Girl punched me in the face so I pimp smacked her...

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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TheCWord said:
I think it's good policy to never write something online that you wouldn't say in real life.
i'm confused by this rationale as you've already said you are a woman online.

either you are not being honest with us (or yourself) and you are a woman or you just contradicted yourself and don't know your arse from your elbow. which is it?


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
This site IS UFC night at a buddy's house....

Its not censorship hour for wannabe thought police, okay? People getting offended has ZERO to do with the merits of what he said. What you said was creepy and irrelevant to boot.
Listen, we agree with some people's advice and disagree with others. That's fine if you disagree with me, but my personal opinion is that anyone who is interested in becoming a better man should reject the idea that it's okay to hit a woman. If you think the occasional woman beating is okay ("as long as she had it coming") then that's your opinion.

I can honestly say of all the adjectives I've had thrown at me over my 30 years, I've never been called "creepy." But I'm willing to bet a guy who would say a "woman deserves to have the sh!t beaten out of her to teach her a lesson" has probably had that label tossed on them once or twice.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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sylvester the cat said:
i'm confused by this rationale as you've already said you are a woman online.

either you are not being honest with us (or yourself) and you are a woman or you just contradicted yourself and don't know your arse from your elbow. which is it?
I think one of the sharpest criticisms of overly sarcastic people, like myself, is that they think they're smarter than other people and laugh at those who are too dumb to realize when a comment shouldn't be taken literally.

P.S. I'm a woman.

Edit: Thanks to whoever bumped that thread condoning and laughing about rape. I completely forgot about that and am more than a little disappointed that I stayed an active member for so long after that. I think an important part about being the man (or woman?) I want to be is being selective in the company I keep. So, so, so much good advice on here from really smart posters who clearly have their sh!t together. Thanks to all the regulars, and you know who you are, who shared their experiences and wisdom, it was fun bouncing ideas off each other. But at the end of the day, if someone opened up my web browser and saw I had 739 posts on a message board where there is a culture of acceptance towards rape and violence towards women, I'd be ashamed. So long, and thanks for all the green dots. -Carter (AKA TheCWord)
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Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2013
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'Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.' - Oscar Wilde.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
P.S. I'm a woman.

So that's what the C stands for!

And to the OP, the biggest reason to never hit a woman is called PRISON. What if a cop had come rolling by while you were fighting in the front yard, and she had a lump on her head? They can arrest you even if she asks them not to.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Unless a chick has a weapon, you walk away. Men shouldn't hit women and children.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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TheCWord said:
What if your employer saw you writing something like this? Your family? your wife/girlfriend? Would you stand by these words and say them out loud in real life?
Absolutely. I don't care if it's a man, woman, transgender, hermaphrodite or whatever. If you're being assaulted, you have every right to fight back. The idea that women are "untouchable" is complete and utter B.S. (and is the ultimate manifestation of white knightery/blue pill thinking). Women are not delicate flowers; they are just like men, except for their lack penises and Y-chromosomes. Sure, they are a bit weaker on average than men, but they can still cause serious damage. I mean, we have women in the military and police forces these days!

Women have fought hard to achieve equality. When a woman commits assault, she should be given a full dose of equal treatment :up:


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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TheCWord said:
What if your employer saw you writing something like this? Your family? your wife/girlfriend? Would you stand by these words and say them out loud in real life?

Bokanovsky said nothing outlandish. The only reason, the ONLY reason men don't hit women back is because of jail time, court, charges, etc.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
sylvester the cat said:

Lol you can see the different dynamic. Bokanosky saying she deserved it and C word who is a women "oh no think about your actions blah blah"

It's funny.

First off, hitting her back is a natural reaction when your body goes into that protective state. That's some bs dude, you shouldn't even be with her. Just for sex. That's it. Don't go visit her and play ****ing house with her.

It's your fault, don't hit women. Move on.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
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Getting punched in the face is a very good reason to hit someone back. In fact, if you did this to a man, you would have your butt kicked. However, our feminized society and biased legal system grants women special treatment. If she punches you, "it's not big deal." If you punch her, you are "a psychopath" or a "woman beater."

Did you have a good reason to hit her? Yes. Was it in your best interest? No. I would have not hit her and pressed charges. Hitting another human being is assault, regardless of sex. For an idea of how biased American society is, take a look at these two clips:

In addition, there is also a recent thread related to this topic:


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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Oh man. Please run away from this woman. Nothing good can come of this.

Treat her good for the next couple of weeks, don't have sex with her, and then dump her politely, even go really beta to turn her off.

You cannot have a woman like this in your life. Pretty soon she'll realize she can get away with more than just punching you and things will get really bad.

Don't even have sex with her again. If you knock this woman up by accident than your life is basically OVER.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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Where do you guys find these bottom of the barrel women? Sure would be interesting to see what they all look like. Even though she hit you, don't go smacking chicks because the law won't be on your side. The burden of proof will be on you to prove your innocence.

Bokanovsky said:
Absolutely. I don't care if it's a man, woman, transgender, hermaphrodite or whatever. If you're being assaulted, you have every right to fight back. The idea that women are "untouchable" is complete and utter B.S. (and is the ultimate manifestation of white knightery/blue pill thinking).
You will care when the police arrest you for felony assault and battery, then when the judge throws the book at you as you have to accept your few year sentence. Will you still have this same attitude? If a chick hits you, it's better to back off and look like a pvssy rather than facing charges and jail time. The law won't be on your side either. It's about protecting yourself more than anything else. Someone punching you once, does not equate to you beating the sh1t out of them like you say. Your assault will be greater in abuse, therefore the charges will be greater against you. I hope you're just KJing here and don't try to do something like this in real life.

I was at a bar once and a girl hit a guy in the face. He responded by squeezing and grabbing her wrist. She cried and said he broke it. She left and a few minutes later the police came an arrested him for assualt and battery, even though she hit him first.

Be smart and walk away because trying to defend yourself has far greater consequences and doesn't mean anything anymore.
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Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
I wouldn't hit anyone out of principle, you're no better if you hit back. I would sincerely laugh my a$$ off, pack my sh!t, leave and never respond. Of course I would defend myself if necessary, but I wouldn't hit back on just 1 punch. Then again I wouldn't touch a chick like that with a stick, I tend to read their character fairly well.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
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Dude definitely go beta as an act. That way when you get "dumped" she won't be thinking about calling the police. Your main concern right now should be how to get out of this mess without being put in jail. If she dumps you for being a little afc b!tch then she won't even think about calling the police. You dump her on her a$$ she will do whatever it takes to get revenge.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
The right to self-defense does not apply to these facts. You have the right to defend yourself when you have a reasonable apprehension that you are about to be harmed. If a girl sucker punches you while your eyes are closed, as soon as you open them, unless she is continuing to attack you, then you are not in immediate harm's way. Self-defense is not an absolute right to strike someone who just hit you. It is only an excuse to avoid an impending assault. If he had hit her back after he opened his eyes, that would have been battery.

Furthermore, a minority of states have what is called a "duty of retreat," which means that you have to try to run away first before you can exercise your legal right to self-defense. That duty does not apply when attacked in one's own home.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
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Jaylan said:
Unless a chick has a weapon, you walk away. Men shouldn't hit women and children.
If she can throw a dig then she can take a dig. There's no way on this earth I'd let some skank get away with hitting me. Only an idiot would tolerate such behaviour. Look at it this way - If she took her anger out on a dog and it bit her in defense who's fault is it ? HERS obviously - if she never hit it it wouldn't of bit the moron.

And WTF is this BS about hitting children ?? Yeah, no child should EVER be abused or unfairly treated - I AGREE. BUT, it's thanks to this pu$$y footing mentality why so many children are out of control and why we have so many of today's problems - and it's getting worse, as discipline gets softer, children get worse. Look at the level of respect your parents and grandparents have for each other vs the youth of today.... There's an obvious tend which goes against the level of discipline they experienced when they were growing up.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Ok, enjoy prison and getting beat down by her male comrades. I actually know of a dude the latter happened to.

Even without those consequences, I dont believe in striking a being that is very much physically weaker than me and cannot harm me. When my cat scratches me, should I slap it hard? I mean you are using animal analogies, so I thought Id join in.

Listen to Chris Rock. He said it best.
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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adam225 said:
If she can throw a dig then she can take a dig. There's no way on this earth I'd let some skank get away with hitting me. Only an idiot would tolerate such behaviour. Look at it this way - If she took her anger out on a dog and it bit her in defense who's fault is it ? HERS obviously - if she never hit it it wouldn't of bit the moron.
The police and the judge might not see it that way.

This is a stupid example, you can't compare animals to humans. So, you would take a few years jail sentence just to prove yourself?


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
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I'm always one to do what I see as the right thing. If another human being feels that they can physically hurt me out of anger, frustration (or what ever unjustified reason) then they deserve it back. Simply letting them get away with it doesn't teach them any kind of lesson. There needs to be an association that is built up between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Telling him/her off and hoping they won't do it again (to either you or someone else) simply doesn't work, as the association between right and wrong is weakly shown. It's like telling a bully at school not to steal your lunch money vs punching him on the face - he's likely to laugh at the former, but not forget the latter. Then he thinks twice about it the next time.

The animal example isn't stupid at all - it's referring to the dog instinctive response to defend itself (which we all have as well). Yeah by all means, we are fortunate enough to have the area in our minds that allows us to rationalise (or think consciously about our actions) but deep down on an unconscious level we have the same survival mechanisms wired into us (hence why we're here today).

This whole "law" thing is a bit of a head scratcher for me personally - I don't think our law is as biased towards women as yours (in the US). Well I hope not anyway... Either way, I'm more for standing up for myself and for what I believe in than anything else. Value for value we're all EQUAL people, no one deserves to be physically attacked - "just because she's a women" doesn't justify anything.