Hint? Or no hint? That is the question


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
New Orleans
I was talking to this girl lastnight, we're pretty good friends. Somehow we got on the conversation of ex's and we were joking around then she got serious and said "[you] will make a fine boyfriend or husband one day. Any woman will be lucky to have you."

I tried dating her once but got rejected. As a matter of face, it was 2 weeks ago I got rejected. Should I take that as a hint or what?

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
She is trying to reel you back into pursuing her just so she can feed her ego. She wants to feel "wanted" and "desired" and the easiest thing for her to feel that way is by making it look like she is giving you a hint.

Don't feed her ego!

You should have said, "Well then I guess you aren't going to be that lucky woman. Too bad since I always thought you deserved the best."

I don't know how burned you are from the rejection but if you are severely burned then don't say that. You may just make it sound very angry.

Now that I think about it, you could also say, "So do you know any women who are feeling lucky?" ;)

Yeah say that next time.