Field Report: 1 DJ vs 4 AFC's


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Happy Valley
This is a little old, but a friend told me I should post a field report. Although I'm not into the bragging gig, I figure this situation happens a LOT, so maybe some other guys could benefit from it.

About three weeks ago I was at a bar with two of my friends. They aren't even remotely DJ's, but they're cool guys to hang out with. Anyways we were sitting and drinking and telling stories and there were these two girls (6 and a 7) that sat down at the table next to us. I made some eye contact, but continued talking to my friends, because I really was pretty hammered by that time, and was getting ready to go to bed. Anyways, these four guys came up to the girls, and made the saddest, most depressing pickup attempts I have ever seen.

The one guy looked like a fruit, and then, he proceeded to place a CROWN on his head... a PRINCESS crown. Then the other guy, the musclebound guy, who was as big as a house, yet dumb as a brick was putting his arm around the one girl, and she was trying to get away. It was obvious she was uncomfortable, but he just kept trying with no regard to the fact that she was uncomfortable. The other two guys basically ignored the girls, and talked among themselves, and showed no interest in the girls.

As the display continued to get worse and worse, my friends and I were laughing, and they told me they wanted to hit a club. I said "yeah yeah, whatever, but wait... I gotta do something first." I grabbed my chair, and pulled it up between the two girls, and asked their names. They smiled and gave me their names, and we talked some. I said, "Look, we're about to go hit Players (the name of the club), and you two should give me their numbers." They both did... on the same piece of paper. The four guys just looked at me, dumbfounded.

My friends and I got up to leave, and as we were walking out, THE GIRLS FOLLOWED US. My friends were absolutely amazed. To make a long story short, the 7 saw a guy she knew and started talking to him, and I went to work on the 6. I was walking the 6 to my place for a night of fun, and on the way, she got a call and one of her roomates was in the hospitol with alcohol poisoning. So I walked her to the hospitol, because I'll be damned if I let a woman walk alone at 2:30 am... Call me AFC if you will, that just doesn't fly with me.

So... If you see guys really messing up, and you have the balls for it, just ****in' go for it. What have you got to lose?

-- Zero-

One on One

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
Obviously your approach was successful, but did you build any rapport before asking for the numbers or is that the extent of your conversation? I think your confidence got you in the door with those girls and will do the same with many others, but others might require more rapport.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
Reaction score
That was a bad ass PU man. The AFCs just made you look THAT MUCH BETTER. I bet they were dumbfounded when you walked off with their girls too.

"Awww man, that guy was a jerk. Why do girls always go for jerks?? Why don't they want a nice guy like me?"


nice report


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Happy Valley
I did chat with them for MAYBE two minutes, but barely that long.

I just used the lame guys around me to make me look better. Then when they left with us, I built a lot more rapport up. I mean, I got them not only to leave, but I figured I would have to work to get them to actually COME IN the club with us, too. If I didn't build rapport on the way there, then they probably would have skipped.

I agree, however. This wasn't a usual situation. I don't think every girl would go for this, but I'm just saying... It's completely possible to do, and it's always worth the shot.

And, Ofus... Thanks, dude. :)

-- Zero-

Bungo Pony

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2001
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Good job Zero! Don't read many FRs anymore, but I figured I'd enjoy this one. When you got your DJ mindset, combined with game, you're almost invincible. When I was still single, I began to notice how easy it was to outdo AFCs.

Then the other guy, the musclebound guy, who was as big as a house, yet dumb as a brick was putting his arm around the one girl,
No fvcking word of a lie, I'm seeing this more and more; Guys who are huge, but can barely form sentences. "I go in truck", or "I thought door was here??". They talk like fvcking cavemen, and they're dumb as ****.

"Thor go talk to woman".


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
that is the way it is suppose to be done right there. nj man.


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2002
Reaction score
its people like Zero that us soon to be DJ's look up to. YOU DA MAN!!