Dropping pounds...a thread to help others with losing weight


Sep 10, 2014
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Not going to lie...weight has gotten a little out of control due to not watching what I was eating for several months. People still tell me I am jacked or that I must workout a lot but I know I am nothing even close to what I looked like a few years ago which pisses me off for letting it get to this point.

Have dropped about 25 lbs in the last 2.5 months...a little irritated as it is taking longer than it has in the past but I am making progress and just busted through a plateau I was stuck at for a few weeks.

Basically have been following a 12 week transformation program in Basement Beasts which is made for using heavy resistance bands versus weights which I have pretty much stopped using due to joint issues. Heavy bands are extremely effective, surprisingly so I would say.

Started a few things that I feel have helped quite a bit.

Standing up instead of sitting down while working has helped...sitting for long periods of time is terrible for your body, your weight and your health for many reasons, which I will not go into here but can easily be found by googling. Suffice to say the number one predictor for early death is the amount of time you spend sitting on a daily basis, it's that bad for you.

Walking, even on days off from lifting has helped quite a bit. Also I do hill climbs with a weighted vest 2-3x a week which both is a hellified workout and transfer over to the bedroom more than anything else I have ever done. You will turn into a fvcking beast in that domain if you do hill climbs regularly...so much so that it will be noticeable to a woman if you have been with her for any length of time prior.

24 hour fasts(which usually end up being 30-36 hours realistically) twice a week, once after a cheat day is definitely a big help as well. I take perfect amino on those days to help, especially if I am lifting that day.

Diet has been cleaned up massively. Basically have followed something called The Plan which helps identify and eliminate foods that are reactive that cause chronic low grade inflammation, hormonal imbalance/dysfunction and weight gain. I have discussed this at length in other posts, but suffice to say anyone who is carrying extra weight, about 1/4-1/3 of that extra weight is inflammatory weight which you can lose very quickly by simply lowering your bodies inflammation and eating foods that work with your body chemistry. Cheat day is whatever I want. Helps me stay focused and helps to actually continue losing weight as it resets leptin levels, revs up your thyroid and helps the body realize there is plenty of food available. This is then followed by a fast day.

Have cut out alcohol, sweetened drinks, etc.
Drink water, coffee(2 cups a day...just started) and tea(both hot and iced). Mostly water...probably 90%. Goal is to divide bodyweight in lbs by 16 and drink that many cups of liquid a day. Any activity that leads to sweating(workouts, long walks, hill climbs, etc) adds a cup or two to this amount depending on how much you are sweating.

Have also been supplementing with things that help the liver such as NAC, Tudca and Milk Thistle as your liver is what is responsible for burning fat and improving the health and functionality of it will aid in burning fat.

That's about it...I am determined not to gain weight like I normally do heading into fall/winter this year. That's the whole reason I am in this position to begin with because I let it get out of control when I got down to a good weight last summer but didn't maintain it. Getting too old to go up and down like that...becoming much harder to drop it once it's gained. Focusing on getting back down there and then maintaining it year round.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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@BackInTheGame78 mate, knowing is half the battle.

I think everyone has slipped especially with closed gyms and fast food plus booze was the norm. I don't do that but I'm not in your industry. Some of my mates are and they back on the pudge. Too much computer. Little or no exercise.

I hate YouTube and the cucked platforms. So much fraudin but IF is legit. Intermittent fasting is fire. I crushed a 48 hour fast the other day and I dropped an obnoxious amount of weight. I've reset my weight. I'm significantly lighter. I'm particularly focused on meal preps. I don't eat out. I don't booze. No drugs or benders.

Years ago, I saw rsd Tyler truth ago about success pod. He spoke about dialing in diet at 35 and maintaining. As I near that over the next few years, I plan to maintain fitness and strength. He's slipped since but too much ***** and money turns everyone into putty. Look at McGregor or Tyson.

A journey of a 1000 steps starts with a single step. Lock in on grocery shopping. Go clean eating. Meal prep. No cheating. I'd do a extended fast to reset yourself.

Good luck.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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I’ve said this before and I will again, this simply works:

1. calories in Vs calories out figure out your basal rate at your given target weight and eat a deficit to it maybe 200 calories.
2. Lift heavy things
3. Don’t eat anything white except eggs. That means anything wheat based or potato based.
4. Personally I’d drop all grains for 6 months, then add gradually once you ramp your lean muscle mass to power it.
5. Do not eat between dusk and dawn.
6. Eat every 2-1/2 hours - a meal no bigger than your fist which is the size of you ideal body weight stomach.
7. You don’t need whey or gym drinks, drink water.

This alone will get you most of the way to HWP.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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I’ve said this before and I will again, this simply works:

1. calories in Vs calories out figure out your basal rate at your given target weight and eat a deficit to it maybe 200 calories.
2. Lift heavy things
3. Don’t eat anything white except eggs. That means anything wheat based or potato based.
4. Personally I’d drop all grains for 6 months, then add gradually once you ramp your lean muscle mass to power it.
5. Do not eat between dusk and dawn.
6. Eat every 2-1/2 hours - a meal no bigger than your fist which is the size of you ideal body weight stomach.
7. You don’t need whey or gym drinks, drink water.

This alone will get you most of the way to HWP.
This is good except #6, which is bro science propo. You do not need to eat that often.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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#6 is based on eating smaller amounts of food, most people eat way more than the volume of 2 cups of food in a sitting. A cup is about half the size of an average males fist. Excess calories are metabolized into fats. Eating too much at once is not a good strategy.

This is good except #6, which is bro science propo. You do not need to eat that often.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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#6 is based on eating smaller amounts of food, most people eat way more than the volume of 2 cups of food in a sitting. A cup is about half the size of an average males fist. Excess calories are metabolized into fats. Eating too much at once is not a good strategy.
Excess calories have nothing to do with eating 6 meals a day. Historically humans have never eaten that often. Even today it is impractical. I’d leave this off for advice altogether.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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We’re hunter gatherers genetically, not a post agricultural race that would take another 30,000 years. It’s why we’re mostly obese - crappy carbs=grains.

Hunter gatherers ate on the run berries, roots, fruit, small game.

we can agree to disagree

Excess calories have nothing to do with eating 6 meals a day. Historically humans have never eaten that often. Even today it is impractical. I’d leave this off for advice altogether.


Sep 10, 2014
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#6 is based on eating smaller amounts of food, most people eat way more than the volume of 2 cups of food in a sitting. A cup is about half the size of an average males fist. Excess calories are metabolized into fats. Eating too much at once is not a good strategy.
All the recent studies I have seen have basically shown there is no benefits to this. The much bigger benefit is containing your eating window to as small a size as possible as it ensures insulin is active in your body for as little a time as possible. When insulin is active, fat burning is shut off.

Studies have shown that even if two people eat literally the exact same food, the exact same calories, exact same breakdown of macros, a person who eats all day long will be heavier and sometimes significantly heavier than a person who eats with a smaller window and then doesn't eat for long periods of time.

Simply put, humans are NOT made to be in a constantly fed state. They are designed to go long periods in between having food, as would have been the case with a hunter/gatherer lifestyle where they may have not eaten for a day or two or may have only had limited supplies of food. There were no Walmarts or fridges to go to back then to eat 24/7
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Sep 10, 2014
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We’re hunter gatherers genetically, not a post agricultural race that would take another 30,000 years. It’s why we’re mostly obese - crappy carbs=grains.

Hunter gatherers ate on the run berries, roots, fruit, small game.

we can agree to disagree
Actually the problem is more with the type of grains we are now consuming which are mostly GMO grains that have been changed from their natural counterparts to better withstand pests, withstand droughts, give greater outputs and grow faster, etc

However it introduces differences in the grains that cause issues with a lot of people and reactivity to them, especially to the lectins they contain which are different than normal grains.

Additionally since it's nearly impossible to get the natural versions of these plants anymore since they pretty much aren't grown by any farmers, there is no real way to solve the issue other than to stop eating them until you find out via food restriction and adding it back in to see if you are reactive to it.