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Erectile Dysfunction and diet


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2007
Reaction score
I have been thinking of going on a low carb diet as they seem to be all the rage. But read some conflicting reports online saying that high fat diets (especially high in saturated fat) clog the arteries reduce nitric oxide levels and cause erectile dysfunction. I'm in my late 30s and my erections aren't as reliable as they used to be especially when I am tired/stressed/had too much to drink etc. So I am wary of engaging in dietary changes that might contribute to further age-related decline.

Any experiences?

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
Do you have health insurance? Have you done a male hormone blood test panel? I’d highly suggest you do so to determine your hormone levels, and potentially have the ability to fix anything that is wrong.

Are you overweight?
Physically active?
How many drinks do you have a week? A drink is 1.5 ounces of alcohol or a beer.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
I have been thinking of going on a low carb diet as they seem to be all the rage. But read some conflicting reports online saying that high fat diets (especially high in saturated fat) clog the arteries reduce nitric oxide levels and cause erectile dysfunction. I'm in my late 30s and my erections aren't as reliable as they used to be especially when I am tired/stressed/had too much to drink etc. So I am wary of engaging in dietary changes that might contribute to further age-related decline.

Any experiences?
ED is closely associated with future heart issues as the same thing that causes atherosclerosis later in life in the bigger heart arteries causes the blockage of much smaller capillaries in the penis(and hair follicles as well and can be a cause of balding) earlier.

Consider this an early warning from your body, you may not get another. I would get your heart checked and start taking action on reversing this ASAP.

Vitamin K2, specifically in MK-7 form, should be a staple in every man's arsenal as this activates all of the calcium binding proteins in the body and helps prevent calcium from getting stuck in the soft tissues and blood vessels and ensures it gets to the bones and teeth where it is suppose to get to.

It's also almost non-existent in the typical Western Diet as it's mostly found in fermented foods like sauerkraut and in grass fed, pasture raised animals that are exposed to sunlight which converts the K1 they intake via grass they eat into K2.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
High fat diets are no good. Don’t buy into the hype.

Yes, ED is an early warning of future CVD issues.

Diet wise, you should be eating mostly fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fish, and lean sources of protein. Mediterranean diet is currently rated the #1 eating plan by nutritionists.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2017
Reaction score
I have been thinking of going on a low carb diet as they seem to be all the rage. But read some conflicting reports online saying that high fat diets (especially high in saturated fat) clog the arteries reduce nitric oxide levels and cause erectile dysfunction. I'm in my late 30s and my erections aren't as reliable as they used to be especially when I am tired/stressed/had too much to drink etc. So I am wary of engaging in dietary changes that might contribute to further age-related decline.

Any experiences?
I am 35 and speaking out of experience, these are the things that have helped to have a solid erection and maintain it.

1) Diet: Never completely eliminate fat from your diet. Include healthy fats like egg yolks, avocados, olive oil and nuts (especially almonds and walnuts) for better outcomes. But remember, always in moderation. Google and find out your daily macro requirements and have carb, protein and fat accordingly.

2) Exercise: Cardio and strength training both. Again, in moderation. I remember working out more than I should have which affected my semen volume but erection was fine. However, it's back to normal now (thanks to all those who helped me in this forum).

3) Alcohol: Of course you know and I don't have to say it. It's bad. Period.

4) Porn and masturbation: Try avoiding watching porn daily and avoid masturbating daily. I don't know about nofap and I don't care. I think you need to watch porn at times and masturbate to release that tension. :D

Have patience when you make lifestyle changes. You won't notice any difference in a day or two. Keep persisting, you will get there. Good luck.