Ex-wife still calls after 4 years of no contact


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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Even calls my family members crying......but i will never talk to her again because of the promise i made to myself....its the only integrity that i have left....

I believe no contact is a necessary experience for becoming a man......im thankful... for it every day. It's similar to intense physical training...only for your mind and emotions if not spirit....


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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zinc4 said:
Even calls my family members crying......but i will never talk to her again because of the promise i made to myself....its the only integrity that i have left....

I believe no contact is a necessary experience for becoming a man......im thankful... for it every day. It's similar to intense physical training...only for your mind and emotions if not spirit....
Not familiar with your story. What happened? Did she leave you, or did you leave her? Does she have mental issues? Any kids?


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
What happened Zinc? I never read your story.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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DonGorgon said:
yeah will thats how relationships go... great ... okay.. boring... bad... terrible..
this is about no contact and sticking to it............never changing mind.....so it's not stupid...a valuable lesson...

About what happened...i left her and the she took up with another guy who is now her husband....i tried to get her back for two weeks after she took up with the guy....i met her in Korea and took her to the us........now she lives in my small hometown of 25,000 people that she never knew would have even existed if not for me.....


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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zinc4 said:
this is about no contact and sticking to it............never changing mind.....so it's not stupid...a valuable lesson...

About what happened...i left her and the she took up with another guy who is now her husband....
Branch-swinging. Always gets these biatches in the end!


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
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I've seen your advice, and from what I know of you that isn't your only integrity.

I think others that have seen your posts would agree you seem like a good man, who isn't defined by an ex that is or is not part of his life anymore.

Chin up.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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zinc4 said:
she took up with another guy who is now her husband....i tried to get her back for two weeks after she took up with the guy.

Nice. My ex-wife still creeps my website from time-to-time and my LinkedIn page - she's getting married in October! Man....women....


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
zinc4 said:
I believe no contact is a necessary experience for becoming a man.
That's the dumbest fvcking thing I've heard all day. Running away from your problems like a little girl is not "becoming a man."

no contact = butt hurt. Just grow up and get over it. That's what being man is about, not harboring some angry little girl vendetta forever.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2013
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
That's the dumbest fvcking thing I've heard all day. Running away from your problems like a little girl is not "becoming a man."

no contact = butt hurt. Just grow up and get over it. That's what being man is about, not harboring some angry little girl vendetta forever.
This response is even worse :crackup:

No Contact = I don't give a Fvck

Don't give a fvck about your ex bro the reason for No Contact


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
No Contact = pretending to not give a Fvck. His ex-wife isn't crying for her, she's crying for him, because he's obviously not over her yet.

Turning around and running away from someone is not a complete lack of giving a fvck - you care enough to run. And you're all kidding yourselves if you think women are blind to that. They see right through your childish little act.

An ex of mine announced on facebook tonight that she was knocked up with twins. I liked the status. Good for her. I obviously don't give a fvck.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
No Contact = pretending to not give a Fvck. His ex-wife isn't crying for her, she's crying for him, because he's obviously not over her yet.

Turning around and running away from someone is not a complete lack of giving a fvck - you care enough to run. And you're all kidding yourselves if you think women are blind to that. They see right through your childish little act.

An ex of mine announced on facebook tonight that she was knocked up with twins. I liked the status. Good for her. I obviously don't give a fvck.

Wow....terrible thinking here....it's not an act,,,,,it's choosing to distance yourself from someone that is toxic to you....just like giving up a bad habit and sticking to it...there is no middle ground....


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2013
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
No Contact = pretending to not give a Fvck. His ex-wife isn't crying for her, she's crying for him, because he's obviously not over her yet.

Turning around and running away from someone is not a complete lack of giving a fvck - you care enough to run. And you're all kidding yourselves if you think women are blind to that. They see right through your childish little act.

An ex of mine announced on facebook tonight that she was knocked up with twins. I liked the status. Good for her. I obviously don't give a fvck.
Says the guy who still keeps tabs on his ex with facebook pretending not to care. :crackup:

You would get excited like a little girl jabbering away if your ex called you.

She is the one calling him. He doesnt have to talk to her if he doesnt want to.

Unimportant people don't need to be talked to. That's why you don't talk to them. That isn't "running away" its having other things better to do.

Who cares what an ex thinks. The relationship over. Move on. You want to hold on to the past by keeping your ex around. That's pretending not to give a fvck. You care. He wants to move on.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
TARKUS said:
Says the guy who still keeps tabs on his ex with facebook pretending not to care. :crackup:

You would get excited like a little girl jabbering away if your ex called you.

She is the one calling him. He doesnt have to talk to her if he doesnt want to.

Unimportant people don't need to be talked to. That's why you don't talk to them. That isn't "running away" its having other things better to do.

Who cares what an ex thinks. The relationship over. Move on. You want to hold on to the past by keeping your ex around. That's pretending not to give a fvck. You care. He wants to move on.

umad Bible?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2013
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No contact ...blablabla. Frankly, I do not care what you call it, but by now it has nothing with being a man. All I know is that if my x called me four years later, the first thing I would ask myself is..."what does the b*tch want"....the second thing is that by now I have moved so far along and she is so removed from my life that there should not be any wants or feeling to contact her. She is just a distant memory not worthy of commenting on. Abe


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
TARKUS said:
Says the guy who still keeps tabs on his ex with facebook pretending not to care. :crackup:

You would get excited like a little girl jabbering away if your ex called you.
I didn't delete her from my facebook when we broke up - like you girls would do, because your little hearts are so broken, boo hoo. And that was a smart decision after she became a state's attorney and my friends would get arrested in her county. All of my exes would do anything for me. My ex-wife is always trying to loan me money. Another ex drove two hours one way in the middle of the night to pick me up last week when I needed a ride. You can make b!tches do anything if you just don't let yourself act like a b!tch when your feelings are hurt.

Sosuave can often be a support group for the emotionally handicapped, who gather in a circle jerk to affirm each others' poor decisions and delusional beliefs. But when that's called "being a man," someone needs to step in and correct you children. Being a man is getting over your problems, not rationalizing them as justified and holding on to them forever. That's tremendously self-limiting behavior, and you're not helping anyone when you encourage it.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2013
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
I didn't delete her from my facebook when we broke up - like you girls would do, because your little hearts are so broken, boo hoo. And that was a smart decision after she became a state's attorney and my friends would get arrested in her county. All of my exes would do anything for me. My ex-wife is always trying to loan me money. Another ex drove two hours one way in the middle of the night to pick me up last week when I needed a ride. You can make b!tches do anything if you just don't let yourself act like a b!tch when your feelings are hurt.

Sosuave can often be a support group for the emotionally handicapped, who gather in a circle jerk to affirm each others' poor decisions and delusional beliefs. But when that's called "being a man," someone needs to step in and correct you children. Being a man is getting over your problems, not rationalizing them as justified and holding on to them forever. That's tremendously self-limiting behavior, and you're not helping anyone when you encourage it.
You can knock off the phony alpha bit it isn't working for you.

There you go, you had a specific reason not to delete her. You were protecting your best interest by not deleting her.

This man is protecting his best interest by not talking to her. He is getting over his problem by not talking to her. Every relationship is not the same.

Allowing toxic women back into your life can ruin you. That's the reason for no contact. To protect your best interest.

There is not only ONE way to protect yourself. You do what is BEST for you. Obviously you don't know that. That's why you speak of ignorance.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
TARKUS said:
Allowing toxic women back into your life can ruin you
How, exactly?

You not contacting her doesn't magically stop her from contacting, stalking, etc. you. If you're dealing with a woman that deranged, then you should have a restraining order because that is pretty much the only legal recourse you have. Threats etc. don't really work because of how the system is set up and its black-and-white view of conflict between men and women. So if you're not avoiding her contact because of something physical she can do, like harassment or vandalism or even assault, the reason must be something along the lines of protecting your feelings. Via avoidance... i.e. exactly what Bible_Belt is saying. Also, by calling them "toxic women" and saying they "can ruin you", you're explicitly giving them power over yourself. This is all in your frame of mind. If you believed, honestly believed, that she was just another woman, you wouldn't be afraid of her. But afraid you are. Presumably because you know that if you talk to her, you'll fall right back under her spell. In other words, you're still AFC at heart.

Sometimes you do need to go NC to break the spell... but don't put the onus on the woman and pretend like you aren't responsible for your own feelings. That's weak as f­uck.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2013
Reaction score
IBreatheSpears said:
How, exactly?

You not contacting her doesn't magically stop her from contacting, stalking, etc. you. If you're dealing with a woman that deranged, then you should have a restraining order because that is pretty much the only legal recourse you have. Threats etc. don't really work because of how the system is set up and its black-and-white view of conflict between men and women. So if you're not avoiding her contact because of something physical she can do, like harassment or vandalism or even assault, the reason must be something along the lines of protecting your feelings. Via avoidance... i.e. exactly what Bible_Belt is saying. Also, by calling them "toxic women" and saying they "can ruin you", you're explicitly giving them power over yourself. This is all in your frame of mind. If you believed, honestly believed, that she was just another woman, you wouldn't be afraid of her. But afraid you are. Presumably because you know that if you talk to her, you'll fall right back under her spell. In other words, you're still AFC at heart.

Sometimes you do need to go NC to break the spell... but don't put the onus on the woman and pretend like you aren't responsible for your own feelings. That's weak as f­uck.

You're just rambling on here about nothing. If an ex from years ago calls who gives a sh1t. She shouldn't be important to take the call. Why would you care? That isn't AFC. Why the fvck would you call her for? AFC's do that because they are not over her.

If a woman harmed you in some way staying far away from her is not being AFC. That is being smart. If you two think it's AFC who gives a sh1t about your wrong opinion.