Ex-wife still calls after 4 years of no contact


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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zinc4 said:
Wow....terrible thinking here....it's not an act,,,,,it's choosing to distance yourself from someone that is toxic to you....just like giving up a bad habit and sticking to it...there is no middle ground....

I cut people out of my life who are a detriment to positive living. Strong men are the men who are able to do this and not leech onto those who have held them back. Why the fvk would I want to keep bad exes or bad friends in my life? People who betray me get removed...simple as that.

Thats the best thing.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2013
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Bible_Belt said:
I didn't delete her from my facebook when we broke up - like you girls would do, because your little hearts are so broken, boo hoo. And that was a smart decision after she became a state's attorney and my friends would get arrested in her county. All of my exes would do anything for me. My ex-wife is always trying to loan me money. Another ex drove two hours one way in the middle of the night to pick me up last week when I needed a ride. You can make b!tches do anything if you just don't let yourself act like a b!tch when your feelings are hurt.

Sosuave can often be a support group for the emotionally handicapped, who gather in a circle jerk to affirm each others' poor decisions and delusional beliefs. But when that's called "being a man," someone needs to step in and correct you children. Being a man is getting over your problems, not rationalizing them as justified and holding on to them forever. That's tremendously self-limiting behavior, and you're not helping anyone when you encourage it.

Ah, insult another man who wants to let go of his ex. But you can't let go of them. You disguise being a real man for really being an AFC.

Everything that you're doing is AFC. Keeping ex's around, afraid to let them go, taking money, getting rides. Why don't you have new women for that?

You keep your ex on facebook because you're afraid of her. A real man would delete her and not care. That is what zinc is doing.

It seems that you have No Contact ass backwards. You keep in contact because you need to. You can't let go. You need your ex's. You make fun of guys who want to move on. How AFC is that? :crackup: