Growing Up

Jerry Maguire

Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
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I'm only 17 just now but I need some insight from older members.

I was just thinking, and speaking to my Dad. By the time I'm finished University, I'll be 22. By the time I'm 25, I'll be expected to be looking for a wife & kids. Then I'm a grown up.
Is life really this fast? imo, once you get married and have kids, it's all over.

My life is **** at the moment and I feel really depressed, I never have any fun, and I really don't want to waste these valuable years before I get into my 20s.
I want to move somewhere nice and travel the world, but most of all I'd just like to have some fun just now while I'm a teen, get some friends, girlfriend, get drunk and just have fun. It's so frustrating to think I'm wasting my life away by being afraid. I've applied to see a psychiatrist on the National Health Service to try and get it sorted out, but the waiting list is huge.

How could you advise me as mature posters? What do you think about my situation? Insight? Thanks.
Aug 14, 2005
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I'll only give you one piece of advice, and this is the last advice you should ever take from anybody: only listen to people who have the kind of life you want. Do not listen to people who have lives that you wouldn't pay one thin dime for. Remember: his ideas are what got him where he is!


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
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johnny_dangerously said:
I'll only give you one piece of advice, and this is the last advice you should ever take from anybody: only listen to people who have the kind of life you want. Do not listen to people who have lives that you wouldn't pay one thin dime for. Remember: his ideas are what got him where he is!
I found this post in a search and this quote is so awesome I resurrected it.


New Member
Feb 3, 2007
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Well is that what you want to do with your life? Make sure you do some soul searching before all of this aswell. You only live once, so you only have one shot at it, so make sure whatever you do with the rest of your life is what you really want to do, and don't let anything stop you from that. You don't neccesarily have to settle down right after university, although that's what we've been told we should do (that's the perfect life right?:rolleyes: ), if you don't want to then dont, or find a good down to Earth girl who feels the same way.

And I agree with you that during your teens you should definitely be having alot of stupid fun. This is the only time in our lives that we can drink and smoke and just party for no good reason and have the perfect excuse that we're teenagers. It's our time to experiment, I don't mean to say you can't do that in the future, but the consequences may vary being worse.

To get rid of the blues, get a good grasp on the reality that you are living in. Don't look ahead and think that in seven years my life will be over, because your life is just starting, you have all the time you need to do whatever you want.

Hell on my hopes is to buy a big van and drive around the continent until i get bored, sure it won't help my future, and is a complete waste of money, but It's something that I want to do.


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
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^^ this post is a year and a half should have read the post right above yours.