Eros' 14 Ingredients Required to be a Great Lover Part 2 (final part)


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2023
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Dominance: To maintain a healthy polarity in the bedroom, you’re going to have to inject a certain amount of masculine dominance. I don’t care how strong and independent she is outside the bedroom. She wants a guy who will have some level of assertive masculine dominance in the bedroom the way you want to display it the way you want to show it depends on you. Some women like a guy who’s able to show off his strength, and physicality. Maybe she wants you to hold down her wrists while you’re on top of her, or to grab her hands and pin her against the wall while you kiss her, she might prefer you talk dirty to her, maybe she likes it in the way you give it to her deep and hard when you’re on top of her or taking her from behind. And again, some women need a very high level of dominance in the bedroom from their man, for other women it might be a more moderate amount, but every woman wants a certain level of male dominance in the bedroom. Don’t apologize for it and don’t be afraid to use it. Personally, I like to exert my dominance in subtle but noticeable ways such as grabbing the back of her head while I’m kissing her while my other arm is around her waist pulling her to me, or holding her hand in mine with my fingers between hers, or I might escalate it to grabbing her ass while I’m on top, or gripping her legs and keeping them open while I eat her *****. Showing your dominance can take on a variety of forms and differing levels of intensity. This is where you get to know your woman in and out of bed about what she likes and what she’s open to. What types of forms of dominance is she into? Would be a great question to ask her, it would give you insight into what she likes and the level of dominance you need to apply.

Variety: Don’t be afraid to switch up some positions and moves. For some women they need lots of stimulation in many different ways, and in many different places. Don’t be afraid to finger her, massage her ****, and suck on her nipples at the same time. This will make it fun, and interesting for her because she won't know what you’re going to do next. Tease her hard until she begs, and then give it to her good. Women, as much as they claim to value security in actuality, value a substantial amount of novelty, variety, and uncertainty in their lives as well. It keeps them on their toes, gives them anticipation, it increases their sensations, and their inevitable pleasure. Don’t be afraid to add roleplay, different locations, different types of sex acts, sexual vibes, and kinks into the bedroom. Have her be someone else for the night, or perhaps you want to take her to the park, or she wants you to use some toys on her. Trying new things leads to finding out more about yourself, what you like, and a more diverse toolbox of things you can do in the bedroom. Think of being a kid in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. You want to try a little of every type of candy they have. Quite a few of them you won’t like but some will make your tastebuds sing with delight. Think of sex as your personal candy store. Try different things you like, and are interested in, and keep the ones that do it for you.

Vulnerability: A lot of guys are not willing to be vulnerable with their significant other in the bedroom, and they’re missing out on a lot of it. Women are inherently more emotional than men are in general. When you’re able to elicit certain emotional responses from her by being vulnerable with her in the bedroom, it opens up a whole other level of pleasure and enjoyment for her, and you. A woman of course wants a strong masculine man but she wants him to at certain times, and in certain ways show vulnerability, and/or sweetness. It will increase the bond you both have together in being vulnerable with each other. This is also another great way to increase the sexual chemistry you both have together. The more she feels and you feel that you’re connected, and can breathe, and make love as one the more of a cosmic sexual experience you will both have. The more emotionally connected you are to each other you’ll notice that the sex just tends to be better. Don’t be afraid to tell your woman that you love her, asking her if she can feel your love for her as you make love to her, that she’s yours, and she belongs to you, and only you. It will send her over the moon, and have her seeing stars.

Relaxed confidence: You want to make sure that you’re carrying yourself with a nice quiet, strong, and masculine confidence, and at the same time be as relaxed as you possibly can be. Being confident makes a woman feel comfortable, and allows her to open up to you in more ways than one. If you come off anxious, and insecure you’re going to kill the mood, you're going to make things awkward, and she’s not going to want to have sex with you. Act confident, be confident even when you’re not. There’s so many things you can say, and do and if you’re confident enough you can get away with it. I have said, and done **** in the bedroom with women who told me after sex she would have been turned off by it if it were done by someone who wasn’t me. When she finds you sexually attractive, you’re giving off an air of relaxed masculine confidence, and you’re bold but smooth, and a little sweet with it at the same time….trust me, she will love that ****.

Open-minded: Don’t be afraid to take risks and don’t be afraid to try new things. Obviously, you want to make sure that there are consent, and boundaries of course but within those parameters of consent, and boundaries, do not be afraid to take risks, don’t be afraid to try new things, don’t be afraid to take feedback from your woman in the middle of making love, and being able to adjust accordingly. Women want to be led down an adventure full of twists, turns, fun, excitement, and uncertainty. Being open-minded can lead you both down many different paths in the bedroom that can tantalize the senses. Also, women love a man who is nasty, freaky, open-minded, and isn’t afraid to get dirty when making love. It will excite her beyond belief in, and out of bed because women like a man who is open to trying new things, and having different experiences such as traveling to new places or trying new restaurants.

Intuitive: The ability to anticipate her needs, the ability to know what she wants before she wants it, the ability to read her mind, the real ability to perceive people, places, and things in a clairvoyant way. This is a tool that you must cultivate with time. This might be achieved by gaining more experience, or being with your significant other for quite a while, and knowing what they need. From my experience most of this ability comes from experience, and being able to read body language. Women love a guy who just “gets them”, and you being the man who can read her mind in the bedroom will make her addicted to you. Knowing what she wants, how she wants it, and how frequently can prove to be fruitful and you should be asking those types of questions before being intimate with her. If you are not only able to give her what she wants before she wants it, but also give her things she didn’t even know she wanted but now craves thanks to you….you’re going to be a force to be reckoned with in the bedroom.

Engaged: Are you fully present when you’re making love to your woman? Are you holding back because of worries, anxieties, fears, stresses, or intrusive thoughts you may have? Sometimes we’re too into our heads, overthink too much, and have non sexual thoughts, and stress gets the better of us when we have to perform. You must do everything you can to drop your overly analytical, intrusive, and rational thoughts, and surrender to pleasure, love, lust, desire, and the inner sexual fire within your body while keeping a mind that’s clear, and still like a polished mirror. Whatever it takes you must find a way to be fully present, and engaged in the sexual experience. Enjoy every sensation, enjoy her, and the pleasure you have together entirely. Don’t be afraid to let it all out. All of your love, all of your passion, all of your desire, and lust for her should be displayed in all of its splendor, and she should give you the same courtesy. Building that emotional connection built on comfortability, and trust will take your sexual experiences to new heights.


Sep 10, 2014
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Basically you could sum all of this up into:

Learn how to make women orgasm/squirt in multiple ways and via multiple methods.

Bring your "A" game every time you fvck a woman.

Grab her hair, spank her ass and talk dirty to her and whisper all the things you are going to do to her in her ear while it's happening. Be in control.

Understand how various techniques and positions tie into all this and how/when to put them in each sequentially for the best results.


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2023
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Basically you could sum all of this up into:

Learn how to make women orgasm/squirt in multiple ways and via multiple methods.

Bring your "A" game every time you fvck a woman.

Grab her hair, spank her ass and talk dirty to her and whisper all the things you are going to do to her in her ear while it's happening. Be in control.

Understand how various techniques and positions tie into all this and how/when to put them in each sequentially for the best results.
Basically you could sum all of this up into:

Learn how to make women orgasm/squirt in multiple ways and via multiple methods.

Bring your "A" game every time you fvck a woman.

Grab her hair, spank her ass and talk dirty to her and whisper all the things you are going to do to her in her ear while it's happening. Be in control.

Understand how various techniques and positions tie into all this and how/when to put them in each sequentially for the best results.

I respectfully disagree. I don’t think this material is something you want to TLDR.


Sep 10, 2014
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Perhaps but reading 2 walls of text would lead to paralysis by analysis for many when what I wrote covers 95% of it.