Girl Im talking to is Filipina, 30, Virgin and never been in a relationship.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2013
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So Im here in The Philippines right now on vacation and Ive been getting plenty of matches on my Tinder. This never would have happened if I were back in the states.

So Ive been talking to this girl since March. I kept it slow. She’s Filipino like me, 30, Virgin and never been in a relationship.

Wow….all I can say is please don’t let me screw this up. She’s slim and cute and Im very attracted to her physically.

I don’t plan on taking away her virginity soon and want to have a traditional courtship with her.

Again, this never would have happened if I were in the states. It’s very hot each day in The Philippines right now and I often stay in one room where there’s air conditioning, unless I go out.

She’s definitely a great prospect and I plan on evaluating my options or spinning plates or whatever.
How are you so sure she is not lying?


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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This can happen anywhere even with your neighbor. The passport movement is just expanding your dating options abroad, so necessary with the stupid hoeflation men like in the U.S. have to endure.
The idea I was presenting is that if you are going overseas to find a woman you are already seen as a green card or one way ticket to a better life. Right from the start you are creating the foundations of the relationship around wealth, lifestyle, etc. I think this is a huge mistake but I totally understand why men do it.


Oct 12, 2009
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That sums up a defeated man's POV.
Feel that a girlfriend has to teach you about sex in this day and age when information is so easily accessible? :rolleyes:
Think it's a liability that you haven't had a girlfriend by 30yrs old? First off, unless you wear a sign that says it, she won't know it before you develop some rapport with her. And when the subject comes up, you say that you didn't meet the right girl for a relationship. BAM! Instead of using an apologetic tone and a sheepish face to 'excuse' their situation, as most guys would do, you put yourself on the pedestal and become a challenge for her. Instead of you looking up at her with puppy eyes, hoping to take mercy and be your first girlfriend, she'll look at you wondering if she has what it takes to become your first girlfriend.
That is what people talk about on here if you look at other threads thought. I mean what concept is he presenting do you really disagree with? He mentioned social proof, pre-selection, all the concepts that when other people are talking about. If they look at his social media page, or his overall demeanour then they can tell that he's not a guy that's getting women. You don't need a sign that says things suck in the love department, it because women can just smell these things a mile away like a shark can smell blood. Just like when someone's in a relationship and they look happy, people pick up on that and ask if they met someone.

In fact, there is this one time I took out a lady several places on dates and took time off work. I never told anyone I dated anyone and kept quiet about my life. Someone look at me and asked me if I went out with a girl. The way I looked and demeanor somehow communicated that. This was back in 2009. It's shocking how people can pick up things about people without a word being said.


Oct 12, 2009
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Yep this is definitely a double standard. If a guy is 30 and has never been in a relationship and has no dating experience (the case with me and several other men these days) women see that as a huge red flag and run away from him. High value for a woman to be in this situation, extremely low value for a man to be in the exact same situation.
You don't know if that is true in the Philippeans though. If you keep within the parameters of this thread he talking about a woman in the Philippeans. Do you really think a lady in the Philippeans is going to care about that? Lets keep this about the Phlippeans or geomaxxing in general.

You should at least keep the geomaxxing as a last resort fantasy (ie if I take a plane and travel to another country than that would solve all of my love life problems because my SMV will be so high that something like that would not even matter there).

In the past month I looked at videos in Thialand and saw a bunch of women parading themselves infront of various shops, etc... I can tell you if someone like you walked down that strip in Pattaya, Thialand for example, the last thing you would be thinking about is how inexperienced you are. It's like a parallel inverted dimension to you. You should sink $ 2k on a plane ticket, book a hotel for a few weeks, head over to Thialand/Philippeans and forget that you are a 30 year old inexperienced guy, lol! It sounds like the only thing expensive about such a trip would be the plane ticket. Anyway, before going into that "territory", I'm going to stop.

The OP at least has family in the Philippeans so it's natural for him to go there. You likely have to end up with a down-to-earth simple girl from one of those places.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2021
Reaction score
Feel that a girlfriend has to teach you about sex in this day and age when information is so easily accessible? :rolleyes:
No I don’t feel that way, but that’s what comes to mind for most women when they hear a guy has no experience.
Think it's a liability that you haven't had a girlfriend by 30yrs old? First off, unless you wear a sign that says it, she won't know it before you develop some rapport with her.
Usually women who have a decent amount of experience (which is the overwhelming majority by my age group) she can tell when a guy doesn’t have any just by his demeanor.
And when the subject comes up, you say that you didn't meet the right girl for a relationship. BAM!
That only works up until your mid 20’s. Saying that in your 30’s does raise a red flag since how can a guy have gone through his teens and 20’s and not found even ONE girl who’s relationship material? That’s what women think when a 30 year old guy says it, not to mention that it leads them to assume he must have unrealistic standards that absolutely nobody meets.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2021
Reaction score
You don't know if that is true in the Philippeans though. If you keep within the parameters of this thread he talking about a woman in the Philippeans. Do you really think a lady in the Philippeans is going to care about that? Lets keep this about the Phlippeans or geomaxxing in general.

You should at least keep the geomaxxing as a last resort fantasy (ie if I take a plane and travel to another country than that would solve all of my love life problems because my SMV will be so high that something like that would not even matter there).

In the past month I looked at videos in Thialand and saw a bunch of women parading themselves infront of various shops, etc... I can tell you if someone like you walked down that strip in Pattaya, Thialand for example, the last thing you would be thinking about is how inexperienced you are. It's like a parallel inverted dimension to you. You should sink $ 2k on a plane ticket, book a hotel for a few weeks, head over to Thialand/Philippeans and forget that you are a 30 year old inexperienced guy, lol! It sounds like the only thing expensive about such a trip would be the plane ticket. Anyway, before going into that "territory", I'm going to stop.

The OP at least has family in the Philippeans so it's natural for him to go there. You likely have to end up with a down-to-earth simple girl from one of those places.
Nah I’m not going overseas or doing the passports bros thing. I’m only interested in women here in the US, and I wouldn’t go overseas no matter how low my chances might be here.


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
Reaction score
No I don’t feel that way, but that’s what comes to mind for most women when they hear a guy has no experience.

Usually women who have a decent amount of experience (which is the overwhelming majority by my age group) she can tell when a guy doesn’t have any just by his demeanor.

That only works up until your mid 20’s. Saying that in your 30’s does raise a red flag since how can a guy have gone through his teens and 20’s and not found even ONE girl who’s relationship material? That’s what women think when a 30 year old guy says it, not to mention that it leads them to assume he must have unrealistic standards that absolutely nobody meets.
As long as you're in approval seeking mode, women will notice that and either reject you or take advantage of you. So the real issue is not the lack of dating/girlfriends but your inner mindset and how you see yourself. You can have money and experience with plenty women and still be disrespected on live tv by a bimbo half your age, as is the case with Mike Sartain.

Why are you putting on a pedestal damaged goods or, in your words, women who have a decent amount of experience?
Instead of worrying that she will think you have unrealistic standards, you be the one qualifying her: how come she's +25yrs old and single? That situation very rarely speaks good for a woman.


Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Nah I’m not going overseas or doing the passports bros thing. I’m only interested in women here in the US, and I wouldn’t go overseas no matter how low my chances might be here.
Then you should not complain on this tyoe of thread. This is a thread about a Philippean women not a US women anyway. I dont have an opinion about US women as the US is a big place and you could always relocate to another part of the country or town if things are not working out for it where you are. Its not realistic say US girls have a collective standard. You are just not meeting enough girls where you are at.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
As a side note: “Philippean” is not a recognized word in English. Someone from the Philippines is called a "Filipino." For a female, the term "Filipina" is also commonly used.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2021
Reaction score
Why are you putting on a pedestal damaged goods or, in your words, women who have a decent amount of experience?
Instead of worrying that she will think you have unrealistic standards, you be the one qualifying her: how come she's +25yrs old and single? That situation very rarely speaks good for a woman.
I’m just being honest about what my reality is. Those women are going to make up a majority of my dating pool most likely. At 30, you really can’t date women in their early 20’s as easily, unless you have a good income and social status, which I have neither. And yeah, it does seem like most of the best women are already taken by 25+ and single men over 30 find themselves rummaging through damaged goods women to try and hopefully find a good one who just slipped through the cracks somehow. There’s a reason why dating in your 30’s has been called “thrift shopping for human beings.” In addition to the fact that most women in a 30 year old’s dating pool have settling down in mind, the dating for fun and exploration phase is over and they won’t take a guy who’s never dated seriously and guys like me don’t want to jump into something that serious right at the start anyway.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2021
Reaction score
Then you should not complain on this tyoe of thread. This is a thread about a Philippean women not a US women anyway. I dont have an opinion about US women as the US is a big place and you could always relocate to another part of the country or town if things are not working out for it where you are. Its not realistic say US girls have a collective standard. You are just not meeting enough girls where you are at.
Sorry I didn’t mean for this to happen. I just made one remark and it snowballed into this. I don’t want my venting to take over this whole thread since it is completely different than what OP made it about. It is true that I’m not meeting enough girls, I haven’t met any at all in the past 6 years. I live in a densely populated area with over 10 million people too, so that frustrates me.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
Reaction score
Sorry I didn’t mean for this to happen. I just made one remark and it snowballed into this. I don’t want my venting to take over this whole thread since it is completely different than what OP made it about. It is true that I’m not meeting enough girls, I haven’t met any at all in the past 6 years. I live in a densely populated area with over 10 million people too, so that frustrates me.
Sorry I didn’t mean for this to happen. I just made one remark and it snowballed into this. I don’t want my venting to take over this whole thread since it is completely different than what OP made it about. It is true that I’m not meeting enough girls, I haven’t met any at all in the past 6 years. I live in a densely populated area with over 10 million people too, so that frustrates me.
Sorry I didn’t mean for this to happen. I just made one remark and it snowballed into this. I don’t want my venting to take over this whole thread since it is completely different than what OP made it about. It is true that I’m not meeting enough girls, I haven’t met any at all in the past 6 years. I live in a densely populated area with over 10 million people too, so that frustrates me.
Sorry I didn’t mean for this to happen. I just made one remark and it snowballed into this. I don’t want my venting to take over this whole thread since it is completely different than what OP made it about. It is true that I’m not meeting enough girls, I haven’t met any at all in the past 6 years. I live in a densely populated area with over 10 million people too, so that frustrates me.
I thought you resolved this problem in the last thread you made…


Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Sorry I didn’t mean for this to happen. I just made one remark and it snowballed into this. I don’t want my venting to take over this whole thread since it is completely different than what OP made it about. It is true that I’m not meeting enough girls, I haven’t met any at all in the past 6 years. I live in a densely populated area with over 10 million people too, so that frustrates me.
You are doordash though. None of your clients are women? You are hsving interactions with women though?