Hi gorgeous?


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Western Australia
Iv'e been getting good with the ladies latley but I wanna know, whats the best greeting to give em?
A chick came up to me & said "Hi gorgeous" once & I liked it.
But if I say "Hi gorgeous how's it going" to a hot babe will I sound like a bit of a wuss?
Is "Hi how's it going better"?
Dose it depend on the chick?
Dose it not really make any difference?

(I know about confidence, how to say it, eye contact & all that $hite)


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
DiskJockey said:
Iv'e been getting good with the ladies latley but I wanna know, whats the best greeting to give em?
A chick came up to me & said "Hi gorgeous" once & I liked it.
But if I say "Hi gorgeous how's it going" to a hot babe will I sound like a bit of a wuss?
Is "Hi how's it going better"?
Dose it depend on the chick?
Dose it not really make any difference?

(I know about confidence, how to say it, eye contact & all that $hite)
With that many questions on an opening line, I don't think you do Dogg.
Jul 31, 2007
Reaction score
DiskJockey said:
I know about confidence, how to say it, eye contact & all that $hite)
It is not enough simply to "know" about confidence. You must actually have confidence.

A man with 100% belief in himself would not ask such questions because he knows he can get away with saying anything to a woman within reason.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
But if I say "Hi gorgeous how's it going" to a hot babe will I sound like a bit of a wuss?

Yes, except for the "a bit" part. You will sound like a total wuss AFC. Never tell a pretty girl she is pretty, until she gets naked, then it's ok.


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Your first words must tell women that you understand their mission.
First words that figuratively say, “I want to have sex with you,” or “Let’s waste some time,” are common. These words communicate a mission that may be different from that of your targets. It’s time to establish meaningful, straightforward communication.

Another common opener many men use is “How are you doing?” That’s nice but do women really believe you care? This is a “small talk opener” that leads to more small talk and moves you away from the close.

Not only does a question like this set you up for seeming insincere, you also run the risk of her telling you “how” she is doing today. You might not really want to know. “How are you doing” is not a safe question.

Always open with a non-threatening question. Questions give you control. Questions demand answers. Answers require thought.

It’s important that the question is not threatening or negative. “Hey baby” is threatening. “How are you doing today?” produces an unpredictable and possibly negative response.

The rule when asking a question is: Never ask a question that might get you an answer you don’t want to hear.

Your goal is to initiate meaningful, straightforward communication. Start on the right foot. Get in sync with your target’s mission. Your target’s mission is usually to DISCOVER. “Hey baby” implies it is to BUY.

“How are you today?” implies the mission is to waste time. Women are not interested in wasting time and making small talk with you. Women don’t walk by you and say, “Hey, let’s go tell that guy how we are doing today.”


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Western Australia
thankyou u know your stuff

Bible_Belt said:
But if I say "Hi gorgeous how's it going" to a hot babe will I sound like a bit of a wuss?

Yes, except for the "a bit" part. You will sound like a total wuss AFC. Never tell a pretty girl she is pretty, until she gets naked, then it's ok.


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Western Australia
Yeah you know yor stuff to, so you don't open with any "Hi's" really hey, just say something that comes to your mind about the current setting you & the target are in?

Dongfu said:
Your first words must tell women that you understand their mission.
First words that figuratively say, “I want to have sex with you,” or “Let’s waste some time,” are common. These words communicate a mission that may be different from that of your targets. It’s time to establish meaningful, straightforward communication.

Another common opener many men use is “How are you doing?” That’s nice but do women really believe you care? This is a “small talk opener” that leads to more small talk and moves you away from the close.

Not only does a question like this set you up for seeming insincere, you also run the risk of her telling you “how” she is doing today. You might not really want to know. “How are you doing” is not a safe question.

Always open with a non-threatening question. Questions give you control. Questions demand answers. Answers require thought.

It’s important that the question is not threatening or negative. “Hey baby” is threatening. “How are you doing today?” produces an unpredictable and possibly negative response.

The rule when asking a question is: Never ask a question that might get you an answer you don’t want to hear.

Your goal is to initiate meaningful, straightforward communication. Start on the right foot. Get in sync with your target’s mission. Your target’s mission is usually to DISCOVER. “Hey baby” implies it is to BUY.

“How are you today?” implies the mission is to waste time. Women are not interested in wasting time and making small talk with you. Women don’t walk by you and say, “Hey, let’s go tell that guy how we are doing today.”