Gym 1 hr/day = clogged arteries


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
....unless you're black. This study produced some unexpected data. I think the artery blockage might have more to do with diet.

.....White men who work out at least 7½ hours a week are nearly twice as likely to suffer from heart disease as those who do a moderate amount, a new study shows.

Researchers in Chicago compared 25-year exercise patterns and made the surprising discovery that very active white men are 86 percent more likely to experience a buildup of plaque in the heart arteries by middle age.

But this didn’t apply to black men, they discovered.

It was suggested that high levels of exercise over time caused stress on the arteries, leading to higher coronary artery calcification, also known as CAC.

However, scientists warned that people should not stop exercising.

The team from the University of Illinois at Chicago and Kaiser Permanente looked at the physical activity trajectories of 3,175 black and white participants in the longterm CARDIA study and assessed the presence of CAC.

The presence and amount of CAC is a significant warning sign to doctors that a patient may be at risk for developing heart disease and a signal to consider early preventive care.

Deepika Laddu, assistant professor of physical therapy at the UIC College of Applied Health Sciences, said: “We expected to see that higher levels of physical activity over time would be associated with lower levels of CAC.”

However, they found that at the top level of exercise, there was no extra risk for black men, but an 86 percent increased risk for white men.

Unique to the new study is the evaluation of long-term exercise patterns, from young adulthood into middle age.

The study group had eight follow-up examinations over 25 years, from 1985 through 2011, starting at age 18 to 30 and finishing at 43 to 55.

Researchers split participants into three distinct groups, based on physical activity patterns.

Group one was defined as exercising below the national guidelines of less than 150 minutes a week, group two as meeting the national guidelines of 150 minutes a week and group three was exercising three times above the national guidelines of over 450 minutes a week.

Overall, those in group three were 27 percent more likely than those in group one to develop CAC by middle age.

When these findings were divided by race and gender, they found that white men were at the highest risk as they were 86 percent more likely to have CAC.

There was no higher odds of CAC for black participants who exercised at this level, and while there was a similar trend for white women, it was not statistically significant.

Laddu added: “Because the study results show a significantly different level of risk between black and white participants based on long-term exercise trajectories, the data provides rationale for further investigation, especially by race, into the other biological mechanisms for CAC risk in people with very high levels of physical activity.”

Study co-author Dr. Jamal Rana, a cardiologist at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, said, “High levels of exercise over time may cause stress on the arteries, leading to higher CAC.”

“However, this plaque buildup may well be of the more stable kind, and thus less likely to rupture and cause heart attack, which was not evaluated in this study.”

However, he added: “It does not suggest that anyone should stop exercising.”

The findings were published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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I would bet it comes from the raise in testosterone which also has an effect on bone mineral density. Unfortunately, the calcium doesn't just get to your bones by magic, it must be transported there. How does this happen? Vitamin D3, Magnesium and K2 are all VITALLY important to this process. For instance, K2 is basically responsible for carboxylating(activating) every calcium binding protein in the body(there are over 18 of them). Without K2, buildup in arterial plaque(and calcium everywhere throughout the body in reality) will occur because the calcium is deposited basically wherever throughout the body and not transported to the proper locations.

Bottom line is if you want to make this study irrelevant, make sure you have proper levels of D3, Magnesium and K2 and you'll never have to worry about this in your lifetime.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
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huge chance youll end up dying of something totally unexpected to the lifestyle you live anyway subject to you not being a hardcore alcoholic heroin addict, i see it all the time

my dad rests his pizza and pint glass on his belly has done for 20 years now wouldnt even know what a glass of water is, last went to the doctor about 20 years ago Indifference makes the difference as you lot say


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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....White men who work out at least 7½ hours a week are nearly twice as likely to suffer from heart disease as those who do a moderate amount, a new study shows.
Lies, damn lies and statistics.

From the study itself:

We identified 3 distinct PA trajectories: trajectory 1, below PA guidelines (n=1813; 57.1%); trajectory 2, meeting PA guidelines (n=1094; 34.5%); and trajectory 3, 3 times PA guidelines (n=268; 8.4%). Trajectory 3 participants had higher adjusted odds of CAC>0 (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 1.27; 95% CI, 0.95-1.70) vs those in trajectory 1. Stratification by race showed that white participants who engaged in PA 3 times the guidelines had higher odds of developing CAC>0 (OR, 1.80; 95% CI, 1.21-2.67). Further stratification by sex showed higher odds for white males (OR, 1.86; 95% CI, 1.16-2.98), and similar but nonsignificant trends were noted for white females (OR, 1.71; 95% CI, 0.79-3.71). However, no such higher odds of CAC>0 for trajectory 3 were observed for black participants.

White individuals who participated in 3 times the recommended PA guidelines over 25 years had higher odds of developing coronary subclinical atherosclerosis by middle age. These findings warrant further exploration, especially by race, into possible biological mechanisms for CAC risk at very high levels of PA.

In other words, if you work out like a boss FOR 25 STRAIGHT YEARS you'll have a slightly higher chance of dying from plaque.

How much more will it "kill" you? From the raw data:

>100 CAC

Those meeting PA guidelines had 10.5 percent of people with CAC > 100

Those with the 3X PA guidelines had 11.9 percent with CAC> 100

So yes, 11.9 is 13% higher than 10.5. And if the standard deviations are tight enough, you can say that the 11.9 number is significantly higher than the 10.5 number.

So the study says that those who work out like a boss for 25 years straight have 11.9 people out of a hundred with high CAC, compared to those who work out normally and have a 10.5 out of a hundred with a high CAC.

So, while statistically significant, your chances of getting CAC>100 from working out like a boss for twenty five years straight go from 10.5 out of 100 to 11.9 out of 100.

Not exactly gym 1 hr/ day = clogged arteries.

And don't skip over this part:

PA Measurement
At each of the 8 examinations, self-reported leisure-time PA was ascertained by the interviewer-administered CARDIA Physical Activity History Questionnaire.17 Participants were asked about the frequency of participation in 13 specific categories (8 vigorous intensity and 5 moderate intensity) of recreational sports, exercise, home maintenance, and occupational activities during the previous 12 months.

The heart of the study is based on self-reported data.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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huge chance youll end up dying of something totally unexpected to the lifestyle you live anyway subject to you not being a hardcore alcoholic heroin addict, i see it all the time

my dad rests his pizza and pint glass on his belly has done for 20 years now wouldnt even know what a glass of water is, last went to the doctor about 20 years ago Indifference makes the difference as you lot say
Playing Russian roulette with your health isnt my cup of tea...

I'm not saying you can eliminate your chances of bad things happening...thats impossible. What you can do is drastically reduce your chances...

So if you go from a 70% chance to a 30% chance thats a pretty big difference. Sure there will be some people who have great genetics that can be fat and out of shape their whole life and live to 95. And there will be others in shape who die when they are 30.

Does this prove anything? No not really...all it proves is that no matter how careful you are there is still some genetic predisposition that can never be removed. But it can be greatly reduced


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
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Playing Russian roulette with your health isnt my cup of tea...
i fully agree nothing wrong with a healthy debate....however i did think the other night i think out the last 15 people i know deceased only 1 probably died of the way he lived his life


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
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Not so post communist state in Europe
artery calcification
And what Marmel said.

D3 with K2 and Magnesium are responsible for calcium-magnesium balance.
More and more people were/are and will be Magnesium deficient which leads to increased calcification.

Heavy workouts lead to increased need for vitamins and minerals, that's just how it is. You need to have a proper diet and supplementation to offset these deficiencies otherwise it might lead to a dangerous calcium buildup. Remember many a product nowadays are calcium reinforced.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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I'd be interested more in knowing the physical location of the study participants. The midwest is well known to have Mg++ (that's Magnesium) deficient/depleted soils. I know a Cardiology professor from U of Chicago who did a study several years ago on 1500 people off the street in that region testing Mg++ levels. Fully 1/3 were SERIOUSLY deficient just walking around minding their own business. Two thirds were moderately to seriously deficient. So the average person who is eating foods grown in those regions is at high risk for Mg++ deficiency.

Ca++/Mg++ balance is in fact one of the key factors in heart disease. Serious Mg++ deficiency causes too much Ca++ due to imbalance which then leads to plaque formation and MI (myocardial infarct) - heart attack.

So if they didn't control for the Mg++/Ca++ levels and evaluate diet along the way over time too and chart the blood levels? I'd associate the findings as much with dietary factors moreso even than exercise.

At any rate the take home message is get bloodwork done periodically and mind you macro minerals.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Umm or just don't be a salad dodger. Add salmon, spinach and kale to your diet twice a week and you re done.

For the win cook that lot up with turmeric and black pepper and wash it down with a couple of glasses of sour cherry juice. That will protect your joints.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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I'd be interested more in knowing the physical location of the study participants. The midwest is well known to have Mg++ (that's Magnesium) deficient/depleted soils. I know a Cardiology professor from U of Chicago who did a study several years ago on 1500 people off the street in that region testing Mg++ levels. Fully 1/3 were SERIOUSLY deficient just walking around minding their own business. Two thirds were moderately to seriously deficient. So the average person who is eating foods grown in those regions is at high risk for Mg++ deficiency.

Ca++/Mg++ balance is in fact one of the key factors in heart disease. Serious Mg++ deficiency causes too much Ca++ due to imbalance which then leads to plaque formation and MI (myocardial infarct) - heart attack.

So if they didn't control for the Mg++/Ca++ levels and evaluate diet along the way over time too and chart the blood levels? I'd associate the findings as much with dietary factors moreso even than exercise.

At any rate the take home message is get bloodwork done periodically and mind you macro minerals.
95% of people are deficient in magnesium. So it's pretty much a worldwide problem.


Oct 16, 2017
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Thats bad because I was a fan of everyday workout (if you do FBW then you could be doing every muscle once per week and still have long trainings everyday). So how I do it safe? Im white.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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OMG the only place I get my info from is refereed scientific studies from Science direct. Follow Marmels and my advice and your done. Done is done.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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I do a lot of Greek yogourt,almond and kefir

Train 2 hours a day in the morning

But yeah I know 2 guys who had a heart attack at the gym, the most in shape and healthiest of the 2 didn't survive