga unless you genuinely enjoy yoga.

I have gotten dates from fitness classes over the years. All the classes I've gone to have had the commonality of being challenging from a pickup perspective. I've gone to classes at multiple places over the years. None of the places I went were overly social in my opinion, which somewhat defeats the purposes of the good ratios.

It is a little easier to approach in a fitness class than on the street due to the earbud factor. A lot of women simply aren't sociable in the moments before/after fitness class and give off body language that discourages approaches.

I participated in 2 different sports in co-ed sports leagues, mainly in order to get my penis wet. One of the sports I actually liked (volleyball, see volleyball comments earlier in thread), one I didn't like so much. I was disappointed in the mating outcomes from league participation.

Co-ed sports leagues can be considered a form of weak social circle game. They are not day game at all. It’s pretty difficult to swoop into a co-ed kickball, softball, volleyball, or soccer league & directly arrange dates. First, there are more men than women in all these leagues. Nearly every other guy in these leagues is an unattached guy who is trying to get his penis wet in league because he read some advice article online or in a printed copy of a magazine about doing this. The only exceptions are the men who join teams with their girlfriends or wives. You can make friends in these leagues but chances are that the other men need sex as much as you do. If you’re able to develop a social circle from a co-ed sports league, realize it will take multiple seasons of participation in the league. So you’d better actually like that sport because playing that sport is often the only benefit of it.

With co-ed sports leagues, the majority of socialization occurs at the sponsor bar after the game. The game itself has little socialization. Your outcomes in co-ed sports leagues depend upon what happens at the sponsor bar, typically on a Sunday-Thursday night. In some leagues, the park/field/court is adjacent/walking distance to the sponsor bar. It is easier to talk to a woman after a game in a co-ed sports league than it would be to talk to a random woman at the grocery store, mall, or a bar. As a result, many men think that this will be game on easy mode, but it isn't like that at all.

Overall, I believe that fitness classes are generally a better option for pickup than co-ed sports leagues.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2021
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I'm done with hobbies. I have for a while now enjoyed my alone time. Alone time has done nothing but alienate me from women I could've been having sex with.

And here's the thing about being without something for too long: Eventually you need "interest." If I've gone years and years without food, eventually "food" stops being enough. Eventually you decide "When I break this fast, I'm gonna ****ing destroy this fast with prejudice. I don't just want 'some food.' I want the best food. To make up for all the years I didn't have food."

Give me the best food, or give me death. But don't give me mediocrity.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
What interesting "hobbies" do you guys actually have? Trains sets? Medieval roleplay? Hobbies are bullchit things single men do when they dont have girls to chill with or they are butthurt about a girl.
What if your hobby is SexpatMaxxing? :cool:


Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2020
Reaction score
South West UK
And here's the thing about being without something for too long: Eventually you need "interest."
Not necessarily, not everyone is the same. I've gone without intimate female company for multiple years now.
I don't anticipate a change in that anytime soon. The idea of involving a woman in my life again makes me literally
nauseous. I enjoy D.I.Y. and building stuff alone, motorcycling alone, playing drums and guitar alone, playing video
games alone, tinkering with my bike and car alone, watching films and you tube alone, occasionally going out for
a pint alone, cooking nice meals for one. I hate crowded busy places, I feel absolutely overwhelmed if I end up
somewhere busy and I don't have my noise cancelling earbuds handy. Just being there puts me on defensive mode
never mind the thought of talking to strangers.

But then again people with Asperger's tend to enjoy solitary pursuits FAR more than spending time with neurotypicals,
whether they be male or female. It's certainly true in my case, I need days to prepare if I'm going to do something social.
I prepared for my one night out at Halloween for literally months, and still almost abandoned the night out when it came
to it, just because of a small wardrobe malfunction.. I can't do things on the spur of the moment. Even if I'm going out for
a lone ride on my motorbike, I'll check the weather forecast in advance, choose a destination and set out the protective
clothing I'm going to wear the day before. When the time comes if I spot a single cloud in the sky then the ride is abandoned.
Some people can't do spontaneous.